• 제목/요약/키워드: Characteristics of Educational Contents

검색결과 505건 처리시간 0.029초

Quality Characteristics of Yukwa Prepared with Mugwort Powder Using Different Puffing Process (팽화방법을 달리한 쑥 분말 첨가 유과의 품질 특성)

  • Yang, Sun;Kim, Mun-Yong;Chun, Soon-Sil
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.340-348
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to develop new method for the manufacture of Yukwa, a Korean oil-puffed rice snack with a soft texture, using a far infrared ray electric roaster. The Yukwa base is traditionally expanded using oil, but the Yukwa base tends to develop unpleasant rancid odors or off-flavors during storage. In this study, the DPPH radical scavenging activity of mugwort powder was evaluated. Baked and fried Yukwa samples were added with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% of mugwort powder and left untreated as a control, and then tested for moisture content, expansion rate, color, hardness, and sensory evaluations. The samples with higher concentrations of mugwort powder, evidenced a more profound tendency toward DPPH radical scavenging activity. The moisture content of Yukwa dough tended to increase with the addition of mugwort powder. As the mugwort powder content increased, the moisture contents of the Yukwa base and the Baked Yukwa increased. The moisture content and expansion rates of the fried Yukwa did not differ significantly. The samples containing the mugwort power evidenced a lower expansion rate than was observed in the control group. The lightness of the baked and fried Yukwa was reduced with increased mugwort powder content. The greenness of the baked and fried Yukwa was at a minimum upon the addition of 2.0% mugwort powder. The yellowness of the baked Yukwa did not differ significantly between the samples. As the mugwort powder content increased, the yellowness of the fried Yukwa increased. The hardness of the baked and fried Yukwa tended to increase with the addition of mugwort powder. In the sensory evaluations, the baked Yukwa scored higher than the fried Yukwa, and all of the sensory characteristics of baked Yukwa scored highest in the samples without mugwort powder, but also scored fairly well with 1.0 and 1.5% mugwort powder. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that 1.0~1.5% of mugwort powder should be added to Yukwa baked in a far infrared ray electrical roaster in order to optimize physiological functions and keep overall acceptability reasonably high.

A Study on the Measures to Activate Education Field of Maker Movement in Korea (국내 메이커 운동의 교육 분야 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Oh, Soo-Jin;Baek, Yun-Cheol;Kwon, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제17권11호
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    • pp.483-492
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    • 2019
  • The culture and education are very active with the active policy and support to form the government's Maker Movement. The purpose of this study is to grasp the current status of the education sector of the domestic maker movement, which is increasing recently, and to propose a plan for activating maker education for the development of a positive direction. To this end, first, the current status and problems of domestic maker training are derived through in-depth interviews with existing maker training operators and participants. Second, based on the contents of the interview script, keyword analysis and its characteristics through the qualitative survey analysis program (NVIVO) are identified. Third, based on the analysis results, we propose a plan and development direction for domestic maker education. Based on the educators who performed maker training and the students involved, professional maker teachers were required for the professionalism of education, and the expansion of maker channels and professional networking of participating students was required. In addition, there was a need for specialized programs and appropriate policy support that reflected the characteristics of maker training. This study aims at contributing to the activation of maker education, which is a major field of maker movement, by helping to improve concrete support methods, training related educators, and educational environment for maker education.

Comparative analysis of the Korean mathematics curriculum contents based on the TIMSS 2019 mathematics assessment framework (TIMSS 2019 수학 평가틀에 기반한 우리나라 수학과 교육과정 내용 비교 분석)

  • Choi, In Seon
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.449-468
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    • 2020
  • TIMSS is a representative international comparative study that analyzes changes in mathematics and science achievement, and it collects information on the educational system, curriculum, teaching and learning situation of participating countries as well as research and check, and provides implications for each country's mathematics and science education. Although domestic TIMSS studies focused on the results of achievement related to the evaluation of mathematics, not many have taken a closer look at the content and characteristics of the assessment framework. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the TIMSS 2019 mathematics assessment framework, and to derive implications for the mathematics curriculum and mathematics learning by examining the students' study time in light of the Korean mathematics curriculum. The implications derived from the results of this study are summarized as follows: First, it is necessary to check the connection between content elements in the mathematics and education process. Second, it is necessary to check the appropriateness and connectivity of the learning timing of the content elements in the mathematics and education courses. Finally, it is necessary to verify that the hierarchy of content areas and the structure of content systems in mathematics and education courses are consistent with the direction of mathematics education at the international level. This study can be used as a basis for mathematics and curriculum revisions, and can be used to set directions for the development of large-scale evaluation frameworks.

