• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2009 개정 과학과 교육과정

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Content Analysis on the Expression Activity in the Middle School Physical Education Textbooks of 2009 Curriculum Revision (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 체육교과서 표현활동 영역 체제 분석)

  • Choo, Nayoung
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.257-269
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to conduct content analysis on expression activity section in the physical education textbooks of 2009 curriculum revision and provide a basis for future middle school physical education. in order to accomplish the purpose of this study, 5 different kinds of physical education textbook. The physical education textbooks were examined through the comparative analysis and previous studies conducted for selections of the analysis bases. The results were as follows. First, textbooks devoted the space from 14.1 to 17.3%. In deployment and configuration of the section, each textbooks were used variety of methods, photographs and illustrations for motivations and advanced learning. Second, the instructional objectives were presented 4-6 each text book including expression activity concepts, understanding expression methods, personal competence reinforcement through creative activity, and watching performances. Learning contents were to focus on the concepts of aesthetic component in the esthetical expression, to highlight creative component in the modern expression, to express characteristic dances through understanding of the culture in the traditional expression. lastly, the middle assessments hight the understanding of each contents but small assessments focus on attitudes of character education.

The Design of Integrated Science Curriculum Framework Based on Big Ideas (Big idea를 중심으로 한 통합형 과학 교육과정 틀 설계)

  • Bang, Dami;Park, Eunmi;Yoon, Heojeong;Kim, Ji;Lee, Yoonha;Park, Jieun;Song, Joo-Yeon;Dong, Hyokwan;Shim, Byeong Ju;Lim, Hee-Jun;Lee, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.1041-1054
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    • 2013
  • Big ideas are overarching principles that help students to build a holistic understanding of domain-specific knowledge and assimilate individual facts and theories. This study aims to design a standard-based integrated science curriculum framework based on Big Ideas. The core contents were extracted by analysing the 2009 National Science Standards curriculum of primary and middle schools. Four Big Ideas, 'diversity,' 'structure,' 'interaction,' and 'change,' were generated after the process of examination and categorization of core contents. The scientific facts, disciplinary concepts, and interdisciplinary concepts of every scientific domains included in each Big Idea are represented as a knowledge pyramid. Essential questions guiding the direction of curriculum design were proposed on each Big idea. Based on the framework, teaching modules for 'structure' were developed for grades 5~6.

The three-year comparative study of effects of STEAM education programs based on physical computing (3년간의 피지컬 컴퓨팅 기반의 STEAM 프로그램의 효과 비교 연구)

  • kim, Sughee;Lee, Chulhyun
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2016
  • STEAM education introduced full-scale since 2011, it was reflected in the 2009 modified science curriculum. Partially it was decided not by result of study, but by the government policy. So practical study was needed for steam education. The researchers have studied effect of steam education based on physical computing from 2012 to 2014 on fourth grader. To study of effects of steam education, the researcher administer pre-to-post of science attitude test, science achievement test, logical ability test, psychological test for youth, satisfaction level test for school curriculum. The result shows that science attitude, logical ability, and satisfaction level for school curriculum of steam treatment group were enhanced. We conclude that steam education solve the proposed problem which low motivation and interest for science in comparison with science achievement.

The analyses of duplicated contents of 'Family life' unit of Home Economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students - Focusing on the 2009 revised curriculum - (중학교 가정 교과 교과서와 타 교과 교과서 '가족생활' 영역의 중복성 분석 - 2009 개정 가정과 교육과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Elli;Yu, Nan Sook;Chae, Jung Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.85-109
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the duplicated contents of 'family life' unit of home economics and other subject textbooks for the middle school students. It focused on the 'family life' area in the home economics textbook compiled following the 2009 revised curriculum, and textbooks of other subjects compiled in the same period. To achieve the purpose of this study, "Home economics I II", "Ethics I II", "Social studies I II", "Science I II III", and "Physical education"were analyzed. The results were as follows. The contents in 'family life' area of "Home economics I II" were overlapped most in the textbook on Ethics, and then Science, Physical education, and social studies in order. In Ethics textbook the contents in family life area and those throughout the whole chapters of home economics textbook are overlapped most. The contents of home economics textbook are overlapped at the content of 'Juvenile's sexual development' of 'Human development process' in science and physical education, and at the content of 'Juvenile's emotional and social development' of 'Understanding of human development' in social studies. Seen from this study the 'family life' area of home economics is overlapped in science, physical education, and social studies, but, home economics has comprehensive contents with the goal of managing healthy individual and family life compared with other subjects, and it induces students' moral practices in their real life on the basis of scientific knowledge different from morality, social studies, and physical education. Hence, the instruction of 'family life' area might be done more effectively by focusing on home economics and integrating the connections of duplicated contents in Ethics, Science, Physical education, and Social studies.

