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Effect of Direct Fed Microbial and Enzyme Supplements on Growth and Biogenic Substances of Growing Steers (혼합미생물제가 육우 송아지의 체내환경에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Seung Hak;Kim, Hyeon Shup;Cho, Won Mo;Kim, Sang Bum;Cho, Sung Back;Park, Kyu Hyun;Choi, Dong Yoon;Hwang, Sung Gu;Yoo, Yong Hee
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.sup
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2012
  • Effect of commercial Direct Fed Microbials (DFM) or protease treated feed (PTF) supplementation on growth rate and biogenic substances such as BUN, glucose, IgG, GOT, GPT and Vitamin A, C, E from Holstein steers was studied for 7 months. Thirty two steers aged 2~3 months were separated with 4 groups for control, DFM (PS), protease (ES) and their mix (PS + ES) supplementally fed 0, 100, 100 and 50 + 50 g/day respectively. Weight gain was averagely higher in PS than any others, although there were no differences significantly. All treatments enhanced to 3~8% of control in dry matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrient (P>0.05). Metabolic diseases with veterinary cure had not shown in this study. Plasma GOT and GPT were lower in the PS and ES than control. Plasma glucose concentration was also lower in PS than the others. Total cholesterol of ES was higher than the others but that of PS is the lowest. Plasma vitamin C was higher in PS than the others. It was shown that dietary PS affected change from glucose to vitamin C with not overloading liver. Conclusionally, PS and ES were shown to enhance metabolic health of steers during growing period.

The Effect of Qigong Exercise on SF-36 and Psychological Factors of Middle-aged Obese (기공 운동이 비만인의 건강관련 삶의 질(SF-36)과 심리적 요인에 미치는 영향)

  • So, Wi-Young;Seo, Han-Kyo;Choi, Dai-Hyuk;Shin, Hyun-Jung;Cho, Eun-Hyo;Yoo, Byoung-Wook;Jun, Tae-Won
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2010
  • Obese people experience dissatisfaction of body, depression, anxiety, and emotional disturbance by social prejudice and discrimination, further they represent decline of health-related quality of life. Exercise therapy is recommended as one of the positive treatments to improve the emotional pain of obese people. This study is to provide guideline of exercise prescription for obese people by investigating the effects of qigong exercise on psychological factors such as health-related quality of life (SF-36), self-efficiency, depression, anxiety, and fatigue in obese people. The subjects of this study were 50~60s adults participated in Golden-Wellbeing program at S university in G gu of S city and were devided into exercise (N=17) and control (N=16) group. Qigong exercise was performed twice per week for 12 weeks and SF-36, self-efficiency, depression, anxiety, and fatigue were measured before and after 12 weeks of exercise. In the 8 items of SF-36 before and after 12 weeks of qi-gong exercise, there was no significance in role limitation-emotional (F=0.187, p=0.668), mental health (F=2.043, p=0.163) between groups, but there was significance in physical functioning (F=15.151, p<0.001), role limitation-physical (F=18.278, p<0.001), social functioning (F=4.957, p=0.033), vitality (F=11.485, p=0.002), bodily pain (F=6.623, p=0.015), and general health (F=4.498, p=0.042) between groups. Also, anxiety (F=0.631, p=0.433) was not significant, whereas self-efficiency (F=6.124, p=0.019), depression (F=5.109, p=0.031), fatigue (F=7.998, p=0.008) was significant between groups. Even though qigong is slow motion and low intensity of exercise, it was found that qi-gong has exercise effect which induces mental and psychological improvement through this study.

