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Soil Microbial Diversity of the Plastic Film House Fields in Korea (우리나라 중부지방 시설재배지 토양 미생물의 다양성에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Jang-Sun;Jung, Beung-Gan;Kwon, Jang-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 1998
  • Although biological metabolism in soil is very important for evaluating the soil properties, most of researches have concerned mainly about physical and chemical sides. In this study, biological characteristics were examined to demonstrate the biota in the plastic film house soils. Contents of organic matter and phosphate in soil were increased with cultivation period. ECs of soil cultivated spinach and melon were $3.59dS\;m^{-1}$ and $3.46dS\;m^{-1}$ respectively: these values were higher than that of rose and flower, which were $1.23dS\;m^{-1}$ and $1.32dS\;m^{-1}$ respectively. The population of fluorescent Pseudomonas strains of the soil cultivated flowers: $113.8{\times}10^4{\sim}129.7{\times}10^4cfu\;g^{-1}$ was higher than that of leafy vegetables: $40.7{\times}10^4{\sim}97.9{\times}10^4cfu\;g^{-1}$ and fruiting vegetables: $25.0{\times}10^4{\sim}91.7{\times}10^4cfu\;g^{-1}$. However the number of Fusarium strains of the soil cultivated with flowers: $3.8{\times}10^2{\sim}4.0{\times}10^2cfu\;g^{-1}$ was lower than that of leafy vegetables: $4.3{\times}10^2{\sim}16.3{\times}10^2cfu\;g^{-1}$ and fruiting vegetables: $7.6{\times}10^2{\sim}30.0{\times}10^2cfu\;g^{-1}$. In relation to the cultivation period, the habitation density of aerobic bacteria, mesophilic Bacillus, thermophilic Bacillus, and fluorescent Pseudomonas strains was the highest in the soil cultivated over 11 years, but diversity index showed negative correlation with cultivation period. Microbial biomass C in these soils had positive correlation with each number of microorganisms including aerobic bacteria, actinomycetes, and strains of mesophilic Bacillus as well as the total number of these microorganisms.

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아까시나무(Robinia pseudo-acacia)종자 단백질의 전기 영동 변이

  • 김창호;이호준;김용옥
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.515-526
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    • 1993
  • In order to study the ecotypic variation of Rohinia pseudo-acacia L. distributed in southern area of Korean peninsula, 15 local populations(Daejin, Sokcho, Kangneung, Mt. Surak, Hongcheon, Kwangneung, Namhansanseong, Chungju, Yesan, Andong, Jeonju, Dalseong, Changweon, Mokpo and Wando), located from $34^{\circ}18'N\;to\;38^{\circ}36'N$, were selected based on the latitudes and geographical distances. Seeds of these populations were collected and protein contents of seeds and their band patterns were investigated. The seed proteins of all populations were electrophoresed on SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Total number of protein bands were 35, whose molecular weights ranged from 17, 258 daltons to 142, 232 daltons. The number of bands of seed proteins was 23 in Dalseong and Hongcheon and was 32 in Daejin and Sokcho, showing an increasing tendency in the number of bands as the latitude goes high. The local populations were classified into 3 local types based on protein analysis: the middle north east coastal type(Daejin, Sokcho. Kangneung), the central type (Mt. Surak, Hongcheon, Kwangneung, Namhansanseong, Chungju) and the southern type(Yesan, Andong, Jeonju, Dalseong, Changweon, Mokpo, Wando). According to the results of cluster analysis by UPGMA based on the similarity index(c0efficient of Jaccard) of the patterns, 3 local types were subdivided further into 6 types: the middle north east coastal type(Sokcho, Kangneung), the north central type I (Mt. Surak, Hongcheon), the north central type II (Narnhansanseong, Chungju, Daejin), the north central type III (Kwangneung), the south central type (Yesan, Dalseong, Jeonju) and the southern type(Andong, Changweon, Mokpo, Dalseong, Wando). The No. 12 band of the separated seed proteins showed the highest colored density in the preparations from all the populations. The No. 11~13 and No. 23~28 bands also showed high densities. As a whole, southern type populations (Changweon, Mokpo, Wando) showed high protein contents and high colored density. Total protein contents of the seeds in each population were variable from 9. 68mg / g (Mt. Surak) to 17.30mg/g (Jeonju), showing an increasing trends toward low latitudes.

