• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color Chang Method

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Image-based fire area segmentation method by removing the smoke area from the fire scene videos (화재 현장 영상에서 연기 영역을 제외한 이미지 기반 불의 영역 검출 기법)

    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm that can accurately segment a fire even when it is surrounded by smoke of a similar color. Existing fire area segmentation algorithms have a problem in that they cannot separate fire and smoke from fire images. In this paper, the fire was successfully separated from the smoke by applying the color compensation method and the fog removal method as a preprocessing process before applying the fire area segmentation algorithm. In fact, it was confirmed that it segments fire more effectively than the existing methods in the image of the fire scene covered with smoke. In addition, we propose a method that can use the proposed fire segmentation algorithm for efficient fire detection in factories and homes.

Facial Boundary Detection using an Active Contour Model (활성 윤곽선 모델을 이용한 얼굴 경계선 추출)

  • Chang Jae Sik;Kim Eun Yi;Kim Hang Joon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents an active contour model for extracting accurate facial regions in complex environments. In the model, a contour is represented by a zero level set of level function φ, and evolved via level set partial differential equations. Then, unlike general active contours, skin color information that is represented by 2D Gaussian model is used for evolving and slopping a curve, which allows the proposed method to be robust to noise and varying pose. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed method it was tested with several natural scenes, and the results were compared with those of geodesic active contours. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method.

A Study of Fire Detection Algorithm for Efficient 4D System (효율적 4D 시스템을 위한 화염 검출 알고리즘 연구)

  • Cho, Kyoung-woo;Wang, Ki-cho;Oh, Chang-heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.1003-1005
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    • 2013
  • 4D technology provides physical effects with the general videos or 3D videos. Implementing 4D technology, producing 4D metadata according to video play time and frame data is necessary. In this paper, we propose a method to provide physical effects by judging the temperature of video according to color information. In the proposed method, we provide physical effects to watcher by cognizing the color information in the video when a disaster such as fire is occurred. By using the method, it is expected that 4D matadata for sensing experience like heater device can be produced without programmers automatically.

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Vision System for NN-based Emotion Recognition (신경회로망 기반 감성 인식 비젼 시스템)

  • Lee, Sang-Yun;Kim, Sung-Nam;Joo, Young-Hoon;Park, Chang-Hyun;Sim, Kwee-Bo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.07d
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    • pp.2036-2038
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we propose the neural network based emotion recognition method for intelligently recognizing the human's emotion using vision system. In the proposed method, human's emotion is divided into four emotion (surprise, anger, happiness, sadness). Also, we use R,G,B(red, green, blue) color image data and the gray image data to get the highly trust rate of feature point extraction. For this, we propose an algorithm to extract four feature points (eyebrow, eye, nose, mouth) from the face image acquired by the color CCD camera and find some feature vectors from those. And then we apply back-prapagation algorithm to the secondary feature vector(position and distance among the feature points). Finally, we show the practical application possibility of the proposed method.

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Reconstruction of Lower Eyelid Defect using Neighboring Remnant Skin (인접 잉여 피부를 이용한 아랫 눈꺼풀 결손의 재건)

  • Hong, Chang-Yil;Kim, Sun-Goo;Kim, Yu-Jin;Lee, Se-Il
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.492-495
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Facial tumor excision is a common cause of lower eyelid defect in old patients. Many methods have been introduced for the reconstruction of lower eyelid. However, conventional surgical method can cause various complications like scar, ectropion and unnatural color matching. Thus, we introduce a simple and aesthetically acceptable method for the reconstruction of lower eyelid defect. Methods: Three elderly patients with skin cancer in the unilateral lower eyelid were operated by the new method. Following a wide excision of skin cancer, subcilliary incision of lower blepharoplasty was carried out. Elevated skin flap of lower eyelid was redrapped for the correction of defect and the remnant skin from lateral portion of lower eyelid was used for full thickness skin graft (FTSG) to correct the remaining defect. Results: All grafts survived and color match of the graft was excellent without ectropion. Furthermore, wrinkles of the lower eyelid were improved after the blepharoplasty. Conclusion: Lower eyelid defect resulting from wide excision of malignant tumor in old patients could be reconstructed successfully by modifying the conventional lower eyelid blepharoplasty along with FTSG using the remnant skin.

Precise Localization for Mobile Robot Based on Cell-coded Landmarks on the Ceiling (천정 부착 셀코드 랜드마크에 기반한 이동 로봇의 정밀 위치 계산)

  • Chen, Hongxin;Wang, Shi;Yang, Chang-Ju;Lee, Jun-Ho;Kim, Hyong-Suk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a new mobile robot localization method for indoor robot navigation. The method uses color-coded landmarks on the ceiling and a camera is installed on the robot facing the ceiling. The proposed "cell-coded map", with the use of only nine different kinds of color-coded landmarks distributed in a particular way, helps reduce the complexity of the landmark structure. This technique is applicable for navigation in an unlimited size of indoor space. The structure of the landmarks and the recognition method are introduced. And 2 rigid rules are also used to ensure the correctness of the recognition. Experimental results prove that the method is useful.