An Analysis of the Effects of Parental Level and Family Relationship on Elementary Private Education through the Mediation of Parental Efficacy and Parenting Anxiety (부모수준과 가족관계가 부모효능감과 양육불안감을 매개로 초등사교육에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Cho, Chanhi;Kim, Kyoheon;Lee, Hyoung-Yong
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.167-187
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    • 2021
  • The increase in the number of higher education graduates and of working couples have been improving the quality of parenting and the economic situation of parenting. The relationship between family members, which consists of child rearing support and family health in conversation and play, has been improving as well. This study analyzes the impact of parental level and the family relationship on the spending in private education in households with elementary students. For the analysis, this study focuses on the mediation of parental efficacy and parenting anxiety, through which family relationship and parental level affect elementary private education. Data of 1,075 parents with children aged 6 to 11 from 2018 Children's Comprehensive Survey are used in statistical analysis via PLS structural equation. This study shows that family relationship and parental level had have a positive effect on parental efficacy, and family relationship, parental level and parental efficacy had have a negative impact on parenting anxiety. It is also confirmed that parental level has a positive effect on private education, and that parental efficacy has a negative impact on private education. Family relationship and parental level affects parenting anxiety and private education through the mediation of parental efficacy. This study finds that improving parents' economic and educational level in the overheated private education atmosphere increases private education, but improving parental efficacy from good family relationship lowers parenting anxiety and private education. These results are expected to provide theoretical and practical implications for balancing children's education and family happiness from a knowledge management perspective.

The Effect of the Self-Efficiency of Older People on the Quality of Life - Based on the mediated effect of self-respect - (노인의 자기효능감이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 - 자아존중감의 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Tae, Myeong-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.220-232
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the old people's self-efficacy on the quality of life. In other words, the impact of old people's self-efficacy on self-respect, old people's self-efficacy on quality of life, and old people's self-respect on quality of life were analyzed in depth. In particular, it was intended to use the recently emphasized variables of self-respect to verify the mediated effects of self-respect in the relationship between self-efficacy and flesh quality, suggesting ways to lead a happy life by improving the psychological satisfaction and quality of life through the participation of the elderly in sports-for-all. To achieve this purpose, 297 people aged 60 or older who participated in the sports-for-all program conducted by the city and district offices in Seoul for five months from May 1 to September 30, 2018 or who used public sports facilities such as parks and playgrounds were analyzed as subjects for research. The findings are as follows. First, the "self-efficacy" of the elderly participating in the sports-for-all has been shown to affect "self-respect." Second, the "self-efficacy" of the elderly participating in the sports-for-all has been shown to affect the "quality of life." Third, it has been shown that the "self-respect" of the elderly participating in sports for all affects the quality of life. Fourth, the "self-esteem" of the elderly participating in sports for all occurred in the relationship between self-efficacy and quality of life. The implications of this study are that the self-efficacy of the elderly participating in sports for daily life has been identified by using the parameters of self-respect. Through this, it was provided as empirical basic data to establish welfare policies for senior citizens to improve the quality of life of senior citizens by identifying their self-efficacy, self-respect, and quality of life.

The effect of the mother's modeling and feeding practices on the eating behavior of young children (어머니의 모델링과 식사 지도가 유아의 식행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Sim, Hyeonmi;Han, Youngshin;Lee, Kyung A
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.296-308
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: To investigate the effect of a mother's modeling and feeding practices on the eating behavior of the children. Methods: From April to June 2018, 1,036 young children aged 2 to 6 years and their mothers in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, were examined for their eating behavior and feeding practices using a verified dietary behavior test (DBT). The children's dietary behavior was classified into four categories: "access evasiveness", "sensory acuity", "hyperactivity", and "irregularity". The mother's eating behavior was classified into three categories: "pickiness", "negligence", and "irregularity", and feeding practice types were classified into two categories: "responsibility/monitoring", and "restriction/pressure". The differences between the groups were tested using the t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan's multiple range test. The influence of feeding practices on the children's eating behavior was analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis while controlling for the mother's modeling. Results: The problem rates of irregularity, negligence and pickiness in the mother's modeling were 33.7%, 22.8%, and 20.7%, respectively. An analysis of the mother's feeding practices revealed that responsibility/monitoring had a middle, high and low significance in 74.2%, 17.3%, and 8.5% of respondents, respectively and the risk rate of restriction/pressure when guiding children to eat was 15.3%. The problem rates for sensory acuity, access evasiveness, irregularity, and hyperactivity in children were 27.9%, 26.1%, 24.8%, and 22.0%, respectively. Among the four eating behavior characteristics of children, the child's access evasiveness and sensory acuity were more affected by their pickiness rather than the mother's feeding practices, and the child's hyperactivity was more influenced by feeding practices than the mother's eating behavior. The child's irregularity was similarly affected by the mother's eating behavior and feeding practices. Conclusion: Since the mother's eating behavior and feeding practices affect the children's eating behavior, a diet improvement program for children should consider not only the nutrition education of children but also the mother's eating behavior and provide the necessary intervention for feeding practices.

