• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community resource

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A Study on the Management Method in Accordance with the Vegetation Structure of Geumgang Pine (Pinus densiflora) Forest in Sogwang-ri, Uljin (울진 소광리 금강소나무림 식생구조 특성에 따른 관리방안)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Yup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2022
  • The Geumgang Pine (Pinus densiflora) Forest in Sogwang-ri, Uljin has traditionally been a pine tree protection area (prohibited forest) for timber production purposes, and is now designated and managed as a protected area for forest genetic resource conservation by the Korea Forest Service. This study, we analyzed topographical characteristics, existing vegetation, tree age, and plant community structure, and proposed a sustainable management method for the Geumgang Pine (Pinus densiflora) Forest in Sogwang-ri, Uljin for timber havesting purposes. The topographical characteristics of the target area were 36.7% ridges and 38.7% valleys; the ratio of ridges to valleys was similar, and the slopes formed 24.7% of the total area. The types of pine forest communities are divided into six types based on the progress of pine forest renewal, the competition with other species such as deciduous broadleaf trees, and the formation of layered structures. It has been confirmed that the age of the large-diameter pine trees (40~60cm in diameter) is approximately 60~70 years, which is relatively low. As a result of the analysis of the relative importance percentage and layered structure, differences depended on the progress of the pine forest renewal project, and not only the maintenance of the pine forest, but also the creation of a secondary growth forest, the density adjustment of pine trees, and the active management of competitive trees. The average basal area by the community was 12,642.1~25,424.4cm2 for the tree layer and 1.8~1,956.5cm2 for the low tree layer based on a quadrat of 400m2. The difference in the basal area appeared to depend on the size and number of trees forming the tree layer and the degree of pine forest renewal (the degree of time elapsed after thinning pine trees). The average number of species that appeared in each community was 8.7-20.3; there were many species located in valleys, and the type competes with deciduous broadleaf trees due to the lack of management. The diversity of species ranged from 0.6915-1.0942, and was evaluated as low compared to pine communities in central temperate zones. In this paper, we determined the management goals of Geumgang Pine (Pinus densiflora) Forest in Sogwang-ri, Uljin to produce timber with high economic value, and suggested efficient vegetation management for continuous afforestation, the establishment of a timber production system, and improvement of wood production as a management direction.

Comparative Analysis of Diversity Characteristics (γ-, α-, and β-diversity) of Biological Communities in the Korean Peninsula Estuaries (하구 순환 유지 여부에 따른 하구 주요 생물 군집별 다양성 특성 연구: 열린하구와 닫힌하구에서의 γ-, α- 및 β-다양성 비교)

  • Oh, Hye-Ji;Jang, Min-Ho;Kim, Jeong-Hui;Kim, Yong-Jae;Lim, Sung-Ho;Won, Doo-Hee;Moon, Jeong-Suk;Kwon, Soonhyun;Chang, Kwang-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.84-98
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    • 2022
  • Estuary is important in terms of biodiversity because it has the characteristics of transition waters, created by the mixing of fresh- and seawater. The estuarine water circulation provides a variety of habitats with different environments by inducing gradients in the chemical and physical environment, such as water quality and river bed structure, which are ultimately the main factors influencing biological community composition. If the water circulation is interrupted, the loss of brackish areas and the interception of migration of biological communities will lead to changes in the spatial distribution of biodiversity. In this study, among the sites covered by the Estuary Aquatic Ecosystem Health Assessment, we selected study sites where changes in biodiversity can be assessed by spatial gradient from the upper reaches of the river to the lower estuarine area. The α-, γ- and β-diversity of diatom, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish communities were calculated, and they were divided into open and closed estuary data and compared to determine the trends in biodiversity variation due to estuarine circulation. As results, all communities showed higher γ-diversity at open estuary sites. The benthic macroinvertebrate community showed a clear difference between open and closed estuaries in β-diversity, consequently the estuarine transects were considered as a factor that decreases spatial heterogeneity of their diversity among sites. The biodiversity trends analyzed in this study will be used to identify estuaries with low γ- and β-diversity by community, providing a useful resource for further mornitoring and management to maintain estuarine health.