Assessment Study on Educational Programs for the Gifted Students in Mathematics (영재학급에서의 수학영재프로그램 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Whang, Woo-Hyung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.235-257
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    • 2010
  • Contemporary belief is that the creative talented can create new knowledge and lead national development, so lots of countries in the world have interest in Gifted Education. As we well know, U.S.A., England, Russia, Germany, Australia, Israel, and Singapore enforce related laws in Gifted Education to offer Gifted Classes, and our government has also created an Improvement Act in January, 2000 and Enforcement Ordinance for Gifted Improvement Act was also announced in April, 2002. Through this initiation Gifted Education can be possible. Enforcement Ordinance was revised in October, 2008. The main purpose of this revision was to expand the opportunity of Gifted Education to students with special education needs. One of these programs is, the opportunity of Gifted Education to be offered to lots of the Gifted by establishing Special Classes at each school. Also, it is important that the quality of Gifted Education should be combined with the expansion of opportunity for the Gifted. Social opinion is that it will be reckless only to expand the opportunity for the Gifted Education, therefore, assessment on the Teaching and Learning Program for the Gifted is indispensible. In this study, 3 middle schools were selected for the Teaching and Learning Programs in mathematics. Each 1st Grade was reviewed and analyzed through comparative tables between Regular and Gifted Education Programs. Also reviewed was the content of what should be taught, and programs were evaluated on assessment standards which were revised and modified from the present teaching and learning programs in mathematics. Below, research issues were set up to assess the formation of content areas and appropriateness for Teaching and Learning Programs for the Gifted in mathematics. A. Is the formation of special class content areas complying with the 7th national curriculum? 1. Which content areas of regular curriculum is applied in this program? 2. Among Enrichment and Selection in Curriculum for the Gifted, which one is applied in this programs? 3. Are the content areas organized and performed properly? B. Are the Programs for the Gifted appropriate? 1. Are the Educational goals of the Programs aligned with that of Gifted Education in mathematics? 2. Does the content of each program reflect characteristics of mathematical Gifted students and express their mathematical talents? 3. Are Teaching and Learning models and methods diverse enough to express their talents? 4. Can the assessment on each program reflect the Learning goals and content, and enhance Gifted students' thinking ability? The conclusions are as follows: First, the best contents to be taught to the mathematical Gifted were found to be the Numeration, Arithmetic, Geometry, Measurement, Probability, Statistics, Letter and Expression. Also, Enrichment area and Selection area within the curriculum for the Gifted were offered in many ways so that their Giftedness could be fully enhanced. Second, the educational goals of Teaching and Learning Programs for the mathematical Gifted students were in accordance with the directions of mathematical education and philosophy. Also, it reflected that their research ability was successful in reaching the educational goals of improving creativity, thinking ability, problem-solving ability, all of which are required in the set curriculum. In order to accomplish the goals, visualization, symbolization, phasing and exploring strategies were used effectively. Many different of lecturing types, cooperative learning, discovery learning were applied to accomplish the Teaching and Learning model goals. For Teaching and Learning activities, various strategies and models were used to express the students' talents. These activities included experiments, exploration, application, estimation, guess, discussion (conjecture and refutation) reconsideration and so on. There were no mention to the students about evaluation and paper exams. While the program activities were being performed, educational goals and assessment methods were reflected, that is, products, performance assessment, and portfolio were mainly used rather than just paper assessment.

Exploring the Use of Traditional Science Knowledge by 'Being a Commentator on Korean Traditional Science Culture' Activities (우리 과학 문화 해설사 되어보기 활동을 통한 전통 과학 지식의 교육적 활용 방안 탐색)

  • Lee, Jihye;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.193-214
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to identify the reality of students' understanding of Korean traditional scientific knowledge (TSK), the educational contexts influenced their understanding of TSK, and their sense of value of TSK, through the science activity 'Being a commentator on Korean traditional scientific culture' as a way of finding direction to apply TSK to science education while maintaining the inherent meaning of our traditional science. Seventh grade students have discovered TSK contents in Changdeok Palace, prepared their own scripts for seven months, and finally, explained to fifth to sixth grade students. The video recordings of all lessons, scripts of explanation, reports of field activities, and individual interviews were all analyzed. Students understood TSK in four viewpoints: the traditional view of nature, the traditional science and technology, the traditional life using science, and the natural science contents. During their activities, communication with peers or elders both in classroom and in Changdeok Palace, the interaction with place, and the sense of responsibility as a commentator helped students understand the scientific aspects of TSK, form contextual and sensible scientific knowledge, and apprehend various scientific explanations of contents. Depending on their internalization of experiences, the students' experiences produced three types of interpretation: delivery, persuasion, and understanding. Students formed their TSK sense of value as scientific characteristics, the need of new perspective about science, the need to protect and maintain TSK as our culture. The results of this study show that TSK can provide integrated and actual contextual education in science education and can be used to understand the cultural diversity of scientific and scientific methods and the characteristics of oriental scientific thinking. In addition, the simultaneous approach of TSK and school science to traditional culture can contribute to ideal concept formation and subjective attitude toward our traditional culture.

