• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D building modeling

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Analysis of Business Process for Customizing Interior Design Introducing BIM (BIM을 도입한 맞춤형 인테리어 설계 업무프로세스 분석)

  • Park, Se-Young;Kim, Kyong-Hoon;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2012
  • This paper showed how to apply BIM technology to customized interior design process(CIDP) in order to reduce the heavy workload of stakeholders who are involved in the customized house project. Recently the customers wanted their living space to make a different from others in the field of interior design in particular, therefore, this dissertation focused on the process of the determination of the interior plan through the communication between clients and workers. This thesis indicated the interior design process with IDEF${\emptyset}$ in order to show how many kinds of information workers and expected residents made and shared in the each step of CIDP. BIM in the customized interior design procss is useful to correct drawing errors, help customers' decision-making by showing the 3D model for their own house and decrease the heavy workload of workers concerned by using BIM estimating system.

A Development of NURBS-Based Pre and Post Processor for Structural Analysis of Free-Shaped Beam (자유형상 보요소 해석을 위한 NURBS기반의 전·후처리 모듈 개발)

  • Jung, Sung-Jin;Park, Se-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.6673-6678
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the free form buildings are constructed frequently. Exterior and interior components of these buildings have the free cross-section and a curved shape. So, There are many usages of classical finite element having tapered section and free-style shape. Some general commercial applications like ETABS, SAP2000, MIDAS are usually used for the safety evaluation of the free form structures. However, there are some limits in the accuracy of structural analysis and the length of analysis time because a very complicated finite element mesh have to be used. Therefore, In this study, a pre and post program module was developed to take advantage of general 3-D curved beam element which has a free-style curved shape and mathematical backgrounds. Pre-post processing module has been developed in this study was developed to control the curvature of the curved members by the NURBS control points. As a result, fast geometric modeling than was possible commercial applications. In addition, realistic depiction of the shape and behavior patterns were possible because of the free-form building allows visual check of the free form.

Development of the Preliminary Cost Estimate Method for the Free-Form Building Facade Trade in Conjunction with the Panel Optimization Algorithm Process (곡면 최적화 알고리즘을 활용한 비정형 건축물 외장공사비 개산견적에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Jang Sik;Ock, Jong Ho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2014
  • The outer surfaces of free form buildings contain panels with two-directional curvatures. To construct these panels, complex geometric surfaces should be divided into forms and sizes that can be manufactured and constructed efficiently. Because the bigger the curvatures of these panel, the more expensive the construction costs, these complex curvatures should go through optimal process of reinterpretation to minimize the curved surfaces with complex two-directional curvatures, which is called panel optimization. Small construction and design companies have trouble in calculating even rough estimate and cannot adjust expected construction cost of the panels based on comparison of design alternatives in conjunction with panel optimization process due to lack of knowledge and experience. This study conducts the research that can support designers' cost decision-making in the design stage of the free form buildings with respect to the panel optimization process. A 3D commercial application specialized to modeling free form shapes is used for the purpose.

Geometry-to-BIM Mapping Rule Definition for Building Plane BIM object (건축물 평면 형상에 대한 형상-to-BIM 맵핑 규칙 정의)

  • Kang, Tae-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.236-242
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    • 2019
  • Recently, scanning projects have been carried out in various construction and construction fields for maintenance purposes. The point cloud generated by the scan results is composed of a number of points representing the object to be scanned. The process of extracting the necessary information, including dimensions, from such scan data is called paradox. The reverse engineering process of modeling a point cloud as BIM involves considerable manual work. Owing to the time-consuming reverse engineering nature of the work, the costs increase exponentially when rework requests are made, such as design changes. Reverse engineering automation technology can help improve these problems. On the other hand, the reverse design product is variable depending on the use, and the kind and detail level of the product may be different. This paper proposes the G2BM (Geometry-to-BIM mapping) rule definition method that automatically maps a BIM object from a primitive geometry to a BIM object. G2BM proposes a process definition and a customization method for reverse engineering BIM objects that consider the use case variability.

Development of Drawing & Specification Management System Using 3D Object-based Product Model (3차원 객체기반 모델을 이용한 설계도면 및 시방서관리 시스템 구축)

  • Kim Hyun-nam;Wang Il-kook;Chin Sang-yoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.1 no.3 s.3
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 2000
  • In construction projects, the design information, which should contain accurate product information in a systematic way, needs to be applicable through the life-cycle of projects. However, paper-based 2D drawings and relevant documents has difficulties in communicating and sharing the owner's and architect's intention and requirement effectively and building a corporate knowledge base through on-going projects due to Tack of interoperability between specific task or function-oriented software and handling massive information. Meanwhile, computer and information technologies are being developed so rapidly that the practitioners are even hard to adapt them into the industry efficiently. 3D modeling capabilities in CAD systems are enormously developed and enables users to associate 3D models with other relevant information. However, this still requires a great deal of efforts and costs to have all the design information represented in CAD system, and the sophisticated system is difficult to manage. This research focuses on the transition period from 2D-based design Information management to 3D-based, which means co-existence of 2D and 3D-based management. This research proposes a model of a compound system of 2D and 3D-based CAD system which presents the general design information using 3D model integrating with 2D CAD drawings for detailed design information. This research developed an integrated information management system for design and specification by associating 2D drawings and 3D models, where 2D drawings represents detailed design and parts that are hard to express in 3D objects. To do this, related management processes was analyzed to build an information model which in turn became the basis of the integrated information management system.