A Study on Perception and Attitudes of Health Workers Towards the Organization and Activities of Urban Health Centers (도시보건소 직원의 보건소 업무에 대한 인식 및 견해)

  • Lee, Jae-Mu;Kang, Pock-Soo;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Kim, Cheon-Tae
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.347-365
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    • 1995
  • A survey was conducted to study perception and attitudes of health workers towards health center's activities and organization of health services, from August 15 to September 30, 1994. The study population was 310 health workers engaged in seven urban health centers in Taegu City area. A questionnaire method was used to collect data and response rate was 81.3 percent or 252 respondents. The following are summaries of findings: Profiles of study population: Health workers were predominantly female(62.3%); had college education(60.3%); and held medical and nursing positions(39.6%), technicians(30.6%) and public health/administrative positions(29.8%). Perceptions on health center's resources: Slightly more than a half(51.1%) of respondents expressed that physical facilities of the centers are inadequate; equipments needed are short(39.0%); human resource is inadequate(44.8%); and health budget allocated is insufficient(38.5%) to support the performance of health center's activities. Decentralization and health services: The majority revealed that the decentralization of government system would affect the future activities of health centers(51.9%) which may have to change. However, only one quarter of respondents(25.4%) seemed to view the decentralization positively as they expect that it would help perform health activities more effectively. The majority of the respondents(78.6%) insisted that the function and organization of the urban health centers should be changed. Target workload and job satisfaction: A large proportion (43.3%) of respondents felt that present target setting systems for various health activities are unrealistic in terms of community needs and health center's situation while only 11.1 percent responded it positively; the majority(57.5%) revealed that they need further training in professional fields to perform their job more effectively; more than one third(35.7%) expressed that they enjoy their professional autonomy in their job performance; and a considerable proportion (39.3%) said they are satisfied with their present work. Regarding the personnel management, more worker(47.3%) perceived it negatively than positive(11.5%) as most of workers seemed to think the personnel management practiced at the health centers is not fair or justly done. Health services rendered: Among health services rendered, health workers perceived the following services are most successfully delivered; they are, in order of importance, Tb control, curative services, and maternal and child health care. Such areas as health education, oral health, environmental sanitation, and integrated health services are needed to be strengthening. Regarding the community attitudes towards health workers, 41.3 percent of respondents think they are trusted by the community they serve. New areas of concern identified which must be included in future activities of health centers are, in order of priority, health care of elderly population, home health care, rehabilitation services, and such chronic diseases control programs as diabetes, hypertension, school health and mental health care. In conclusion, the study revealed that health workers seemed to have more negative perceptions and attitudes than positive ones towards organization and management of health services and activities performed by the urban health centers where they are engaged. More specifically, the majority of health workers studied revealed to have the following areas of health center's organization and management inadequate or insufficient to support effective performance of their health activities: Namely, physical facilities and equipments required are inadequate; human and financial resources are insufficient; personnel management is unsatisfactory; setting of service target system is unrealistic in terms of the community needs. However, respondents displayed a number of positive perceptions, particularly to those areas as further training needs and implementation of decentralization of government system which will bring more autonomy of local government as they perceived these change would bring the necessary changes to future activities of the health center. They also displayed positive perceptions in their job autonomy and have job satisfactions.

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An Analysis of the Effect on Using Digital Exhibition of Archives (아카이브의 디지털 전시 활용효과 분석)

  • Choi, Seok-Hyun;Park, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Myoung-Hun;Jeon, Tae-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.7-33
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the development of information technology (IT) continues to promote the digitalization of archives (valuable records) and has therefore, affected archiving centers. This digitalization is shown to these archiving centers by taking advantages of various digital exhibitions. This study aims to consider why it is necessary to use digital exhibitions in archiving centers. In order to examine the needs of digital exhibitions, this study focuses on some ideas and important roles in digital exhibitions and research cases of online exhibitions applied with digital technology. Consequently, this study derives some values from them. Digital exhibitions held online continuously provide the following; first, a great amount of information about the archives by using hyperlink; second, the ability to recreate the attractive contents of digitalized archives by utilizing virtual reality, which makes the users greatly interested; the third and final thing online digital exhibitions provide is the storytelling it provides, which also serves as an avenue for people to communicate with one another. These processes of communication are also reflected in the story. In addition, they can help publicize not only the archiving center, but also the local community as it promotes cultural and tourism resources.

Positioning Analysis for Branding in Hanwoo (한우 브랜드의 포지셔닝 분석)

  • Kim, Yun Ho;Lee, Na Ra;Rhee, Sang Young;Hwang, Seong Won
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1181-1216
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    • 2013
  • This study was accomplished to enhance brand value for hanwoo and to develop strategy for brand positioning that move customer's heart. This study in order to achieve the research was carried out as follows: First, the cluster analysis based on demographic characteristics for consumer on the basis of three types segmentation on market was conducted. Market A was consisted of a well-educated, high-income and young bracket. Market B was consisted of a well-educated, high-income and middle-aged bracket. Market C was consisted of a low-income and middle-aged class. Second, consumer's positioning map was analyzed based on perceiving data which are products' functional, emotional, and self-expressive benefits about consumer's feeling beef products. This study was analyzed each relative brand advantage and structure of competition on segmented market by conjoining each brands positioning map and feature vectors map. By the result of the analysis, each brand's positioning strategy was devised. As a result of the study, the hoengseong hanwoo is competitive about all kinds of market. We chooses that hoengseong hanwoo's target is A market, because that brand is evaluated as a high-ranked quality by high-class image of luxury price, quality, brand image. For management improvement sake, this brand(the hoengseong hanwoo) is needed to effort for promoting consumer's awareness about safety and reliability.

