• 제목/요약/키워드: Administrative Works

검색결과 117건 처리시간 0.021초

비선호시설 입지에 관한 프로젝트 지체의 인과구조와 유량-저량 묘형 (Causal Loops and Stock-Flow Models of Project Delay Confronted with Location of Locally Unwanted Facilities)

  • 이만형;최남희
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.91-118
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to find what factors are directly related to the delay of public projects, usually going beyond the planned deadline and budget. From a series of System Dynamics simulation works applied to the Cheongju Cremation Project, the research finds that the negative externalities originated from the adjacent location of the LULU(locally unwanted land use) facilities have exerted significant influence on dynamic perceptions of key stakeholders, typically resulting in project delay. As shown repeated experiments, the proposed negotiation-based models would produce relatively higher planning performance level than the typical approaches hinged on the administrative-expediency tactics. Even though the former may require more human and material resources in the very beginning stage, as they have to deal with diverse grievances raised by major stake-holders, most of them would bound for strengthening reinforcing loops within the complex structure. These results also imply that negotiation or consensus-building approaches would enhance mutual agreement among stake-holders, upgrading the overall quality of project management.

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Analysis of the influence of panel characteristics on odor measurement based on the air dilution olfactory method in Korea

  • Kim, Sun-Tae;Lee, Seokjun;Yim, Bongbeen
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2019
  • This study was to objectify differences in the results of odor testing according to the characteristics of panel members that participate in air dilution olfactory method (ADOM) testing. When differences in the results of olfactory testing were reviewed in relation to characteristics of the panelists, the result of entire panels for the site boundary Proficiency Testing Materials (PTMs) showed no difference according to panelist sex, age, smoking status, and past participation in ADOM tests. As for the outlet PTMs, distinct differences appeared in relation to the smoking status and age of panelists. The frequency distribution for all the panelists (Dev($D/T_{total}$)) showed a form similar to a normal distribution, so it is thought to be more appropriate for the review of effect of panelist characteristics on the result of air dilution olfactory tests. In addition, the ADOM testing method implemented as the standard method for odor compounds in Korea (Dev($D/T_3$)) will have to be implemented along with a concurrent assessment, for the purpose of identifying the effect of panelist characteristics on administrative dispositions against malodors.

임원준의 사적을 통해 본 조선시대 의서습독관의 직무와 역할 (The Duty and Role of Uiseoseubdoggwan(Medical Learning Officer) in the Joseon Dynasty Examined through the Historical Trace of IM Won-jun(任元濬, 1423~1500))

  • 류정아
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 2023
  • IM Won-jun(任元濬, 1423~1500) was an Confucianism Doctor in the former period of Joseon Dynasty. Through IM Won-jun's historical trace we could know the range of Uiseoseubdoggwan(Medical Learning Officer)'s duty not limited to study medical books at that time but extended to medical treat, educate, recommend medical policy, personnel manage, carry out administrative work, carry out all the works concerned with medical books, make new medicines at different official period. Among these after learning duties the Royal Family of the Joseon Dynasty awarded high grades to medical treatment for king and king's mother, but from the viewpoint of advancement of medicine controling the top of medical policy as a chief of Jeonuigam had important meaning. The system of Uiseoseubdoggwan(Medical Learning Officer) in the Joseon Dynasty played the role of cultivating widely the man of ability who leaded medical development by sharing the man of ability between medicine and confucianism which was dominant learning at that time, so the knowledge and professional skill of medicine, Yin-Yang and the Five Elements theory, the spirit of relief of the world were spreaded across to national administration, education, publication culture, putting philosophy of filial piety into practice in the Joseon Dynasty.

