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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Constant rate

검색결과 4,823건 처리시간 0.034초

Characteristics of Indoor Particulate Matter Concentrations by Size at an Apartment House During Dusty-Day (황사 발생시 아파트 실내에서 미세먼지 크기별 농도 특성)

  • Joo, Sang-Woo;Ji, Jun-Ho
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • It is recommended for the public to stay at home and to close the doors and windows when a high-particulate-matter environment such as a yellow sand event occurs outside. However, there are lack of empirical studies describing how much outdoor PM infiltrates into a closed house and how much indoor PM an inhabitant is exposed to during the period. In this study, the PM10 and PM2.5 were measured at the kitchen in an apartment house by an optical particle counter for 3 days including a yellow sand event. The outdoor PMs and the outdoor wind speeds were referred from surrounding weather stations. We analyzed the penetration of PM102.5 and PM2.5 at the test house against the outdoor wind speed supposed corresponding to the change of air exchange rate. In addition, the effect of an indoor activity on change in the indoor PM was investigated. In result, the indoor PM102.5 was very low even a yellow sand event occurred outside; rather, a contribution of indoor activities to increase in PM102.5 was higher. In contrast, the indoor PM2.5 fluctuated following the outdoor PM2.5 trend at high wind speeds or remained almost constant at low wind speed.

Using Viable Eggs to Determine Oviposition Models and Life Table Analysis of Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) (톱다리개미허리노린재의 수정란을 이용한 산란모형과 생명표분석)

  • Ahn, Jeong Joon;Choi, Kyoung San;Koh, Sang Wook
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • 제58권2호
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2019
  • Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) is an economically important insect pest of soybean and fruit trees. We investigated the temperature effects on the adult fecundity and longevity, and determined the parameters of oviposition models and life table at different constant temperatures 15.8, 19.7, 24.0, 27.8, 32.6, 34.0, and 35.5C. R. pedestris females reproduced successfully from 19.7 to 35.5C except 15.8C. The longevity of R. pedestris was longest at 15.8C and it decreased with increasing temperature (76.6 days at 19.7C and 20.6 days at 35.5C). The number of total eggs and viable eggs was highest at 24.0C (193.5 and 151.2). Egg hatchability was highest at 27.8C (84.0%). We compared the results of oviposition models and life table parameters using both total eggs and viable eggs. The parameter value (c: the maximum reproductive capacity) (190 eggs) of temperature dependent total fecundity model using total eggs was higher than that of the model using viable eggs. When we analyzed the life table parameter the values of net reproductive rate and mean generation time using viable eggs were lower than those using total eggs. The oviposition models and life table analysis using viable eggs will be helpful to understand the real population transition of R. pedestris in agricultural system.

Changes in Abscisic Acid and Gibberellin Levels during Stratification in Panax ginseng Roots (인삼근의 휴면타파과정에 있어서 Abscisic acid 함량 및 Gibberellin 활성의 변화)

  • Choi, Sun-Young;Lee, Kang-Soo;Ryu, Jeom-Ho
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 1989
  • The present study was carried out to get the basic information for clarifying physiological mechanism of breaking dormancy and sprouting in Panax ginseng roots. Changes in Abscisic acid (ABA) content and Gibberellin (GA) activity were investigated in one-year-old root during stratification at 4C. 15C. and 15C after 60day-treatment at 4C. Sprouting rate at 15C was 35% in 30days storage at 4C and 100% in longer than 60days, but there was no sprout in both the constant treatment at 4C or 15C regardless of the treatment period. The longer the period of low temperature treatment. number of days to the first and 50% sprouting was shortened, and number of days to 50% from first sprouting was also shortened. ABA content in the upper part of root(contained bud) was gradually increased at both 4C and 15C as the treatment period was extended. and the degree of increase was higher at 15C. In the lower part. it showed a slight increase at 15C. while showed little change at 4C throughout the treatment period. In the 15C treatment after 60days at 4C, it was greatly increased in the upper part. while rather slightly decreased in the lower part of root. GA activity in the upper part was gradually decreased at both 4C and 15C, and the degree of decrease was higher at 15C. In the lower part. it was similar tendency to those in the upper part. In the 15C treatment after 60days at 4C. it was remarkably increased in both the upper and lower part. The increase was great in the low Rf region, while the decrease appeared relatively in the high Rf region compared to those of 60day-treatment at 4C. The above results indicated that the breaking dormancy and sprouting of bud were closely associated with the degree of GA activities in response to temperature condition .during stratification rather than the direct effect associated with the changes in ABA content.

