• Title/Summary/Keyword: CT-Number

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Assessment of the Effective Dose to the Human Body and Estimation of Lifetime Attributable Risk by CT Examination (CT 검사별 노출되는 유효선량과 생애 암 귀속 위험도 평가)

  • Cho, Yong In;Kim, Jung Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2020
  • The number of CT scans is increasing every year due to the improvement of the medical standards of the public, and thus the annual dose of medical radiation is also increasing. In this study, we evaluated the effective dose of the human body exposed to CT scans and estimated LAR. First, five region were selected from the CT diagnostic reference level guideline, and the effective dose of human body exposed to each examination was evaluated by clinical CT device. Second, the human organs and effective dose were calculated using the ALARA-CT program under the same conditions. Third, lifetime attributable risk (LAR) estimated by the effective dose exposed through the previous CT scan was estimated. As a result, the most effective dose was 21.18 mSv during the abdomen 4 phase scan, and the dose level was below DRL for all other tests except for the abdominal examination. As a result of evaluating effective dose using a dose calculation program under the same conditions, the results showed about 1.1 to 1.9 times higher results for each examination. In the case of organ dose, the closer the organ to the scan site, the higher the scattering ray. The lifetime attributable risk to CT radiation dose in adults was gradually decreased with age, and the results were somewhat different according to gender.

Optimization of Protocol for Injection of Iodinated Contrast Medium in Pediatric Thoracic CT Examination (소아 흉부 CT검사에서 조영제 주입에 관한 프로토콜의 최적화)

  • Kim, Yung-Kyoon;Kim, Yon-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.879-887
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a physiological injection protocol according to body weight, in order to minimize amount of contrast medium and optimize contrast enhancement in pediatric patients performing thoracic CT examinations. The 80 pediatric patients under the age of 10 were studied. Intravenous contrast material containing 300 mgI/ml was used. The group A injected with a capacity of 1.5 times its weight, and groups B, C and D added 5 to 15 ml of normal saline with a 10% decrease in each. The physiologic model which can be calculated by weight about amount of injection of contrast medium and normal saline, flow rate and delay time were applied. To assess image quality, measured average HU value and SNR of superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, ascending and descending aorta, right and left atrium, right and left ventricle. CT numbers of subclavian vein and superior vena cava were compared to identify the effects of reducing artifacts due to normal saline. Comparing SNR according to the contrast medium injection protocol, significant differences were found in superior vena cava and pulmonary artery, descending aorta, right and left ventricle, and CT numbers showed significant differences in all organs. In particular, B group with a 10% decrease in contrast medium and an additional injection of saline showed a low degree of contrast enhancement in groups with a decrease of more than 20%. In addition, the group injected with normal saline greatly reduced contrast enhancement of subclavian vein and superior vena cava, and the beam hardening artifact by contrast medium was significantly attenuated. In conclusion, the application of physiological protocol for injection of contrast medium in pediatric thoracic CT examinations was able to reduce artifacts by contrast medium, prevent unnecessary use of contrast medium and improve the effect of contrast enhancement.


  • Choung, Pill-Hoon;Yoo, Chung-Kyu;Lee, Eun-Kyung;Suh, Je-Duck;Chung, Il-Hyuk
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 2006
  • Various methods have been used in the past to indirectly analyze the craniofacial region. Among these, the lateral and posterior-anterior cephalometircs are used for the evaluation of the dentofacial deformities. However, cephalometircs create inaccuracies because of the inherent enlargement and distortion of the image. The interpretation of cephalometric films is also problematic: the number of anatomic landmarks that can be identified accurately is limited, and the overlap of structures on a radiograph making locating these landmarks difficult. To overcome these problems, computed tomography(CT) has been recommended as an useful modality in the diagnosis, surgical planning, and follow-up of craniofacial anomalies. There is no significant enlargement or distortion of the image, overlap of structure, or tracing error. And the number of anatomic landmarks is vast. The purpose of this study was to examine the orbit and midfacial region using Occlusal Maxillary CT, consisted of slices parallel to the occlusal plane. Based on these CT scan, we provide the data that could be applied to monitor an individual patient's skeletal pattern and the guide to the maxillary osteotomy.

