• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D map

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Learnable Sobel Filter and Attention-based Deep Learning Framework for Early Forest Fire Detection

  • Sehun KIM;Kyeongseok JANG;Dongwoo LEE;Seungwon CHO;Seunghyun LEE;Kwangchul SON
    • Korean Journal of Artificial Intelligence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2024
  • Various techniques are being researched to effectively detect forest fires. Among them, techniques using object detection models can monitor forest fires over wide areas 24 hours a day. However, detecting forest fires early with traditional object detection models is a very challenging task. While they show decent accuracy for thick smoke and large fires, they show low accuracy for faint smoke and small fires, and frequently generate false positives for lights that are like fires. In this paper, to solve these problems, we focus on leveraging local characteristics such as contours and textures of fire and smoke, which are crucial for accurate detection. Based on this approach, we propose EDAM (Edge driven Attention Module) that performs enhancement by richly utilizing contour and texture information of fire and smoke. EDAM extracts important edge information to generate feature maps with emphasized contour and texture information, and based on this map, performs Attention Mechanism to emphasize key characteristics of smoke and fire. Through this mechanism, the overall model performance was improved, with APsincreasing from 0.154 to 0.204 and AP0.5 from 0.779 to 0.784, resulting in a significant improvement in APsvalue to 32.47%. In practice, the model applying this technique showed excellent inference speed while greatly improving detection performance for small objects compared to existing models and reduced false positive rates for building and street light illumination in nighttime environments that are easily mistaken for fire.

Evaluation of Seasonal Landscape Images and Preference of Streetscapes - Focusing on Street of Prunus Species - (계절별 가로 경관이미지 및 선호도 평가 - 벚나무류 가로를 대상으로 -)

  • Shin, Jae-Yun;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to create a landscape image that considers the selection of techniques that can enhance landscape reproduction in streetscape evaluation using 3 dimensional simulations and to evaluate ways to verify similarities and the psychological changes on the part of users by season. In the comparison of technique, the Low(apply normal map) technique was selected for the natural representation of trees in a near and middle view and the Plane technique was selected for the distant view. As the result of the verification, all indicators of physical similarity were evaluated over 4.50 points and most indicators of psychological similarity were found to have no difference except for indicators of 'disordered orderly' and 'dirty - clean'. According to the results of analyzing the landscape simulation by season, images of 'bright', 'beautiful', and 'static', etc., were evaluated high for the spring streetscape. The images of 'open', 'refresh', and 'animate' appeared high in summer and images of 'warm' and 'dark' were found to be high in fall. On the other hand, all images were evaluated as low except for the 'orderly' image. In the preference of streetscape by season, summer and spring were highly preferred at 5.01 and 4.98 with winter as the lowest at 3.48. As the results of the analysis of preference factor, the spring streetscape was found to be a major influence in preference by 0.540 in 'aesthetics'. In the case of summer, 'order' was found to be high at 0.417 while influences in preference included 'variety' and 'aesthetics' in fall and 'variety', 'aesthetics', and 'order' in winter. A determination of suitable spatial planning using a comparative analysis of various city streets will be enabled through the methods of this study.

Development of a smart cane concept for guiding the visually impaired - focused on design thinking learning practices for students - (시각장애인을 위한 길 안내용 스마트 지팡이 콘셉트 개발)