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Effect of temperature on oviposition of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and ovipositional characteristics in corn fields (온도가 열대거세미나방 산란에 미치는 영향 및 옥수수 포장에서의 산란 특성)

  • Hyung Cheol Moon;Min Kyung Choi;Su Ji Jang;Jang Ho Lee;Ju Hee Kim;Hyong Gwon Chon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2022
  • The effect of five different constant temperatures (18, 21, 24, 27, and 30±1℃) and a photoperiod of 14 : 10 (L :D) h on the reproduction parameters of Spodoptera frugiperda was studied. The longevity of adult female S. frugiperda decreased with increasing temperature (22.4 days at 21℃ and 13.9 days at 30℃) but not at 18℃. The pre-oviposition period and oviposition period was the shortest at 30℃ compared to the other temperatures. The total fecundity egg count was 887.4, 1,246.4, 1,348.9, 1,154.9, and 1,034.2 at 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30℃, respectively, during its life span. The survival rate of female S. frugiperda decreased rapidly after 13 days at 18℃, after 14 days at 21℃, after 15 days at 27℃, and after 9 days at 24℃, and 30℃. On the third day after the start of oviposition, 50% of the total fecundity was accomplished. In corn fields at less than the 10-leaf stage, the distribution of S. frugiperda egg masses was observed in the middle and lower plant regions, corresponding to 46.8% and 41.4% of the total egg masses, respectively. Egg masses were mostly found on the underside of the leaf blade (abaxial) of corn(66.7%). After releasing S. frugiperda adults on May 12, May 17, May 25, and May 30, the number of eggs per egg mass was 89.9, 88.5, 126.6, and 127.9, respectively. Egg masses of the subsequent generations of S. frugiperda were observed from late June, and the number of eggs per egg mass was 155.8 in late June, 270.7 in early July, and 303.5 in mid-July.

