• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction background

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A License Plate Recognition System Robust to Vehicle Location and Viewing Angle (영상 내 차량의 위치 및 촬영 각도에 강인한 차량 번호판 인식 시스템)

  • Hong, Sungeun;Hwang, Sungsoo;Kim, Seongdae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.12
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2012
  • Recently, various attempts have been made to apply Intelligent Transportation System under various environments and conditions. Consequently, an accurate license plate recognition regardless of vehicle location and viewing angle is required. In this paper, we propose a novel license plate recognition system which exploits a) the format of license plates to remove false candidates of license plates and to extract characters in license plates and b) the characteristics of Hangul for accurate character recognition. In order to eliminate false candidates of license plates, the proposed method first aligns the candidates of license plates horizontally, and compares the position and the shape of objects in each candidate with the prior information of license plates provided by Korean Ministry of Construction & Transportation. The prior information such as aspect ratio, background color, projection image is also used to extract characters in license plates accurately applying an improved local binarization considering luminance variation of license plates. In case of recognizing Hangul in license plates, they are initially grouped according to their shape similarity. Then a super-class method, a hierarchical analysis based on key feature points is applied to recognize Hangul accurately. The proposed method was verified with high recognition rate regardless of background image, which eventually proves that the proposed LPR system has high performance regardless of the vehicle location or viewing angle.

Experimental Study of Estimating the Optimized Parameters in OI (서남해안 관측자료를 활용한 OI 자료동화의 최적 매개변수 산정 연구)

  • Gu, Bon-Ho;Woo, Seung-Buhm;Kim, Sangil
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.458-467
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is the suggestion of optimized parameters in OI (Optimal Interpolation) by experimental study. The observation of applying optimal interpolation is ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data at the southwestern sea of Korea. FVCOM (Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model) is used for the barotropic model. OI is to the estimation of the gain matrix by a minimum value between the background error covariance and the observation error covariance using the least square method. The scaling factor and correlation radius are very important parameters for OI. It is used to calculate the weight between observation data and model data in the model domain. The optimized parameters from the experiments were found by the Taylor diagram. Constantly each observation point requires optimizing each parameter for the best assimilation. Also, a high accuracy of numerical model means background error covariance is low and then it can decrease all of the parameters in OI. In conclusion, it is expected to have prepared the foundation for research for the selection of ocean observation points and the construction of ocean prediction systems in the future.

A Study on the Korea Distribution Promotion Policy and Adjustment Policy (국내 유통진흥정책과 유통조정정책에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Dae-Yun;Kwon, Sung-Ku
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to systematically review the background of the Korean distribution promotion policy and distribution adjustment policies along with related regulations and policies. Research design, data, and methodology - Domestic distribution policy and relevant laws were examined through a review of existing research literature. The results of the development process of the domestic distribution policy, promotion policies, and adjustment policies are summarized below. Results - The results are summarized as follows. First, the purpose of the development of the domestic distribution promotion policy was to strengthen the competitiveness of the small and medium business industry through structural advancement of the small and medium industry. By expanding the managerial base for the small and medium industry, a new balance could be created in the national economy. There was a requirement for an early assistance policy for small and medium businesses as a base of these businesses in the distribution industry developed from their original model of catering to a traditional market of retail shops. Since 1996, there was a need for this early assistance policy due to the expansion and rapid growth of large scale stores causing a change in the consumption pattern for distribution markets and the decline of large enterprises. Second, the government supports small and medium business distribution through distribution promotion policies by supporting an organization promoting small business and supporting innovation in the distribution system. Third, in 1961 a business mediation system was established to protect small and medium industries. The Small and Medium Business Administration advises conglomerates to postpone acquisitions, restrain expansion of the business, or to reduce business scale if small businesses undergo an adverse effect such as decreasing demand because large companies are expanding into their areas. Fourth, the Distribution Adjustment Policy managed large-scale store regulation as follows: ① limitation on construction by urban planning ordinance, ② limitation on location based on traffic impact assessments, ③ regulation based on business guidelines by chiefs of autonomous bodies, ④ regulation on mandatory holidays and limitation of business hours. This large-scale store regulation is a policy introduced by authority to increase competitiveness of small and medium business distribution by the government. Conclusions - As discussed in this study, the distribution promotion policy and distribution adjustment policy are government distribution policies focused on the protection of the small and medium distribution businesses. This study is timely, since it was planned when the strengthening of the revisions of the Distribution Industry Development Act, aimed to protect small and medium retailers and merchants, was under discussion. The significance of this study is that it offers insights for the development of new policies in the future and an opportunity to consider the background of the distribution policy by the government.