  • Park, Hae Rim;Lee, Min Sun;Yang, Ho Jung
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.186-200
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to improve the usability of the white cane, which is walking equipment that most local visually impaired people use and carry when going out, and to contribute to the prevention of safety accidents and the walking rights of visually impaired people by providing improvement and resolution measures for the problems identified. Also, this study is a study on the visually impaired, primarily targeting the 1st to 2nd degree visually impaired people, who cannot go out on their own without walking equipment such as a white cane, corresponding to 20% among approximately 250,000 blind and low vision people in the Korean population. In the study process, the concept has been developed from the user's point of view in order that the white cane becomes a real help in the walking step of the visually impaired and the improvement of usability of the white cane, the main walking equipment for the visually impaired, are done by problem identification through the Double Diamond Model of Design Thinking (Empathize → Define → Ideate → Prototype → Test (verify)). As a result of the investigation in the process of Empathy, a total of five issues was synthesized, including an increase in the proportion of the visually impaired people, an insufficient workforce situation to help all the visually impaired, an improvement and advancement of assistive devices essential for the visually impaired, problems of damage, illegal occupation, demolition, maintenance about braille blocks, making braille block paradigms for the visually impaired and for everyone. In Ideate and Prototype steps, situations derived from brainstorming were grouped and the relationship were made through the KJ method, and specific situations and major causes were organized to establish the direction of the concept. The derived solutions and major functions are defined in four categories, and representative situations requiring solutions and major functions are organized into two user scenarios. Ideas were visualized by arranging the virtual Persona and Customer Journey Map according to the situation and producing a prototype through 3D modeling. Finally, in the evaluation, the final concept derived is a device such a smart cane for guidance for the visually impaired as ① a smart cane emphasizing portability + ② compatibility with other electronic devices + ③ a product with safety and convenience.

A Study on the Effect of Technological Innovation Capability and Technology Commercialization Capability on Business Performance in SMEs of Korea (우리나라 중소기업의 기술혁신능력과 기술사업화능력이 경영성과에 미치는 영향연구)

