• Title/Summary/Keyword: 360 image

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A Development of Color Prototypes Based on Digital Color Image Analysis (한국 디지털 전통색채이미지를 이용한 배색유형 개발)

  • Lee, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Joon-Jl
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to produce color harmony code based on color harmony prototype in terms of environmental color design. This paper proposes ways of categorizing more accurate color harmony prototype through digital image processing by the computer program called the Color Syntax. The method of analysis adopted in this paper is pixel based color image processing. The study suggests color harmony prototype which are categorized by a color harmony angles. These angles represented internal relations between colors. This study describes development processes of color harmony prototype which is a basis for creating color harmony codes. Development processes of color harmony schema consists of color analysis, color codes generation and color selection. Also, how to analyze color images and to chose suitable harmony color codes among various codes are main research issues. As a final result, 109 color harmony codes have been obtained. These code numbers are suggested through rotating 2 color pairs in a 360-degree arc in the same color harmony angles, the codes which is applicable to the color harmony schema previously developed. This color harmony codes will produce better color environment in a sense that it will help designers to maximally reduce their time consumption, and the results of their designs will also be related to the use of proper color for regional environments.

Omnidirectional Camera-based Image Rendering Synchronization System Using Head Mounted Display (헤드마운티드 디스플레이를 활용한 전방위 카메라 기반 영상 렌더링 동기화 시스템)

  • Lee, Seungjoon;Kang, Suk-Ju
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.67 no.6
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    • pp.782-788
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a novel method for the omnidirectional camera-based image rendering synchronization system using head mounted display. There are two main processes in the proposed system. The first one is rendering 360-degree images which are remotely photographed to head mounted display. This method is based on transmission control protocol/internet protocol(TCP/IP), and the sequential images are rapidly captured and transmitted to the server using TCP/IP protocol with the byte array data format. Then, the server collects the byte array data, and make them into images. Finally, the observer can see them while wearing head mounted display. The second process is displaying the specific region by detecting the user's head rotation. After extracting the user's head Euler angles from head mounted display's inertial measurement units sensor, the proposed system display the region based on these angles. In the experimental results, rendering the original image at the same resolution in a given network environment causes loss of frame rate, and rendering at the same frame rate results in loss of resolution. Therefore, it is necessary to select optimal parameters considering environmental requirements.

A Study on Compression Paddle Materials to Reduce Radiation Exposure Dose During Mammography; PC and PMMA and Carbon (유방촬영 시 피폭선량을 줄이기 위한 압박대 재질의 PC, PMMA, Carbon에 대한 연구)

  • Hong, Dong-Hee;Jung, Hong-Ryang
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2015
  • This study was designed the band material in order to reduce the exposure pressure of the breast and the material was measured of Radiolucent and radiation properties with a radiation materials of PC, PMMA, Carbon. Also the image quality by image analysis to obtain the following results are below: Unfors Xi dosimetry using radiation transmittance when the results of 8.353mGy is measured after removal of the cuff, the PC 6.308mGy, PMMA 6.223mGy, Carbon 7.218mGy were measured respectively. Semi-layer PC 0.375mmAl, PMMA 0.370mmAl, with Carbon 0.360mmAl Carbon, PC, PMMA was higher radiation properties and transparency in order. InLight / OSL NanoDotTM dosimeter was used in the cuff and then removed by placing the dosimeter measured results center on 1.143mGy, at the edge 12.56mGy, on the central PC 8.990mGy, at the edge 10.291mGy, PMMA center on 8.391mGy, the edge 9.654mGy, on Carbon center 9.581mGy, 11.313 mGy were measured at the edge of Carbon, PC, PMMA showed a high permeability in order. Image Pixel average J is then removed from the cuff 976.655, PC 831.032, PMMA 819.069, Carbon 897.118 Carbon, PC, PMMA was measured by high order.