Research on the Critical Factors Affecting Taiwan Secondary School Teachers' Initial Acquisition of Formal Teaching Position

  • Tien, Shiaw-Wen;Chiu, Chung-Ching;Tsai, Chih-Hung;Chung, Yi-Chan;Chang, Ya-Chin
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.123-155
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    • 2007
  • This research treated the secondary school teachers as the research scale and the research targets included the following: secondary school (employ unit), center of teacher education, and qualified teachers. In terms of these three groups of people, the topics of exploration focused on the perception of suitable teachers, perception of evaluation standard during the process of teacher examination and the relationship among teacher examination systems. The research was managed by two phases: the first phase referred to literature reorganization, expert interview, the qualities and conditions of suitable teachers, important evaluation standard during the process of teacher examination and teacher examination system used; the second phase included questionnaire survey, employ school acquisition, the perception of centers of teacher education and qualified teachers toward the suitability condition and examination evaluation standard in the first phase and teacher examination system used. This research found out that as to the perception of suitable teachers, through data collection, there were six factors reorganized. The levels of their importance were as follows: education devotion, teaching capacity, class management, capacity to guide special students, capacity to communicate with the parents and the will to undertake administrative works. Noticeably, employee unit and centers of teacher education apparently valued class management more, compared with trained teachers; as to evaluation standard of examination, the analytical result found out that the perception of three groups were different in terms of the views toward educational works, written examination data, candidate's age, club experience at school and capacity to use multimedia support teaching materials. This research further proposed six suggestions for centers of teacher education and trained teachers: (l) employ schools considerably valued educational devotion; (2) trained teachers tended to neglect the importance of class management; (3) employee unit considerably cared about the new teachers' competence to use multimedia support teaching materials; however, trained teachers did not have the same view; (4) employee unit considerably cared about new teachers' views toward educational works as well as the candidates' ages; (5) generally speaking, trained teachers neglected the importance of club experience at school; (6) the data revealed that written examination data was not relatively important in terms of teacher examination.

프로그램레벨 다수 대학시설물 유지보수 일정계획 지원 모델 (Program-level Maintenance Scheduling Support Model for Multiple University Facilities)

  • 채홍윤;조동현;박상헌;배창준;구교진
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제19권12호
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2018
  • 대학 시설은 다수의 건물들로 구성되어 많은 유지보수항목이 있고 한정된 기간 내에 처리해야 하는 관리상의 제약사항이 있다. 대부분의 유지보수 작업은 규모가 작으며 방수공사 등 다수 공종이 동시에 진행되는 특성을 가진다. 시설관리자는 유지보수업체와 연간단가계약을 맺고 공사를 추진하지만 기존 유지보수공사는 일정 및 인력투입계획 없이 공사가 진행되어 공사지연과 다수의 재작업이 발생하고 있다. 본 연구는 시설관리자가 다수의 대학 시설물 유지보수공사들을 프로그램 레벨로 관리할 수 있도록 지원하는 일정계획 모델을 제안하였다. 모델은 순차적으로 진행되는 3단계로 구성된다. 대상 분석단계에서는 수량산출서를 바탕으로 유지보수항목들의 세부공종을 분석하고 수량을 산출한다. 자원 분석단계에서는 효과적인 전문기능공의 투입을 위해 세부공종별 전문기능공 및 공사기간을 도출한다. 일정계획 수립단계에서는 공종별 우선순위와 최적 투입인력이 도출되고 적합도에 따라 일정계획 최적안을 선정한다. 사례적용결과 프로그램 레벨에서 다수 대학시설물 유지보수공사 간의 효과적인 인력투입이 가능하며, 노무비가 감소되어 모델 적용 전 보다 많은 수의 공사를 완료할 수 있었다. 실무자 면담을 통해 모델의 적용성 및 효과성을 평가한 결과 관리자의 유지관리공사 일정관리를 지원할 수 있는 효과적인 도구로 평가되었다.

전주한옥마을 간판정비를 위한 디자인 적용방법에 관한 연구 (A Study on Design Application for Signboard Arrangement of Jeonju Traditional Korean Style House Village)