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Analysis of Teachers' Stages of Concern and Levels of Use on STEAM of the 2009 Elementary Science Curriculum (2009 개정 초등학교 과학과 교육과정의 융합인재교육(STEAM)에 대한 교사의 관심도와 실행 수준 분석)

  • Chae, Hee-In;Noh, Suk-Goo
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.634-645
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the teachers' stages of concern and levels of use on STEAM of the 2009 elementary science curriculum and to support effective application according to the teachers' stages and levels. Therefore this study was conducted by the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM). The total number of 113 teachers participated in this study. The results of the study were as follows: First, most teachers were in the stage of awareness. Second, the results of the chi-square test showed that the stages were significantly different according to their positions, training experiences and final degrees (p<.05). Third, about half of teachers were in the level of orientation and preparation. The others were in the level of routine, integration and renewal. Fourth, the results of the chi-square test showed that the levels were significantly different with the categories of their gender, position, age, career in education, workplace and training experience (p<.05). Fifth, the correlation coefficient between stages of concern and levels of use (r=.59) was relatively high (p<.05). Based on these results, we suggested that the support of application should be provided according to the teachers' stages and levels.

An Analysis for Gender-Role Stereotyping of Texts and Illustrations in Elementary Science Textbooks developed under 2009 Revised National Curriculum (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 과학 교과서의 글과 삽화에 나타난 성역할 고정관념 실태 분석)

  • Kang, Hunsik;Lee, Jaewon;Kim, Hyunho;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.454-468
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the gender-role stereotyping of the texts and the illustrations in the elementary science textbooks developed under the 2009 Revised National Curriculum was analyzed, and the results were compared with those of the 2007 Revised National Curriculum. In the texts, there were significant differences between boys and girls in the frequencies of texts, two types of learning activities such as scientific inquiry and emotional expression, and housekeeping activity. Women outnumbered men in housekeeping activity, but they were much less than men to perform outdoor and professional activities. In the illustrations, there were not significant differences by gender in pupils, and these results are desirable in terms of achieving balance between boys and girls. However, the textbooks were found to favor the illustrations of men especially in outdoor and professional activities. Women also performed more in housekeeping activity. Compared with the adult results of previous curriculum, these results were not improved at all.

A Proposal of Environmental Engineering Education on the New Educational Environments (변화된 교육환경에 따른 환경공학교육의 방향설정 연구)

  • Jun, Hang-Bae;Tian, Dong-Jie;Lim, Hyun-Woo;Yang, Hyo-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2012
  • Recently, regional society requires engineers to understand the international affairs and to be global experts endowed with leadership. General education appropriate to engineers should fulfill these needs and provide wide understandings in humanity. General sciences education should be also reinforced for the students taking low level science courses under 7th education program to improve learning ability of the major subjects in college. A general education component including humanity for the engineers could be trained continuously from primary school to college under the 2009 revised education program. Various opportunity for education should be provided through the special curriculum development at the college or department level, which trains experts who fulfill the need of community. Multi-major program is a substitute for offering the educational opportunity to the students in environmental engineering, one of multidisciplinary programs. Emphasized criteria of the curriculum requirements and adequate contents of general education need be also developed for supporting the students to take advanced courses in major.