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Effect of Diet Regimen of Sasang Constitution on Health Status (사상체질별 식이 섭생이 건강에 미치는 영향 -한방건강증진센터 시범운영을 위한 기초연구-)

  • Kim, Kwuy-Bun;Cho, Kyoul-Ja;Lee, Hyang-Yeon;Shin, Hye-Sook;Kim, Kwang-Joo;Moon, Heui-Ja;Kim, Yoon-Hee;Kang, Hyun-Sook;Park, Shin-Ae;Ji, Eun-Sun
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2002
  • This study, as a basic research to manage a Chinese Medicine Health Promotion Center by way of showing an example, is a before and after experiment research for simple group to verify a difference with cholesterol, health status and perception of health in order to confirm a effectiveness of diet and regimen according to the 4th status of physical constitution. Research object was chosen of 42 persons who operate a physical constitutional dietary regimen among them after selecting professors and clinical nurses (55 persons) majoring in the science of nursing who participated in Chinese Medicine-oriented Nurse Training Course from Aug. of 2001 to Feb. of 2002 all over the country. Diagnostic tools for physical constitution was used of the questionary that is currently consisted of physical constitution grouping test in Eastern & Western Diagnose Center of K Medical Center, and rating of health status was used of the tool that standardized CMI(Cornell Medical Index) to be available for Korean, and perception measurement for health status was used of a visual analogue scale for the health status that each one perceive personally, and physiological status was measured of cholesterol in blood. Analysis for the collected data was carried out by percentage, $X^2$ test, paired t-test according to research object by using SPSS, and the results of this study are as follows. 1) There was no difference with cholesterol before or after the experiment for objects. As a result of estimation about difference with health status by areas before or after the experiment, there are more improved result in eyes, ears, digestive organs, bones and sinews organs, frequency of a disorder, habit, adaptation status, angry, healthy status than before the experiment. As a whole, after the experiment the health was more improved than before the experiment. As the result to inspect a difference of health perception between before and after experiment, after the experiment the health perception level was improved than before, however there was no meaningful differences. 2) As the result to inspect a difference of cholesterol between before and after experiment according to object's physical constitution, in the case of So-yang-in(a person with the minimum male: according to the male and female principles(the sun and the moon)) among the 4th status of physical constitution there was only meaningful difference statistically, however, after the experiment their cholesterol's value was increased. As the result to inspect the difference of health status between before and after the experiment according to physical constitution, all of Ta-um-in(a person with maximum the female), So-yang-in(with the minimum male), So-um-in(with the minimum female) had a meaningful difference before and after the experiment, which means that in all case by physical constitutional groups, after the experiment their health status was more improved than before the experiment. As the result to inspect a difference of health perception between before and after according to physical constitutions, in the case of Tae-um-in and So-um-in, average score after the experiment was risen than before the experiment so that it means that the level of health perception was improved, however, there was no meaning statistically. According to the above results, if continuous diet and regimen by each physical constitutions could be implemented, it is certain that the health could be maintained and promoted. And, what we are healthy is for oneself to feel it subjectively. However, I think that cholesterol score in blood that we can view objectively could be changed distinctly if we can implement a strict diet and regimen. Accordingly, it is necessary for a method and period of experiment to be more strict and longer. According to the above results, I would like to suggest as follows. 1) In order to understand health status by Korean's physical constitutions and to generalize it, these research will be repeated against much more objects that could be selected by proper grouping method to consider a representative. 2) It is necessary for a research to inspect health status by physical constitution by developing a health status measurement tool that has higher confidence and propriety based on physical constitutional theory.