Detection Accuracy Improvement of Hang Region using Kinect (키넥트를 이용한 손 영역 검출의 정확도 개선)

  • Kim, Heeae;Lee, Chang Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.2727-2732
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    • 2014
  • Recently, the researches of object tracking and recognition using Microsoft's Kinect are being actively studied. In this environment human hand detection and tracking is the most basic technique for human computer interaction. This paper proposes a method of improving the accuracy of the detected hand region's boundary in the cluttered background. To do this, we combine the hand detection results using the skin color with the extracted depth image from Kinect. From the experimental results, we show that the proposed method increase the accuracy of the hand region detection than the method of detecting a hand region with a depth image only. If the proposed method is applied to the sign language or gesture recognition system it is expected to contribute much to accuracy improvement.

Implementation on the Filters Using Color and Intensity for the Content based Image Retrieval (내용기반 영상검색을 위한 색상과 휘도 정보를 이용한 필터 구현)

  • Noh, Jin-Soo;Baek, Chang-Hui;Rhee, Kang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2007
  • As the availability of an image information has been significantly increasing, necessity of system that can manage an image information is increasing. Accordingly, we proposed the content-based image retrieval(CBIR) method based on an efficient combination of a color feature and an image's shape and position information. As a color feature, a HSI color histogram is chosen which is known to measure spatial of colors well. Shape and position information are obtained using Hu invariant moments in the luminance of HSI model. For efficient similarity computation, the extracted features(Color histogram, Hu invariant moments) are combined and then measured precision. As a experiment result using DB that was supported by http://www.freefoto.com, the proposed image search engine has 93% precision and can apply successfully image retrieval applications.

Six-Color Separation based on Limitation of Colorant Amount and Dot Visibility Ordering (잉크량 제한과 도트 가시성 순서에 기반한 6색 분리 방법)

  • Kim, Joong-Hyun;Son, Chang-Hwan;Jang, In-Su;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a six-color separation method of reducing unnecessary usage of colorants based on the limitation of total colorant amount and dot visibility ordering. First, the CIELAB values of input RGB image are estimated through the color-mixing model and compared with pre-calculated CIELAB values corresponding to all combination of CMYKlclm colorants with a constraint of color difference, thereby selecting initial CMYKlclm candidates. Next, the limitation on total colorant amount Is imposed on initial CMYKlclm candidates to remove the excessive amounts of colorants, and then final CMYKlclm candidates are determined by minimizing the usage of light cyan and light magenta in the dark region based on the dot visibility ordering of C, M, Y, K, lc, and lm. Through the experiment, the proposed method is shown to reduce the excessive amount of colorants with preserving good image quality.

Legibility Change of Commercial Vehicles Equipped with the Rear Lighting System (화물자동차 보조 후미등화장치 설치에 따른 운전자 시인성 변화)

  • Cho, Seung Jin;Lee, Chang Hee;Kum, Ki Jung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSES : The purpose of this system (Rear Lighting System) is to provide illumination for the driver to operate the commercial vehicle safely after dark in highway, to increase the conspicuity of the vehicle, and especially be suggesting the finest observable improvement method, depending on color and pattern of rear lighting system of truck for midnight highway traffic. METHODS : Rear lightning system as an improving way for forward commercial vehicles lighting the securing sight from human factors and the surrounding environment in midnight driving. For this one, basic materials were collected from the data analysis about many types of problems, and filed investigation for establishing Driving Simulator. also taking statistic test to human volunteers after finding recognizable distance of them. RESULTS : As a result, color with the highest visuality is amber followed by green-red-blue as in order for all road types. Especially almost no difference is found between red and green, also when the light is turn off, recognizable distances is wide difference compared to turn on the light. One more thing about study per pattern, upper and entire lighting have similar recognizable distances, but under lighting shows short distance with difficulty securing sight from medians. And straight section shows similar recognizable distances. By finding visuality improvement method depending on color and pattern of supplement taillight, it is expected to suggest quantitative judgement standard for introducing regulation and improvement of supplement taillight. CONCLUSIONS : Night time vehicle conspicuity to the rear is provided by rear position lamps. this study is showed that the color of light ramp is not important to be safe driving, most important is to turn on the light, recognizable distances is big different compared to turn off the rear light, so when the drivng dark in highway, have to turn on the light for reducing risk.