Safety education needs among the dental technology-major college students to prevent injuries in their laboratory classes (치기공과 학생들의 실습 중 안전에 대한 안전교육 요구도 특성)

  • Park, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2006
  • This study purposed to offer basic data for safety education of the dental laboratory technology after the investigation of how much the students in the dept. of dental laboratory technology are aware of the danger of each instrument, equipment or laboratory procedure that they use during laboratory and how much they demand safety education for this. The objects for this study were 423 students who were in the dept. of dental laboratory technology. In this regard, four colleges which have the dept. of dental laboratory technology were randomly selected to do a questionnaire survey. SPSS 12.0 was used to analyze the collected data. The results were as follows: As for satisfaction with their major, the respondents answered Satisfied (59.1%), Average (35.5%) and Dissatisfied (5.4%). In terms of the production process of a partial denture, they considered casting, polishing the casting body, polishing denture and burn out were most dangerous in order. As for the production process of a full denture, what they regarded as the most dangerous in order was polishing denture, deflasking and wax wash. Regarding the laboratory procedures of porcelain material, casting, trimming casting body, polishing porcelain material and burn out were the most dangerous procedures that they perceived. With regard to materials for use, alcohol, polishing, metal and wire were the most dangerous ones they thought. As for the handling characteristics of each material, small towns showed a higher demand for safety of the handling characteristics of alcohol. In terms of school year and sex, juniors and girls had higher scores in the demand for safety of the handling characteristics of acid. Regarding the handling characteristics of each equipment and instrument, all of small towns, juniors and girls showed the highest demand for safety of the handling characteristics of alcohol lamps. With regard to scores in the demand for safety of other characteristics, all of small towns, juniors and girls had the highest demand for safety of emergency treatment. Concerning the demand for safety education by the completion of safety education, in terms of each material, highest was the demand for safety of acid from the group which completed safety education. In regard to equipments and instruments, when it came to the demand for safety of the handling characteristics of casting machine, the educated group's demand for safety of acid was higher. Regarding other characteristics, the group which was not educated gained higher scores in the demand for safety of emergency treatment. 11. In all areas(materials, machines and others), small towns, girls and juniors showed higher scores in the demand for safety. Based on the above results, it was found that when students conduct the laboratory of dental technology, they would think that many materials, instruments or equipments for use are very dangerous. However, safety education was not fully given to them. Regarding the scores in the damned for safety education, the highest was 4.16 and the lowest was 3.43, which suggests that the scores were generally very high. In this regard, it is necessary to continue delivering a systematic safety education of materials, equipments or instruments used during the laboratory of dental technology. Therefore, through the analysis of each material, instruments or facility used in every laboratory and each process, safety accident types and accident risk factors should be investigated to develop educational materials for this. Moreover, it is required to open safety education as a single course of study or insert safety contents of all materials and machines into the class of dental laboratory instrument or dental materials for the purpose of a systematic and thorough safety education to prevent a safety accident during laboratory.

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Korea Smart Education and German Media Education (한국의 스마트교육과 독일의 미디어교육)

  • Kim, Moon-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.127-156
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    • 2014
  • This study was inspired by the issue that the fundamentals of education have been overlooked, as today's smart education policies established in the knowledge-based information society of the 21st century have only focused on building digital environment and its efficiency. To carry out the study, the media education of Germany, which is equivalent of Korea's smart education, was analyzed to obtain implications for Korea's smart education. In Germany, the media education has been managed by the country ever since the information society has begun. Since 2009, the media education has become a requirement for all schools in every state. Thus, the current media education policy of each state has been analyzed, which revealed the following common characteristics. 1) The media education is closely linked to existing curriculum and education, rather than being conducted separately with different standards. 2) The media education is being conducted in a democratic manner by actively reflecting the exemplary cases of school teachers, rather than following the instructions and guidelines from the government. 3) The media education deals with the character and identity of young students, based on their basic understanding of information society, which are essential for a successful life in the upcoming society. Unlike the first and second implication linked to the method and procedure of media education policy, the third implication is the basic purpose of media education, which is also the key implication of this study. The media education policy of Germany, which is being conducted with its own educational philosophy, offers significant implications for Korea's smart education policy. In Korea, the education only revolves around device-based environment innovation or content development. It should be noted that the purpose of smart education is developing smart individuals who can bring better, happier, and more successful society - rather than establishing a smart environment. Therefore, the focus of discussion on Korea's smart education that revolves around environment, infrastructure, device utilization, and contents development should be changed to the character and identity of students, which are required in the future smart era. That's when 'human-based' educational revolution, instead of 'device-based' classroom revolution can begin.

