• Title/Summary/Keyword: Commercial Building

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Study about Power Transformer and Lines Tracing Method based on Power Line Communication Technology (전력선 통신 기술을 활용한 변압기 및 전력선로 추적 방법 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Hee-Jung;Choi, Sang-jun;Shon, Sugoog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.505-508
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    • 2016
  • In city, tracing of power transmission lines is difficult due to compound installation of overhead and underground lines, transposition, bad view caused by trees or big buildings. It is hard problem for electrical technician on site to trace power transformers or power lines to serve customers in 3 phase -4 wires power distribution systems. It is necessary that the correct and fast tracing method is required for load balancing among distribution lines. Old technology use to trace lines with high power impulse injection. Our proposed method uses to trace lines with very small power high frequency signal injection. Simulation models for 3-phase power transformers, 3-phase wire lines, and customer loads are described to investigate the transmission characteristics of high frequency power line carrier. Distribution lines have only a limited ability to carry higher frequencies. Typically power transformers in the distribution system prevent propagating the higher frequency carrier signal. The proposed method uses the limited propagation ability to identify the power transformer to serve customers. The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver with power-line communication module. Some experiments are conducted to verify the theoretical concepts in a big commercial building. Also some simulations are done to help and understand the concepts by using MATLAB Simulink simulator.

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An equivalent model for the seismic analysis of high-rise shear wall apartments (고층 벽식 아파트의 지진해석을 위한 등가모델)

  • Kim, Tae-Wan;Park, Yong-Koo;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Dong-Guen
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2007
  • Currently in the country, the necessity of seismic analyses is increasing due to the increase of demand and interest in seismic design. Especially, shear wall apartments are constructed mostly for a residental building so seismic analyses for the apartment are actively executed. For the seismic analysis of the shear wall apartment, it may be not efficient in time and effort to model the entire structure by a finite element mesh. Therefore, an equivalent model is needed to simulate the dynamic behavior of the structure by decreasing the number of degrees of freedom. In this study, a method to form an equivalent model that is simple and easy to use was proposed utilizing effective mass coefficient that is highly correlated to mode shape of the structure. This equivalent model was obtained by replacing a shear wall structure with an equivalent frame structure having beams and columns. This model can be used very effectively when excessive seismic analyses are necessary in a short period because it can be operated in any commercial program and reduce the analysis time. Also, it can model floor slabs so it can represent the actual behavior of shear wall apartments. Furthermore, it is very excellent since it can represent the asymmetry of the structure.

Propagation characteristics of blast-induced vibration to fractured zone (파쇄영역에 따른 발파진동 전파특성)

  • Ahn, Jae-Kwang;Park, Duhee;Park, Ki-Chun;Yoon, Ji Nam
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.959-972
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    • 2017
  • In evaluation of blast-induced vibration, peak particle velocity (PPV) is generally calculated by using attenuation relation curve. Calculated velocity is compared with the value in legal requirements or the standards to determine the stability. Attenuation relation curve varies depending on frequency of test blasting, geological structure of the site and blasting condition, so it is difficult to predict accurately using such an equation. Since PPV is response value from the ground, direct evaluation of the structure is impractical. Because of such a limit, engineers tend to use the commercial numerical analysis program in evaluating the stability of the structure more accurately. However, when simulate the explosion process using existing numerical analysis program, it's never easy to accurately simulate the complex conditions (fracture, crushing, cracks and plastic deformation) around blasting hole. For simulating such a process, the range for modelling will be limited due to the maximum node count and it requires extended calculation time as well. Thus, this study is intended to simulate the elastic energy after fractured zone only, instead of simulating the complex conditions of the rock that results from the blast, and the analysis of response characteristics of the velocity depending on shape and size of the fractured zone was conducted. As a result, difference in velocity and attenuation character were calculated depending on fractured zone around the blast source appeared. Propagation of vibration tended to spread spherically as it is distanced farther from the blast source.

Design and Implementation of Service Model for Tailored Residential Space based on 3D Cadastral Information (3차원 지적정보 기반 맞춤형 주거 공간정보 서비스 모델 개발)

  • Bae, Sang Keun;Shin, Yun Ho;Lee, Seong Gyu;Joo, Yong Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2015
  • Recently, Through the linkage and opening, the fusion of the spatial information, it is necessary for productive ecosystem to provide a variety of information and to increase the civil use. Depending on the economic growth, demand for quality of life and well-being has been on the increase. Spatial information service contents for the public convenience has emerged to solve the problem such as health, safety, welfare and discomfort of daily life This study aims to implement search services for a tailored residence space through the three-dimensional data modeling on cadastral information. To achieve this goal, we established the requirements for deriving a registered object by investigating recent trend with respect to existing cadastral data model and defined property and relationship. Focusing on Songpa-gu, Jamsil station in Seoul, we implemented search services for a tailored residence space for three-dimensional right analysis in conjunction with residential and commercial complex building. As a result, we derived a way to supply 3D cadastre information through open platforms (VWorld) and to represent efficiently, which is able to improve the quality of spatial information service contents for the public convenience as well as to widen utilization of information.