A Study on the Success Factors of Co-Founding Start-up by Step: Focusing on the Case of Opportunity-type Start-up (공동창업의 단계별 성공요인에 관한 연구: 기회형 창업기업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yun, Seong Man;Sung, Chang Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.141-158
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    • 2023
  • From the perspective of an entrepreneur, one of the most important factors for understanding the inherent limitations of a startup, reducing the risk of failure, and succeeding is the composition of the talent, that is, the founding team. Therefore, a common concern experienced by entrepreneurs in the pre-entrepreneurship stage or the early stage of startup is the choice between independent startups and co-founding start-up. Nonetheless, in Korea, the share of independent entrepreneurship is significantly higher than that of co-founding start-up. On the other hand, focusing on the fact that many successful global innovative companies are in the form of co-founding start-up, the success factors of co-founding start-up were examined. Most of the related preceding studies are studies that identify the capabilities and characteristics of individual entrepreneurs as factors influencing the survival and success of entrepreneurship, and there is a lack of research on partnerships, that is, co-founding start-up, which are common in the field of entrepreneurship ecosystems. Therefore, this study attempted a multi-case study through in-depth interviews, collection of relevant data, analysis of contextual information, and consideration of previous studies targeting co-founders of domestic startups that succeeded in opportunistic startups. Through this, a model for deriving the phased characteristics and key success factors of co-founding start-up was proposed. As a result of the study, the key element of the preliminary start-up stage was 'opportunity', and the success factors were 'opportunity recognition through entrepreneur's experience' and 'idea development'. The key element in the early stages of start-up is "start-up team," and the success factor is "trust and complement of start-up team," and synergy is shown when "diversity and homogeneity of start-up team" are harmonized. In addition, conflicts between co-founders may occur in the early stages of start-ups, which has a large impact on the survival of start-ups. The conflict between the start-up team could be overcome through constant "mutual understanding and respect through communication" and "clear division of work and role sharing." It was confirmed that the core element of the start-up growth stage was 'resources', and 'securing excellent talent' and 'raising external funds' were important factors for success. These results are expected to overcome the limitations of start-up companies, such as limited resources, lack of experience, and risk of failure, in entrepreneurship studies, and prospective entrepreneurs preparing for a start-up in a situation where the form of co-founding start-up is attracting attention as one of the alternatives to increase the success rate. It has implications for various stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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Studies on the Kiln Drying Characteristics of Several Commercial Woods of Korea (국산 유용 수종재의 인공건조 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Byung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 1974
  • 1. If one unity is given to the prongs whose ends touch each other for estimating the internal stresses occuring in it, the internal stresses which are developed in the open prongs can be evaluated by the ratio to the unity. In accordance with the above statement, an equation was derived as follows. For employing this equation, the prongs should be made as shown in Fig. I, and be measured A and B' as indicated in Fig. l. A more precise value will result as the angle (J becomes smaller. CH=(AB)(4W+A)(4WA)2A[(2W+(AB)][2W(AB)]×100 where A is thickness of the prong, B' is the distance between the two prongs shown in Fig. 1 and CH is the value of internal stress expressed by percentage. It precision is not required, the equation can be simplified as follows. CH=ABA×200 2. Under scheduled drying condition III the kiln, when the weight of a sample board is constant, the moisture content of the shell of a sample board in the case of a normal casehardening is lower than that of the equilibrium moisture content which is indicated by the Forest Products Laboratory, U. S. Department of Agriculture. This result is usually true, especially in a thin sample board. A thick unseasoned or reverse casehardened sample does not follow in the above statement. 3. The results in the comparison of drying rate with five different kinds of wood given in Table 1 show that the these drying rates, i.e., the quantity of water evaporated from the surface area of I centimeter square per hour, are graded by the order of their magnitude as follows. (1) Ginkgo biloba Linne (2) Diospyros Kaki Thumberg. (3) Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. (4) Larix kaempheri Sargent (5) Castanea crenata Sieb. et Zucc. It is shown, for example, that at the moisture content of 20 percent the highest value revealed by the Ginkgo biloba is in the order of 3.8 times as great as that for Castanea crenata Sieb. & Zucc. which has the lowest value. Especially below the moisture content of 26 percent, the drying rate, i.e., the function of moisture content in percentage, is represented by the linear equation. All of these linear equations are highly significant in testing the confficient of X i. e., moisture content in percentage. In the Table 2, the symbols are expressed as follows; Y is the quantity of water evaporated from the surface area of 1 centimeter square per hour, and X is the moisture content of the percentage. The drying rate is plotted against the moisture content of the percentage as in Fig. 2. 4. One hundred times the ratio(P%) of the number of samples occuring in the CH 4 class (from 76 to 100% of CH ratio) within the total number of saplmes tested to those of the total which underlie the given SR ratio is measured in Table 3. (The 9% indicated above is assumed as the danger probability in percentage). In summarizing above results, the conclusion is in Table 4. NOTE: In Table 4, the column numbers such as 1. 2 and 3 imply as follows, respectively. 1) The minimum SR ratio which does not reveal the CH 4, class is indicated as in the column 1. 2) The extent of SR ratio which is confined in the safety allowance of 30 percent is shown in the column 2. 3) The lowest limitation of SR ratio which gives the most danger probability of 100 percent is shown in column 3. In analyzing above results, it is clear that chestnut and larch easly form internal stress in comparison with persimmon and pine. However, in considering the fact that the revers, casehardening occured in fir and ginkgo, under the same drying condition with the others, it is deduced that fir and ginkgo form normal casehardening with difficulty in comparison with the other species tested. 5. All kinds of drying defects except casehardening are developed when the internal stresses are in excess of the ultimate strength of material in the case of long-lime loading. Under the drying condition at temperature of 170F and the lower humidity. the drying defects are not so severe. However, under the same conditions at 200F, the lower humidity and not end coated, all sample boards develop severe drying defects. Especially the chestnut was very prone to form the drying defects such as casehardening and splitting.