Influence of Regularization Parameter on Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (대수적 재구성 기법에서 정규화 인자의 영향)

  • Son, Jung Min;Chon, Kwon Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.679-685
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    • 2017
  • Computed tomography has widely been used to diagnose patient disease, and patient dose also increase rapidly. To reduce the patient dose by CT, various techniques have been applied. The iterative reconstruction is used in view of image reconstruction. Image quality of the reconstructed section image through algebraic reconstruction technique, one of iterative reconstruction methods, was examined by the normalized root mean square error. The computer program was written with the Visual C++ under the parallel beam geometry, Shepp-Logan head phantom of $512{\times}512$ size, projections of 360, and detector-pixels of 1,024. The forward and backward projection was realized by Joseph method. The minimum NRMS of 0.108 was obtained after 10 iterations in the regularization parameter of 0.09-0.12, and the optimum image was obtained after 8 and 6 iterations for 0.1% and 0.2% noise. Variation of optimum value of the regularization parameter was observed according to the phantom used. If the ART was used in the reconstruction, the optimal value of the regularization parameter should be found in the case-by-case. By finding the optimal regularization parameter in the algebraic reconstruction technique, the reconstruction time can be reduced.

The Interesting Moving Objects Tracking Algorithm using Color Informations on Multi-Video Camera (다중 비디오카메라에서 색 정보를 이용한 특정 이동물체 추적 알고리듬)

  • Shin, Chang-Hoon;Lee, Joo-Shin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.3
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the interesting moving objects tracking algorithm using color information on Multi-Video camera is proposed Moving objects are detected by using difference image method and integral projection method to background image and objects image only with hue area, after converting RGB color coordination of image which is input from multi-video camera into HSI color coordination. Hue information of the detected moving area are normalized by 24 steps from 0$^{\circ}$ to 360$^{\circ}$ It is used for the feature parameters of the moving objects that three normalization levels with the highest distribution and distance among three normalization levels after obtaining a hue distribution chart of the normalized moving objects. Moving objects identity among four cameras is distinguished with distribution of three normalization levels and distance among three normalization levels, and then the moving objects are tracked and surveilled. To examine propriety of the proposed method, four cameras are set up indoor difference places, humans are targeted for moving objects. As surveillance results of the interesting human, hue distribution chart variation of the detected Interesting human at each camera in under 10%, and it is confirmed that the interesting human is tracked and surveilled by using feature parameters at four cameras, automatically.

A Study on the Restoration of Korean Traditional Palace Image by Adjusting the Receptive Field of Pix2Pix (Pix2Pix의 수용 영역 조절을 통한 전통 고궁 이미지 복원 연구)

  • Hwang, Won-Yong;Kim, Hyo-Kwan
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.360-366
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents a AI model structure for restoring Korean traditional palace photographs, which remain only black-and-white photographs, to color photographs using Pix2Pix, one of the adversarial generative neural network techniques. Pix2Pix consists of a combination of a synthetic image generator model and a discriminator model that determines whether a synthetic image is real or fake. This paper deals with an artificial intelligence model by adjusting a receptive field of the discriminator, and analyzes the results by considering the characteristics of the ancient palace photograph. The receptive field of Pix2Pix, which is used to restore black-and-white photographs, was commonly used in a fixed size, but a fixed size of receptive field is not suitable for a photograph which consisting with various change in an image. This paper observed the result of changing the size of the existing fixed a receptive field to identify the proper size of the discriminator that could reflect the characteristics of ancient palaces. In this experiment, the receptive field of the discriminator was adjusted based on the prepared ancient palace photos. This paper measure a loss of the model according to the change in a receptive field of the discriminator and check the results of restored photos using a well trained AI model from experiments.

Development of Identification Method of Rice Varieties Using Image Processing Technique (화상처리법에 의한 쌀 품종별 판별기술 개발)

  • Kwon, Young-Kil;Cho, Rae-Kwang
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.160-165
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    • 1998
  • Current discriminating technique of rice variety is known to be not objective till this time because of depending on naked eye of well trained inspector. DNA finger print method based on genetic character of rice has been indicated inappropriate for on-site application, because the method need much labor and skilled expert. The purpose of this study was to develops the identification technique of polished rice varieties using CCD camera images. To minimize the noise of the captured image, thresholding and median filtering were carried out, and edge was extracted from the image data. Image data after pretreatment of normalize and FFT(fast fourier transform) were used for library model and feedforward backpropagation neural network model. Image processing technique using CCD camera could discriminate the variety of rice with high accuracy in case of quite different rice of shape, but the accuracy was reached at 85% in the similar shape of rice.