Investigation of Disputes for Nominated Sub-contractor(NSC) -Focused on the Judicial Precedent of NSC issues in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong- (아시아 건설 시장에서의 지정하도급자(NSC)문제에 관한 연구 - 싱가포르, 말레이시아 그리고 홍콩의 판례를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Jaeyong;Kim, Junggon;Park, Hyeonggeun;Kim, Youngsuk;Lee, Boknam
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 2015
  • Many disputes are happened with various causes in overseas construction projects. One of major disputes is closely related with nominated subcontractors (NSC). This paper investigates 30 judical precedents for Singapore, Malaysia and Hongkong to analyze the detailed disputes related with the NSC, and then the judical precedents are classified into 6 categories: Delay and Defect Trouble (T1), Contract Relation (T2), Payment Trouble (T3), Set-off (T4), Liquidation (T5) and so forth (T6). According to the analytical results, the frequency of occurrence of disputes is considerably related with social and economical changes, and the dispute between NSC and employer for residential and commercial building projects is the most frequently happened case. As the results of analysis, therefore, it is concluded that the employer needs to response aggressively to the problems related with NSC, and it is also important to make the council for communication among related bodies. Furthermore, the institutional reform that make the role and the responsibility of employer consistent under considering contract terms and conditions is considered as the most important and fundamental issue.

Development of Parametric BIM Libraries for Civil Structures using National 2D Standard Drawings (국가 표준도를 이용한 토목 구조물 BIM 파라메트릭 라이브러리 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Cheong-Woon;Koo, Bonsang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.128-138
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    • 2014
  • Development of infrastructure component libraries is a critical requirement for the accelerated adoption of BIM in the civil engineering sector. Libraries reduce the time for BIM model creation, allows accurate quantity take offs, and shared use of standard models in a project. However, such libraries are currently in very short supply in the domestic infrastructure domain. This research introduces library components for retaining walls and box culverts generated from 2D standard drawings made publicly available by MOLIT. Commercial BIM software was used to create the concrete geometry and rebar, and dimensional/volumetric parameters were defined to maximize the reuse and generality of the libraries. Use of the these libraries in a project context demonstrates that they allow accurate and quick quantity take offs, and easier management of geometric information through the use of a single library as to numerous 2D drawings. It also demonstrates the easy modification of the geometries of the components if and when they need to changed. However, the application also showed that some of the rebar components (stirrups and length wise rebars) do not get properly updated when concrete geometries are changed, demonstrating the limits of current software applications. The research provides evidence of the many advantages of using BIM libraries in the civil engineering, thus providing the incentive for further development of standard libraries and promoting the use of BIM in infrastructure projects.

Relationships Among Participation Motives in Virtual Community, Sense of Community, Loyalty and Purchase Intention (가상공동체 참여동기와 공동체의식, 충성도 및 구매의도간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Jun-Yean;Choi, Ji-Hoon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.71-90
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    • 2003
  • Virtual communities have been suggested to play important roles such as attracting customers, building customer loyalty, and leading to commercial transactions. Little research in marketing has focused on virtual communities in spite of its importance indicated by many practitioners and conceptual studies. More specifically, little research has empirically examined factors of customer participation and its consequences. This research investigate if customers' participation motives in virtual communities affect their sense of community and if sense of community affects customers' loyalty towards and purchase intentions from the website offering the community service. One hundred ninety six questionnaires were collected from individuals who have participated in and have been involved in online activities in various virtual communities. Major results of this research can be summarized as follows. First, participation motives employed significantly affected customers' sense of community and more specifically, perceived ease of use and perceived playfulness had a large influence on the customers' sense of community. Second, customers' sense of community positively affected their loyalty toward the community and more specifically, membership and emotional connection had a large influence on loyalty. Third, customers' sense of community did not affect directly their purchase intentions. Fourth, customers' loyalty toward virtual communities had a significant, positive, although marginal, influence on their purchase intentions.