An Analysis of Factors Influencing on Satisfaction Level of Agricultural and Rural Polices (농업인의 농업·농촌 정책 만족도 결정요인 분석)

  • Kim, Seon-Ae;Moon, Seung Tae
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1105-1147
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    • 2013
  • To investigate farmers' satisfaction level and factors influencing on various agricultural and rural policies, an interview survey has been carried out in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk agricultural area, and collected 750 survey questionnaires from farmers. Satisfaction level was low in average ranging from 2.71 to 3.09 in five point Likert-scale on 22 agricultural-rural related policies. Ordered logit model results showed that satisfaction level decreased when farmers are older, had higher income, and had higher number of attendance in agricultural education programme. In addition, satisfaction level decreased when farms had main source of income from rice farming, dry-field farming, livestock farming, or facility horticulture. Lower satisfaction level was also related to location of farm. On the contrary, satisfaction level increased when the farmer had greater owned land. Among 22 agricultural and rural policies, practices that farmers prefer include Direct Payment for Rice Farming Income Compensation, Environment-Friendly Farming Service, Farmland Banking Services in order. Since direct payment policies that farmers prefer may not contribute in development of agriculture, policies can induce both farm income and agricultural development may increase farmer satisfaction level and finally resolve the income gap between the urban workers and farmers.

The Research and Extension System with Agro-Food industry Development: To Strengthen The Regional R&D and On-Farm Bases Extension (농식품산업의 변화와 연구·지도사업의 과제 -지역R&D와 현장지도의 강화를 위해-)

  • Choe, Young Chan
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.839-869
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    • 2013
  • Since opening the domestic food markets after late 1980s, Korean agro-food sector has been changed a lot, including commercialization of livestock and horticulture sectors. The large-scale periodic transactions appeared in food retail market in 1990's demand further commercialization of farm sectors. It require comprehensive on-farm knowledges including production, food processing, marketing, and management for agricultural sector. As the result, The Farming Systems Research & Extension concept has been introduced in 1992 as a form of The Regional Specialization Experiment Station. The Science and Technology Committee for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Foods are established in 2009. However, we still find gaps between on-farm knowledge demands and supply, requiring further refining of R&D systems. It also asks to differentiate applied research from basic disciplinary research, better linkages between research and extension on farm, and comprehensive knowledge transfer systems. This study recommends for proper role allocation and cooperative structures for regional research and extension institutions to reduce overlaps among them. It further asks government to support regional research and extension systems including human resource and infrastructure building, to strengthen commodity based on-farm research and extension, and to separate budget allocation for regional research and extension. Provincial administration of the county level extension offices should also be considered for better linkage between research and extension at regional level.

Stream Health Assessment on Hoeya River Basin and Other Streams Based on Fish Community and Land Use in the Surrounding Watersheds (어류군집과 하천주변 토지이용에 따른 회야강 수계와 인근하천의 건강성 평가)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hui;Yoon, Ju-Duk;Jo, Hyunbin;Chang, Kwang-Hyeon;Jang, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.392-402
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    • 2012
  • In this study, to analyze the stream health using fish assemblage and make effective management, we conducted fish monitoring in the Hoeya River basin and neighboring streams. A total of 33 species classified into 12 families were collected from 29 sites in 2007. Dominant species was Zacco platypus (Relative abundance, RA: 24.8%), and subdominant species was Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (RA: 16.2%). Eight Korean endemic species and 4 exotic species were identified. Moreover, two species (Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis and Hemiculter eigenmanni) were translocated from other basin. To evaluate stream health of the study sites, Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) was applied, based on fish assemblages. Overall, IBI values were "C (Fair)" or "D (Poor)" condition, according to the grade except two sites which recorded "B (Good)". The correlation between land use pattern of surrounding watershed and IBI was analyzed to verify impact of development on stream health using fish assemblage. As a result, when percentage of the developmental groups increased, IBI values were decreased (Pearson correlation, r=-0.425, p=0.022). In contrast, increment of percent forest and grass land was positively correlated with IBI (r=0.556, p=0.002). The agricultural group and IBI did not significantly correlate with each other (r=-0.231, p=0.333). In this study, we identified a relationship between land use of surrounding watershed and stream health using fish data (i.e. IBI). These results could be provided useful fundamental information to establish management and restoration plan in the Hoeya River basin and other rivers distributed in Korea.