  • Lee, Dongsuk;Chung, Lakchae
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.65-87
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    • 2010
  • With the advent of knowledge-based society, the revitalization of technological innovation type SMEs, termed "inno-biz" hereafter, has been globally recognized as a government policymakers' primary concern in strengthening national competitiveness, and much effort is being put into establishing polices of boosting the start-ups and innovation capability of SMEs. Especially, in that the inno-biz enables national economy to get vitalized by widening world markets with its superior technology, and thus, taking the initiative of extremely competitive world markets, its growth and development has greater significance. In the case of Korea, the government has been maintaining the policies since the late 1990s of stimulating the growth of SMEs as well as building various infrastructures to foster the start-ups of the SMEs such as venture businesses with high technology. In addition, since the enactment of "Innovation Promotion Law for SMEs" in 2001, the government has been accelerating the policies of prioritizing the growth and development of inno-biz. So, for the sound growth and development of Korean inno-biz, this paper intends to offer effective management strategies for SMEs and suggest proper policies for the government, by researching into the effect of technological innovation capability and technology commercialization capability as the primary business resources on business performance in Korean SMEs in the light of market information orientation. The research is carried out on Korean companies characterized as inno-biz. On the basis of OSLO manual and prior studies, the research categorizes their status. R&D capability, technology accumulation capability and technological innovation system are categorized into technological innovation capability; product development capability, manufacturing capability and marketing capability into technology commercialization capability; and increase in product competitiveness and merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. Then the effect of each component on business performance is substantially analyzed. In addition, the mediation effect of technological innovation and technology commercialization capability on business performance is observed by the use of the market information orientation as a parameter. The following hypotheses are proposed. H1 : Technology innovation capability will positively influence business performance. H1-1 : R&D capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H1-2 : R&D capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H1-3 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H1-4 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H1-5 : Technological innovation system will positively influence product competitiveness. H1-6 : Technological innovation system will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H2 : Technology commercializing capability will positively influence business performance. H2-1 : Product development capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H2-2 : Product development capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H2-3 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H2-4 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H2-5 : Marketing capability will positively influence product competitiveness. H2-6 : Marketing capability will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H3 : Technology innovation capability will positively influence market information orientation. H3-1 : R&D capability will positively influence information generation. H3-2 : R&D capability will positively influence information diffusion. H3-3 : R&D capability will positively influence information response. H3-4 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence information generation. H3-5 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence information diffusion. H3-6 : Technology accumulation capability will positively influence information response. H3-7 : Technological innovation system will positively influence information generation. H3-8 : Technological innovation system will positively influence information diffusion. H3-9 : Technological innovation system will positively influence information response. H4 : Technology commercialization capability will positively influence market information orientation. H4-1 : Product development capability will positively influence information generation. H4-2 : Product development capability will positively influence information diffusion. H4-3 : Product development capability will positively influence information response. H4-4 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence information generation. H4-5 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence information diffusion. H4-6 : Manufacturing capability will positively influence information response. H4-7 : Marketing capability will positively influence information generation. H4-8 : Marketing capability will positively influence information diffusion. H4-9 : Marketing capability will positively influence information response. H5 : Market information orientation will positively influence business performance. H5-1 : Information generation will positively influence product competitiveness. H5-2 : Information generation will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H5-3 : Information diffusion will positively influence product competitiveness. H5-4 : Information diffusion will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H5-5 : Information response will positively influence product competitiveness. H5-6 : Information response will positively influence merits for new technology and/or product development into business performance. H6 : Market information orientation will mediate the relationship between technology innovation capability and business performance. H7 : Market information orientation will mediate the relationship between technology commercializing capability and business performance. The followings are the research results : First, as for the effect of technological innovation on business performance, the technology accumulation capability and technological innovating system have a positive effect on increase in product competitiveness and merits for new technology and/or product development, while R&D capability has little effect on business performance. Second, as for the effect of technology commercialization capability on business performance, the effect of manufacturing capability is relatively greater than that of merits for new technology and/or product development. Third, the mediation effect of market information orientation is identified to exist partially in information generation, information diffusion and information response. Judging from these results, the following analysis can be made : On Increase in product competitiveness, directly related to successful technology commercialization of technology, management capability including technological innovation system, manufacturing capability and marketing capability has a relatively strong effect. On merits for new technology and/or product development, on the other hand, capability in technological aspect including R&D capability, technology accumulation capability and product development capability has relatively strong effect. Besides, in the cast of market information orientation, the level of information diffusion within an organization plays and important role in new technology and/or product development. Also, for commercial success like increase in product competitiveness, the level of information response is primarily required. Accordingly, the following policies are suggested : First, as the effect of technological innovation capability and technology commercialization capability on business performance differs among SMEs; in order for SMEs to secure competitiveness, the government has to establish microscopic policies for SMEs which meet their needs and characteristics. Especially, the SMEs lacking in capital and labor are required to map out management strategies of focusing their resources primarily on their strengths. And the government needs to set up policies for SMEs, not from its macro-scaled standpoint, but from the selective and concentrative one that meets the needs and characteristics of respective SMEs. Second, systematic infrastructures are urgently required which lead technological success to commercial success. Namely, as technological merits at respective SME levels do not always guarantee commercial success, the government should make and effort to build systematic infrastructures including encouragement of M&A or technology trade, systematic support for protecting intellectual property, furtherance of business incubating and industrial clusters for strengthening academic-industrial network, and revitalization of technology financing, in order to make successful commercialization from technological success. Finally, the effort to innovate technology, R&D, for example, is essential to future national competitiveness, but its result is often prolonged. So the government needs continuous concern and funding for basic science, in order to maximize technological innovation capability. Indeed the government needs to examine continuously whether technological innovation capability or technological success leads satisfactorily to commercial success in market economic system. It is because, when the transition fails, it should be left to the government.

The Effects of RSM-Based Astronomical Observation Program on Astronomical Spatial Concept and Self-Directed Learning for the Scientific Gifted Students (과학영재 학생을 위한 RSM 기반 천체관측 프로그램이 천문학적 공간개념과 자기주도적 학습능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Shin, Myeung-Ryeul;Lee, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.993-1009
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to find the effects of RSM-based astronomical observation program about Astronomical Spatial Concept and Self-Directed Learning for the Scientific Gifted Students. For this purpose, this research developed RSM-based astronomical observation program. This program was totally consisted 10 lessen. there was 3 part in this program. It contained Preparation Stage (step 1-2), Observation Stage (step 3-8), Clean up Stage (step 9-10). To find the effects of RSM-based astronomical observation program on Astronomical Spatial Concept and Self-Directed Learning for Scientific Gifted Students. 20 participants was selected. these students were attended at a scientific gifted class(5th grade) of an elementary school located in Ulsan. First, Astronomical Spatial Concept was used to find the effect of the Astronomical Observation program based RSM. And the results were analyzed by SPSSWIN 18.0. The results of this study were as follows. First, RSM-based astronomical observation program was a positive effects on Astronomical Spatial Concept of the Scientific Gifted Students (t=3,875, p=.001). Second, RSM-based astronomical observation program was a positive effects on Self-Directed Learning of the Scientific Gifted Students (t=5.783, p=.000). According to this research, RSM-based astronomical observation program was verified to improve Astronomical Spatial Concept and Self-Directed Learning on the Scientific Gifted Students. It will be contribute on the curriculum construction of the gifted school or gifted class.