Development of QA Phantom Prototype for Imaged Based Radiation Treatment System (영상기반 방사선 치료기기를 위한 QA 팬텀 시작품 개발)

  • Chang, Jin-A;Oh, Seoung-Jong;Jung, Won-Kyun;Jang, Hong-Suk;Kim, Hoi-Nam;Kang, Dae-Gyu;Lee, Doo-Hyun;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.120-124
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we developed the protopype of QA phantom for image QA including an additional component for image based radiation treatment system. The new phantom considered two main parts: Image quality and fusion accuracy. Image quality part included for daily CT number linearity and spatial resolution, and fusion accuracy part designed to simulate a simple translation-rotation setting. The CT scans of the phantom obtained from conventional CT, MVCT of Tomotherapy unit, and both image sets were satisfied the recommendation of spatial resolution. This phantom was simple and efficient for daily imaging QA, and it is important to provide a new concept of verification of image registration.

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Scattering Measurement of Syringe Shield Used in PET/CT (PET/CT실에서 사용되는 주사기 차폐체의 산란선 측정)

  • Jang, Dong-Gun;Park, Cheol-Woo;Park, Eun-Tae
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2020
  • PET/CT is a medical equipment that detects 0.511 MeV of gamma rays. The radiation workers are inevitably exposed to ionizing radiation in the process of handling the isotope. Accordingly, PET/CT workers use syringe shields made of lead and tungsten to protect their hands. However, lead and tungsten are known to generate very high scattering particles by interacting with gamma rays. Therefore, in this study, we tried to find out the effect on the scattering particles emitted from the syringe shield. In the experiment, first, the exposure dose to the hand (Rod phantom) was evaluated according to the metal material (lead, tungsten, iron, stainless steel) using Monte Carlo simulation. The exposure dose was compared according to whether or not plastic is attached. Second, the exposure dose of scattering particles was measured using a dosimeter and lead. As a result of the experiment, the shielding rate of plastics using the Monte Carlo simulation showed the largest difference in dose of about 40 % in lead, and the lowest in iron, about 15 %. As a result of the dosimeter test, when the plastic tape was wound on lead, it was found that the reduction rate was about 15 %, 28 %, and 39 % depending on the thickness. Based on the above results, it was found that 0.511 MeV of gamma ray interacts with the shielding tool to emit scattered rays and has a very large effect on radiation exposure. However, it was considered that the scattering particles could be sufficiently removed with plastics with a low atomic number. From now on, when using high-energy radiation, the shielding tool and the skin should not be in direct contact, and should be covered with a material with a low atomic number.

Performance evaluation of computed tomographic equipment in Korea (국내 CT장치의 성능평가에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Han-Jun;Go, Sin-Gwan;Park, Jun-Cheol
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.83-83
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    • 2002
  • 국내 35개 병원의 44대의 CT장치를 대상으로 CT장치의 성능을 크게 7가지의 항목별로 구분하여 평가한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 물의 평균 CT number는 -18.9HU와 +68.6HU의 범위에 속했으며, 전체 장치의 평균은 $2.4{\pm}13.0\;HU$였다. 물의 평균 CT number의 권장수준을 -6과 +6로 하였을 경우 이에 적합한 장치는 35대(79.5%)였다. Contrast scale은 장치의 종류에 따라 많은 차이를 나타내었으나 평균은 $2.02{\pm}10^{-4}{\sim}1.665{\pm}10^{-5}$이었다. 직선성을 나타내는 상관계수는 0.984에서 0.992의 분포를 나타내었으며 평균은 $0.990{\pm}0.002$였다. 공간분해능은 0.60 m에서 1.25 mm의 분포를 나타내었으며 전체 장치의 65.9%에 해당되는 29대에서 0.75 mm의 공간 해상능을 나타내었다. 대조도 분해능은 3.2 mm(1/8인치)에서 19.1 mm(3/4인치)의 분포를 나타내었으며, 대조도 분해능의 권장수준을 6.4 mm 이하로 하였을 경우 측정 대상장치 44대 중 이에 적합한 장치는 37대(84.1%)였다. 슬라이스 두께의 설정치가 1 mm인 경우 측정치의 평균은 $2.0{\pm}0.6\;mm$이였으며, 설정치가 2 mm와 3 mm인 경우 측정치는 각각 $3.0{\pm}0.7\;mm$$3.5{\pm}0.6\;mm$이였다. 설정치가 5 mm와 7 mm인 경우 측정치는 각각 $5.1{\pm}0.6\;mm$, $7.0{\pm}0.5mm$이였다. 그리고 10 mm의 설정치에서는 $9.8{\pm}0.7\;mm$의 측정치를 나타내었다. 위치잡이용 중심선의 좌우방향의 편차는 -4.7 mm에서 +41.7 mm의 범위였으며, 상하방향의 편차는 -3.7 mm에서 +4.6 mm의 범위였다. 위치잡이용 중심선의 좌우 및 상하방향의 권장수준을 ${\pm}3.0\;mm$${\pm}3.0\;mm$ 이하로 하였을 경우 41대의 측정 대상장치에서 이에 적합한 장치는 33대(80.5 %)였다.