  • PDF

A Study on the Image Perception of Men's Casual Wear Using Photograph and Computer Simulation Picture (실물사진과 컴퓨터그림에 의한 남성 캐주얼웨어 이미지 지각 연구)

  • Kang, Seung-Hee;Lee, Myoung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the types and the colors of men's casual wear, hairstyles, and the methods of stimulus manufacture on men's image perception. The subjects were 360 women from the metropolitan area of Seoul. The clothing types used for the study were a sweater and a jumper(casual jacket) with jean pants. The clothing colors were beige, indigo, and red. Two hairstyles, the short and the medium length hairs, were compared. Two types of stimuli, the photograph and the computer simulation picture, were used. The results of the factor analysis disclosed five dimensions on men's image: neatness, individuality, ability, activity, and sociability. In general, the photograph stimuli were evaluated more positively in activity, individuality, and sociability than the picture stimuli. The sweaters were perceived higher in ability, activity, and sociability than the jumpers. The Indigo color was evaluated as neat. The medium length hairstyles were perceived as neat and the short hairstyles were perceived as sociable. The jumpers were evaluated lower in individuality in the picture stimuli than in the photograph stimuli. The beige and indigo colors were evaluated to be neater in the picture stimuli than in the photograph. When using the picture stimuli, the men's image wearing the sweaters with the medium length hairstyles were evaluated lower in individuality. When using the photograph stimuli, the men's image wearing the sweater with the short hairstyles were evaluated higher in activity. Men's image wearing the indigo jumper and the beige sweater with medium length hairs were evaluated as high in neatness.

Automatic Exposure Control Performance Evaluation of Digital Radiographic Imaging System by Manufacturer Using Coins (동전을 이용한 제조사 별 디지털 방사선 영상 시스템의 자동노출제어 성능 평가)

  • Lim, Se-Hun;Seoung, Youl-Hun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we proposed an image quality control for an automatic exposure control (AEC) of digital radiographic imaging system and tried to analyze the performance of the AEC by various manufacturer. The subjects of the experiment were analyzed for the AEC image quality evaluation using digital radiation generators from four manufacturer such as PHILIPS, GE Healthcare, SAMSUNG Healthcare, DK Medical Solution. We used as materials for the implementation of the image quality evaluation by coins (500 won, KOMSCO, Korea). This study evaluated the performance evaluation of the AEC as image quality and exposure dose (Milliampere-seconds; mAs). The image quality evaluation was tried visual assessment by two radiologic technologists and contrast to noise (CNR) by ImageJ. The exposure dose investigated mAs on digital radiation generators. The radiographic coin images acquired 360 images based on change in the control factors of the AEC, which were kVp, the consistency of field configuration and dominant zone, sensitivity and density. As a result, there was a significant difference in the AEC performance between manufacturer. The CNR by the AEC for each manufacturer showed a difference of up to about 1.9 times. The exposed tube current by the AEC for each manufacturer showed a difference of up to about 5.8 times. It is expected that our proposed evaluation method using coins could be applied as the AEC performance evaluation method in the future.

Analysis of infrared thermal image for melting processes of Co-Cr-Mo based alloy using high frequency induction casting machine (치과용 고주파 주조기를 이용한 Co-Cr-Mo계 합금 용해과정의 적외선 열화상 분석)

  • Kang, Hoo-Won;Park, Young-Sik;Hwang, In;Lee, Chang-Ho;Heo, Yong;Won, Yong-Gwan
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Dental casting Co-Cr-Mo based alloys of five kinds of ingot type and two kinds of shot type were analyzed the melting processes with heating time of high frequency induction centrifugal casting machine using infrared thermal image analyzer. Methods: When Co-Cr-Mo based alloys were put about 30g/charge in the ceramic crucible of high frequency induction centrifugal casting machine and heat, Infrared thermal image analyzer and IR thermometer indicated these alloys in the crucible were set and operated. Results: The melting temperatures of alloys measuring infrared thermal image analyzer were deviated ${\pm}10^{\circ}C$ compared to those of manufacturing company. On the other hand, the melting time of alloys were differently appeared with the shape of alloys(ingot and shot type). Conclusion: The melting temperatures of dental Co-Cr-Mo based alloys were measured the degree of $1,360{\sim}1410^{\circ}C$ and the heating time with the alloys of ingot and shot type were deviated ${\pm}10sec$.