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A Study of Teaching Effectiveness on Clinical Nursing Education (임상간호 실습교육의 교수효율성에 관한 연구)

  • 김미애
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.946-962
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to contribute to the development of clinical instruction by students' ratings of teaching effectiveness in clinical nursing education. The subjects were comprised of graduating class 618 students from 24 nursing colleges in the nation. The instruments used in this study were "general characteristics & status of clinical nursing education" developed by the researcher and "Instrument to Measure Effectiveness of Clinical Instructors" by Reeve(1994). The 50 questions used in the questionaire were categorized into 13 components subject to factor analysis. The 13 components were interpersonal relationships, communication skills, role model, resource for students, favorable to students, encouraging to think for selves, teaching methods, evaluation, finding assignments for objectives, organization of subject matter, professional competence, knowledge of subject matter & working with agency personnel. The results of this study are as follows 1. Status of clinical nursing educaion : 1) Clinical nursing education were led by nursing professors(44.9%), a team of both nuring professor & head nurse(6.8%), instructors from specific hospital(15.1%), instuctos for a specific subject(14.6%), & head nurse(6.8%). For 3-year program students, 34.6% of the clinical nursing education were led by instructors from specific hospital & 51.4% of the education by nursing professors for Bachelor's program. 2) The contents for clinical education comprised of Conference being the most frequent of 34.5% ; a combination of Nursing skills, Orientation, Conference etc.22.0% : Nursing process 21.7% : Orientation 13.5% : Inspection(making rounds ) 6.4%, & Nursing skills of 2% being the least frequent. 3) Students' preference of clinical teachers from the highest to the lowest were instructors for a specific subject being the most desired (44.9%) followed by nursing professor, head nurse, a team of both nursing professor & head nurse, & instructors from specific hospital being the least desired. 4) Students felt that the qualification for clinical teachers should be at least a master's degree holder and 5 or more years of clinical experience. The reason they felt was because knowledge & experience are imperative for professional education. 2. Clinical teaching effectiveness : The total points for teaching effectiveness was 147.97(mean of 2.95±0.98) where the total score is considered to be an average rating. 3. Teaching effectiveness as status of clinical nursing education : 1) The score ratings for the clinical instructors from the highest to the lowest were as follows : instructors for a specific subject, instructors from specific hospitals, a team of both nursing professors & head nurses, nursing professors, head nurses, which resulted in significunt difference(F=4.53, P<0.001). 2) The rating scores based on the teaching program from the highest to the lowest were as follws ; nursing skills, nursing process, a combination of nursing skills, orientation, conference etc. , conferences, orientation, inspection, which resulted in significunt difference(F=10.97, P<0.001). 4. Based on 13 categorized components from the questionaires, questions related to communication skills scored the highest points of 3.20 where inquiries regarding resource for students scored the lowest points of 2.38. 5. Among the 13 categorial components from the questionaire, Interpersonal relationship, Communication skills, Resource for students, Encouraging to think for selves, Evaluation, Teaching method, Finding assignment for objectives, Organization of subject matter, Professional competence, & Working with agency personnel, instructors for a specific subject scored the highest points and head nurse scored the lowest, which resulted in significant difference. Favorable for students, instructors for a specific subject scored highest points and nursing professor scored the lowest, which resulted in significant deference (F=5.39, P<0.001). Role model & Professional competence, instructors for a specific subject scored the highest points and head nurse scored the lowest, with minimum variation(F=1.29, P>0.05 : F=1.64, P>0.05) 6. Based on 13 categorial components as a whole, the highest points scored among the 5 groups of clinical teachers was instructors for a specific subject and the lowest, by head nurse(F=1.94, P<0. 001). A team of both nursing professor & head nurse attained higher score in clinical education than their independent education.

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The Relationship between Trust, Trustworthiness, and Repeat Purchase Intentions: A Multidimensional Approach (신뢰대상의 다차원적 접근법에 의한 신뢰와 재구매 의도와의 관계)

