• Title/Summary/Keyword: Concept Map

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    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2005
  • We define and study a concept of $T_A$-space which is closely related to the generalized Gottlieb group. We know that X is a $T_A$-space if and only if there is a map $r:L(A,\;X){\rightarrow}L_0(A,\;X)$ called a $T_A$-structure such that $ri{\sim}1_{L_0(A,\;X)}$. The concepts of $T_{{\Sigma}B}$-spaces are preserved by retraction and product. We also introduce and study a dual concept of $T_A$-space.

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A Study on Dynamic Map Data Provision System for Automated Vehicle (자율주행을 위한 동적지도정보 제공에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Inchul;Jeon, Woo Hoon;Lee, Hyang Mi
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.208-218
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to develop the Vehicle Local Dynamic Map (V-LDM) and demonstrate its performance for providing dynamic map data efficiently to the vehicle control module. Firstly, the concept of the in-vehicle LDM has been established and then the system has been carefully designed according to the international standards. The high-precision digital map embedded in LDM has been designed to incorporate the lane-level information of road network, and the Dynamic Map protocol (DM protocol) which is a message protocol including the road data with dynamic traffic event data has been defined. The performance test of the proposed system has been conducted in the uninterrupted road section of Kyungbu expressway, showing that both of the data size and the elapsed time to finish the process are almost linearly proportional to the length of target road. Finally, it is recommended that the length of target road for DM protocol be less than 250m.

Users' Behavior Study for the Community Design in Apartment Housing (공동주택단지 커뮤니티 디자인을 위한 거주자 행태연구)

  • 강혜경
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest methods for the community design through users' behavior study in apartment housing. This study was approached by using both theoretical investigation and empirical research. The theoretical investigation actualized the concept of community design in apartment housing through a literature survey. The empirical survey focused on seeking out a user-oriented design criteria based on the analysis of residents' usage behavior and mental map. The results of this study are as follow: First. regarding the analysis of the residents' attitude toward the share community space(SCS), it was found that the SCS made a sense as community facilities in apartment housing. Second, regarding the SCS through the metal map, it was shown that the sketch map analysis was a useful research method for the community design by actualizing the residents' behavior characteristics. Third. as to the results of analyzing the metal map, it was found that the considered characteristics in recognition of the SCS were related to the liking with the main paths, cross nodes of the moving line, the location of center. and the complexity. In conclusion, the SCS is the main of community design in apartment housing and the above characteristics in recognition are useful as the guidelines in the SCS planning.

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An Analysis of Search Log from a Story Database Service and a New Story Search Method based on Story Map (스토리 검색 서비스의 사용자 기록 분석 및 스토리맵에 의한 새로운 스토리 검색 방법)

  • Kim, Myoung-Jun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.795-803
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    • 2015
  • is a service providing story synopsis that matches user's query. This paper analyzes the user log of and shows the tendency distribution of user creation in comparison to stories in database. We also investigate the log to see possible improvements on search method. This paper proposes a concept of Story Map, in which the query-answer information is projected into spatial coordinates, and a new story search UI based on it. Using the Story Map, users are able to see entire spatial distribution of story database so that they can quickly and intuitively find a story on the map.

Automatic detection of the optimal ejecting direction based on a discrete Gauss map

  • Inui, Masatomo;Kamei, Hidekazu;Umezu, Nobuyuki
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, the authors propose a system for assisting mold designers of plastic parts. With a CAD model of a part, the system automatically determines the optimal ejecting direction of the part with minimum undercuts. Since plastic parts are generally very thin, many rib features are placed on the inner side of the part to give sufficient structural strength. Our system extracts the rib features from the CAD model of the part, and determines the possible ejecting directions based on the geometric properties of the features. The system then selects the optimal direction with minimum undercuts. Possible ejecting directions are represented as discrete points on a Gauss map. Our new point distribution method for the Gauss map is based on the concept of the architectural geodesic dome. A hierarchical structure is also introduced in the point distribution, with a higher level "rough" Gauss map with rather sparse point distribution and another lower level "fine" Gauss map with much denser point distribution. A system is implemented and computational experiments are performed. Our system requires less than 10 seconds to determine the optimal ejecting direction of a CAD model with more than 1 million polygons.

Analyses of Early Childhood Teachers' Concept Maps on Economic Education

  • Jeon, Eun Sun;Kim, Sang Lim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of the study was to examine early childhood teachers' content knowledge of economic education. The subjects, 60 early childhood teachers, were asked to draw concept maps about early childhood economic education. Their concept maps were analyzed in terms of superordinate and subordinate concepts by contents and frequencies. The results were as follows. First, 248 superordinate concepts were shown, and they were categorized into nine representative terms: 'Scarcity and Choice,' 'Decision Making,' 'Monetary Value,' 'Production,' 'Consumption,' 'Distribution,' 'Restrain,' 'Reuse,' and 'Economic Education Activity.' Second, 1,440 subordinate concepts were shown, and 'coin,' 'bill,' 'saving,' 'bank,' and 'money' were frequently shown. Third, the mean numbers of subordinate concepts per superordinate concepts showed that early childhood teachers had more knowledge about 'Consumption,' 'Monetary Value,' and 'Economic Education Activity' than other superordinate concepts. The results showed the need for early childhood teachers to have more systematic and hierarchical pedagogical content knowledge on economic education.