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Variation on Estimated Values of Radioactivity Concentration According to the Change of the Acquisition Time of SPECT/CT (SPECT/CT의 획득시간 증감에 따른 방사능농도 추정치의 변화)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Lee, Jooyoung;Son, Hyeon-Soo;Park, Hoon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2021
  • Purpose SPECT/CT was noted for its excellent correction method and qualitative functions based on fusion images in the early stages of dissemination, and interest in and utilization of quantitative functions has been increasing with the recent introduction of companion diagnostic therapy(Theranostics). Unlike PET/CT, various conditions like the type of collimator and detector rotation are a challenging factor for image acquisition and reconstruction methods at absolute quantification of SPECT/CT. Therefore, in this study, We want to find out the effect on the radioactivity concentration estimate by the increase or decrease of the total acquisition time according to the number of projections and the acquisition time per projection among SPECT/CT imaging conditions. Materials and Methods After filling the 9,293 ml cylindrical phantom with sterile water and diluting 99mTc 91.76 MBq, the standard image was taken with a total acquisition time of 600 sec (10 sec/frame × 120 frames, matrix size 128 × 128) and also volume sensitivity and the calibration factor was verified. Based on the standard image, the comparative images were obtained by increasing or decreasing the total acquisition time. namely 60 (-90%), 150 (-75%), 300 (-50%), 450 (-25%), 900 (+50%), and 1200 (+100%) sec. For each image detail, the acquisition time(sec/frame) per projection was set to 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 15.0 and 20.0 sec (fixed number of projections: 120 frame) and the number of projection images was set to 12, 30, 60, 90, 180 and 240 frames(fixed time per projection:10 sec). Based on the coefficients measured through the volume of interest in each acquired image, the percentage of variation about the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) was determined as a qualitative assessment, and the quantitative assessment was conducted through the percentage of variation of the radioactivity concentration estimate. At this time, the relationship between the radioactivity concentration estimate (cps/ml) and the actual radioactivity concentration (Bq/ml) was compared and analyzed using the recovery coefficient (RC_Recovery Coefficients) as an indicator. Results The results [CNR, radioactivity Concentration, RC] by the change in the number of projections for each increase or decrease rate (-90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, +50%, +100%) of total acquisition time are as follows. [-89.5%, +3.90%, 1.04] at -90%, [-77.9%, +2.71%, 1.03] at -75%, [-55.6%, +1.85%, 1.02] at -50%, [-33.6%, +1.37%, 1.01] at -25%, [-33.7%, +0.71%, 1.01] at +50%, [+93.2%, +0.32%, 1.00] at +100%. and also The results [CNR, radioactivity Concentration, RC] by the acquisition time change for each increase or decrease rate (-90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, +50%, +100%) of total acquisition time are as follows. [-89.3%, -3.55%, 0.96] at - 90%, [-73.4%, -0.17%, 1.00] at -75%, [-49.6%, -0.34%, 1.00] at -50%, [-24.9%, 0.03%, 1.00] at -25%, [+49.3%, -0.04%, 1.00] at +50%, [+99.0%, +0.11%, 1.00] at +100%. Conclusion In SPECT/CT, the total coefficient obtained according to the increase or decrease of the total acquisition time and the resulting image quality (CNR) showed a pattern that changed proportionally. On the other hand, quantitative evaluations through absolute quantification showed a change of less than 5% (-3.55 to +3.90%) under all experimental conditions, maintaining quantitative accuracy (RC 0.96 to 1.04). Considering the reduction of the total acquisition time rather than the increasing of the image acquiring time, The reduction in total acquisition time is applicable to quantitative analysis without significant loss and is judged to be clinically effective. This study shows that when increasing or decreasing of total acquisition time, changes in acquisition time per projection have fewer fluctuations that occur in qualitative and quantitative condition changes than the change in the number of projections under the same scanning time conditions.

