• Title/Summary/Keyword: CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

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The Case study of Creating Shared Value through Mutual Firm Foundation in Agrifood Industry (농식품 분야의 공동창업을 통한 공유가치창출(CSV) 사례연구)

  • Lee, Dong Min;Ko, Ki Hyeon;Park, Sung Hee;Lee, Hyun;Moon, Jung Hoon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • Porter(2011)'s CSV(Creating Shared Value) is a more strategically advanced perspective of CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility). CSV creates corporates' value by exploiting the firms' own core competence and social value of the stakeholders in the community such firms simultaneously belong to. In this points of view, CSV is more appropriate for the principles of capitalism than CSR. A case study on food producing firms that adopted the concept of CSV to their business management was conducted. Considering the characteristics of food industry, the researchers have investigate many existing cases, especially focused on the CSV activities toward rural area and agriculture. As result of the case analysis, the 'mutual firm-establishing-CSV,' which refers to the new organization established on the point of contact where corporate value and social value meet, was observed. The aspects of establishing a new organization by firms' collaborating with rural area and agriculture is different in accordance with each firm's method of creating shared value. However, the cases have common grounds that the created value is for pursuing both firms' and stakeholders' value. This study is significant, in that the study deducts implications about accompanied growth and win-win management by suggesting the establishment of firms based on CSV.

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ESG management should consider environmental sustainability (환경 측면의 고려가 절실하게 요구되는 ESG 경영)

  • Chang Seok Lee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.248-256
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    • 2023
  • ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, becomes a keyword in managing a company as it becomes an "indicator" that judge companies. Since the environment has suffered so much damage for economic development, it is now to reflect the enormous environmental costs of the future in the management standard rather than the immediate financial benefits at the expense of the environment. Compared to the days when corporate social responsibility (CSR) was discussed, ESG management has improved significantly as it requires practice beyond the declarative level, but the level of consideration for the environmental field is still not high. There may be many backgrounds, but the biggest problem may be the lack of understanding for other fields. Accordingly, this study aims to inform corporates of the need for investment in the environmental field by explaining ESG reviewed in the environmental field and ESG management required in the environmental field. Furthermore, another purpose is to inform them that ESG management is a win-win strategy that can have a meaningful effect not only in the environmental field where investment is received but also in terms of companies by explaining the benefits that companies can gain through this. To reach this goal, this study proposed a method of restoring a damaged ecosystem based on corporate investment, evaluating its effects based on carbon absorption capacity, and using it as a means of carbon neutrality practice as well as ESG management performance of a company.

Individual Brand Loyalty and the Self-Corporate Connection Induced by Corporate Associations (기업연상이 소비자의 자아연관성과 개별브랜드의 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Nak-Hwan;Park, Deok-Su
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2011
  • Research regarding corporate associations in marketing has generally been approached using the association theory. However, limited research investigates the effect of corporate associations on consumer loyalty to individual brands by examining the role of self connectedness with a corporate image. The activation of behavior-related constructs can influence individuals' behaviors without their intention or conscious awareness. A recently developed body of research suggests that self connection can play an important role in affecting subsequent behaviors. Although these effects have received considerable attention, the set of mechanisms involved in self connectedness and loyalty to individual brands is not clear. An active self account in which associative constructs can affect behavior by temporarily altering the active self-concept may lead to behavior or evaluation. If the exposure to a corporate brand can induce consumers' cognitive associations and goal-primed effects through the role of active self accounting, the connectedness between the consumer's self and the corporate brand could be developed and this connectedness could be explained by associative and connection models and the goal priming theory. Therefore, this study investigates the influence of corporate associations on loyalty to individual brands through connections between the corporate and the consumer's self. There are three main purposes of the research. First, theories regarding corporate associations will be explored. Second, theories of self-concept will be investigated and self connectedness with corporate brands will be explored. Third, the effects of the connectedness between the self and the corporation on corporate identification and loyalty to individual brands will be investigated. For the purposes of this research, the types of corporate associations are classified into corporate ability (CA) associations and corporate social responsibility (CSR) associations. Furthermore, the connectedness between the consumer's self and the corporate image are divided into two concepts: the connectedness between the individual self-concept and the corporate identity and the connectedness between social self-concept and the corporate identity. This study suggests the hypotheses that the types of consumer self connections with the corporate image could vary according to the types of corporate associations created and further that the connectedness between the corporate association and the consumer's self-concept have positive effects on loyalty to corporate individual brands. The results of testing these hypotheses are as follows. First, corporate ability associations enhance the connectedness between the consumer's individual self and corporate brands. That is, corporate ability associations influence individual connectedness between the corporate and individual self-concept positively from the viewpoint of the consumer's personal ability and branding success. In addition, corporate social responsibility associations have a positive effect on social connectedness between the corporation and the consumer's social self-concept. Second, the connectedness between the corporate brand and the consumer's self-concept affects identification with the corporation. The consumer's personal self and social self connectedness induces corporate identification. Third, individual self connectedness has a positive effect on loyalty to corporate individual brands, while social self connectedness does not. This also means that individual self connectedness with the corporate image or brand plays a more important role in forming individual brand loyalty than social self connectedness with the corporate does. In addition, social connectedness cannot influence individual brand loyalty until it passes through identification with the corporate. Fourth, consumers who experience identification with a corporate identity also show positive responses to corporate individual brands. That is, consumers also develop loyalties toward individual brands through the corporate identification because self-pursued goals that are induced by corporate associations can be achieved by consuming the individual brands that are sold by the corporate that the consumers identify with.