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Improvement on Surveying Performance Evaluation for Public Surveying of Underground Facilities (지하시설물의 공공측량 성과심사 방법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Choong Ho;KIM, Chong-Mun;KIM, Ki-Su;CHOI, Yun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2019
  • When the public surveying system was introduced in 1961, large scale surveying performances, such as infrastructure construction work, were dominant. However, due to changes in the environment, most of the current surveying performances focused on small scale underground facilities. The method of surveying underground facilities is as follows: "method of measurement before refilling after burying the pipeline" and "method of using exploration after refilling." There are advantages and disadvantages to each method. It became difficult to obtain the accuracy of the location of the underground facilities due to the fact that there were sections of the pipeline that had not been observed through exploration. Therefore, the 2017 performance evaluation regulations were revised. The revision included the addition of the "Underground Facilities Creation Period," a system that allows for surveys to be evaluated based on actual measurements. However, in this particular field, concerns about the advantages of exploration and the purpose of this study was to investigate the background and purpose of the limitations of the survey have been continuously raised. The purpose of this study was to investigate the background and purpose of the public surveying system and to identify the proportion of underground facilities surveying in comparison to public surveying. This study conducted surveys on the implementers of public surveying and those who did the actual surveying. The researcher has summarized the improvements that incorporate the analysis results and the field comments in the revised performance evaluation regulations in 2017.

An Implications of the Korea's Traditional Seokgasan through the Studying Traditional Sandae (산대(山臺)를 통해 본 석가산 조영 문화)

  • Yun, Young-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the type, the structural shapes, and the representation of Sandae, which was the stage for traditional performing arts and constructed for the purpose of imperial processions, ritual ceremonies, banquets, etc. from the Goryeo Dynasty to the Late Joseon Dynasty, and the implications of Seokgasan, which was built in the same era. First, through the history and meaning of Sandae, it was confirmed that Sandae has a homogeneity with Seokgasan, which attempted to imitate the shape of "Mountain" in the outer space. The construction of Sandae was deeply related to the tradition of famous mountains. This is consistent with the fact that 'Famous mountains and lakes" in China was symbolically replicated on the Seokgasan in the front yard of the "Cheongyeongak" in the Goryeo Dynasty. Second, Sandae and Seokgasan differed in their structural shapes, materials, and production methods, but they were used as a stage background for national events by constructing in the shape of the mountain, and appeared in various types. It can be seen that the interest in gardens and art of those days has resulted in various formative expressions of nature through the shape and symbolic meaning of the Sandae that mimics the mountain. Third, it is presumed that the square pond with lotus flowers, which is believed to have been located in the center of the garden of Shin Jaehyo's old house, and the Sugak and Seokgasan adjacent to it were not only elements of the garden, but also functioned as a background for the training and performance stage of Shin Jaehyo's students.