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Study on Ego states in the view of Transactional analysis, Coping style and Health states of Nursing Students (상호교류분석으로 본 간호학생의 자아상태와 스트레스 대처방법 및 건강상태에 관한 연구)

  • Won, Jeong-Sook;Kim, Jeong-Hwa
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the type of ego states and stress coping style on female college students who are in the course of nursing study. This study is performed in the view of Transactional Analysis and designed to scrutinize descriptive correlations between the type of ego states and stress coping style. The subject is consists of 144 freshmen and sophomore, 138 junior and senior students group, who are students of K nursing college located in Seoul. The sampling investigation period is on Sept. 14, 2002 to Oct. 26, 2002. The measuring instrument used for Transactional Analysis ego state is 50 items Ego-gram research paper devised by Dusay(1997). For studying coping style, Folkman & Lazarus's measurement(1984) was adopted, which is translated and modified by Han, and Oh,(1990). Health states is adopted by standardized health inspecting instrumental table (Cornell Medical Index:CMI) which is designed for Korean people by Ko and Park(1980) Statistic average and standard deviation were generated by using SPSS PC+, t=test and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows: 1) In the type of ego states on both groups indicated the arithmetic apex NP(maximum value), then the point A was high and the data made a down slope to point AC. In the comparison to type of ego states between two groups, only at point CP, the data value of upper year students represented higher than that of lower year ones by c(t=2.28, p=.023). 2) Stress coping style of whole students were highly and affirmatively dedicated to research. Especially hopeful aspect(t=.67, p=.05), relaxation of tension(t=-2.16, p=.03) made significant difference each other in the view of arithmetic calculation. 3) In view of nursing students' physical health states, there is significant difference in past history(t=2.50, p=.013) and in case of mental health states, there are considerable discrepancies between lower group(73.52) and upper group(75.11)(p<.05). In view of all field, state of tension(t=2.13, p=.048) has difference. 4) While verifying coping style in terms of ego states level between lower and upper students group, In type CP, high level ego states group indicated significant difference on stress coping style area than low leveled group and made such sequences as the central point of problem, In type NP, sequences such as the central point of problem, In type A, the central point of problem, In type FC, hopeful aspect and In type AC, hopeful aspect and indifference were derived significantly different (p<.05). 5) While verifying health state differences in the level of lower and upper ego states, In type FC, low level group(150.29) marked higher point than upper group(145.19), there is remarkable discrepancy and so did whole health state(p=.014), In type AC both mental state(p=.000) and whole health state (p=.015) showed differences. 6) When analyzing correlations between whole students' ego states, copying style and health state, all type of ego state showed differences(p<.001). In correlations between ego state and health state, in type FC physical state had an apex and there are inverse correlations among the other types. Especially, type FC showed inverse correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05). In mental state, type NP(${\gamma}=.198$, p<.001) and type A(${\gamma}=.166$, p<.05) represented straight correlations with remarkable differences. Especially, In type AC showed inverse correlations(${\gamma}=.282$, p<.001). In case of correlations between copying style and health state, indifference(${\gamma}=-.157$) and relaxation of tension(${\gamma}=-.158$) presented great difference(p<.05). In mental state, central point of problem and search for social support showed straight correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05), hopeful aspect and indifference showed inverse correlations with considerable differences(p<.001).

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Long-tenn Evaluation of Extruded Pellet Diets Compared to Raw Fish Moist Pellet Diet for Growing Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus (넙치 미성어 건조 배합사료 및 습사료의 장기사육 평가)

  • Kim Kang-Woong;Kang Yong Jin;Kim Kyong-Min;Lee Hae Young;Kim Kyoung-Duck;Bai Sungchul C.
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2005
  • This experiment was conducted to compare the effects of extruded pellets and raw fish-based pellet on olive flounder Paralichthys. olivaceus. Six diets were prepared for this study: two formulated extruded pellets (FEP1 & FEP2), three commercially available extruded pellets (CEP1, CEP2 & CEP3) and moist pellet (MP). Weight gain offish fed FEP1 and CEP3 were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of fish fed FEP2, CEP1, CEP2 and MP, while that of fish fed MP was not significantly different (f<0.05) from those of fish fed the FEP2, CEP1 and CEP2. Feed efficiency of fish fed CEP2 was significantly lower (P<0.05) than those of fish fed FEP1, FEP2, CEP1, CEP3 and MP. There was no significant difference in protein efficiency ratio and hepatosomatic index between fish fed FEP1 and CEP3, and among fish fed FEP2, CEP1 and CEP2. There was no significant difference in condition factor among fish fed the FEP1 and CEP3, and between fish fed FEP2, CTP1 and MP. However, fish fed MP had a lower survival rate than fish fed the other five EP These results suggest that diet FEPl could be developed to replace MP for the owing stage of flounder without adverse effects on growth performance.