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The Respiratory and Hemodynamic Effects of Prone Position According to the Level of PEEP in a Dog Acute Lung Injury Model (잡종견 급성폐손상 모델에서 Prone position 시행시 PEEP 수준에 따른 호흡 및 혈류역학적 효과)

  • Lim, Chae-Man;Chin, Jae-Yong;Koh, Youn-Suck;Shim, Tae-Sun;Lee, Sang-Do;Kim, Woo-Sung;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.140-152
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    • 1998
  • Background: Prone position improves oxygenation in patients with ARDS probably by reducing shunt Reduction of shunt in prone position is thought to be effected by lowering of the critical opening pressure (COP) of the dorsal lung because the pleural pressure becomes less positive in prone position compared to supine position. It can then be assumed that prone position would bring about greater improvement in oxygenation when PEEP applied in supine position is just beneath COP than when PEEP is above COP. Hemodynamically, prone position is expected to attenuate the lifting of cardiac fossa induced by PEEP. Based on these backgrounds, we investigated whether the effect of prone position on oxygenation differs in magnitude according to the level of PEEP applied in supine position, and whether impaired cardiac output in supine position by PEEP can be restored in prone position. Methods: In seven mongrel dogs, PaO2/F1O2(P/F) was measured in supine position and at prone position 30 min. Cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), pulse rate (PR), and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) were measured in supine position, at prone position 5 min, and at prone position 30 min. After ARDS was established with warmed saline lavage(P/F ratio 134±72 mm Hg), inflection point was measured by constant flow method(6.6±1.4cm H2O), and the above variables were measured in supine and prone positions under the application of Low PEEP(5.0±1.2cm H2O), and Optimal PEEP(9.0±1.2cm H2O)(2 cm H2O below and above the inflection point, respectively) consecutively. Results : P/F ratio in supine position was 195±112 mm Hg at Low PEEP and 466±63 mm Hg at Optimal PEEP(p=0.003). Net increase of P/F ratio at prone position 30 min, however, was far greater at Low PEEP(205±90 mm Hg) than at Optimal PEEP(33±33 mm Hg)(p=0.009). Compared to CO in supine position at Optimal PEEP(2.4±0.5 L/min), CO in prone improved to 3.4±0.6 L/min at prone position 5 min (p=0.0180) and 3.6±0.7 L/min at prone position 30 min (p=0.0180). Improvement in CO was attributable to the increase in SV: 14±2 ml in supine position, 20±2 ml at prone position 5 min (p=0.0180), and 21±2 ml at prone position 30 min (p=0.0180), but not to change in PR or PAOP. When the dogs were turned to supine position again, MAP (92±23 mm Hg, p=0.009), CO (2.4±0.5 L/min, p=0.0277) and SV (14±1 ml, p=0.0277) were all decreased compared to prone position 30 min. Conclusion: Prone position in a dog with saline-lavaged acute lung injury appeared to augment the effect of relatively low PEEP on oxygenation, and also attenuate the adverse hemodynamic effect of relatively high PEEP. These findings suggest that a PEEP lower than Optimal PEEP can be adopted in prone position to achieve the goal of alveolar recruitment in ARDS avoiding the hemodynamic complications of a higher PEEP at the same time.

