• Title/Summary/Keyword: Azaleas

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Outlook on Blooming Dates of Spring Flowers in the Korean Peninsula under the RCP8.5 Projected Climate (신 기후변화시나리오 조건에서 한반도 봄꽃 개화일 전망)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Cheon, Jung-Hwa;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the geospatial characteristics of blooming date migration in three major spring flowers across North and South Korea as influenced by climate change. A thermal time-based phenology model driven by daily maximum and minimum temperature was adjusted for the key parameters (i.e., reference temperature, chilling requirement, heating requirement) used for predicting blooming of forsythia, azaleas, and Japanese cherry. The model was run by the RCP 8.5 projected temperature outlook over the Korean Peninsula and produced the mean booming dates for the three climatological normal years in the future (2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100) at a 12.5 km grid spacing. Comparison against the observed blooming date patterns in the baseline climate (1971-2000) showed that there will be a substantial acceleration in blooming dates of the three species, resulting in cherry booming in February and flowers of azaleas and forsythia found at the top of mountain Baikdu by the 2071-2100 period. Flowering dates of the three species in the near future (2011-2040) may be accelerated by 3-5 days at minimum and 10-11 days at maximum compared with that in the baseline period (1971-2000). Those values corresponding to the middle future (2041-2070) can be from a minimum of 9-11 days to a maximum of 23-24 days. Blooming date of Japanese cherry can be accelerated by 26 days on average for the far future (2071-2100). The acceleration seems more prominent at islands and coastal plain areas than over inland mountainous areas.

Prediction of Blooming Dates of Spring Flowers by Using Digital Temperature Forecasts and Phenology Models (동네예보와 생물계절모형을 이용한 봄꽃개화일 예측)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Lee, Eun-Jung;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2013
  • Current service system of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) for blooming date forecasting in spring depends on regression equations derived from long term observations in both temperature and phenology at a given station. This regression based system does not allow a timely correction or update of forecasts that are highly sensitive to fluctuating weather conditions. Furthermore, the system cannot afford plant responses to climate extremes which were not observed before. Most of all, this method may not be applicable to locations other than that which the regression equations were derived from. This note suggests a way to replace the location restricted regression equations with a thermal time based phenology model to complement the KMA blooming forecast system. Necessary parameters such as reference temperature, chilling requirement and heating requirement were derived from phenology data for forsythia, azaleas and Japanese cherry at 29 KMA stations for the 1951-1980 period to optimize spring phenology prediction model for each species. Best fit models for each species were used to predict blooming dates and the results were compared with the observed dates to produce a correction grid across the whole nation. The models were driven by the KMA's daily temperature data at a 5km grid spacing and subsequently adjusted by the correction grid to produce the blooming date maps. Validation with the 1971-2012 period data showed the RMSE of 2-3 days for Japanese cherry, showing a feasibility of operational service; whereas higher RMSE values were observed with forsythia and azaleas.

An Analysis of Plant Relationships used in Gertrude Jekyll's Wild Gardens (거투르드 지킬(Gertrude Jekyll)의 와일드 가든(Wild Garden)에서 사용된 식물 관계 분석)

  • Park, Eun-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2019
  • This is an empirical study to investigate the types of plants used in Gertrude Jekyll's wild gardens, identify relationships between plants, and analyze the planting patterns. Four sites were chosen for the study: the Cotswold Cottage, the Dryton Wood, the Little Aston, and the Frant Court. To find direct relationships between plants from the planting patterns shown in these gardens, the social network analysis program R was used to analyze degree centrality, which resulted in the identification of top three plants, followed by looking into their characteristics and meanings. The summary of the results is: Azaleas(Rhododendron spp.) showed the highest degree centrality, followed by wild roses (Rosa spp.). Cold-resistant crossbreed azaleas were used as underplanting connected to many different plants, creating the feeling of an atypical woodland garden. As an indigene, wild roses showed high degree centrality in terms of ecology and aesthetics, forming multiple layer planting. Also, plants with small white flowers, for example rowans(Sorbus commixta), shadbush(Amelanchier asiatica), sealwort(Polygonatum odoratum), and American columbines(Aquilegia vulgaris) were planted in these wild gardens as plant colonies to make natural connections with other plants through drifts.