  • Lee, Soo-Hyung;Park, Mi-Ryong
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2008
  • Trust is central to human relationships, at all times and places. The importance of trust is fundamental in all areas of human life, not only in the area of business administration. 2,500 years ago in China, Confucius taught that the foundation of politics was the trust of the people, more important even than military strength or the supply of food. Shakespeare's play, "Much Ado about Nothing' is about trust and deception. These days, trust and transparency in a commercial organization's business culture form the basis of the 'social capital' by which that organization increases its productivity. A successful company raises productivity by the accumulation of social capital, derived from a trust relationship between business partners, and between the company and consumers. Trust is the crucial factor. At the national level, building trust determines a nation's competitiveness. For a company, long term trust relationships with customers are essential for its survival in a business environment of rapid change. Such relationships, based on trust, are important assets to ensure a company's competitive advantage, and need to be organic to that company's business culture. Because of this importance, trust relationships have been studied in diverse areas within business administration, and especially within marketing, where they form the basis of a successful relationship between producer and consumer. However, what has been lacking is a unified definition of trust. Research has been conducted on the basis of various definitions and models. The majority of researchers have not considered the multidimensional character of the concept of trust until now. Approaches based on a one dimensional model have undermined the value of research results. Furthermore, researchers have only considered trust and trustworthiness as a single component. The majority of research has explored the consequences of perceived trust for outcomes such as loyalty or cooperation, but has neglected the effects of trustworthiness upon the mechanisms of consumer trust. This study focuses on the dimension of trust from such a perspective. It seeks to verify the effect of trust on customer intentions by breaking it down into three separate components: 1) the salesperson, 2) the product/service, and 3) the company. The purposes of this paper are as follows: Firstly, we review the multidimensional nature of trust objects: the salesperson, the product/service, and the company. Secondly, we analyze the relationship between multidimensional trust and trustworthiness. Thirdly, we analyze the connection between trust and repeat purchase intentions for the maintenance of long term relationships. For these purposes the author has developed several hypotheses as follows: H1-1: The competence of a salesperson is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the salesperson. H1-2: The benevolence of a salesperson is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the salesperson. H2-1: The competence of product/service is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the product/service. H2-2: The benevolence of product/service is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the product/service. H3-1: The reputation of a company is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the company. H3-2: The physical environment of a company is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the company. H4-1: Trust in a salesperson is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. H4-2: Trust in a product/service is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. H4-3: Trust in a company is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. The data was compiled from 366 questionnaires. 500 questionnaires were collected, but some of the data was considered unsuitable and inappropriate. The subjects of the survey were male and female customers purchasing products at department stores in Seoul, Daegu and Gyeongbuk. It was carried out between Oct. 25 and 29, 2007. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis using SPSS 12.0 and structural equation modeling using LISREL 8.7. The result of the overall model analysis is as follows: Chi-Square=445.497, d.f.=185, p-value=0.0, GFI=.901, RMSEA=.0617, NNFI=.986, NFI=.981, CFI=.989, AGFI=.864, RMR=.0872. The results of the overall model analysis were coherent. It was found that trust is a multi-dimensional construct, that each of the dimensions of trust are meaningful influences on customer's repurchase intention. Trust in a company may be the most relevant, while trust in a product/service and a salesperson may be less relevant to repurchase intentions. The effective factors in determining trust in a salesperson and a company's product/service were found to be competence and benevolence. Factors in determining trust in a company were its reputation and physical environment, and the relationship of each effective trust factor has been verified in this research. As a result, it was found that competence and benevolence have a meaningful influence on trust in a salesperson and in product/service. It was also found that a company's reputation influences the overall trust in the company significantly but a company's physical environment does not have much effect.

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Persistence of Fungicide Pencycuron in Soils (토양 중 살균제 Pencycuron의 잔류 특성)

  • An, Xue-Hua;An, Wen-Hao;Im, Il-Bin;Lee, Sang-Bok;Kang, Jong-Gook
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.296-305
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    • 2006
  • The adsorption and persistence of pencycuron {1-(4-chlorobenzyl) cyclopentyl-3-phenylurea} in soils were investigated under laboratory and field conditions to in order to assess the safety use and environmental impact. In the adsorption rate experiments, a significant power function of relation was found between the adsorbed amount of pencycuron and the shaking time. Within one hour following the shaking, the adsorption amounts in the SCL and the SiCL were 60 and 65% of the maximum adsorption amounts, respectively. The adsorption reached a quasi-equilibrium 12 hours after shaking. The adsorption isotherms followed the Freundlich equation. The coefficient (1/n) indicating adsorption strength and degree of nonlinearity was 1.45 for SCL and 1.68 to SiCL. The adsorption coefficients (Kd) were 2.31 for SCL and 2.92 to SiCL, and the organic carbon partition coefficient, Koc, was 292.9 in SCL and 200.5 inSiCL. In the laboratory study, the degradation rate of pencycuron in soils followed a first-order kinetic model. The degradation rate was greatly affected by soil temperature. As soil incubation temperature was increased from 12 to 28C, the residual half life was decreased from 95 to 20 days. Arrhenius activation energy was 57.8 kJ mol1. Furthermore, the soil moisture content affected the degradation rate. The half life in soil with 30 to 70% of field moisture capacity was ranged from 21 to 38 days. The moisture dependence coefficient, B value in the empirical equation was 0.65. In field experiments, the half-life were 26 and 23 days, respectively. The duration for period of 90% degradation was 57 days. The difference between SCL and SiCL soils varied to pencycuron degradation rates were very limited, particularly under the field conditions, even though the characteristics of both soils are varied.