A Study on the Prevalence and Risk Factors of Liver Dysfunction among the Workers in Chemical Factories (화학공장 근로자들의 간기능 이상 유병률 및 위험인자에 관한 연구)

  • Cheong, Hae-Kwan;Kim, Joung-Soon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.30 no.1 s.56
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 1997
  • The object of this study is to evaluate the possibility of chemical-induced liver disorder among workers exposed to various chemicals and to classify the the liver function abnormalities by causes and to analyse the risk factors for each liver disorders. A cross-sectional study including questionnaire survey, physical examination, laboratory tests and ultrasonography of liver was conducted on 1,126 workers, 459 workers in a coal chemical plant(company A) and 667 workers in an insulation material manufacturing factory(company B). An industrial hygienist reviewed the chemicals used in both companies and evaluated the work environments to classify the workers by chemical exposure semiquantitatively. The results are as follows: 1. Of 459 workers in company A, 83 workers(18.1%) are classified as nonexposed, group 163(35,5%) as short-term exposure group, 155(33.8%) as intermediately exposed group and 58(12.6%) as long-term exposed group bared on the mean daily exposure to hepatotoxic chemicals evaluated by an industrial hygienist. Of 667 workers in company B, 484(72.6%) workers were classified as nonexposed and 183(35.5%) as exposed group. 2. Workers with SGOT level higher than 40 IU/l were (10.0%) in company A and 77(11.5%) in company 3, and those with SGPT level higher than 35 IU/l were 118(25.7%) in company A and 198(29.7%) in company B. The differences were not significant between companies and between exposure groups(p>0.05). Workers with $\gamma-GT$ level higher than 62 IU/l were 29(6.3%) in company A and 77(11.5%) in company B (p<0.01). The difference between exposure groups was not significant(p>0.05) within companies. Workers with liver function abnormalities(defined as SGOT higher than 40 IU/l or SGPT higher than 35 IU/l) were 338(30.0%) among 1,126 workers. Of 338 workers with live. function abnormalities 139(12.3%) had fatty liver by ultrasonography, 79(7.0%) had alcoholic liver(defined as workers with liver function abnormalities with weekly alcohol consumption greater than 280 g for more than 5 years), 54(4.8%) had hepatitis B, 12(1.1%) had hepatitis C and the other 114(33.7%) was not otherwise classified. Prevalences of alcoholic liver and fatty liver were significantly lower in company A(prevalence ratio 0.24 for alcoholic liver, p<0.001, prevalence ratio 0.76 for fatty liver, p<0.05) but prevalences of liver disorders between exposure groups within companies were not significant(p>0.05). 3. Summary prevalence ratios(SPR) of live. function abnormalities, fatty live. and other liver disorders, adjusted by age and company were not significantly higher in exposed group in any chemicals(p>0.05) but in some chemicals, SPRs were significantly lower. 4. On simple analysis of risk factors for liver function abnormalities, prevalence odds ratio(POR) of those with age between 30 and 39 was 1.54(p<0.01) and those with age ever 40 was 1.51(p<0.01). POR of those with histories of liver disorders and general anesthesia was 1.77(p<0.001) and 4.02 for those with overweight and 6.23 for those with obesity, defined by body mass index(p<0.001). 5. On logistic regression analysis, risk factors of liver function abnormality were fatty liver(POR 2.92 for grade 1, 12.15 for grade 2), presence of hepatitis B surface antigen(POR 3.62) and obesity(POR 5.38 for overweight and 16.52 for obesity). Presence of hepatitis B surface antigen(POR 0.18) was the only preventive facto. of fatty live. Company(POR 0.30) and obesity(POR 2.49 for overweight, 4.52 for obesity) were related to the alcoholic live. Obesity(POR 2.94 for overweight) was the only significant risk factor of hepatitis B and there was no significant risk factor for liver function abnormality not otherwise classified. It is concluded that the evidence of liver disorder related with chemical exposure is not evident in these factories. It is also postulated that fatty liver and alcoholic liver is most common causes of liver function abnormalities among workers and effort for weight control and improvement of life style should be done.