  • 형성은;홍정표;정성환
    • 감성과학
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.461-470
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 전주의 한옥마을을 전통문화 중심도시로 육성시키기 위해서 진행하였던 간판정비 사업을 중심으로 내용을 정리하였다. 전체구성 방법은 표준화 디자인에 있어서 활용과 설명방법 그리고 각종 사인물에 있어서 올바른 설치 방법을 제시하기 위해 사인디자인 적용과 기본방향을 조사하였다. 설문조사에 있어서는 전주시 시민과 외부인 그리고 한옥마을에 주거하는 주민 등 600명을 대상으로 한옥마을의 일반적 특성, 한옥마을의 정보습득과 이동성 그리고 한옥마을의 간판 규제와 범위 등 3분야로 나누어 설문을 진행하였다. 위의 조사결과를 바탕으로 전주한옥마을에 있어서 디자인 컨셉과 세부적인 간판 적용방법을 규정하였고 사인물 디자인에 대한 픽토그램과 전통 한옥에 있어서 사인물 설치 방법을 제시하였다. 전주한옥마을에 대한 사인물 정비의 행정적 절차 규정에 있어서는 전주시와 간판 광고업자, 한옥마을 심의위원회, 지역주민의 상호협력 방법 등 행정적으로 사업 진행을 제시하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 전주한옥마을 사인디자인 사업진행 방향을 종합하였고 관련 담당부서와 협의를 통해 앞으로 전주한옥마을을 전통과 역사가 잘 보존된 지역으로서 육성 발전할 수 있는 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있도록 하였다.

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선형형태 사회기반시설물의 지형도면 고시 개선방안 (Improvement of Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing for Linear-Type Infrastructure)

  • 문정균;권헌영;조형식;손홍규
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.1327-1334
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    • 2014
  • 도로, 철도, 하천 등 선형형태 사회기반시설물 사업들은 일반적으로 행정구역을 가로지르고, 길이는 수 km에서 수백 km 이상이며 폭이 좁고 길이가 긴 사업들로 사업승인을 위한 지형도면고시 작성을 위해 낱장 도곽 형태가 아닌 연속지적도를 사용한다. 2009년에 제정된 통합법인 측량 수로조사 및 지적에 관한법률은 사업승인을 위한 설계 및 시공도서 작성과 지형도의 좌표계를 세계측지계를 적용하도록 하고 있다. 그러나 통합법 부칙 제5조에 따라 지적은 지역좌표계를 유지하고 있어 연속지적도를 이용한 지형도면고시 내용의 기술적 오류가 발생한 경우 행정처분으로서 고시의 효력 여부, 그리고 토지경계에 대한 책임 문제가 제기되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 그 원인을 분석하고 선형형태 사업의 특성을 고려한 좌표변환 및 보정을 실시한 후, 그 결과를 기존에 구축된 연속지적도에 반영, 지형도면고시 절차 개선으로 이어질 수 있도록 제시하였다.

지역사회발전을 위한 지역신문의 역할 (A Study on the Role of the Local Newspaper for Community Development)

  • 남부현;김성수
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.141-155
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sole of local newspaper for community development in Korea. Specific objectives of the study were : 1) to identify the role of local newspaper in community development, 2) to analyze problems and situations on local newspapers in Korea, and 3) to suggest desirable roles of local newspaper for the community development. To attain the above objectives, this study was carried out through literature review, contest analysis of selected local newspapers, and the questionnaire survey of selected readers of local newspaper. The data were collected from 267 readers of local newspaper who participated in the farmers` training session in the Rural Development Administration, by using questionnaires developed by the researcher, and total of 263 questionnaires were analyzed. The statistical techniques used for the study were frequence, percentile, standard deviation utilizing the $SPSS/PC^+$. The major findings of the study were as follows : 1. The major roles of functions of local newspapers identified in this study were summarized as to reinforce the community consciousness, to form community opinion, to watch and to monitor community environment, to provide education and entertainment, and to contribute to the conveyance and promotion of community culture. 2. The general characteristic of local newspaper readers surveyed were; a) average distance from town to their village was 9.3 Km, b) average age was 29 years, c) about 75% of them were senior high school graduates, and d) about 96% of them participated in group activities. 3. About 45% of the respondents used television or radio for their moor sources of local news were TV or radio, while about 31% respondents used immunity newspaper for their moor sources of local news. About 67% of the respondents kept their readership over two years, and about 40% of them read community newspaper regularly at their home. 4. The results of content analysis showed drat the local newspapers were dealing with articles on cultural affairs, community consciousness, administrative and civic affairs, however, there were not enough educational news, and various kinds of general news in the community. 5. Survey also showed the most needed news were ; 1) political news including administrative and civic affairs, 2) economic news including sales and distribution, 3) social news including social problems on environmental pollution and community development works, 4) educational news including technology and information, 5) cultural news including guide to cultural and historical sites and local brief news. 6. In the evaluation of local newspaper, the readers were generally positive in valued roles of local newspaper in community relations, community development, promoting community cohesion and understanding of community members, and about 40% of the respondents were positive in predicting the bright future perspectives of local newspapers. 7. In the readers` evaluation of local newspaper, readers responded that local newspapers were very closely related to the community and residents, reflecting the current concerns of local population and recognizing the value of community media, and the contents of local newspaper were positively related to daily lives of community residents and opinions of overall community.

