• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of Educational Contents

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The Structural Relationship between Experience Factor, Experience Satisfaction and Re-participation Intention of KIMAWEEK Yacht Experience Participants (국제해양레저위크(KIMAWEEK) 요트체험 참가자의 체험요인과 체험만족 및 재참가의도와의 구조적 관계)

  • Kim, Cheol-Woo;Jung, Young-Soo;Chung, Woo-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.409-419
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine how the experience factors of KIMAWEEK yacht experience participants affect the experience satisfaction and re-participation intention. this study, 515 KIMAWEEK participants in Pusan metropolitan city conducted a mobile survey and the following conclusions were drawn. First, deviant, educational, and aesthetic factors among the experience factors of yacht experience participants were found to affect the satisfaction of experience, but entertainment factors did not affect it. Second, educational and entertainment factors, among the experiential factors, influenced re-participation intention in relation to the experience factor and re-participation intention, but deviant factors and aesthetic factors did not affect it. Third, the relationship between the experience satisfaction and re-participation intention was also found to have a similar effect. Through this study, various and differentiated experience factors should be provided in order to increase the satisfaction of KIMAWEEK yacht experience participants. In particular, realistic events that meet local characteristics should be held.

Use Characteristics of Health Examinations Services from Health Insurance Subscribers (건강보험 건강검진 대상자들의 예방적 의료서비스 이용 특성)

  • Choi, Ryoung;Hwang, Byung-Deog
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to target the health examination examinees to compare and analyze the common elements that influence prevention and preventive medical services and to analyze the share of the physical examination categories desired following the analysis by element. Likewise, this research was attempted to provide base data so that it is possible to reduce cost required for the prevention and treatment of each examination. This research targeted health examination examinees and conducted survey from April 1to May 31, 2010. The key findings after conducting analysis on 707 examinees are as follows. In case of men, those who are older and who live their spouses tended to be subjected to health examination, cancer examination and preventive injections. Those who had subscribed to the medical policy from the private sector, those with healthy state, those with higher educational level, tended to get health examination, cancer examination and preventive injections less. In case of women, those who are older, tended to get health examination and cancer examination more while those who had subscribed to the medical policy from the private sector and those with higher educational level tended to get health examination, cancer examination and preventive injections less. Those who are healthy and who live their spouse tended to get more cancerexamination and preventive injections.

Survey on Educational Needs for Workers in Social Welfare Facilities in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 사회복지시설종사자의 교육요구 조사)

  • Hwang, Seong-Joon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.271-284
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the educational needs among social workers in social welfare facilities in Jeju province concerning lack of knowledge, skill and attitude, and establish the systematic education for prosecuting diverse training and suggest fundamental data for designing future curriculum. The results of analyzing top 10 educational needs for the workers are as follows: firstly technics for managing crises, understanding and practice for clients (characteristics, human right, safety and health), case management (basic), counseling technique (basic), case management (advanced), counseling technique (advanced), planning and operating social welfare program, managing client response and emotional labor, improving competence for communication (between staffs and clients, etc.), and finally assessing project outcome (project plan, execution, management and assessment, etc.). Social workers in social welfare facilities in the area have highly recognized the necessity of profession centred education. However, they had low satisfaction with the diversity of profession education in the Jeju island and the systematic training courses. This survey suggests the various results concerning qualitative growth of profession education, expansion of job-centred curriculum and security of professional instructors to fulfil systematic education training for social workers.

Effects of Learner Motivation and Teacher-student Interaction on Learner Satisfaction in Nursing Students (간호대학생의 학습동기와 교수학생 상호작용이 학습만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Mi-Kyoung;Kim, Mi Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.468-477
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to exam nursing students to verify the effects of self-directed learning readiness, teacher-student interaction, educational performance, stress and learner motivation on learner satisfaction. The study population consisted of second and third year nursing students at E university located in S city. Data were collected between June 15, 2016 to June 24, 2016, and questionnaire comprised items to measure general characteristics, learner motivation, teacher-student interaction, self-directed learning readiness, educational performance, and learner satisfaction. A total of 132 students were included for the final analysis. Learner satisfaction was positively correlated with self-directed learning readiness (r= .21, p= .018), teacher-student interaction (r= .39, p<.001), educational performance (r= .21, p= .014), and learner motivation (r= .75, p<.001). In addition, learner motivation was positively correlated with self-directed learning readiness (r= .24, p= .005), teacher-student interaction (r= .38, p <.001), and educational performance (r= .21, p= .018). Finally, learner motivation and teacher-student interaction were found to explain 59.7% of the variance of learner satisfaction. Our findings suggest strategies and interventions that boost learner motivation and teacher-student interaction which are required to improve learner satisfaction in nursing education.