A Study on the Construction and Deconstruction of the 'Grid' : The Historical Context and Interpretation ('그리드'(Grid)의 형성과 해체 -서양회화의 사적맥락과 그 해석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Jai-Kwan
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.1
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    • pp.125-164
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    • 1999
  • The Grid, a lattice structure adapted in paintings, is one of thesimplest plastic structures based on the intersection of horizontal and perpendicular lines. Though mankind has, from the pre-history to the present day, put it to good use in everyday life as a traditional practice or a magical, esoteric, religious emblem in the case of the teciform of primitve art, it was in the paintings of Piet Mondrian that the Grid showed its modern, artistic transformation. As we suggest in the title, before I state the Grid as a plastic construction of modern painting, this dissertation inquires the Grid structure that extends over paintings through the ages as a painterly conept, especially focused on their formation and deconstruction. To begin with, my dissertation investigates, as a historical background, a general idea of the geometrical structure and phases of its transition in art, prior to dealing with the Grids as plastic strures in modern painting. the core of my study on formal Grids is permeated through the third chapter. The first chapter concentrates on, firstly, difining the notion of the Grid and geometrical structure, secondly, searching for a historical backgrounb with whict the so- called modern Grid-paintings come in, inquiring into the formation of the illusion-Grid as aresult of discovering the linear perpective and the situation of the conflict and reconciliaton between reality and illusion. Based on these considerations, the second cecond chapter will examine the various sitations of formation and adaptation of the paintery Grids in the Literalism-Grid, as we have already seen in the chapter one. And the cardinal third chapter devotes itself to the process of the formation of the so-called Object-Grid and Literal-Grid in the Literalism or Minimalism as its logical extension of the Painterly Grid. With it we can get to an interpretation and understanding of the meaning and qualites of Grid dwelt in Modernism thst transformed the structure of Painterly Grid originally as a plane concept to the third dimentionl structure. And then, the fourth chapter, we try to draw a new meaning andre-interpretation of the Formal-Grid as a representatuinnal structure appeared in the post-modernist paintings, going with its deconstructional situation. Therefore, we can, in our study on Grids, see the various points of view in the interpretation of them as illusion-structure, as plane-structure, and as cubic-structure; its concept differs form times, oscillating between its formation and deconstruction. The Grid, as we have seen in my dissertation, contains various problems and significations in art that deserve to investigate throughly, including some important plastic problem such as space and plane, and, in the case of do-grid, time. We may expect new concepts of it that will have difference meanings. 1 hope my study makes some contributions to understanding the coordination of the abstruse modern and contemporary art.

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The Perception of 3D Printing Technology for Adoption in Domestic Architecture Industry (국내 건축분야 3D 프린팅 기술의 실무 도입에 관한 인식)

  • Shin, Jaeyoung;Won, Jisun;Ju, Ki-Beom;Seo, Myoung-Bae;Park, Hyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.731-739
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    • 2017
  • As Additive Manufacturing (AM), so-called 3D printing technology, has become visualized, its potential for Mass-Customization, production costs and time savings has extended the scope of utilization to the architecture domain. Several cases that produced facilities, building elements and components using 3D printing technology have been announced mainly on the outside. There is also the development of foundation technologies including 3D printing-specific materials and equipment in Korea. As 3D printing technology in the architecture domain is currently in the early stages of adoption, realistic and systematic strategies are needed to advance it to the commercialization stages, considering the current circumstances of the industry. With this background, this study surveyed experts to investigate the status of the perception of 3D printing technology for adoption in domestic architecture industry. 3D printing technology is expected to be commercialized in areas of irregular-shape buildings and interior markets rather than general construction area. 3D printed products expected to be commercialized are limited to the level of building elements and the aesthetic factor is regarded as the most competitive factor. To enhance the possibility of the commercialization of 3D printed products, the 3D printing-specific construction method, related policies and systems are required along with the performance and stability of the materials and equipment.

Numerical Study of High-strength Steel CHS X-joints Including Effects of Chord Stresses (주관응력효과를 고려한 고강도강 X형 원형강관접합부의 수치해석 연구)

  • Kim, Seon Hu;Lee, Cheol Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2018
  • Internationally representative steel design standards have forbidden or limited the application of high-strength steels to tubular joints, partly because of concerns about their unique material characteristics such as high yield ratio. Most of design standards stipulate that for steels whose yield strengths exceed 355 or 360 MPa, the strength equations cannot be utilized or strength reduction factor below 1.0 should be multiplied. However, the mechanical background behind these limitations is not clear. Experimental testing of high-strength steel CHS (circular hollow section) X-joints recently conducted by the authors also clearly indicated that the current limitations might be unduly conservative. As a continuing work, extensive, test-validated numerical analyses were made to investigate the behavior of high-strength steel CHS X-joint under axial compression. Three steel grades covering ordinary to very high strength steels were considered in the analysis. Again it was found that the high strength penalty to the joint strength in current standards is too severe and needs to be relaxed. The high-strength steel joints under the effects of chord stress generally showed higher strength than the ordinary steel joints and their strengths were conservatively predicted by current standards. It is also emphasized that current format of the CHS X-joint strength equation does not reflect observed behavior and needs to be recast.

