• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coastal Topography

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Numerical Experiments of Vegetation Growth Effects on Bed Change Patterns (식생생장 영향을 고려한 하도변화에 대한 수치모의)

  • Kim, Hyung Suk;Park, Moon Hyeong;Woo, Hyo Seop
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the numerical simulation regarding the process and characteristics of topography change due to the vegetation recruitment and growth was carried out by adding the vegetation growth model to two-dimensional flow and sediment transport models. The vegetation introduction and recruitment on the condition for developing an alternate bar reduced the bar migration. The vegetated area and channel width changes were more significantly influenced by changes in upstream discharge rather than the duration of low flow. When the upstream discharge decreased, the vegetation area increased and the channel width decreased. The vegetation introduction and recruitment on the condition for developing a braided channel significantly influenced the characteristics of topography changes. In the braided channel, vegetation reduced the braided index, and when the upstream discharge decreased significantly, the channel topography was changed from the braided channel to the single channel. The vegetation area decreased as the upstream discharge increased. The channel width decreased significantly after the vegetation was introduced and it also decreased as the upstream discharge decreased. It was confirmed through the numerical simulation that a decrease in flood discharge accelerated the vegetation introduction and recruitment in the channel and this allowed to confirm its influence on the characteristics of topography changes qualitatively.

The sediment runoff and geographic change around coastal structure using Korean modern map (근세 지도를 이용한 토사유출 및 항만구조물 주변의 지형변화 분석)

  • BAE, Sun-Hak;KANG, Sang Hyeok
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2012
  • The map drawn on a scale of 1 to 50,000, modern Korea map drawn on a scale of 1 to 50,000 made by Japanese colonial era in 1910s, is the first topographical map using modern technical method. The map has been mainly used in human activities and geographic viewpoint, recently it is available on various field with recognizing high accuracy. It is especially expected that the map will provide us with lots of information on long-term change of topography in field of coastal area which is built on coastal structure. This study presents a method for analyzing before and after geographic change of coastal structure in independent drift sand system. The reference point to analyze long-term coastal geographic change was selected the map of 1910s.

Coastal Erosion Time-series Analysis of the Littoral Cell GW36 in Gangwon Using Seahawk Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR Data (씨호크 항공수심라이다 데이터를 활용한 연안침식 시계열 분석 - 강원도 표사계 GW36을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jaebin;Kim, Jiyoung;Kim, Gahyun;Hur, Hyunsoo;Wie, Gwangjae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1527-1539
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    • 2022
  • As coastal erosion of the east coast is accelerating, the need for scientific and quantitative coastal erosion monitoring technology for a wide area increases. The traditional method for observing changes in the coast was precision monitoring based on field surveys, but it can only be applied to a small area. The airborne bathymetric Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) system is a technology that enables economical surveying of coastal and seabed topography in a wide area. In particular, it has the advantage of constructing topographical data for the intertidal zone, which is a major area of interest for coastal erosion monitoring. In this study, time series analysis of coastal seabed topography acquired in Aug, 2021 and Mar. 2022 on the littoral cell GW36 in Gangwon was performed using the Seahawk Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR (ABL) system. We quantitatively monitored the topographical changes by measuring the baseline length, shoreline and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) changes. Through this, the effectiveness of the ABL surveying technique was confirmed in coastal erosion monitoring.

사다리형태로 변화하는 지형 위를 통과하는 파군에 의한 장파의 생성 (Long Waves Generated by Wave Groups over Trapezoidally Varying Topography)

  • Cho, Yong-Sik;Lee, Jin-Woo;Jung, Tae-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 2008
  • A possible source of resonant problems in a harbor is long waves generated by incident wave groups. The analytical solutions of the governing equations of second-order long waves derived using a multiple-scale perturbation method consist of the locked and free long waves. The locked long waves propagate at some group velocity, whereas the free long waves propagate at the shallow-water speed. To study the resonance of free long waves, a trapezoidally varying topography is employed. With certain combinations of incident angle, water depth, and ambient current velocity, free long waves can be trapped and resonated.

A Study on Topography Change due to Setup Condition of Artificial Reef (인공리프의 설치조건에 따른 표사이동 특성 연구)

  • Shim, Kyu-Tae;Kim, Kyu-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.154-161
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of length, opening width, and number of openings effecting on topography change around artificial reefs under erosive wave condition. Hydraulic model test was conducted to see sediment transport around the structures and the relation among the installation condition of the artificial reefs, generated velocity, wave deformation, and topographic change was reviewed. Experimental results show that the sediment transport rate was reduced; however, the scour around the structures was increased under the condition of having a single opening compared to the structures having a plurality of openings which shows inversely proportional to the size of Lr/W.

A Study on the Dispersion of Air Pollutants in Local Circulation of Mesoscale (중규모 국지 순환에서 대기 오염 물질의 확산에 관한 연구)

  • 이화운;오은주
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 1994
  • Dispersion characteristics of air pollutants in the mountainous coastal area are investigated in considering with the mesoscale local circulations using a two dimensional numerical model with two kinds of topograpy of 500m and 300m. In the model, land-sea breezes and mountain-valley wind are mainly considered under the condition of the absence of large scale prevailing flow in the circulation analysis, and the pollutants dispersion is traced by the Lagrangian methods. According to the results, the wind velocity is affected by topography and is stronger in the case of 500m height mountain than that of 300m, the Pollutants that source is near the coast transported over the mountain and dispersed to behind inland area. It is classified that the topography change control affects the wind velocity and the circulations. The pollutants that source is different transported and concentrated to behind inland and/or diffused to the sea area by the combination of the wind system with topographic changes. The results can be applied to the air pollution control with the arrangement design of industrial area and the planning of coastal developments.