Pedagogy of E-Learning in Engineering Classes Using Multimedia Contents: Case of K University (멀티미디어 콘텐츠 기반의 공과대학 이러닝 교수법 연구: K대학 사례)

  • Hwang, Suk
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2010
  • Whether the engineering department of universities employs ideal usage of e-learning or not needs to be investigated as many engineering departments diversify the use of the e-learning elements for educational purpose. Applying the teaching and learning methods and characteristics would lead to better strategies which are applied to development of contents and deployment of the e-learning courses. This study examines the characteristics and approaches of the usage of e-learning elements used by some instructors who use multimedia contents in offline teaching and learning environment. The results of this study shows that the e-learning elements assist the face-to-face course and the interactions are manifested in the classroom rather than in online setting. Lecture, hands-on-practice, simulation, and PBL(Problem-based learning) are turned out to be the major teaching and learning methods. This study signifies the need for use of various teaching and learning methods by the instructors and provision of PBL environment.

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Development of Web Application Based on N-screen for Play Activities of Children with Developmental Disorder (발달장애 아동의 놀이 활동을 위한 N-스크린 기반의 웹앱 개발)

  • Kang, Jung Bae;Kim, Jin Hee;Kim, Chang Geol;Song, Beong Seop
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2013
  • In the modern society, instructional methods using diverse media have appeared thanks to the development of Information & Communication Technology, and applicability of such instructional methods has been fully corroborated. However, customized contents allowing for disabled children's environment are still insufficient. Hence, this study produced educational contents of play activities for children with developmental disability, through applying N-screen technology, IT technology that can provide the same contents via a variety of digital media. The produced contents allow programs to be set up according to a child's individual characteristics and be carried out anywhere and anytime via an Internet-enabled digital device. Further, the developed contents were produced so that they could be accessed from a child's various environment (home, school, etc.) via a PC, a smart phone, a portable from a child's various environment (home, school, etc.) via a PC, a smart phone, a portable device, etc. and that the same educational program could be conducted in linkage at home, school, etc. Three children with Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder were applied to the manufactured content. As a result, Content interaction between interaction between teachers and students in play training could use as a medium.In addition, the children's ability to select the appropriate components and reinforcements, special education professionals have used the content of the interviews are helpful in mediation than the existing content.

Analysis of current status of curriculum for geriatric dental hygiene in Korea (국내 노인치위생학 교육과정 현황분석)

  • Kim, Yeo-Ju;Jang, Jong-Hwa;Cho, Ja-Won
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.865-874
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the current status and educational contents of the geriatric-related curriculum in dental hygiene departments at colleges across the country. Methods: To analyze the current status of geriatric curriculum, it was investigated by searching the websites of colleges across the country where dental hygiene (curriculum) department was available. Furthermore, a literature review of domestic and foreign textbooks related to geriatric dental hygiene was conducted to analyze the contents of geriatric dental hygiene curriculum. Results: Among colleges that offer dental hygiene (curriculum) department, 8 four-year and 12 three-year colleges (24.4%) offered geriatric dental hygiene courses. A comparison of the contents of the textbooks titled "Geriatric dental hygiene" published by Goonja, Daehan Narae, and Komoonsa showed that basic contents such as the characteristics, health problems, and oral health problems of elderly -people were described in the same context. However, there was a difference in the volume and importance of the concerned contents also. Conclusions: Universities and related organizations which offer dental hygiene curriculum should continue to conduct studies for the development of geriatric hygiene curricula. Moreover, heightened efforts are needed to ensure that geriatric dental hygiene education is more systematically offered.

