• Title/Summary/Keyword: Common Form

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  • Zhao, Chuan-Li;Tang, Heng-Yong
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.26 no.5_6
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    • pp.889-900
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    • 2008
  • The problem of scheduling n jobs on a single machine is considered when the machine is subject to stochastic breakdowns. The objective is to minimize the weighted squared deviation of job completion times from a common due date. Two versions of the problem are addressed. In the first one the common due date is a given constant, whereas in the second one the common due date is a decision variable. In each case, a general form of deterministic equivalent of the stochastic scheduling problem is obtained when the counting process N(t) related to the machine uptimes is a Poisson process. It is proved that an optimal schedule must be V-shaped in terms of weighted processing time when the agreeable weight condition is satisfied. Based on the V-shape property, two dynamic programming algorithms are proposed to solve both versions of the problem.

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Studies on AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Preventive Educational Programs Intended for Domestic and Foreign Industrial Workers II (국내외 산업장 근로자의 AIDS(Acqired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)예방교육을 위한 소고 II)

  • Lee Ae-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of study is to find out common factors and variables that affect common factors in level of right knowledge. attitude behavior with respect to AIDS. During the period form Apr.1. 1995 to Jun. 30. guestionnaires, written both in Korean and English. were distributed to Korean Malaysion employees woring at a certain Korean Video companies. and results of replies. given by 80 workers by country. were used as the research matrials. The gathered marials were analyzed through the SPSS package t-test. ANOVA. factor analysis. and the following results were obtained. The 4 extracted common factors could be named 'general publicity', 'transmissive knowledge', 'diagnosis. prevention'. and 'limitted publicity'. The means of trasimssive knowledge. diagnosos. prevention. limtted publicity factors showed higher means in groups who had beyond university level of education than in showed higher means in groups who beyond university level of education than in groups who had below high school level of education. There was a significant relationship between general publicity factor and econmic state. and between limitted publicity factor and preventive education

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A Study on Common Criteria for Developer's Perspective Guide (개발자를 위한 합성제품 평가 지침에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sung-Mo;Kim, Seok-Soo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2008
  • In domestic and international, evaluation of product with Common Criteria(CC) for security product estimation is expanding standard of product estimation. This expansion is due to multi aspects of product versions. However, it is very difficult to approach the most suitable form of security estimation guide in the developer's perspective, because estimation basis presented to developers is indefinite. With this pending dilemma, we are presenting a composition product introduce definite security standard for information security products.

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  • Rabaiah, Ayat;Tallafha, Abdallah;Shatanawi, Wasfi
    • Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.289-301
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    • 2021
  • In this research, we interpret the notion of a b-cyclic (𝚽, C, D)-contraction for the pair (g, S) of self-mappings on the set Y. We employ our definition to introduce some common fixed point theorems for the two mappings g and S under a set of conditions. Also we introduce an example to support our results.

Updates in postural tachycardia syndrome

  • Moon, Jangsup
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2021
  • Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is the most common form of orthostatic intolerance in young people. However, it is still considered an underrecognized disorder and so deserves more attention from clinicians. This review covers the diagnostic challenges, correlations between the symptoms, evidence of autoimmune involvement in the pathogenesis, and treatment strategies in POTS.

A Study on Digital design process of the materialization of Free form Design Architecture (비정형 건축 구현을 위한 디지털 디자인 프로세스에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Kook;Lee, Kang-Bok
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2011
  • Starting in modern times by Le Corbusier, architectures made by concretes are still developing in these times. For several decades, the shape of box architecture has been the most familiar type of buildings. Of course "The concrete is the type of box building" isn't always right, but what we have most seen was the buildings which has been stylized and made by concretes. Through modern times to these days based on international style and functionalism, the type of box building was the most effective and good profit type of architecture which has not disregarded the capitalism. Free-form building are becoming a common place, and many of these are designed and constructed using sophisticated techniques. The main technique being used is Generative Technology of Form for free-form construction. People's interest is growing in this, and it is becoming widely used both abroad and domestically. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of Generative Technology of Form which is a digitally adapted design methodology in architecture. The digital design process used for contemporary buildings share many typical features that exist within a standard digital template, but also an increasing amount of mass customization that has to be produced at an additional cost. This paper will summarize these features in terms of free-form architecture, and in terms of the digital design process. In fact, 3D models have to be conceded as main design products considering features of Free Form Design Architecture. However it is practical to design twice over, because all forms of architectural drawings are 2D. From now on, design of Free Form Design Building is not to separate between design process and practical process, but to compound them as unified design system applied the process to communicate information interactively. For this, it should be required to impose unified digital design process and perform researches about effective way to apply in the field of Free-form Design Architecture.