Analysis of the Alignment between Elementary Science Curriculum and Teacher Guidebook - Examining Learning Objectives in 2009 Grade 3~4 Science Curriculum - (초등 과학과 교육과정과 교사용지도서 목표 간의 비교 분석 - 2009 개정 교육과정 3~4학년을 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Jiyeon;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung;Kim, Mijung
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 2015
  • Teacher guidebooks are practical and commonly used resources for teachers to deliver the goals and contents of science curriculum in classroom teaching. Thus, the alignment of teacher guidebooks and science curriculum could be critical to undertake the effectiveness of curriculum implication in science classrooms. This study is to investigate how the learning objectives of science curriculum are implicated in teacher guidebooks by analyzing the dimensions of knowledge and cognitive process in learning objectives in both documents. Grade 3~4 learning objectives (82 objectives in the curriculum, 459 in the teacher guidebook, 541 in total) in 2009 Revised science curriculum and teacher guidebooks were coded and analyzed based on the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. The analysis focused on how the knowledge dimensions and cognitive processes of the curriculum were emphasized and restructured in the teacher guidebooks to examine the coalition between the two important documents. The study found: 1) the learning objectives in Grade 3~4 in both documents were skewed to certain knowledge dimension (conceptual) and cognitive process (understand); 2) there was a high coalition between unit objectives and lesson objectives in the teacher guidebooks, however, relatively low coalition between the curriculum and the teacher guidebooks; and 3) learning objectives in the curriculum were delivered in teacher guidebooks in various patterns (similar, detailed, additional, in portion, and the same), and 'detailed' and 'additional' were frequently shown. There also appeared new objectives in the teacher guidebooks, which were not present in the curriculum. The findings in this study could provide some suggestions to the current project of developing 2015 Science Curriculum in regard to understanding the dimensions of knowledge and cognitive process of learning objectives and their alignments with textbooks and teacher guidebooks.

Understandings on the Cycle as a substance and ESE (지구계 교육과 소재로서 순환에 대한 이해)

  • Kim, Yun-Ji;Jeong, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.951-962
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    • 2009
  • Examining research papers and other texts on the subject, this study summarizes previous studies, with focus on circulation as a subtopic of Earth Systems Education. In relation to the Earth Systems unit included in the revised 10th-grade science textbook, this study explains the meaning of Earth Systems and the basic concepts of Earth System Science. It surveys the origin and application of Earth Systems Education, which developed primarily in the U. S., and introduces its objectives, concepts, and communicated content. It also reviews the contents of Earth Systems Education adopted in the Korean school curriculum, and provides a comparative analysis of the content on circulation appearing in Earth Science I textbooks. Finally, it is proposed that an understanding among educators of Earth Systems and of its necessity as a subject of education is imperative for Earth Systems Education to become firmly established as a compulsory component of the national school curriculum.

Analysis of Features of Korean Fourth Grade Students' TIMSS Science Achievement in Content Domains with Curriculum Change (교육과정 변화에 따른 우리나라 초등학교 4학년 학생들의 TIMSS 과학 내용영역별 성취 특성 분석)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.599-609
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    • 2017
  • The goal of this research is to analyze the trend of Korean fourth grade students' achievement in TIMSS 2011 and TIMSS 2015 science content domains and to suggest implications for science curriculum and teaching & learning improvement. With four elementary science teachers and three science educators, we analyzed Korean fourth grade students' percentage of correct responses in TIMSS 2015 science content and cognitive domains, and conducted item-curriculum matching analysis for test items. According to the results, Korean students performed relatively better in test topics covered in the science curriculum for 3-4 grades regardless of the science content domain (i.e., Life science, Physical science, or Earth science). Korean students showed low percentage of correct answers for items related to such topics as heat conduction, the action of electricity, the motion of the earth and the moon, etc., which were covered in the 5th-6th grades in the 2009 revised curriculum. For science cognitive domains, Korean students' achievement dropped significantly in reasoning between TIMSS 2011 and TIMSS 2015. Discussed in the conclusion are implications to reconstruct elementary school science curriculum, and ways to improve science teaching and learning.