An Experimental Study on the Application of Measuring Method of Water Content for Quality Control of Concrete (콘크리트 품질관리를 위한 단위수량 측정 기법의 적용성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Ro;Choi, Il-Ho;Jung, Yang-Hee;Lee, Do-Bum
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the concern on the receipt of poor ready-mixed concrete in the construction field and the durability of concrete has been increased. Based on the such background, a large number of measuring methods of water content for fresh concrete have been developed and enforced in a developed country. In this study, to investigate practicality for quality control of ready-mixed concrete among various water content measurement techniques, microwave range method, air meter method and capacitance measurement method as measuring methods of water content were selected. Then, it was evaluated estimating performance of water content according to the change of binder types, fine aggregate types, absorption ratio, water content and water-binder ratio in series I and II. Also, it was examined influence on error occurrence of water content according to change of properties of used materials in series III. Finally, based on this study, it was proposed fundamental data to utilize measurement technique of water content to quality control of ready-mixed concrete in construction field.

Creation of an Environmental Forest as an Ecological Restoration

  • Lee, Chang-Seok;You, Young-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2001
  • We created an environmental forest on the basis of ecological design around the incineration plant of Jindo Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd., which is located in Jeongwang-dong, Siheung-si, Kyunggi-do. To get ecological information of this site, physico-chemical properties of soil on salt marsh, which is located close to the syudy site and of forest soil transported from other sites for ecological restoration were analyzed. Texture of salt marsh and transported soils were loam and sandy loam, respectively. pH, organic matter, T-N, available P, and exchangeable K and Na contents of salt marsh and transported forest soils were 6.7 and 5.4, 4.1 and 0.4%, 1.0 and 0.3mg/g, 46.7 and 6.8ppm, 521 and 207ppm, and 3.8 and 0.5mg/g, respectively. Introduced plants were selected among the dominant species of forests and the species composing the potential natural vegetation around the present study site. Those plants were selected again by considering the tolerances to air pollution and to salt, and their availability. Selected trees were Pinus thunbergii, Sophora japonica, Celtis sinensis, Quercus aliena, Q. serrata, Q. dentata, and Q. acutissima. Selected sub-trees were Albizzia julibrissin, Koelreuteria poniculata, and Styrax japonica and shrubs were Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense, R. mucronulatum, Callicarpa japonica, Euonymus alatus, E. japonica, and R. schlippenbachii. On the other hand, introduction of herbs was not considered except for Liriope platyphylla, which was ornamentally planted in one site. Planting bed of mound type was adopted to provide the fine drainage system. Mound was designed to furnish litter, A, B, and C layers simuating the profile of forest soil. Slope of mound was mulched by rice straw of 2cm in thickness to prevent for sliding of litter and soil in cases of strong wind or heavy rain. Height of mound was designed to secure more than 1 m by combining A and B layers. Narrow zones, in which mound with stable slope degree cannot be prepared, was designed to equip the standard soil depth with the introduction of stone for supporting. On the other hand, plants with shallow root system were arranged in some zones, in which satisfactory soil depth cannot be ensured. Plants were arranged in the order of tree, sub-tree, and shrub from center to edge on the mound to make a mature forest of a dome shape in the future. Dispersion of plants was designed to be random pattern rather than clumped one. Problems on creation of the environmental forest by such ecological design were found to be management or inspection by non-specialized project operators and inspecting officers, and regulations for construction without ecological background. Alternative plans to solve such problems were suggested.

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