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Self-purification Mechanisms in Natural Environments of Korea: I. A Preliminary Study on the Behavior of Organic/Inorganic Elements in Tidal Flats and Rice Fields (자연 정화작용 연구: I. 갯벌과 농지 상층수중 유 무기 원소의 거동에 관한 예비 연구)

  • Choi, Kang-Won;Cho, Yeong-Gil;Choi, Man-Sik;Lee, Bok-Ja;Hyun, Jung-Ho;Kang, Jeong-Won;Jung, Hoi-Soo
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2000
  • Organic and inorganic characteristics including bacterial cell number, enzyme activity, nutrients, and heavy metals have been monitored in twelve acrylic experimental tanks for two weeks to estimate and compare self-purification capacities in two Korean wet-land environments, tidal flat and rice field, which are possibly different with the environments in other countries because of their own climatic conditions. FW tanks, filled with rice field soils and fresh water, consist of FW1&2 (with paddy), FW3&4 (without paddy), and FW5&6 (newly reclaimed, without paddy). SW tanks, filled with tidal flat sediments and salt water, are SW1&2 (with anoxic silty mud), SW3&4 (anoxic mud), and SW5&6 (suboxic mud). Contaminated solution, which is formulated with the salts of Cu, Cd, As, Cr, Pb, Hg, and glucose+glutamic acid, was spiked into the supernatent waters in the tanks. Nitrate concentrations in supernatent waters as well as bacterial cell numbers and enzyme activities of soils in the FW tanks (except FW5&6) are clearly higher than those in the SW tanks. Phosphate concentrations in the SW1 tank increase highly with time compared to those in the other SW tanks. Removal rates of Cu, Cd, and As in supematent waters of the FW5&6 tanks are most slow in the FW tanks, while the rates in SW1&2 are most fast in the SW tanks. The rate for Pb in the SW1&2 tanks is most fast in the SW tanks, and the rate for Hg in the FW5&6 tanks is most slow in the FW tanks. Cr concentrations decrease generally with time in the FW tanks. In the SW tanks, however, the Cr concentrations decrease rapidly at first, then increase, and then remain nearly constant. These results imply that labile organic materials are depleted in the FW5&6 tanks compared to the FW1&2 and FW3&4 tanks. Removal of Cu, Cd, As from the supernatent waters as well as slow removal rates of the elements (including Hg) are likely due to the combining of the elements with organic ligands on the suspended particles and subsequent removal to the bottom sediments. Fast removal rates of the metal ions (Cu, Cd, As) and rapid increase of phosphate concentrations in the SW1&2 tanks are possibly due to the relatively porous anoxic sediments in the SW1&2 tanks compared to those in the SW3&4 tanks, efficient supply of phosphate and hydrogen sulfide ions in pore wates to the upper water body, complexing of the metal ions with the sulfide ions, and subsequent removal to the bottom sediments. Organic materials on the particles and sulfide ions from the pore waters are the major factors constraining the behaviors of organic/inorganic elements in the supernatent waters of the experimental tanks. This study needs more consideration on more diverse organic and inorganic elements and experimental conditions such as tidal action, temperature variation, activities of benthic animals, etc.

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Removal Characteristics of Residual Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) according to Application of Peroxone Process in O3/BAC Process (O3/BAC 공정에서 Peroxone 공정 적용에 따른 잔류 과산화수소 제거 특성)