Effects of Exercise Prescription Service and Participation Level on Satisfaction and Reuse Intention of Fitness Center Users (피트니스센터 이용자들의 운동처방환경서비스와 참가정도가 이용만족도 및 재이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hye-Min;Yang, Jung-Su;Lee, Sang-Duk;Yoo, Shin-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.217-228
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    • 2019
  • This study was designed to investigate the effect of exercise prescription service on user satisfaction and reuse intention of fitness center users in C region, Gangwon-do. The subjects of this study were 250 fitness center users aged 20 and over. Survey was conducted to examine users satisfaction and reuse intention. The final analysis data is 227 copies and the results are as follows. First, there was a significant difference in sex at the facility of satisfaction of use(t=2.308, p=.022). The marriage showed a significant difference in the price among user satisfaction(t=2.490, p=.014) and reuse intention(t=-1.968, p=.05). Age showed significant differences in the duration of participation(F=7.117, p=.000), frequency (F=6.171, p=.000), and intensity(F=2.791, p=.027). User satisfaction showed significant differences according to price(F=6.171, p=.000), leader(F=3.083, p=.017) and reuse intention(F=2.699, p=.032). There was a significant difference in education groups in terms of duration of participation(F=3.656, p=.007) and frequency(F=3.164, p=.015). leader(F=5.170, p=.001) and price(F=2.899, p=.023) were different in user satisfaction. Jobs showed a significant difference in the duration of participation(F=4.685, p=.000), intensity(F=2.373, p=.023) and reuse intention(F=4.840, p=.000). Monthly income showed a significant difference in user satisfaction(F=4.651, p=.001) and facility(F=2.606, p=.037). Second, there was a significant difference in the duration of participation according to presence or absence of exercise prescription service(t=-4.410, p=.000). There was also significant differences in the user satisfaction(t=-7.951, p=.000), leader(t=5.304, p=.000), facility(t=2.033, p=.043) and reuse intention(t=4.640, p=.000) in terms of the presence of exercise prescription service. Third, in the relation between exercise prescription service and the participation level, there was a significant effect of the leader(β=.221, p=.001) and the price(β=.135, p=.045) of user satisfaction, and the reuse intention(β=.182, p=.007). Fourth, among the user satisfaction influenced by exercise prescription service, facilities(β=.178, p=.005) and leader(β=.497, p=.000) were found to affect reuse intention.