Analysis on Relevant Factors in Practice of Prevention for Infections in Dental Clinics - (Focusing on Dental Hygienists) (치과 진료실 감염예방 실천도의 관련요인 분석 (치과위생사를 중심으로))

  • Nam, Young-Shin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2008
  • Objective: The study aimed to provide basic data for enhancing dental hygienists' practice of prevention for infections of dental hygienists by examining what factors there were in their preventing the infections in dental clinics. Method: The subjects of study were 168 dental hygienists who participated in continuing medical education of Incheon & Gyeonggi-do association and Seoul city association in October and November 2005. For the data analysis, an SPSS WIN 13.0 program was used and its significance level was 0.05. In terms of analysis methods, frequency analysis and technical statistics analysis were performed for general characteristics, ANOVA was performed for general traits, practice, medical environments for knowledge and practice analysis, correlation analysis was performed for the relation between knowledge & organization-related factors and practice, Chi-Square Tests were performed for the relation between general traits and educational experiences, T-test was performed for practice and knowledge according to the educational experiences for preventing infections and multiple regression analysis was performed for the factors that affect the practice for preventing infections. Result: knowledge showed statistically significant differences by age (F=4.895, p=0.003) and those with the education experiences in preventing infections had higher scores in practice of prevention for infections than those without them (t=3.315, p=0.001). The correlation between knowledge and practice was significant statistically (p<0.05), the factors related to organization showed significant correlation (p<0.01) and the higher the factors related to organizations, knowledge, education experiences, service career, the higher the practice for prevention of infections was ($R^2=0.32$). Conclusions: In order to enhance the dental hygienists' practice for the prevention of infections, it would be necessary to treat the contents of the infection prevention in educational curriculum at schools and enhance dental hygiene students' knowledge on the prevention of infection and to develop the programs, with which continuous education and PRS could be conducted through in-house education and continuing medical education of the hospital after school graduation and it has been believed that it would be the most important for dental hygienists to make efforts and interest in organizations actively so as to build up safe working environments.

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A Study on the Perception about Sex and Sex Education Needs of High School Students (고등학교 학생들의 성에 관한 인식과 성교육에 대한 요구 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Hwa-Ja;Nam, Sun-Young;Chung, Yeong-Kang;Park, Kyong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.233-243
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    • 1995
  • A survey has conducted on two hundred high school students of the first and second grade by way of questionnaine in Seoul. The purpose of this study on the information from the survey is to cstimate the level of awareness and probe how they feel and what they wish on sex. X2 inspection is designed to assess general aspects of responded contents by way of percentage and examine degree of satisfaction on previously experienced sex education and demand for sex education. The result is as follows. 1. As a result of the examination of degree of awareness on sex of respondents, 62% delines sex as human relationship including moral values for harmony between men and women. 64% of the men and 70% of the women say that sex is a natural thing. It comes to the conclusion that most of the respondent sgenerally consider sex positive. On chastity, 68.5% of the respondent answer that it means physical chastity, 12.5% that chastity before marriage should be kept, and 43% that it should be kept as far as possible. Most of them pespond that it should be kept. 2. As a result of the examination on the contents of sex, they answer they know well in the order of masturbation(72%), pregnancy(76%), and sex(63%). Contraception, abortion and ejection are contents they poorly informed of. 3. As a result of the examination on experienede of sex education, 83% of men and 100% of women have experienced sex, education, but their degreeof satisfaction to it is very low. And 49% of the whole is dissatisfactory to it. There is some difference between male and female students.(p=0.000) That result translates that female studeuts are educated on sex tjhrough more systematic subjects than male ones. In addition, it turns out that teenagers get most information on sex through friends, seniors, and mass media such as videos, TV and radios. Correct and systematic sex education is need because wrong information on sex culd be taught and bring them to misbehave. 4. 87.5% of the respondents answer that sex education is necessary, so that degree of necessity for sex education, turns out to be very high. Also the main subject that should perform sex education is in the order of school(50%), Society(24.5), home(18.5%). They respond that most appropriated period for the beginning of sex education is about elementary school age(43%), and 34% believes it to be put ahcad of elementary school age. Anurse teacher accounts for 54% for the main subject that addresses sex education, to male students visit teachers are most favored for 50%. As a result of those, it could be concluded that most high school students want sex education from responsible persons who have systematic and professional knowledge on sex. 5. In order to perform proper sex education by the above results, better educational effects are obtained when characteristics and natures of teenagers are known and most wanted knowledge by them is taught in priority in times of planning sex education. Besides, the contents of sex education suitable for each school should be planned before elementary school age and sex education should be performed in accordance with students' demand. In addition, sex education should be attentively performed by home, all organizations of society as well as school. Therefore, sex education will play a great role in making teenagers reestablish their conception on sex when the traditional and moral value systems of our country and the new value systems which are being formed under the influence of the western culture are in harmony.