The effects of fluoride releasing orthodontic sealants on the prevention and the progressive inhibition of enamel demiheralization in vitro (광중합형 및 자가중합형 교정용 전색제의 치아우식예방 및 진행억제효과에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Chae, Seung-Won;Cho, Jae-O;Yoon, Young-Jooh;Kim, Kwang-Won
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.6 s.65
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    • pp.979-995
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the preventive and the progressive inhibitory effects of enamel demineralization with fluoride releasing light-and self-cured orthodontic sealants(FluoroBond), in vitro, under the polarizing light microscope and the scanning electon microscope. The polarizing light microscopic group was subdivided into seven groups(Group A-Group G). The scanning electron microscopic group was also subdivided into seven groups(Group A'-Goup G'). For polarizing light microscopic evaluation, longitudinal sections were made longitudinally by Maruto cutter(Maruto Co., Japan) and Maruto grinding machine(Maruto Co., Japan). Sections were examined and photographed by the polarizing light microscope(Olympus Optical Co., Japan) using crossed polars and with the enamel rod longitudinal axis oriented at 45 to the extinction position. For scanning electron microscopic evaluation, the specimens were coated with a highly conducting layer of gold palladium in a model Hus-4 high-vacuum evaporator and examined in an ISI-100B scanning electron microcope operated at 20kV. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The mean depths of artificial carious lesions under a polarized light microscope were GroupA(5.08μm),GroupB(47.82μm,GroupC(8.42μm),GroupD(7.20μm),GroupE(85.41μm),GroupF(60.38μm),GroupG(60.13μm). 2. There were statistically significant differences in Group B compared with Group A, C, and D(p<0.05), and also, in Group I compared with Group F and Group G(p<0.05). 3. Light-and self-cured orthodontic sealants had the preventive effects of enamel demineralization. 4. Light-and self-cured orthodontic sealants had the progressive inhibitory effects of enamel demineralization. 5. The time progress of demineralizing agent had no influence on the samples of light-and self-cured orthodontic sealants under the scanning electron microscope. 6. There was no difference between the specimens of light-and self-cured orthodontic sealants both in the polarized light microscopic group and in the scanning electron microscopic group.

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The Benefit of Individualized Custom Bolus in the Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy : Numerical Analysis with 3-D Treatment Planning (유방전절제술 후 방사선치료를 위한 조직보상체 개발 및 3차원 치료계획을 통한 유용성 분석)

  • Cho Jae Ho;Cho Kwang Hwan;Keum Kichang;Han Yongyih;Kim Yong Bae;Chu Sung Sil;Suh Chang Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.82-93
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : To reduce the Irradiation dose to the lungs and heart in the case of chest wail irradiation using an oppositional electron beam, we used an Individualized custom bolus, which was precisely designed to compensate for the differences In chest wall thickness. The benefits were evaluated by comparing the normal tissue complication probablilties (NTCPS) and dose statistics both with and without boluses. Materials and Methods : Boluses were made, and their effects evaluated in ten patients treated using the reverse hockey-stick technique. The electron beam energy was determined so as to administer 80% of the irradiation prescription dose to the deepest lung-chest wall border, which was usually located at the internal mammary lymph node chain. An individualized custom bolus was prepared to compensate for a chest wall thinner than the prescription depth by meticulously measuring the chest wall thickness at 1 emf intervals on the planning CT Images. A second planning CT was obtained overlying the individuailzed custom bolus for each patient's chest wall. 3-D treatment planning was peformed using ADAC-Pinnacle3 for all patients with and without bolus. NTCPS based on 'the Lyman-Kutcher' model were analyzed and the mean, maximum, minimum doses, V50 and V95 for 4he heari and lungs were computed. Results .The average NTCPS in the ipsliateral lung showed a statistically significant reduction (p<0.01), from 80.2±3.43% to 47.7±4.61%, with the use of the individualized custom boluses. The mean lung irradiation dose to the ipsilateral iung was also significantly reduced by about 430 cGy, Trom 2757 cGy to 2,327 cGy (p<0.01). The V50 and V95 in the ipsilateral lung markedly decreased from the averages of 54.5 and 17.4% to 45.3 and 11.0%, respectively. The V50 and V95 In the heart also decreased from the averages of 16.8 and 6.1% to 9.8% and 2.2%, respectively. The NTCP In the contralateral lung and the heart were 0%, even for the cases with no bolus because of the small effective mean radiation volume values of 4.4 and 7.1%, respectively Conclusion : The use of an Individualized custom bolus in the radiotherapy of postrnastectorny chest wall reduced the NTCP of the ipsilateral lung by about 24.5 to 40.5%, which can improve the complication free cure probability of breast cancer patients.