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A Critical Review of Research Trend in Corporate Environmental Education in Japan (일본의 기업 환경교육 연구 동향에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Yi-Sung
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2010
  • It is time for environmental educators to think about corporations and it is also time for corporations to consider about the environment and EE(environmental education). However there is very little research that discusses the importance of corporation's involvement in EE. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to review the research of corporate environmental education. The main aim of this paper is to disclose the research trend, result of corporate EE. To do this, environmental education journals and books, published in Korea and oversea, are reviewed. However, there is very little research and are a few articles focused on corporate EE, which mainly conducted in Japan. Furthermore, these articles usually introduce the status and cases of corporate EE. As a results this article analysed that the main themes of the researches of corporate EE are the possibility of corporate EE, the status of corporate EE, the collaboration between school and corporation, the effect of corporate EE, and the limits and challenges of corporate EE. Also some important results of these themes are introduced and discussed for the application in Korea.

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Corporate Sustainable Management and Capital Market: Evidence from Data on Korean Firms

  • Kim, Young Sik;Park, Ki Bum
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 2016
  • This paper analyzes the impact of CSR on the capital market in Korea. Using listed firm data, we found that the creation of a sustainability report that indirectly measures the level of CSR can bring the stock rate of return difference of the capital markets representative market index. First, when a firm that publishes a sustainability report was compared in terms of its market rate of return, it showed a return increase of about 2%. We found that higher returns were gained through the competitive advantage of related business when the firm was actively involved in social responsibility. Second, subdivided by industry, firms belonging to the capital goods industry were found to reach a rate of return higher than that of industry. These firms were noticeable in that they were mainly industries that caused environmental pollution. Third, in an additional analysis, foreign investors were given the sustainability report of financial businesses, which was interpreted as a result of industrial properties. A sustainability report is a comprehensive report on the economic, environmental, and social activities of a firm. Firms must learn that they can gain trust through publishing trustworthy reports while achieving the lasting power of growth from the stakeholders.

Employer Branding, Scale Development and Validation: From the Context of Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Ha Minh;NGUYEN, Luan Vinh
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.987-1000
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    • 2021
  • The concept of 'Employer branding' (EB) - one effective and sustainable strategy to attract and retain talent - has received a lot of attention from researchers and business managers. This concept becomes more meaningful when the 'war of talent' takes place in an extremely fierce manner in Vietnam as well as around the world. However, this concept is rather new; as a result, many points related to 'EB' scales should be improved, especially in Vietnamese context. Therefore, this study focuses on developing and confirming the EB scale in the context of Vietnam. Based on EB theory, this research applies the mixed research method: qualitative methods (expert interview and group discussion) and quantitative method (questionnaire survey of 937 respondents). EB is demonstrated to be a quadratic concept, consisting of the following 10 dimensions: Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Promotion (PRO), Work-Life Balance Satisfaction (WLSA), Education (EDU), Behavior-based Family interference with work (WLBE), Travel opportunities (TRA), Time-based work interference with family (WLTI), Teamwork (GRO), Supporting (SUP), and Strain-based family interference with work (WLST) with 58 observed variables. Based on the survey towards the employees in enterprises and organizations in Vietnam, the analysis results affirm that this scale ensures efficiency, reliability, unidirectionality and convergent values.