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행정중심복합도시 중앙녹지공간 국제설계공모에 나타난 대형 공원의 설계 전략 (Design Strategies of Large Park in the International Design Competition for Central Open Space in Multi-Functional Administrative City, Korea)

  • 박근현;배정한
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2008
  • 전 세계적으로 대형 공원 설계공모가 급증하고 있지만 이에 대한 체계적 검토와 비판적 연구는 드물다. 대표적인 대형 공원 설계공모였던 행정중심복합도시 중앙녹지공간 국제설계공모는 동시대 대형 공원의 설계 전략을 고찰할 수 있는 의미 있는 소재이다. 본 연구는 공모전의 지침서 및 '대형 공원'과 관련된 기존의 문헌 연구를 통해 분석틀을 마련하고, 이를 바탕으로 열개의 결선작을 분석하였다. 분석틀로 도출된 네 가지 질문은 대형 공원에 대한 접근 방식, 프로세스 설계, 공원의 지속가능성, 도시와의 관계이다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대형 공원의 설계 개념은 주로 대상지 내부의 특성에서 나온다. 특히 공원의 정체성 확보가 대형 공원에서는 중요하다. 둘째, 본 연구의 네 가지 질문을 모두 만족시킨 설계안은 찾기 어려웠으며, 여전히 시각적, 형태중심적, 결과중심적 설계가 많았다. 셋째, 대형 공원의 '지속가능성'은 생태적 측면, 재정적 측면, 프로그램 측면, 커뮤니티 측면 등 다양한 측면을 아우르는 포괄적인 개념이다. 하지만 그 개념이 아직 모호하고, 구체적인 운영 및 관리 프로그램들이 부족하다. 넷째, 대형 공원은 도시와의 관계 맺기에 적극적으로 나선다. 특히, '생산하는 공원'과 '도시의 자급자족성 확보'는 대형 공원에 요청되는 중요한 필요조건이다.

Land Market of Ukraine: Problems of Legislative Regulation

  • Zemko, Alla;Bukanov, Hryhorii;Zadorozhnia, Halyna;Vinyukova, Olha;Yefimenko, Kristina
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권12spc호
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    • pp.459-462
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    • 2021
  • The article examines the main problems of land market formation in Ukraine. The article is devoted to the study of problems and prospects of land market introduction after the abolition of the ban on alienation. The advantages and disadvantages of lifting the moratorium on the purchase and sale of agricultural land are highlighted. The experience of such European countries as France, Germany, Latvia, Romania and Poland in regulating the market of agricultural lands is analyzed. The historical stages of market formation, features of state policy in this area are considered. The authors found that in these countries the market for agricultural land is well developed and works effectively, which has positive consequences for the economy of these countries. After analyzing the experience, we identified common elements of an effective mechanism for regulating the land market in European countries, which can be implemented in Ukraine. It is emphasized that after the opening of the land market it is necessary to prevent the concentration of a large number of agricultural lands in the hands of one person or close persons and it is necessary to create an effective supervisory body, whose main functions will be supervising sales prevention of speculation in the land market. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve legislation in the field of land, organizational and informational conditions for land reform. The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Circulation of Agricultural Land" was analyzed, the adoption of which put an end to the systematic extension of the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land. The positive aspects of such reservations are noted, such as the gradual introduction of the land market, quantitative restrictions, the lower limit of the value equivalent, which can not be less than the normative monetary value. At the same time, the problem is that the lack of an imperative norm on termination of the lease agreement in case of refusal of the lessee to purchase such land at a price not lower than expert assessment, will negatively affect its price formation and actually make the landlord hostage.