  • Yeom, Hoon-Sik;Son, Hee-Jong;Seo, Chang-Dong;Kim, Sang-Goo;Ryu, Dong-Choon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • 제35권12호
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    • pp.889-896
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    • 2013
  • Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) have been interested for removing micropollutants in water. Most of water treatment plants (WTPs) located along the lower part of Nakdong River have adopted the O3/BAC process and have interesting in peroxone process a kind of AOP. This study evaluated the removal characteristics of residual hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) combining with the biofiltration process in the next BAC process when the hydrogen peroxide is applied for the WTP operating O3/BAC process. In the experiment, changing the temperature and the concentration of H2O2 of influent, the biofiltration process showed rapidly dropped the biodegradability when the H2O2 concentration was increased and lowered water temperature while BAC process maintained relatively stable efficiency. The influent fixed at 20C and the concentration of H2O2 at 300 mg/L was continuously input for 78 hours. Most of the H2O2 in the influent did not remove at the biofiltration process controlled 5 to 15 minutes EBCT condition after 24~71 hours operating time while BAC process controlled 5 to 15 minutes EBCT showed 38~91% removal efficiency condition after 78 hours operating time. Besides, after 78 hours continuously input experiment, the biomass and activity of attached bacterial on the biofilter and BAC were 6.0×104CFU/g, 0.54mgC/m3hr and 0.4×108CFU/g, 1.42mgC/m3hr respectively. These biomass and activity values were decreased 99% and 72% in biofilter and 68% and 53% in BAC compared with initial condition. The biodegradation rate constant (kbio) and half-life (t1/2) in BAC were decreased from 1.173min1 to 0.183min1 and 0.591 min to 3.787 min respectively according to increasing the H2O2 concentration from 10 mg/L to 300 mg/L at 5C water temperature and the kbio and t1/2 were 1.510min1 to 0.498min1 and 0.459 min to 1.392 min at 25C water temperature. By increasing the water temperature from 5C to 15C or 25C, the kbio were increased 1.1~2.1 times and 1.3~4.4 times. If a water treatment plant operating O3/BAC process is considering the hydrogen peroxide for the peroxone process, post BAC could effectively decrease the residual H2O2, moreover, in case of spilling the H2O2 into the water process line, these spilled H2O2 concentration can be able to decrease by increasing the EBCT at the BAC process.

Pharmacokinetic Profiles of Isoniazid and Rifampicin in Korean Tuberculosis Patients (한국인 결핵환자에서 Isoniazid와 Rifampicin의 약동학)

  • Ahn, Seok-Jin;Park, Sang-Joon;Kang, Kyeong-Woo;Suh, Gee-Young;Chung, Man-Pyo;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Rhee, Chong-H.;Cha, Hee-Soo;Kim, Myoung-Min;Choi, Kyung-Eob
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.442-450
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    • 1999
  • Background : Isoniazid(INH) and rifampicin(RFP) are the most effective anti-tuberculosis drugs which make the short-course chemotherapy possible. Although prescribed dosages of INH and RFP in Korea are different from those recommended by American Thoracic Society, there has been few study about pharmacokinetic profiles of INH and RFP in Korean patients who receive INH, RFP, ethambutol(EMB) and pyrazinamide(PZA) simultaneously. Methods : Among the patients with active tuberculosis from Dec. 1997 to July 1998, we selected 17 patients. After an overnight fast, patients were given INH 300mg, RFP 450mg, EMB 800mg and PZA 1500mg daily. Blood samples for the measurement of plasma INH(n=15) and RFP(n=17) level were drawn each at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12hrs, and urine was also collected. INH and RFP level in the plasma and the urine were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Pharmacokinetic parameters such as peak serum concentration(Cmax), time to reach to peak serum concentration(Tmax), half-life, elimination rate constant(Ke), total body clearance(CLtot), nonrenal clearance(CLnr), and renal clearance(CLr) were calculated. Results : 1) Pharmacokinetic parameters of INH were as follows: Cmax; 7.63±3.20μg/ml, Tmax; 0.73±0.22hr, half-life; 2.12±0.84hrs, Ke; 0.83±0.15hrs1, CLtot; 17.54±8.89L/hr, CLnr; 14.74±8.35L/hr, CLr; 2.79±1.31L/hr. 2) Pharmacokinetic parameters of RFP were as follows: Cmax; 8.93±3.98μg/ml, Tmax; 1.76±1.13hrs, half-life; 2.27±0.54hrs, Ke; 0.32±0.08hrs1, CLtot; 14.63±6.60L/hr, CLr; 1.04±0.55L/hr, CLnr; 13.59±6.21L/hr. 3) While the correlation between body weight and Cmax of INH was not statistically significant (r=-0.514, p value>0.05), Cmax of RFP was significantly affected by body weight of the patients(r=-0.662, p value<0.01). Conclusion : In Korean patients with tuberculosis, 300mg of INH will be sufficient to reach the ideal peak blood level even in the patients over 50kg of body weight However, 450mg of RFP will not be the adequate dose in the patients who weigh over 50~60kg.

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