An analysis of strand map for instructional objectives on the 7th curriculum in elementary and secondary biology (제 7차 교육과정의 초.중등 생물 수업 목표의 연계성 지도 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Shin;Kim, Hu-Ja;Sonn, Jong-Kyung;Jeng, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.693-711
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    • 2009
  • One of the most important objectives in science education is to develop students' science literacy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relevance between biology instructional objectives in the 7th curriculum taught in elementary and secondary schools. For this study, 7 major parts in each grade were analyzed including cell, the form and function of plants, the form and function of animals, genetics, diversity, evolution, ecology, and environment. The strand map of instructional objectives is completed that represents the relation between the objectives. The summary of the results from this study is as follows. First, the concept about cells is not fully covered in lower grades including elementary schools. While the concept of energy metabolism is repeatedly covered, there is no concept of energy covered in learning the concept of energy metabolism in elementary schools. Second, the textbooks in elementary and middle schools have main concepts about the form and function of plants while those in high schools don't. The concept related to the part of the form and function of animals is repeatedly involved in the curriculum throughout the elementary, middle, and high schools. Third, the concepts such as genetics and evolution are involved in higher grades since these concepts are abstract ones. The part of genetics and evolution as well as diversity has no connection between grades in schools, so the development of "notion between" is necessary to relate these concepts with each other. Fourth, the 4 parts of diversity, ecology and environment, evolution, and the form and function of plants are covered in limited grade levels. The results of the relevance of gene in lesson goals will play an important rein as the primary material in developing the connection between textbooks in which lesson goals are closely related to each other throughout all grade levels in elementary, middle and high schools.

Cognitive Map based Tacit Knowledge Management Approach to Intelligent Sales Strategy Sharing of Enterprise S/W (기업용 S/W 판매전략 공유를 위한 인지지도 기반의 암묵지 관리 접근법)

  • Chung, Nam-Ho;Lee, Nam-Ho;Lee, Kun-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2007
  • Dramatic development of information technology requires new type of sales strategy to enterprise S/W dealers. That is, one should thoroughly consider diversified types of enterprise S/W and more elaborated consumer needs to establish successful sales strategy. However, various factors that should be considered in establishing enterprise S/W sales strategy are different according to types of enterprise S/W and hard to be managed systematically which led to the current situation where they have not been discussed enough. Therefore, this study introduced the relationship between the factors that affect selection of enterprise S/W using the concept of cognitive map on various enterprise S/W sales cases. Through this process, this study grouped the cognitive maps of similar cases to introduce their characteristics and made this result to be practically useful to enterprise S/W sales strategy.

Deformation Mechanism Map of Nanocrystalline Metallic Materials (나노결정립 금속재료의 변형기구지도)

  • Yoon, S.C.;Bok, C.H.;Kwak, E.J.;Kim, H.S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.473-478
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    • 2007
  • In this study, a deformation mechanism map of metallic nanocrystalline materials(NCMs) using the phase mixture model is proposed. It is based on recent modeling that appears to provide a conclusive description of the phenomenology and the mechanisms underlying the mechanical properties of NCMs. The proposed models adopted the concept of a 'phase mixture' in which the grain interior and the grain boundaries are treated as separate phases. The volume fraction of this grain boundary 'phase' may be quite appreciable in a NCM. Based on the theoretical model that provides an adequate description of the grain size dependence of plasticity covering all grain size range from coarse down to the nanoscale, the tensile deformation response of NCMs, especially focusing on the deformation mechanisms was investigated. The deformation mechanism map is newly proposed with axes of strain rate, grain size and temperature.

Development of a Virtual Machining System by a CAD Model Based Cutting Simulation (CAD 모델에 기초한 모사절삭을 통한 가상절삭 시스템 개발)

  • 배대위;고태조;김희술
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we suggest a virtual machining system that can simulate cutting forces of ball end milling at the stage of part design. Cutting forces, here, are estimated from the machanistic model that uses the concept of specific cutting farce coefficient. To this end, we need undeformed chip thickness which is used for calculating chip load. It is derived from the Z-map data of a CAD model. That is, chip load is the height difference between the cutting tool and the workpiece at an arbitrary position. The tool contact point is referred from the cutter location data. On the other hand, the workpiece height is acquired from the Z-map model of a CAD data. From the experimental verification, we can simulate machining process effectively to the slot and the side cutting of ball end mill.

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