Damage and vibrations of nuclear power plant buildings subjected to aircraft crash part I: Model test

  • Li, Z.R.;Li, Z.C.;Dong, Z.F.;Huang, T.;Lu, Y.G.;Rong, J.L.;Wu, H.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.9
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    • pp.3068-3084
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    • 2021
  • Investigations of large commercial aircraft impact effect on nuclear power plant (NPP) buildings have been drawing extensive attentions, particularly after the 9/11 event, and this paper aims to experimentally assess the damage and vibrations of NPP buildings subjected to aircraft crash. In present Part I, two shots of reduce-scaled model test of aircraft impacting on NPP building were carried out. Firstly, the 1:15 aircraft model (weighs 135 kg) and RC NPP model (weighs about 70 t) are designed and prepared. Then, based on the large rocket sled loading test platform, the aircraft models were accelerated to impact perpendicularly on the two sides of NPP model, i.e., containment and auxiliary buildings, with a velocity of about 170 m/s. The strain-time histories of rebars within the impact area and acceleration-time histories of each floor of NPP model are derived from the pre-arranged twenty-one strain gauges and twenty tri-axial accelerometers, and the whole impact processes were recorded by three high-speed cameras. The local penetration and perforation failure modes occurred respectively in the collision scenarios of containment and auxiliary buildings, and some suggestions for the NPP design are given. The maximum acceleration in the 1:15 scaled tests is 1785.73 g, and thus the corresponding maximum resultant acceleration in a prototype impact might be about 119 g, which poses a potential threat to the nuclear equipment. Furthermore, it was found that the nonlinear decrease of vibrations along the height was well reflected by the variations of both the maximum resultant vibrations and Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV). The present experimental work on the damage and dynamic responses of NPP structure under aircraft impact is firstly presented, which could provide a benchmark basis for further safety assessments of prototype NPP structure as well as inner systems and components against aircraft crash.

A Study on the Linoleum of the Deoksugung and Changdeokgung Palaces in the Early 20th Century: focusing on its manufacturing process, characteristics, and usage (20세기 초 덕수궁·창덕궁에 유입된 리놀륨(Linoleum) 바닥재 연구: 리놀륨의 제작 방식과 특성 및 사용을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jihye
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2021
  • Linoleum is a resilient, hygienic, and eco-friendly floor covering. It was developed in England by Frederick Walton in 1863. Made of cork flour, linseed oil, and burlap as its main materials, the flexible and waterproof linoleum became globally popular in the early 20th century. Unlike the vinyl coverings, the burlap-backed linoleum was used not only in commercial spaces but also in household areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and even living rooms. As a global product, linoleum was imported and used in Korean palaces like Deoksugung and Changdeokgung in the early modern period. According to the record Deoksugung Won-Ahn, linoleum was applied to the major buildings, including Hamnyeongjeon, Deokhongjeon, and Jeonggwanheon, and various other venues. The linoleum used in these places are mainly monochrome blue and brown color, which probably means that they are from England. The trade records in the early 20th century show that linoleum was imported mainly from England and America. The Ewangjik building floor plan in the Changdeokgung Palace shows that linoleum was used extensively. There are even some originals, which were laid in 1920 and left in the Changdeokgung Palace. When Daejojeon and Huijeongdang were rebuilt in 1920, the interior was outfitted with western features and linoleum was used in areas such as bathrooms, the tonsorial parlor, and one of the rooms on the west side of Huijeongdang. In situ in the Daejojeon and Huijeongdang areas in the Changdeokgung Palace are monochrome, patterned black, and stylized floral tile patterned, which are closely similar to American products made by ALC and Armstrong company. This study will help us better understand linoleum's characteristics, its uses and the material itself. It will also form the basis for the restoration of Changdeokgung Palace as well as other modern interiors with linoleum flooring in the future.

A Techno-Economic Study of Commercial Electrochemical CO2 Reduction into Diesel Fuel and Formic Acid

  • Mustafa, Azeem;Lougou, Bachirou Guene;Shuai, Yong;Razzaq, Samia;Wang, Zhijiang;Shagdar, Enkhbayar;Zhao, Jiupeng
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.148-158
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    • 2022
  • The electrochemical CO2 reduction (ECR) to produce value-added fuels and chemicals using clean energy sources (like solar and wind) is a promising technology to neutralize the carbon cycle and reproduce the fuels. Presently, the ECR has been the most attractive route to produce carbon-building blocks that have growing global production and high market demand. The electrochemical CO2 reduction could be extensively implemented if it produces valuable products at those costs which are financially competitive with the present market prices. Herein, the electrochemical conversion of CO2 obtained from flue gases of a power plant to produce diesel and formic acid using a consistent techno-economic approach is presented. The first scenario analyzed the production of diesel fuel which was formed through Fischer-Tropsch processing of CO (obtained through electroreduction of CO2) and hydrogen, while in the second scenario, direct electrochemical CO2 reduction to formic acid was considered. As per the base case assumptions extracted from the previous outstanding research studies, both processes weren't competitive with the existing fuel prices, indicating that high electrochemical (EC) cell capital cost was the main limiting component. The diesel fuel production was predicted as the best route for the cost-effective production of fuels under conceivable optimistic case assumptions, and the formic acid was found to be costly in terms of stored energy contents and has a facile production mechanism at those costs which are financially competitive with its bulk market price. In both processes, the liquid product cost was greatly affected by the parameters affecting the EC cell capital expenses, such as cost concerning the electrode area, faradaic efficiency, and current density.