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Quantitative Assessments and Spatial Pattern Analyses of Weed Seed Banks of Arable Peat in Selangor, Malaysia (말레이지아 세랑고지역 부식질토양경지 매립잡초종자에 대한 정량생태분석)

  • Bakar, Baki Bin;Kwon, Yong-Woong;Yin, Fenny Wong Nyuk
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.269-280
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    • 1997
  • Collated data from the 1995-1996 field surveys of weed seeds buried in the plough layer of peat soil in Selangor district were analysed to assess species-dominance and spatial pattern of distribution of weed seeds based on selected quantitative indices and index of dispersion. Forty five species within 14 families were recorded of which 24 were broadleaves, 12 grasses and 9 sedges. They comprised ca. 53.2, 31.2 and 15.6%, respectively based on total population counts. Total seed population was ca. $8.14{\times}10^7$ seeds/ha within the fast 25cm soil depth. Wide variabilities in population counts were registered among species ranging from < $7.0{\times}10^4$ seeds/ha for Amaranthus gracilis to ca. $5.64{\times}10^6$ seeds/ha for Heteropogon contortus. Seeds of Cleome rutidesperma was the most abundant(ca. $2.347{\times}10^7$ seeds/ha). Difference in seed population counts may be attributed to inherent variation in fecundity, population fluxes, their spatial distribution patterns and the agronomic practices prevailing in the areas of survey. The profile distribution of soil seed banks was skewed within the first 0 - 10cm depth, comprising ca. 69% of the total seed counts. Seed counts in the 10 - 15, 15 - 20 and 20 - 25cm soil profiles were in the order of 17.9, 8.6 and 4.0% of the total populations, respectively. Weed seeds of all species displayed different degree of aggregated pattern of distribution with variance-to-mean ratios of > 1 and Lloyd's mean crowding($m^*$) values from 1.244 for Cyperus iria, Phyllanthus debilis, Phyllanthus urinaria, Scirpus grosses and urinaria lagopodiodes to 9607.7 for Cleome rutidosperma. Lloyd's patch indices(Ip) ranging from 5.1 for Aeschynomene indica to 188.5 for Bracharia reptans were registered. Differences in the VMR, $m^*$ and Ip values among species suggested inter-alia inherent variabilities in their disposal capacity from seed source and different agronomic practices prevailing in the areas surveyed.

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Effects of a Web-Based Nutrition Counseling on Food Intake and Serum Lipids in Hyperlipidemic Patients (웹기반 영양상담이 고지혈증 환자의 식사섭취 및 혈청 지질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Suck;Han, Ji-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1302-1310
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a web-based nutrition counseling could lead to beneficial outcomes in food intake and serum lipids of patients with hyperlipidemia. Forty hyperlipidemic patients, twenty of them were hypercholesterolemia and the other twenty were hypertriglyceridemia, participated in a web-based nutrition counseling program. At the first nutrition counseling, the patients were counselled through interview and then follow up nutrition counseling was accomplished four times during eight weeks through a web-based internet program. Various markers of disease risk including anthropometric indices, food intakes and serum lipid levels were measured before and after the web-based nutrition counseling. After nutrition counseling, body mass index significantly decreased in both groups and waist to hip ratio significantly decreased in male hypercholesterolemic patients (p<0.05). Total-cholesterol decreased from 262.2 mg/dL to 234.9 mg/dL, LDL-cholesterol decreased from 186.8 mg/dL to 160.5 mg/dL in hypercholesterolemic patients, triglyceride decreased from 288.6 mg/dL to 211.9 mg/dL and total-cholesterol decreased from 217.2 mg/dL to 198.7 mg/dL in hypertriglyceridemic patients after nutrition counseling. Anthropometric value and nutrient intakes were improved after nutrition counseling. Energy, fat and saturated fatty acid intakes decreased significantly in both groups (p<0.05). Therefore, this study shows that the web-based nutrition counseling is effective in improving food habit and influences positively in serum lipid levels of the patients. In addition, these results indicate that internet presents us with potential as a new medium for nutrition counseling in informationized society.