Evaluation of Vegetation Recovery after Restoration Works at the Jungbong and Nuebong Area, Mudeungsan National Park (무등산국립공원 중봉과 누에봉 복원공사지역 식생회복 평가)

  • Kim, Young-Sun;Shim, Seok-Young
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to assess the degree of vegetation recovery such as the vegetation change and the effect of artificial restoration measures according to the number of years since the restoration works at the damaged Jungbong and Nuebong area in Mudeungsan National Park. We set up a total of 21 survey areas including 11 monitoring areas to analyze the flora, relative dominance, species diversity, and similarity in the restored site after relocation of Zungbong army base in 1996 and the restored site after the demolition of Neeebong telecommunication facility in 1999 and 10 control areas in the adjacent natural forest to assess the vegetation recovery in the restored sites and the nearby natural forest. The Mean Similarity Index of seed composition was relatively low at 3.5% in the Jungbong restoration site 17 years after the restoration, and the height of shrub layer, in which azaleas and furred azaleas appeared, recovered to the level of 82.6%. We concluded that it is necessary to continue monitoring the restored sites to develop the recovery assessment method and recovery work technology for sub-alpine areas in Mudeungsan National Park and other national park areas.

A Study on Features of Landscape Trees & Shrubs on a Planting in Noeun Apartment Complex in Daejeon (대전 노은지구 아파트 단지 식재게획 조경수목 특성)

  • Seo, Byeong-Gi
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2005
  • The study was designed to learn about features of landscape trees and shrubs on an exclusive area-specific outer space planting plan in Noeun Apartment Complex in Daejeon Metropolitan City. the exclusive areas were no more than $60m^2$ and $85m^2$ and the landscape areas ranged from 15% and 30%, respectively according to exclusive area-to-plottage ratios. The study showed that trees were likely to be more densely planted in exclusive areas not exceeding $60m^2$ than in exclusive areas over $85m^2$. It also found that the greater the exclusive areas were, the larger the number of species became. Regardless of the size of an exclusive use, however, the species number of evergreen trees and shrubs remained small, while there was no remarkable difference in vegetation due largely to a massive influx of special trees or shrubs such as Eastern white pines (Pinus strobus) and Korean azaleas (Rhododendron yedoensis var. poukhanense). The introduction of trees with the height over four meters and the diameter of breast height (DBH) exceeding 15 meters was strictly limited to Japanese red pins (Pinus densiflora) and Japanese zelkovas (Zelkova serrata). In conclusion, it is necessary for us to introduce fresh species of trees and especially develop evergreen trees and shrubs to make the environment of the apartment complex more comfortable and make a vegetation experience feasible.

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The Development of Textile Designs and Cultural Products with the Image of the Spring Flowers on Halla Mountain (한라산 영구춘화(瀛邱春花) 이미지의 텍스타일 디자인 및 지역문화상품 개발)

  • Kim, Gi-eok;Hong, Heesook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.307-322
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    • 2015
  • This study develops textile designs and cultural fashion products with the image of 'Youngguchunhwa', which means the beautiful spring flowers of Jeju. Historical literature was reviewed to emphasize the authenticity of Halla Mountain and Youngguchunhwa. Consumers' responses to Halla Mountain, Baengnokdam, and Royal Azalea related to Youngguchunhwa were evaluated along with photos of Halla Mountain and Youngguchunhwa images upload on Internet during the last 2 years. The results of consumer survey and photo analysis confirmed the consumers' high preference and high association with the image of Jeju. The full-blown Royal Azaleas in the Seonjakjiwat field of Halla Mountain were used as motifs for the development of Jeju cultural products as a representative landscape showing the beautiful spring of Jeju. Six types of textile designs were developed by the repeated arrangement of the basic patterns of Halla Mountain, Baengnokdam, and Royal Azalea. Ladies' apparels products, children's wear, bags and cushions were made using oxford cotton fabrics printed with the textile designs. We suggest how pattern designs of the Youngguchunhwa image could be applicable and used for the development of other kinds of Jeju tourism souvenirs.

A Study on Establishing Forest Landscape Management Plan (산림경관계획 수립방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Woo;Jeong, Mi-Ae;Lee, Yeon-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.2
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2015
  • Landscape planning system established in 2007. It is necessary that forest landscape management will be established based on the long-term and wide scope plan for forest management. This study suggested the considering factor while the establishing forest landscape plan for forest characteristics. Forest landscape type was consisted of 4 medium classification(geographical resources, waterscape, forest resources, cultural resources) and 12 small classification(geographical resources: panorama of ridge, ridge of curious rock peaks, waterscape: waterfall, valley, lake, forest resources: crown layer scenery, royal azaleas of main ridge, autumnal tints of ridge slope, flowers in herbaceous plants, inside of forest, forest trail scenery, cultural resources: facilities). This study suggested that consideration on 6 functions of forest in landscape zone planning and forest landscape management plan each classification (main ridge, sense of season, waterscape, rock resources).