The Blueprint of Service Encounter by Types of Restaurants (레스토랑 유형별 서비스 인카운터 청사진 설계 및 비교)

  • Jo, Mi-Na;Shin, Seo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.1088-1096
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the service encounter blueprint by types of restaurants in order to manage moment of truth when customers who visit a restaurant encounter services. The service encounter blueprint gives an overall picture of the service provision to visualize an entire service process and its integrated structure. The blueprint is used for service process analysis technique. The random samples of 15 customers were observed by types of restaurants and the records were collected for three-days' observation. Interviews were performed by 3 managers, 3 service encounter employees, 3 cashiers, 3 cooks and 10 customers by types of restaurants. After drawing the first service blueprint, it was revised by the interview with the 3 managers and 6 service encounter employees. In this paper, restaurant service processes are reviewed and analyzed. By use of service blueprint, the processes are analyzed to find a fail point, customer wait, employee decision. As a result of making a blueprint of service encounter by types of restaurant, blueprints of fine-dining restaurants and family restaurants were similar, while fast-food restaurants showed a little difference. In particular, difference was indicated in a point where interaction of service encounter occurred. Difference was indicated depending on types of restaurants. Therefore, the efforts to improve this problem were needed. The blueprint is a map or flowchart (called a process chart in manufacturing) of all transactions constituting the service delivery process. The results showed that service encounter blueprint can be used to improve the service process in the restaurant's encounter.

On Method for LBS Multi-media Services using GML 3.0 (GML 3.0을 이용한 LBS 멀티미디어 서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Kee-Joong;Lee, Jun-Woo;Kim, Nam-Gyun;Hong, Seong-Hak;Choi, Beyung-Nam
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2004
  • SK Telecom has already constructed GIMS system as the base common framework of LBS/GIS service system based on OGC(OpenGIS Consortium)'s international standard for the first mobile vector map service in 2002, But as service content appears more complex, renovation has been needed to satisfy multi-purpose, multi-function and maximum efficiency as requirements have been increased. This research is for preparation ion of GML3-based platform to upgrade service from GML2 based GIMS system. And with this, it will be possible for variety of application services to provide location and geographic data easily and freely. In GML 3.0, it has been selected animation, event handling, resource for style mapping, topology specification for 3D and telematics services for mobile LBS multimedia service. And the schema and transfer protocol has been developed and organized to optimize data transfer to MS(Mobile Stat ion) Upgrade to GML 3.0-based GIMS system has provided innovative framework in the view of not only construction but also service which has been implemented and applied to previous research and system. Also GIMS channel interface has been implemented to simplify access to GIMS system, and service component of GIMS internals, WFS and WMS, has gotten enhanded and expanded function.

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A Study on the Prioritization of Medical Device using Fuzzy-AHP (Fuzzy-AHP를 활용한 미래유망 의료기기 우선순위 도출)

  • Lee, Chang-Seop;Yoon, Jae-Woong;Chun, Jae-Heon;Lee, Suk-Jun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.181-213
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    • 2017
  • According to the aging, the medical device industry is focused as a future promising industry. However, Korea medical device industry is not enough market competitiveness due to a narrow domestic market and a small company structure. This study aims at evaluating medical device priorities following 3 steps. First, we classify the medical device into three hierarchy categories and AHP survey was conducted on 30 experts in order to extract medical device priorities. Second, priority scores of medical device are analysed using AHP and Fuzzy-AHP. Third, a most important medical device is selected by comparing the volume of medical device manufacture and priority scores. As a result, 'dental implant' is the most import medical device, and we suggest a strategy based on a positioning map. The proposed methodology will provide a inspiration for establish of R&D and support policy in the medical device industry.