A Study on the Relationship between Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Health Promoting Life Style among Some Workers (일부 직업인들의 근골격계 자각증상과 강증진생활양식간의 연관성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang Hong-Gu;Lee Eun-Kyoung;Jun Sun-Young;Kim Sang-Deok;Jeoung Jae-Yeal;Lee Yong-Gil;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.40-68
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    • 2001
  • In this study, grade of subjective symptom appealed by laborer of Jeollabuk-do was evaluated using questionary regarding factor made effect on musculoskeletal disease and in addition, studied relationship with health promotion life style of them. Based on the result, relationship of general characteristics of musculoskeletal subjective symptom and life-style of the subjects was concluded as below. 1. General characteristics of study subjects were as following. Ratio of male was higher as 57.7% of male and 42.2% female and age distribution was 5.1% of 20s, 34.99% of 30s, 36.3% of 40s and 23.7% of 50s and therefore, 3040 aged groups showed highest ratio. Most subjects (74.9%) was married status and in case of education level, high-school graduate and dropout (23.3%) and over-college graduate (46.8%) showed highest distribution. 12 Mil. KRW (29.5%) and 22.99 Mil. KRW (21.2%) is the main income distribution and however there was high ratio of non-reply (29.0%). In case of employment period, 1014 years (15.3%) and over 15 years (29.6%) showed highest ratio and there were many non-reply (39.4%) and in addition, 67.6% replied as own house and 14.3% as lease on deposit base in question of residence type. 2. Subjects showed high ratio of subjective symptom appeal of 62.79% and many cases (50.23%) appealed 1 or 2 symptoms. Symptom by body region was 29.8% (waist), 27% (shoulder), 21.2% (knee), 15.5% (neck), 9.5% (ankle), 8.1% (wrist) and 5.0% (elbow) in order. In case of relationship with general characteristics, female comparing with male, non-residence of own house, subjects with lower education level and employment period of 1014 years showed higher appeal rate and kind of symptoms than others. Therefore, it was concluded that rate of musculoskeletal symptom appeal have close relationship with gender, level of living, education level, age and employment period. 3. In case of severe pain of upper body except waist and ankle, it was appealed in both or right side and it means that upper body pain is originated from right side and right region pain is transited to both region pain. In addition, there was 39.41% of non-reply to existence of right-left region pain and therefore, it was evaluated that, in may cases, there was no awareness of their own symptom condition even on subjective symptom. 4. Degree of pain was, as pain over middle level, evaluated as 2.79 on full mark of 4.0 and in order of waist (2.97), ankle (2.83), knee (2.82), wrist (2.82), neck (2.79), shoulder (2.70) and elbow (2.62). In addition, 71.97% appealed 23 cases for the latest 1 week. Owing to subjective symptom, 54.95% drop into hospital or pharmacy, 10.32% made temporary retirement or absence, 7.99% transferred into more comfortable duty and 39.454 experienced one or more managing mentioned above. 5. Fulfillment of health promotion life style of subjects was evaluated on full mark of 4.0 and total score was 2.63. Average mark of each area was personal relationship (3.05), self-realization (2.92), stress management (2.63), health control (2.48), physical exercise (2.19) and nutrition management (2.19) and personal relationship was highest and physical exercise and nutrition management were lowest. As general characteristics influencing health promotion life style, gender, residence style and employment period showed significant difference. Male showed higher mark than female and showed higher mark in order of own house, others, lease on deposit base, monthly rent. Subjects with longer employment period showed higher mark with significant difference. 6. Accounting of factor influencing each area of health promotion life style, self-realization showed significance in marriage status, income, residence style and education level and health control in age, residence style and employment period. Physical exercise showed significant difference in gender, age, residence style and employment period and nutrition in gender, age, residence style and employment period. Stress management showed significant difference in residence style and employment period and however not in personal relationship. 7. Health promotion life style relating with existence and kind of pain showed significant difference in all area except personal relationship area. In absence of pain, there was statistically significant high score in all area even in total health promotion life style and all area. Accounting of kind of pain, cases of 12 kinds of pain and 56 kinds of pain showed relatively high score and it was lower than mark of subject stated absence of pain. 8. Subjects appeal symptom were classified by symptom region and difference of total and each areas were evaluated. General area (p=0.002), self-realization (p=0.012), health management (p=0.023), physical exercise (p=0.028), nutrition management (p=0.028) and stress control (p=0.001) showed statistically significant difference and not in personal relationship area. Especially, elbow, shoulder and neck area marked high and group appealed pain of knee, arm and elbow, foot and ankle marked low. Based on those results, subjective symptom should be accounted seriously in diagnosis of occupational musculoskeletal disease of laborer and among subjective symptom, general characteristics of gender, age, condition of living, education level and employment period make effect. Generally subject appeal symptom marked lower than subject without symptom appeal and it means that life management of subject appealing musculoskeletal pain make important role in management and treatment of occupational musculoskeletal disease.