A study on the design wax up technique for mandibular molar occlusion surface (하악구치 교합면의 design 조각법에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.107-126
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    • 2002
  • The first function of occlusion is mastication. Therefore the functional restoration of occlusal surface is very important. The restoration of occlusal surface is three method as wax bite technique, F.G.P. technique, cone technique. Many dental technician is using compound method. I am using compound method of wax bite technique and cone technique. I have knew common point on each teeth during I have waxing up wax pattern. So I studied on the design waxup technique for mandible molar occlusion. The results of the study were as follows; 1. The dam wax up method can restore axial contour of teeth very easy and make short working time of wax pattern. 2. The height of dam must be same with cusp of adjacent teeth. 3. Automatically the contour of tooth is appeared if the contour of dam is relationship with cuspid line of adjacent teeth. 4. The height of contour of buccal, lingual surface is formed natural curve to add fluid wax by gravitation. 5. The development groove of mandible first premolar is appeared V form. 6. The development groove of mandible second premolar is appeared Y form. 7, The development groove of mandible first molar is appeared M form. 8. The development groove of mandible second molar is W form. 9. The embrasure is formed to carve around contact point area as round convex. It affects to axial form of tooth. 10. The buccal, lingual groove of molar is formed parallel with direction of teeth arrangement.

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A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness in the late Modernism Fashion (모더니즘 후기 복식에 표현된 미의식 연구)

  • 김정은;정흥숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to define the aesthetic consciousness in the late Modernism fashion which generated a sudden style change and craze, and to identify the essential meaning of the style. In order to achieve this the aesthetic approach was applied. Visual commonalities were sought between fashion and contemporary architecture, furniture, ceramic and metalware, to lead to a deeper insight into the aesthetic consciousness. Common visual characteristics are curvedness of the line, obliqueness of the line, asymmetry of the form, exaggeration of the form and symbolic nature of the form. The content which can be analogized from the visual characteristics are the beauty of the nature, the beauty of the glamourous feminity, the beauty of the ideal and the beauty of the creative personality. In the creating process, the existential aspect of human being became a focus of attention, and human being's subjectivity operated as a principal force. In the late Modernism fashion, the appreciator's aesthetic experience became more important, and the appreciator's psychological satisfaction and pleasure were considered in the creative process. Fashion, architecture and crafts, which fulfill functional duties in everyday life, facilitated the appreciator's aesthetic experience through empathy. This study inquires into the relationship between aesthetic consciousness and visual form. This study offers meaning because to uncover the connoted aesthetic consciousness in the late Modernism fashion is to pursue the roots of current aesthetic consciousness and it is hoped that in doing so this study will provide a basis for interpreting and understanding today's fashion style.

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Comparative study on methods to improve understanding of food information between Korea and China

  • Park, So Ra;Lee, Jong Man
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we propose a scheme for providing the consumer of Korea and China with more effective information about the safety of the food to understand easily. Among these countries and consumers, we proposed the graphical displays to help you understand the factors disturbing to think of pesticide residues in common. In the form of a one-dimensional graphical display, whether to provide a safety-related information in the form of conventional foods character, as compared to the graph representation of the larger amounts of information than a two-dimensional character which easily measures the effect of promoting the understanding of the most appropriate information, were reviewed. As a result, in the case of Korea, text and graphs utilizing the standards of pesticide residues than the information provided in a one-dimensional form'Text + Graphics Display'to take advantage of the information provided with the relevant safety standards form the three was found that easy to show. On the other hand, Chinese, between the character and graph form with the advantage that the information providing service type information using the graphic display shown in one dimension could not see the difference between the evaluation and understanding.

A Study on the Digital Architectural Form expressed on the Movement, Force and Time - focused on the works based on the Deleuze.Guattari's idea of 'Simulacre' - (힘과 움직임 그리고 시간을 표현하는 디지털건축형태에 관한 연구 - 들뢰즈.가타리의 시뮬라크르 사유를 표출하는 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2008
  • Since the past, an attempt of figuration which is for movement, time and force has existed constantly. A process of representative from expressed on the movement, time and force creates events, and the process through the events expresses the idea of a simulacre. Furthermore, Architectural works for potentiality to give a demonstration are in common with hybrid characteristics, and have lasting creation of flux architecture. Ignoring the gravity of the floating figuration, so it appears unrealistic hyperphysical virtual space that easily could make the life of creation. For this reason, the form generation based on the digital design method is expressed the important method. In conclusion, actualizing the virtual is the suitable way for 'devenir architecture' based upon the Deleuze Guattari's idea of 'simulacre' and creating the from generation on the contemporary digital architecture design in a similar way.

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