A Study on in Vitor Propagation of Korean Native Azaleas (한국 자생 철쭉류 기내 증식에 관한 연구)

  • 김효순;오구균;안규빈;고갑천
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to reveal optimum conditions for in vitro propagation of 3 Korean native azalea species, Rhododendron mucronulatum, R. yedonese var. poukhanense, and R. shlippenbachii, which are useful for landscape proposes. Seeds and meristems from three azalea species were cultured on 1/2MS, Hyponex, and Anderson media containing growth of regulators benzyladenine(BA) and 2-isopentenyadenosine(2ip). The results were as follows. 1. In the culture of R. schlippenbachii and R. mucronulatum seeds, in vitro seedlings germinated and grew well on he 1/2MS and Anderson media, while R. yedoense var. poukhanense on Hyponex media containing 6.0mg/$\ell$ 2ip. 2. When the meristems of R. mucronulatum were cultured on Andeson media containing 9.0mg/$\ell$ 2ip, the survival rate of meristems was 23.0% in 6 weeks after culture, and the survival rate of R. schlippenbachii was 46.0% o nthe same media containing 12.0mg/$\ell$ 2ip. The survial rate of R. yedoense var. poukhanense was 92.0% onHyponex media containing 0.5mg/$\ell$ BA and 9.0mg/$\ell$ 2ip. When the meristems of R. mucronulatum and R. yedoense var. poukhanense were cultured on Hyponex media containing 12.0mg/$\ell$ 2ip, they showed the most excellent growth. R. schlippenbachii grew well on Anderson media containing 9.0mg/$\ell$ 2ip. When in vitro shoots of R. yedoense var. poukhanense were subcultured to solid medium, they grew well in shoot growth on Hyponex media containing 6.0mg/$\ell$ 2ip.

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Recent Trends in Blooming Dates of Spring Flowers and the Observed Disturbance in 2014 (최근의 봄꽃 개화 추이와 2014년 개화시기의 혼란)

  • Lee, Ho-Seung;Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.396-402
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    • 2014
  • The spring season in Korea features a dynamic landscape with a variety of flowers such as magnolias, azaleas, forsythias, cherry blossoms and royal azaleas flowering sequentially one after another. However, the narrowing of south-north differences in flowering dates and those among the flower species was observed in 2014, taking a toll on economic and shared communal values of seasonal landscape. This study was carried out to determine whether the 2014 incidence is an outlier or a mega trend in spring phenology. Data on flowering dates of forsythias and cherry blossoms, two typical spring flower species, as observed for the recent 60 years in 6 weather stations of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) indicate that the difference spanning the flowering date of forsythias, the flower blooming earlier in spring, and that of cherry blossoms that flower later than forsythias was 30 days at the longest and 14 days on an average in the climatological normal year for the period 1951-1980, comparing with the period 1981-2010 when the difference narrowed to 21 days at the longest and 11 days on an average. The year 2014 in particular saw the gap further narrowing down to 7 days, making it possible to see forsythias and cherry blossoms blooming at the same time in the same location. 'Cherry blossom front' took 20 days in traveling from Busan, the earliest flowering station, to Incheon, the latest flowering station, in the case of the 1951-1980 normal year, while 16 days for the 1981-2010 and 6 days for 2014 were observed. The delay in flowering date of forsythias for each time period was 20, 17, and 12 days, respectively. It is presumed that the recent climate change pattern in the Korean Peninsula as indicated by rapid temperature hikes in late spring contrastive to slow temperature rise in early spring immediately after dormancy release brought forward the flowering date of cherry blossoms which comes later than forsythias which flowers early in spring. Thermal time based heating requirements for flowering of 2 species were estimated by analyzing the 60 year data at the 6 locations and used to predict flowering date in 2014. The root mean square error for the prediction was within 2 days from the observed flowering dates in both species at all 6 locations, showing a feasibility of thermal time as a prognostic tool.

Survey on distribution and vegetation environment of Tricholoma matsutake in Kyonggi province, Korea (경기도지역 송이버섯 분포 및 식생환경조사)

  • Ha, Tai-Moon;Kim, Young-Ho;Chi, Jeong-Hyun;Ju, Young-Cheuol;Kim, Hee-Dong;Sung, Jae-Mo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2004
  • We carried out survey of a pine mushroom picking district and its vegetation environment for increase and maintainment of its production in Kyonggi province. The district which we could pick up pine mushroom among the nineteen surveyed district were sixteen such as Geoleun ri Gangcheon myeon Yeoju gun Kyonggi do, etc. and total yields were 470~600 kg in Kyonggi province. The temperature of atmosphere and earth in Yeoju and Bonghwa were droped to $19^{\circ}C$ at 5~7th september and maintained from $12^{\circ}C{\sim}18^{\circ}C$ during the a pine mushroom picking period. The density of a pine tree per $100m^2$ was 5.1~27.1 trees, the years of it was 15~50years old and height was 4~11 meter. The pine tree in a pine mushroom picking district was competed with oak trees, azaleas, lacquers, etc. The depth of organic materials accumulated on the pine mushroom mycelium layer was 4.5 cm in Yeoju. The soil texture of a pine mushroom picking district was almost sandy, soil pH was 4.3~5.1 and organic material content was 3.91~8.28%.

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