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Motives for Writing After-Purchase Consumer Reviews in Online Stores and Classification of Online Store Shoppers (인터넷 점포에서의 구매후기 작성 동기 및 점포 고객 유형화)

  • Hong, Hee-Sook;Ryu, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.25-57
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    • 2012
  • This study identified motives for writing apparel product reviews in online stores, and determined what motives increase the behavior of writing reviews. It also classified store customers based on the type of writing motives, and clarified the characteristics of internet purchase behavior and of a demographic profile. Data were collected from 252 females aged 20s' and 30s' who have experience of reading and writing reviews on online shopping. The five types of writing motives were altruistic information sharing, remedying of a grievance and vengeance, economic incentives, helping new product development, and the expression of satisfaction feelings. Among five motives, altruistic information sharing, economic incentives, and helping new product development stimulate writing reviews. Store customers who write reviews were classified into three groups based on their writing motive types: Other consumer advocates(29.8%), self-interested shoppers(40.5%) and shoppers with moderate motives(29.8%). There were significant differences among three groups in writing behavior (the frequency of writing reviews, writing intent of reviews, duration of writing reviews, and frequency of online shopping) and age. Based on results, managerial implications were suggested. Long Abstract : The purpose of present study is to identify the types of writing motives on online shopping, and to clarify the motives affecting the behavior of writing reviews. This study also classifies online shoppers based on the motive types, and identifies the characteristics of the classified groups in terms of writing behavior, frequency of online shopping, and demographics. Use and Gratification Theory was adopted in this study. Qualitative research (focus group interview) and quantitative research were used. Korean women(20 to 39 years old) who reported experience with purchasing clothing online, and reading and writing reviews were selected as samples(n=252). Most of the respondents were relatively young (20-34yrs., 86.1%,), single (61.1%), employed(61.1%) and residents living in big cities(50.9%). About 69.8% of respondents read and 40.5% write apparel reviews frequently or very frequently. 24.6% of the respondents indicated an "average" in their writing frequency. Based on the qualitative result of focus group interviews and previous studies on motives for online community activities, measurement items of motives for writing after-purchase reviews were developed. All items were used a five-point Likert scale with endpoints 1 (strongly disagree) and 5 (strongly agree). The degree of writing behavior was measured by items concerning experience of writing reviews, frequency of writing reviews, amount of writing reviews, and intention of writing reviews. A five-point scale(strongly disagree-strongly agree) was employed. SPSS 18.0 was used for exploratory factor analysis, K-means cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA(Scheffe test) and χ2-test. Confirmatory factor analysis and path model analysis were conducted by AMOS 18.0. By conducting principal components factor analysis (varimax rotation, extracting factors with eigenvalues above 1.0) on the measurement items, five factors were identified: Altruistic information sharing, remedying of a grievance and vengeance, economic incentives, helping new product development, and expression of satisfaction feelings(see Table 1). The measurement model including these final items was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis. The measurement model had good fit indices(GFI=.918, AGFI=.884, RMR=.070, RMSEA=.054, TLI=.941) except for the probability value associated with the χ2 test(χ2=189.078, df=109, p=.00). Convergent validities of all variables were confirmed using composite reliability. All SMC values were found to be lower than AVEs confirming discriminant validity. The path model's goodness-of-fit was greater than the recommended limits based on several indices(GFI=.905, AGFI=.872, RMR=.070, RMSEA=.052, TLI=.935; χ2=260.433, df=155, p=.00). Table 2 shows that motives of altruistic information sharing, economic incentives and helping new product development significantly increased the degree of writing product reviews of online shopping. In particular, the effect of altruistic information sharing and pursuit of economic incentives on the behavior of writing reviews were larger than the effect of helping new product development. As shown in table 3, online store shoppers were classified into three groups: Other consumer advocates (29.8%), self-interested shoppers (40.5%), and moderate shoppers (29.8%). There were significant differences among the three groups in the degree of writing reviews (experience of writing reviews, frequency of writing reviews, amount of writing reviews, intention of writing reviews, and duration of writing reviews, frequency of online shopping) and age. For five aspects of writing behavior, the group of other consumer advocates who is mainly comprised of 20s had higher scores than the other two groups. There were not any significant differences between self-interested group and moderate group regarding writing behavior and demographics.