Quantitative Analysis of Lung Contusion (폐좌상의 정량분석)

  • 오중환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.27 no.10
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    • pp.833-837
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    • 1994
  • Lung contusion due to blunt chest trauma is the most common lung injury and correlated with the clinical course and prognosis. Its diagnosis by CT[Computerized Tomogram] gives a more clear and understandable three dimensional view, by which we are able to measure the volume of the contused and entire lung. Other variables are arterial blood gas, number of rib fracture, presence of hemopneumothorax, sternal fracture and clavicle fracture, number of associated non-thoracic injuries, ventilator time and presence of pulmonary complication. Percentage[%] of lung contusion are expressed as mean $\pm$ standard deviation and data analysis was performed by means of multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance to detect significant differences in variables between positive thoracic injury group and negative group. The paired t-test was used. Differences of percentage of lung contusion between groups were assessed by one-way analysis of variance. Simple linear regression was used to perform correlation analysis in the number of rib fracture and ventilator time. A p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Pneumothorax and the number of associated other injuries affect the amount of lung contusion and pulmonary complication group has more contused lung volume. Arterial blood gas study shows no correlation with the amount of lung contusion statistically. The number of rib fracture correlated with the amount of lung contusion, which also correlated with ventilator time[r=0.56, p<0.05]. In conclusion, quantitative anlysis of lung contusion by CT predicts the clinical course and treatment such as ventilator care.

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Effect of Suboptimal Temperature Incubation on the Resistance of Lactobacillus acidophilus CT 01 to Storage and Drying (저온배양에 따른 Lactobacillus acidophilus CT 01의 저장 및 건조에 대한 저항성)

  • Yu Keun-Hyung;Kwon Il-Kyoung;Kim Gur-Yoo
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.92-97
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to determine the storage, cryotolerance, heat and drying resistance, when Lactobacillus acidophilus CT 01 isolated from preweaned piglet feces growing at suboptimal temperature. L. acidophilus CT 01 suboptimal temperature incubated for 48 hours had the slowest growth rate at 22℃ but the highest viable cell number after 36 hours at 22℃, with 1.3×10/sup 9/ CFU/mL. In case of 4 and 20℃ storage, the suboptimal temperature incubated groups had a viability higher than the control (p<0.01). The cryotolerance of suboptimal temperature incubated L. acidophilus CT 01 was a higher than the control (p<0.01). When L. acidophilus CT 01 was heat treated at 60℃ for 15 minutes and 30 minutes, the suboptimal temperature incubated L. acidophilus CT 01 at 22℃ had a viability higher more than the control (p<0.01). L. acidophilus CT 01 incubated suboptimal temperature was inoculated by 30% to the carrier, and dried at 50℃ for 12 hours had the highest viability in the suboptimal temperature incubated L. acidophilus CT 01 at 28℃.

CT Findings Related to Negative Results of Sputum Smear in Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis having Multiple Cavities (여러 개의 공동이 있는 활동성폐결핵 환자에서 객담도말검사 음성과 관련된 CT 소견)

  • Lee, Hwa Yeon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.5
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2007
  • Background: This study evaluated which CT findings could be used to predict the negative results of a sputum smear in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and multiple cavities. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and multiple cavities on CT were classified into 2 groups: smear-positive (n = 30) and -negative (n = 8). The CT findings were reviewed retrospectively. The maximum internal diameter of the largest cavity, the number of the cavities and lobes with cavities, and the characteristics of the associated findings such as consolidation, ground glass opacity, micronodules and nodule were accessed. The number of cavities above 20 mm in the maximum internal diameter and a necrotizing pneumonia-like pattern were also evaluated. Result: The maximum internal diameter and number of cavities was $32.23{\pm}17.66mm$ and $15.50{\pm}11.12mm$ (p = 0.0042), and $5.53{\pm}3.17$ and $2.43{\pm}1.13$ (p = 0.0002) in the smear-positive and -negative group, respectively. Three or more cavities were observed at 76.7% and 12.5% in the smear-positive and -negative group, respectively (p < 0.005). There were $2.00{\pm}1.34$ and $0.25{\pm}0.46$ (p = 0.001), and $1.5{\pm}1.50$ and $0.38{\pm}0.52$ (p =0.0016) lobes with consolidation and ground glass opacity in the smear-positive and -negative group, respectively. A necrotizing pneumonia-like pattern was observed in 43.3% of the smear-positive group only. The other findings were similar in both two groups. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value for the presence of at least a finding of consolidation, more than 3 cavities or the largest cavity > 20 mm in the maximum internal diameter were 100%, 62.5%, 90.9%, and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: Two cavities 20 mm or less in the maximum internal diameter without consolidation on CT might be associated with a negative result of the sputum smear in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and multiple cavities.