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Gravity, Magnetic and VLF Explorations in the Seokdae Landfill, Pusan (부산시 석대 매립지에서의 중력, 자력, VLF탐사)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Seo, Jung-Hee;Oh, Seok-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 1998
  • Gravity, magnetic and VLF surveys were carried out to investigate the dimension, nature and stability of the waste materials filled in the Seokdae landfill, Pusan. The Seokdae landfill, which is located in a former valley, was used as a dump for mainly domestic-type waste materials for 6 years from 1987. The landfill site is classfied into A, B, C and D areas according to the sequence of dumping period. The Bouguer gravity anomaly map shows maximum variation of 3.1 mgals on the landfill and its general appearance has close relation with the thickness of waste filled. The local variation of anomaly, however, reflect the degree of compactness of waste materials which may be affected by the nature of waste and dumping time. In the case of area A, where dumping process was terminated at the very last stage, most part show negative anomaly compared to other areas. We think that the composition of the waste materials in the area A is high in leftover food and paper trash and they are still in uncompacted condition. In area B, the general trend of variation of gravity anomaly is appeared to be high anomaly in northern part and decrease to the southern part. This is well matched with the prelandfill topography of the landfill site. The southern part of area B is located in the center of valley and its present surface is comparatively rugged, which may be due to the differential settlement of deep burried waste. The thickness of waste in area C is relatively thin, but the gravity anomaly appears to be low. Considering the present condition of surface, it can be inferred that low density wastes such as leftover food were mainly filled in this area. Area D, as in the case of area B, shows gravity anomaly that has close relation with the prelandfill topography. Magnetic data show the variation of total field intensity varies in the range of 46600~51000 nT, and reach maximum anomaly of 4400 nT. The overall pattern of magnetic anomaly well reflects the distribution of magnetic materials in the landfill. The result of VLF survey reveals several low resistivity zones, which may serve as underground passages for contaminant flow, in the area C located near the small Village.

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A Study on the Architectural Design Utility of Object-based CAD System (객체기반 CAD 시스템의 건축설계적 효용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Chang-Geun
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2002
  • As architectural forms tend to be large-scaled, high-storied and complicated, use of computer for processing design information has been generalized. However, CAD use in the process of developing architectural design has been neglected greatly in the educational field of architectural field due to the surging of recognition that it may limit the essential property of architectural design. It may be resulted from the limitation of CAD system, that is, it is because of tardy speed of application development for the related areas with the lack of simplicity and clarity of flexibility to be secured on the drawing and user interface. Recent CAD systems, however, overcome such a limitation, convert into object-based design from entity-based drawing, drafting and modeling for implementing design concept of architects and it connects with internet linked to superspeed information communication network and changes process and stream of architectural design. Therefore, this study deals with utility of object based CAD system with products of Autodesk Co. and consequently obtain the following conclusions. First, it expands architect's design areas by supporting cooperative design system based on model-based architectural design and internet. Second, it reduces consumption of personal and material resources and time in the process of drawing production for improving architectural design works. Third, it can reduce the frequent design changes by improving understanding of architectural space with visualization of immediate 3D information, escaping from traditional methods to deliver design information to building owner through 2D drawing or model and perspective drawing requiring much cost and time. Fourth, it keeps exactness without omission or duplication of design information and generate and renew information of all related drawings on a drawing. Fifth, it is possible to change difficult and boring architectural design work into a pleasure owing to immediate modeling and drawing of design idea. In addition, digital drawing generated by using object-based CAD system can playa role of establishing Urban Information System to be used for protecting from building in disaster and urban disasters in connection with GIS numerical map and be used for reference of all kinds of information required fro post-management of buildings. However, what is more important is that surplus time from introduction of object-based CAD system should be used for consideration to be recognized as a good space and building built as a product of this project for comfort to urban people.

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