Accommodation of Trade Measures for Environment Purposes on the WTO Rules (환경조치의 WTO체제 수용에 관한 연구)

  • Chae, Dae-Seok;Kim, Mie-Jung
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.433-457
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    • 2011
  • This study attempts to make a constructive contribution to the debate on which WTO rules accommodate trade measures for environmental purposes. Does trade undermine the regulatory efforts of governments. However, the theoretical dimensions are partly addressed on the several key questions. For instances, is economic integration through trade and investment a threat to the environment? to control pollution and resource degradation? Will economic grow driven by trade help us to move towards a sustainable use of the world's environmental resources? The growing world economy has been accompanied by environmental degradation including deforestation, losses in bio-diversity, global warming, air pollution, depletion of the ozone layer, overfishing and so on. The sheer number of us obviously put pressure on natural resources and ecological systems, and this pressure will counting to rise as we grow towards 10 billion in the next century. What is more, there is no indication that consumption per capita is slowing. The perceived costs of acting alone in terms of lost investments and jobs often take the stream out of regulatory initiatives. In the worst case scenario environmental community is fearful that international trade will magnify the effects of poor environmental polices in the world Generally, economic growth drive by trade may speed up the process of environmental degradation unless sufficient environmental safeguards are put in place. Under these circumstances, this paper attempts to make a constructive contribution to the study on which WTO rules accommodate trade measures for environmental purposes.

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A Study on Health Promotion Needs Assessment of the Rural Elderly in Korea (한국농촌노인의 건강증진관리요구에 관한 연구)

  • Cho So Young;Kim Jum Ja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.146-161
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    • 1996
  • This study was purposed to find health promotion and care needs of the elderly in rural area of Korea. As the rural elderly are limited in accessibility to health care resources and could not immediately solve their health care needs when they need. health promotion and care services are expected to bring better and more practical solutions of their health care needs. Thus, the type of health care services to be developed in Korea rural area is discussed to have emphasis on health care service component in addition to health promoting components. Methods of this study was based on survey data analysis : total 322 persons aged older than 55 living at one 'Kun' in Korea administrative unit were interviewed by health workers working at the region and also get trained for this study data collection. The data collection interview was continued from February till May in 1996. The interview questions were modified with adjustment to Korea situation. with basis of the WHO's health promotion program components. The collected data were analyzed using SAS program for frequency, correlation, regressions. The major findings were as follows : (1) $74.8\%$ of the surveyed were sick at the survey time point. and $95.9\%$ known the diagnosis name of the disease. The most frequently complained diseases were Muscular-Skeletal diseases $(43.7\%)$. $34\%$ of those sick had never treated or discontinued therapeutic procedures. so that shown the necessity of systematic and usual health care services with health promotion program development for the elderly. (2) The percent of those who make social participation was $95.3\%$. and the activities were visiting neighbors $(70.4\%)$ and lack of qualified social activity programs. (3) $78.1\%$ of the surveyed had health counseling and education from professional health workers. Those ceased smoking and drinking were $59.6\%,\; 60.3\%$. respectively. Those had no application of therapeutic drugs or nutrion supplements was $40.7\%\;and\;94.1\%$ had regular meals. Those practiced exercises was low remarking $17.7\%$. (4) Positive health behaviors were better carried out by sick groups than by the healthier. except smoking. regular meals. and exercise. $17.5\%$ of sick group smoke more than one case of cigarettes. in contrast to $9.5\%$ of the healthier. (5) Mental health status was heathier among positive health behavior earners. Health counseling and education shown better score of mental health than those never counseled. (6) Positive health behavior practice frequency did not show significant differences when crossed by social activity participation status. (7) Health behaviors of the rural elderly people were carried out better when they had positive 'continuency in therapeutic procedure' 'health status'. 'familial relationship'. 'Health Status' of the rural olderly were explained by 'exercise'. 'drinking'. 'familial relationship'. 'activities of daily living'. Thus, health behaviors practice mutually interact with health status. In conclusion. the health promotion and care program component are recommended to include ation on the necessity of positive health promotion active social acitivities. pleasant life style, adaption into changes on the elderly, safety in residential area. community acitivity and resource utilization. etc .. in addition to the elderly's disability and sickness caring services.

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