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Application of Data Dictionary to BIM for Small and Medium Project (중소규모 사업용 BIM을 위한 데이터 사전의 활용)

  • Lee, Hwan Woo;Lee, Kyung Sub;Kim, Kwang Yang
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2013
  • The systemization of construction information is required over whole life cycle of facilities to improve productivity of construction industry. BIM(Building Information Modeling) is a technology to manage information based on 3D information model. It has been actively suggested as one of the alternatives. However, it may be currently concentrated on the large project while the small and medium project based on BIM are slightly treated in indifference. In the case of small and medium project, the loss of information has been occurred more seriously than large project. However, it is hard to introduce BIM to the small and medium companies due to the lack of investment resources. This study has been performed to set up information management system based on BIM considering characteristics of small and medium project without excessive investment. In this study, pseudo BIM is defined as BIM for small and medium project. The concept of pseudo BIM has been suggested. The PLIB of ISO and construction information classification system of MOLIT in Korea are used to construct data dictionary for pseudo BIM. A pilot test is performed to verify the effectiveness of pseudo BIM.

Basic Study of the Application of BIM to Classroom Spatial Information of School Facilities (학교시설 교사공간정보의 BIM 적용에 관한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Heon;Choi, Joong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6922-6931
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    • 2014
  • The development of modern science and technology and computer engineering breakthroughs in the field of information and communication have brought about many changes in lifestyle. The government announced the goal of educational policy in 2030 to educate people in future society on a future-oriented perspective. Changes in the curriculum along with changes in educational facilities are essential. Therefore, the operation of a classroom should be associated with classroom spatial information. The BIM design based on 3D geometry information was designed. The BIM design can link the design information and non-geometric information of spatial information. This study examined the operation of school facilities based on classroom spatial information with BIM. This study suggests standardization of classroom spatial information based on BIM. The scenarios of BIM ordering and design for departmentalized classrooms management is proposed.

Effects of Acoustic Boundary Conditions on Combustion Instabilities in a Gas Turbine Combustor (음향 경계 조건이 가스터빈 연소기에서의 연소불안정에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Jaeyoung;Kim, Deasik;Kim, Seong-Ku;Cha, Dong Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2015
  • This study predicts the basic characteristics of combustion instabilities in a gas turbine lean premixed combustor using ASCI3D code which is a FEM(Finite Element Method)-based Helmholtz solver. The prediction results show the good agreement with the measured data in modeling the overall combustion instability features, however, the code is found to overpredict the unstable conditions. As one of the efforts to improve the model accuracy, the effects of acoustic boundary conditions on the instability growth rate are analyzed. As a result, it is shown that the acoustic reflection coefficient has a great impact on the instability and the prediction accuracy can be enhanced by defining the precise acoustic conditions.

Study on Damage Information Management Plan for Maintenance and Operation of River Facilities (하천시설 유지운영을 위한 손상정보 관리방안 연구)

  • Joo, Jae-Ha;Nam, Jeung-Yong;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the rapid proliferation, introduction, and application of the fourth industrial revolution technology has emerged as a trend in the construction market. Building Information Model (BIM) technology is a multidimensional information system that forms the basis of the fourth industrial revolution technology. The river sector utilizing this information-based system is also being actively reviewed, for example, the current measures for maintenance. In recent years, active research and current work should be done to reflect the need for river experts to introduce BIM into the river field. In addition, the development of tools and support software for establishing various information systems is essential for the activation of facility maintenance information systems reflecting advanced technology and to establish and operate management plans. A study on the maintenance of river facilities involves using existing drawings to build a three-dimensional (3D) information model, check the damage utilizing it, and inform it, and utilize it as the data for maintenance reinforcement. This study involved determining a method to build a river facility without the existing information system and using the property maintenance information with 3D modeling to provide a more effective and highly utilized management plan to check maintenance operations and manage damages.

A Study on the Implement of AI-based Integrated Smart Fire Safety (ISFS) System in Public Facility

  • Myung Sik Lee;Pill Sun Seo
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2023
  • Even at this point in the era of digital transformation, we are still facing many problems in the safety sector that cannot prevent the occurrence or spread of human casualties. When you are in an unexpected emergency, it is often difficult to respond only with human physical ability. Human casualties continue to occur at construction sites, manufacturing plants, and multi-use facilities used by many people in everyday life. If you encounter a situation where normal judgment is impossible in the event of an emergency at a life site where there are still many safety blind spots, it is difficult to cope with the existing manual guidance method. New variable guidance technology, which combines artificial intelligence and digital twin, can make it possible to prevent casualties by processing large amounts of data needed to derive appropriate countermeasures in real time beyond identifying what safety accidents occurred in unexpected crisis situations. When a simple control method that divides and monitors several CCTVs is digitally converted and combined with artificial intelligence and 3D digital twin control technology, intelligence augmentation (IA) effect can be achieved that strengthens the safety decision-making ability required in real time. With the enforcement of the Serious Disaster Enterprise Punishment Act, the importance of distributing a smart location guidance system that urgently solves the decision-making delay that occurs in safety accidents at various industrial sites and strengthens the real-time decision-making ability of field workers and managers is highlighted. The smart location guidance system that combines artificial intelligence and digital twin consists of AIoT HW equipment, wireless communication NW equipment, and intelligent SW platform. The intelligent SW platform consists of Builder that supports digital twin modeling, Watch that meets real-time control based on synchronization between real objects and digital twin models, and Simulator that supports the development and verification of various safety management scenarios using intelligent agents. The smart location guidance system provides on-site monitoring using IoT equipment, CCTV-linked intelligent image analysis, intelligent operating procedures that support workflow modeling to immediately reflect the needs of the site, situational location guidance, and digital twin virtual fencing access control technology. This paper examines the limitations of traditional fixed passive guidance methods, analyzes global technology development trends to overcome them, identifies the digital transformation properties required to switch to intelligent variable smart location guidance methods, explains the characteristics and components of AI-based public facility smart fire safety integrated system (ISFS).