A Study on the Impact of Corporate Publicity on Social Responsibility Perception and Brand Attitude (기업의 공공성이 사회적 책임 인식과 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kang, Soyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.379-391
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    • 2020
  • The growth paradigm that has led Korea for the last few decades is now reaching its critical point. Rather than focusing on the outcomes created by severe competitions of individual companies, a growth based on win-win system and solidarity focusing on public interests is more called for. In this background, I would like to examine the concept of corporate publicness and what factors consist of it. The study aims to verify a causal relationship that corporate publicness affects the corporation's social responsibility and consumers' favorability and credulity toward the company, and looks for the possibility that corporate publicness is recognized as a corporation's substantive competitiveness and an important management activity for its sustainability. The results of the study shows that corporate publicness is composed of 5 dimensions: sincerity, activeness, pursuit of public interest, harmony, and community spirit. Then the study statistically verifies that corporate publicness significantly has a positive impact on the overall evaluation results of a corporation's social responsibility. Lastly, the study confirms that corporate publicness and socially responsible activity of a company have a positive influence overall on the attitude toward the corporate brand. Based on these results, an implication is drawn that strengthening corporate publicness and its practice in action should be emphasized for a corporation to keep making outstanding performances in a sustainable way.

A Study on Practical Approaches for CSR in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Korea (한국 중소기업 CSR 경영 실태 분석과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeung, Gil-Chea
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2020
  • This paper belongs in a literature of sustainablity policy determination. This paper offers an actual status and explanation to corporate social responsibility of SMEs in Korea. This study examines CSR situation focused on developing mechanisms to enable the SMEs sector. Firstly, this study suggests introducing the third-party professional assurance service on sustainablity reports and/or asking global accreditation such as ISO14001 and ISO26000 when entry as a provider in government e-procurement system. Secondly, this study introduce the CSR Committee headed by the CEO and coordinates group-wide committees to discuss the CSR Guidelines. Third, because CSR does not only have to do with the SMEs, but pertains to the local community and business partner, this study offered the opportunity to work with large companies in aspects of CSR.

A Survey on the Research Trends in the Field of Eco and Eco-friendly Fashion in Korea - Focused on Journal Publications from 2010 through 2014 - (한국 에코·친환경패션 분야의 연구동향 - 2010년부터 2014년까지 학회지를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hae-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.5
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2016
  • As the severity of environmental problems has come to light in recent times environmental protection has garnered more interest and importance. The purpose of this study was to determine the current research trends in ecofriendly fashion in Korea by analyzing the research trends related to eco fashion, provide information necessary for developing eco and eco-friendly fashion in the future, and set the research direction for related research. The study analyzed 1,746 research papers in Journal of Korean Society of Costume, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Research Journal of the Costume Culture, and Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association from 2010 to 2014, and a total of 55 research papers related to eco fashion were selected. Major conclusions of the study are as follows: First, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles published the most papers on eco fashion, Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association published the fewest. Second, the highest number of research papers published in a year was 14 in 2014. Only a small number of papers were published in 2012, but the figure increased in 2014. Third, the most frequently covered topic among the 12 topics was the 'eco-friendly' topic with 13 papers (23.64%), followed by topics on corporate social responsibility (CSR), eco, sustainable, green, ethical, and recycle, respectively. The 7 topics above were covered by 47 of the selected 55 papers (85.45%). Fourth, the following research methods were used: the questionnaire method, literature review, case study, Internet search, costume construction, online survey and interview. The questionnaire method was used in 22 papers (29.33%), making it the most frequently used method. Fifth, fields of research were divided into fashion design(19 papers, 34.55%) and fashion marketing(36 papers, 65.45%). Papers on fashion design was published the most in 2010, and fashion marketing papers peaked in 2014. The use of eco fashion will be expanded in various ways in terms of country, firms and consumers in the future.

A Study on the Effects of CSR Activities on Organization Trust and Job Satisfaction in Manufacturing Enterprises (제조업의 CSR활동이 조직신뢰와 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Soo-Cheol;Cho, Young-Bohk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to discover the effects of CSR activities on manufacturing employees' organizational trust and job satisfaction. A proposed model based on previous research was empirically tested via structural equation modeling by AMOS using 374 valid samples collected from current employees of D-Heavy Industries & Construction in Chang Won. The results of the empirical analysis are summarized as follows. CSR activities had a partially direct impact on job satisfaction and organizational trust. It has been confirmed that organizational trust has a partial mediation effect(full mediation effect) in the process of CSR activities and job satisfaction. These findings indicate that there exist interrelationships among entrepreneurship, internal and external CSR activities, organizational trust, and job satisfaction. In particular, the importance of CSR activities were identified in terms of effective organizational management by confirming their impact on organizational trust of employees. In addition, organizational trust was verified as an antecedent factor to improve job satisfaction.