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A study on the status of the Dental Health of Adults (일 지역 성인의 구강건강실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • 정영숙
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.95-113
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the state of the dental health of adults, used self-reporting qestionnaire as objects of 923 residents living in nine districts at random among the sites of eleven town located in a County. The level of knowledge on dental health of adults in a County was 65.6 points out of 100 points, comparatively low. Accodingly, it is necessary for entire adults to have a dental health-related education and get high standard of knowledge. Especially, educational approach should be performed for groups of 40-49 years old, 50-59 years old, above 60 years old, male, no educational background, having only elementary and middle school education, not having any jobs, engaging in agriculture, doing business on their own and so on. When planning the contents of health education, one actually has to include the habit of amalgam, the factor in influencing on dental health as well as show an example such as how to brush teeth, checking point of proper brushing, how to grip toothbrush. The attitude score related to dental heath was 71.2 points out of 100 points, relatively low. Consequently, the change of attitude related the dental health among entire adults is necessary, particularily, the strategical approach is essential to change dental health connected to attitude positively for groups of male, having high school education background, office workers and the civil service. Besides, among dental health related symtoms, more that 30-40% of objects showed negative attitude toward as the following cases; in case that plaque or food debris are attached to the teeth (40.8%), upper and lower teeth do not fit together(40.3%), you cannot sleep well because of toothache(31.0%), more than one tooth fall out(31.0%), you have loosing teeth(30.6%), the approach should be conducted to form attitude that dental care is necessry. The state of dental health through dental health related symtoms was 33.3 points out of 100 points, which was fairly satisfactory. However, dental treatment for the state of dental health should be executed in case of comparison of the dental health state according to general characteristics, the group who are above 60 years old, have elementary school education background, engage in aggriculture who are not good in dental health state as opposed to other groups. Furthermore, there should be dental care needs according to dental health related symtoms, particularly, more than 60-70% of objects have experienced symtoms that plaque or food debris attached to the teeth, tartar is on the teeth so dental treatment should be peformed for a large number of adults. In addition, for the people who have indications that there was a cavity, more than one tooth loss, chilled teeth, toothache when chewing, loose teeth, upper and lower teeth do not fit together, you cannnt sleep well due to the toothach, etc, there should be care through dental treatment. The actual conditions of the hygine of the mouth was relatively good and the difference of the actual state of dental health care in terms of general characteristics showed in only gender; female was more careful in dental health. Comparing the state of oral health synthetically, when they have symtoms, only 34.8% of objects go to a dentist, 60.7% are using passive or negative care such as gargling, tolerating or ignoring. There was many symtoms to care through dental therapy such as plaque or food debris get in between the teeth, tartar on the teeth, teeth are very cold, more than one tooth fallout, loose teeth, there is wrong amalgam, and so on, among symtoms to care passively or negatively. Therefore the education for proper treatment program should be performed. As a result of dental health-related knowlege, attitude, health state, verification of correlation between the actual condition of care, the higher the dental heath-related knowldege becomes, the more positive the dental health-related attitude is, and the state of dental health, that is, the standard of the symtom of dental health diminishes. the care for dental health executed through more active method and the more positive dental health-related attitude is, the more active means they performed. Consequently, the high level of dental health-related knowledge should be necessary, the more positive the dental health-related attitude was, the more active method they adopted, therefore, the program is needed to form attitude related to the dental health positively. As the knowledge on dental health is increasing, the attitude is also positive, after all, the plan to increase the standard of knowledge on dental health should be contrived through education program related to dental health.

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