A Comparison of Hygiene and Safety Management Execution depending on the Characteristics of Children's Food Service Facilities (어린이 급식소 특성에 따른 위생·안전관리 수행도 비교)

  • Lee, Jin-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.573-582
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    • 2016
  • The objective of the current study was to compare the execution of hygiene and safety management according to the characteristics of children's food service stations, with the ultimate objective of providing sanitary and safe food service to children. To this end, the study conducted surveys of 73 public and private pre-schools with fewer than 100 children in district A from July 30 to October 31 2015. The differences were evaluated by t-test and analysis of variance. The confidence and validity of the results were analyzed by six food ingredient and facilities management questions, three personal hygiene and facilities management questions, four environmental management questions, and five storage and treatment management questions; for a total of 18 questions. The cumulative distribution of the four factors was 61.569%, and the Cronbach's alpha was 0.821, which indicated that the results were reliable. The results revealed that public pre-schools (a) and home-based pre-schools (b) had different levels of food ingredient and facility management, but no differences in the number of cooks, number of children served, type of food distribution, and the existence of mass food service facilities. The results of the study may be used to develop hygiene and safety management manual and educational contents to promote the health of the children served.

An Analysis of the Affective Characteristics and the Demands on Education of Elementary Science gifted Students in Urban and Rural Areas (도시와 농촌지역 초등과학 영재학생들의 정의적 특성 및 교육 요구분석)

  • Kim, Myoung-Jin;Choi, Sun Young
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze affective characteristics and the demands of elementary science gifted students on gifted educations in urban and rural areas. The subjects were 196 science gifted students. The survey questionnaires were consisted of self-esteem, interests in science, scientific attitudes, and demands regarding gifted classes. The results of this study were as follows. First, self-esteem and interests in science, particularly interests toward science, toward science learning, toward science related careers, in urban gifted students were higher than those in rural areas. Whereas interests toward science activities and science anxiety of science gifted students in rural areas were significantly higher than those in urban area. Furthermore, scientific attitudes of science gifted students in urban area were higher than rural those in open-mindedness, critical-mindedness, voluntariness, creativity, whereas science gifted students in rural areas were higher than urban those in cooperation. Second, for the analysis on demands regarding class contents and methods, 'teaching content that challenges and exciting stimuli' of science gifted students in rural areas were significantly higher than those in urban area. Third, for the analysis on demands regarding educational environments, 'satisfaction with class materials provided by gifted classes' of gifted students in urban area were higher than those in rural area.

A Study on Family Life Education (가족생활 교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구 (I))

  • 유영주;오윤자
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 1990
  • Family Life Education(FLE) is an educational specialty which was originated in reaction to changing social conditions, industrialization, and urbanization It deals with the perceived inadequacies of families to cope with these changes, thereby reducing social problems involved with and improving family life. With an assumption that the studies about FLE have not been so active in Korea, the present thesis examines the FLE in Korea; i.e. the definition, the objectives, the scope, the approximation of family life education, and the necessity of marital education in Korea based upon the published theories of FLE in th United Stated of America. Also it attempts to formulate a tentative plan for the promotion of a FLE program in Korea. The concept of FLE in Korea was manifested in the social educational law and life-span education, specified as the 4th among ten presidential regulations; and it has drawn an institutional, governmental attention It is defined as " the life-span developmental education to enhance the quality of human life, to solve family problem, to develop an individual's potentiality, and to strengthen the family correlations." of the FLE programs, the marital education is considered one of the crucial subjects because it is the core of the family life. With this premise, FLE tries to support the healthy marital relations, , subsequently helping to explore the family potentiality and to strengthen family ties, Considering the seemingly dual characteristics of the Korean family types, the contents of marital education program should be consisted of the following; marital communication, role cooperation, and effective expressions of mutual affection, In addition, reciprocal understanding and cooperation of the married couples to overcome the differences of value, personality, hobby, and religion, the educational methods in raising kids, and the effective management of home economics should be included. The objects of the FLE program are unmarried, pre-married, and married persons. Fro the married persons, the FLE program should be arranged in accordance with their marital status divided by the family life cycle so that they may prevent possible family problems at each stage of the family life. Also, to prevent the problems incurred in the curse of carrying out family functions, the FLE program should be provided with on the basis of a family unit, thereby improving the quality of the family functions.

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