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Normative blood pressure references for Korean children and adolescents (한국 소아 청소년 정상 혈압 참고치)

  • Lee, Chong Guk;Moon, Jin Soo;Choi, Joong-Myung;Nam, Chung Mo;Lee, Soon Young;Oh, Kyungwon;Kim, Young Taek
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : It is now understood that blood pressure (BP) measurement in the routine pediatric examination is very important because of the relevance of childhood BP to pediatric health care and the development of adult essential hypertension. There hasn't been a reference table of BP for Korean children and adolescents up to now. This study was to make normative BP references and to provide criteria of hypertension for Korean children and adolescents. Methods : BP measurements were done on 57,433 Koean children and adolescents (male: 29,443, female: 27,990), aged 7 to 20 years, in 2005. Heights and weights were measured simultaneously. Oscillometric devices, Dinamap Procare 200 (GE Inc., Milwaukee, Wi, USA), were used for the measurements. BPs were measured 2 times and mean levels were gathered for the analysis. Outliers of 2,373 subjects with overweight per height, over +3SD, were excluded for the analysis. For the BP centiles adjusted by sex, age and height, fixed modified LMS method which was adopted from the mixed effect model of 2004 Task Force in NHLBI (USA) was used. Results : Normative BP tables for Korean children and adolescents adjusted for height percentiles (5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th), gender (male, female) and age(7 to 18 years) were completed. Height centiles of Korean children and adolescents are available from Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention homepage, Criteria of hypertension (95th, 99th percentile) and normal range of BP (50th, 90th) adjusted for height percentiles, age and gender were made. Conclusion : This is the first study to make normative BP tables and define hypertension for the Korean children and adolescents. Reliability and accuracy of Dinamap Procare 200 oscillometer for BP measurements remains debatable.

The effect of Lantus on glycemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (1형 당뇨병을 가진 소아와 청소년에서 란투스 치료의 혈당 조절에 대한 효과)

  • Rhie, Young Jun;Chae, Hyun Wook;Kim, Ho Seong;Kim, Duk Hee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.565-569
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : With a duration of action of approximately 24 hours and peakless levels, Lantus is a more physiologic basal insulin analogue compared with NPH. The aim of this study was to compare the glycemic control of Lantus plus Humalog with that of premixed insulin in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methods : The subjects consisted of 25 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, aged 12-19 years, who changed their insulin regimen from premixed insulin to Lantus plus Humalog. Daily insulin doses, frequency of hypoglycemia, fasting blood glucose, C-peptide concentration and HbA1c before and 6 months after Lantus treatment were compared. 24 hour blood glucose of 11 patients among Lantus treatment group (n=25) and premixed insulin treatment group (n=10) were self-monitored and compared. Results : 6 months after Lantus treatment, the episodes of hypoglycemia were reduced by 50%(15.1 vs. 7.6 events/month), especially nocturnal hypoglycemia by 67%(6.7 vs. 2.5 events/month). HbA1c was reduced from 9.3% to 8.7% after Lantus treatment. Self-monitored blood glucose of Lantus treatment group at postbreakfast 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes were 171.1, 169.5, 171.0 and 154.1 mg/dL respectively and lower than those of premixed insulin treatment group (259.7, 282.7, 280.0 and 250.9 mg/dL respectively). Conclusion : Compared with premixed insulin, Lantus plus Humalog is more effective in glycemic control and reduction in nocturnal hypoglycemia in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.