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  • Konstantinos, Karantzalos;Demetre, Argialas
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.126-129
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    • 2006
  • The marine environment is under considerable threat from intentional or accidental oil spills, ballast water discharged, dredging and infilling for coastal development, and uncontrolled sewage and industrial wastewater discharges. Monitoring spills and illegal oil discharges is an important component in ensuring compliance with marine protection legislation and general protection of the coastal environments. For the monitoring task an image processing system is needed that can efficiently perform the detection and the tracking of oil spills and in this direction a significant amount of research work has taken place mainly with the use of radar (SAR) remote sensing data. In this paper the level set image segmentation technique was tested for the detection of oil spills. Level set allow the evolving curve to change topology (break and merge) and therefore boundaries of particularly intricate shapes can be extracted. Experimental results demonstrated that the level set segmentation can be used for the efficient detection and monitoring of oil spills, since the method coped with abrupt shape’s deformations and splits.

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Atmospheric Environment Prediction to Consider SST and Vegetation Effect in Coastal Urban Region (해수면온도와 식생효과를 고려한 연안도시지역의 대기환경예측)

  • Ji, Hyo-Eun;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Won, Gyeong-Mee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.375-388
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    • 2009
  • Numerical simulation is essential to indicate the flow of the atmosphere in the region with a complicated topography which consists of many mountains in the inland while it is neighboring the seashore. Such complicated topography produces land and sea breeze as the mesoscale phenomenon of meteorology which results from the effect of the sea and inland. In the mesoscale simulation examines, the change of the temperature in relation to the one of the sea surface for the boundary condition and, in the inland, the interaction between the atmosphere and land surface reflecting the characteristic of the land surface. This research developed and simulated PNULSM to reflect both the SST and vegetation effect as a bottom boundary for detailed meteorological numerical simulation in coastal urban area. The result from four experiments performed according to this protocol revealed the change of temperature field and wind field depending on each effect. Therefore, the lower level of establishment of bottom boundary suitable for the characteristic of the region is necessary to figure out the atmospheric flow more precisely, and if the characteristic of the surface is improved to more realistic conditions, it will facilitate the simulation of regional environment.

A Numerical Study of Rip Current Generation Modulated with Tidal Elevations at the Daecheon Beach (큰 조차에 따라 변화하는 지형의 대천 해수욕장 이안류 발생 특성 수치모의 연구)

  • Junwoo, Choi
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2022
  • In order to investigate the generations of rip currents modulated with the tidal elevations at a mega-tidal beach at the West Sea coast, numerical simulations of rip currents over the topography of the Daecheon beach were performed by using a Boussinesq-type wave and current model, FUNWAVE. The mega-tidal coast includes rocky outcrops (i.e., reefs) lying over or under the water surface according to the tidal elevations in the offshore and nearshore bathymetry. The offshore topographically-controlled rip currents were well reproduced due to the alongshore non-uniformities transformed by the tide-modulated topography. This study addressed the generation types of rip currents to occur at the mega-tidal coast with the tide-modulated outcrops and reefs.

WRF Sensitivity Experiments on the Formation of the Convergent Cloud Band in Relation to the Orographic Effect of the Korean Peninsula (한반도 지형이 대상수렴운의 생성에 미치는 영향에 관한 WRF 민감도 실험)

  • Kim, Yu-Jin;Lee, Jae Gyoo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to perform various sensitivity experiments using WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model in order to determine the effects of terrains of the Korean Peninsula and the land-sea thermal contrast on the formation and development of the convergent cloud band for the cases of 1 February 2012. The sensitivity experiments consist of the following five ones: CNTL experiment (control experiment), and TMBT experiment, BDMT experiment and ALL experiment that set the terrain altitude of Taeback Mountains and Northern mountain complex as zero, respectively, and the altitude of the above-mentioned two mountains as zero, and LANDSEA experiment that set to change the Korean Peninsula into sea in order to find out the land-sea thermal contrast effect. These experiment results showed that a cold air current stemming from the Siberian high pressure met the group of northern mountains with high topography altitude and was separated into two air currents. These two separated air currents met each other again on the Middle and Northern East Sea, downstream of the group of northern mountains and converged finally, creating the convergent cloud band. And these experiments suggested that the convergent cloud band located on the Middle and Northern East Sea, and the cloud band lying on the southern East sea to the coastal waters of the Japanese Island facing the East Sea, were generated and developed by different dynamical mechanisms. Also it was found that the topography of Taeback Mountains created a warm air advection region due to temperature rise by adiabatic compression near the coastal waters of Yeongdong Region, downstream of the mountains. In conclusion, these experiment results clearly showed that the most essential factor having an effect on the generation and development of the convergent cloud band was the topography effect of the northern mountain complex, and that the land-sea thermal contrast effect was insignificant.