A Study with $P^{32}$ on Availability of phosphorus in Pasture Soils of Jeju Island ($P^{32}$에 의(依)한 제주목야토양(濟州牧野土壤)의 유효인산(有效燐酸)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -목초별(牧草別) 토양(土壤) 인산(燐酸)의 이용력(利用力)에 관(關)하여-)

  • Park, H.;Kim, H.K.;Lee, C.Y.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.9
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 1968
  • A pot experiment with $P^{32}$ was carried out to investigate the soil phosphorus availability to four leguminous forage crops and three graminaceous, of black volcanic ash soil and red one. Soil phosphorus was extracted with 6 different extractants and also fractionated in Fe, Al and Ca phosphorus. The results were: 1) Soil phosphorus availability was in decreasing order of Italian rye grass${\gg}$ soybean> cassia> corn> weeping love grass${\gg}$ Korean lespedeza> Red clover and they might be grouped into three levels by A-value, over 1000, 200-500 and below 40 $p_{2}O_{5}\;kg/ha$. 2) The amount of various available phosphorus and phosoborus fraction in the black soil was higher than that in the red soil. No difference in phosphorus availabiliy to forage crops was shown between two soils. Therefore an extractant able to draw out similar amount of phosphorus from two soil will be suitable for determining the phosphorus availability index. 3) Two extractants, one extracting 20 ppm as maximum and the other extracting 100 ppm as minimum will be recommendable for determining the availability of phosphorus; the former for red clover and Lespedeza and the latter for others. Truog method may be good for the former but no appropriate method for the latter was found in the methods used. 4) T/R ratios of legumes were negatively correlated at 5% level with % phosphorus from fertilizer (% pdF). Legumes showed below 50 of % pdF over 5 of T/R ratio and over 80 of % pdF below 5 of T/R.

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Petrochemical study on the Daejeon-sa basalt in the Mt. Juwang area, Cheongsong (청송 주왕산지역 대전사 현무암의 암석화학적 연구)

  • 윤성효;이문원;고정선;김영라;안지영
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.84-98
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    • 2000
  • Daejeon-sa basalt in the Mt. Juwang area composed of 12 basalt flows alternate with 9 peperites and each basalt and peperite has the variety of thickness. Peperites yielded in Daejeon-sa basalt are mixed of basalt with reddish shale, of which textural type is globular peperite. Basalts yielded in Daejeon-sa basalt are massive basalt without vesicule, although sometimes vesicules are founded in upper within a flow unit. The basalt has mainly pseudomorph of olivine as phenocryst, and also plagioclase and clinopyroxene phenocryst. Matrix is mainly subophitic texture. The plotting result on the TAS diagram shows these basalts belong to the sub-alkaline, and it can be subdivided into calc-alkaline series on the basis of the diagram of Si02 vs. K20 and of alkali index vs. A1203 diagram. According to plots of wt.% oxides vs. wt.% MgO, abundances of A1203 and CaO increase with decreasing MgO while F ~ dOecre~ase . With decreasing MgO compatible elements decrease while incompatible elements increase. In spider diagram of MORB-normalized trace element patterns, HFS elements are nearly similiar with MORB, but LIL elements are enriched. Especially, contents of Ce, F: and Sm are enriched but Nb is depleted. In the chondrite-normalized REE patterns light REEs are enriched than heavy REEs. Tectomagmatic discrimination diagrams shows basalts in the study area are formed in the tectonomagmatic environment of subduction zone under continental margin. This result accord with characters of chemical composition mentioned above. Cr vs. Y diagram and CeM, vs. Ce diagram show that the primary magma of the basalts may formed by the about 15% partial melting of garnet-peridotite in the mantle wedge. After then, Daejeon-sa basalts may formed from evolved magma undergone mainly olivine fractional crystallization and contarnination of crustal materials before eruption.

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