Long-term Bias of Internal Markers in Sheep and Goat Digestion Trials

  • De Carvalho, Gleidson Giordano Pinto;Garcia, Rasmo;Vieira Pires, Aureliano Jose;Silva, Roberio Rodrigues;Detmann, Edenio;Oliveira, Ronaldo Lopes;Ribeiro, Leandro Sampaio Oliveira
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2013
  • Two digestion trials, one with sheep and another with goats, were conducted to evaluate the long-term bias (LTB) of the indigestible dry matter (iDM), indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF) and indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF) internal markers. The study used eight Santa Inˆes castrated male sheep (average body weight of 16.6 kg) distributed in two 4×4 Latin squares and eight Saanen castrated male goats (average body weight of 22.6 kg) distributed in two 4×4 Latin squares. The experiments were conducted simultaneously, and the animals were housed in 1.2 m2 individual pens with wood-battened floors equipped with individual feeders and drinkers. The animals received isonitrogenous diets that were offered ad libitum and contained 14% crude protein and 70% sugar cane (with 0, 0.75, 1.5 or 2.25% CaO, in natural matter percentage), corrected with 1% urea and 30% concentrate. The experiment consisted of four experimental periods of 14 d each, with the feed, leftovers and feces sampled on the last four days of each period. The marker concentrations in the feed, leftovers and fecal samples were estimated by an in situ ruminal incubation procedure with a duration 240 h. The relationship between the intake and excretion of the markers was obtained by adjusting a simple linear regression model, independently from the treatment (diets) fixed effects and Latin squares. For both the sheep and goats, a complete recovery of the iDM and iNDF markers was observed (p>0.05), indicating the absence of LTB for these markers. However, the iADF was not completely recovered, exhibiting an LTB of -9.12% (p<0.05) in the sheep evaluation and -3.02% (p<0.05) in the goat evaluation.

The Effect of Natural Compounds on the Longevity Extending in the Insect, Drosophila melanogaster (천연물에 의한 초파리수명연장 효과)

  • Lee, Jeong Hoon;Kwon, Kisang;Lee, Eun Ryeong;Yoo, Bo-Kyung;Ko, Young Hwa;Choi, Ji-Young;Kwon, O-Yu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2017
  • A previous study demonstrated that four kinds of natural compounds, Corydaline, (±)-Car-3-ene-2,5-dione, cinobufagin, and corilagin, enhanced the gene expression of ERAP1 and FOXO1 (DFA16) more than two-fold in a cell culture system. In this study, the experimental food was made finally 30 ml in which included 1% agar, 5% sucrose, and each natural compound 20μl. A fruit fly of Drosophila melanogaster fed a natural product for 4 hr after 4 hr starvation. Both natural compounds of Cinobufagin and Corilagin induced 6-8 days more survival comparing than it controls group. The resulting fruit flies were estimated the gene expression of ERAP1 and FOXO1 by RT-PCR that also demonstrated meaningful results with the same lifespan results. Cinobufagin from BufonisVenennumis has C26H34O6 molecular formula and 442 kDa molecular weight. Corilagin from Euphorbiapekinensisis has C27H22O18 molecular formula and 634 kDa molecular weight. The two types of natural products screened in this study will be used in the early diagnosis and treatment of insect industry in the near future. In addition, the natural products will be used in longevity experiments in a mouse model. The results may give one of the clues for studying new drug development candidates of the longevity.

A Comparison of the Relianility Analysis Mitheds in Stream Water Quality Modeling (강물의 수질오염 Modeling에 사용되는 신뢰도 분석방법에 대한 비교연구)

  • 윤춘경
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 1995
  • 공학분야에 널리 사용되고 있는 신뢰도 분석 방법 중에서 Monte Carlo simulation (MC), Mean-value First-Order Second-Moment Method(MFOSM), and Advanced First-Order Second-Moment(AFOSM) method들을 강물의 오염물질 농도와 수질기준치사이의 신뢰도 분석에 적용하였다. 미 환경 보건국에서 개발 보급한 QUAL2E를 이용하여 Mew Jersey에 위치한 Passaic강의 수질예측에서 4가지 주요인자(용존산소, 생물학적 산소요구량, 암모니아 그리고 조류)들이 정해진 수질기준치를 유지 할 수 있는 확률을 세가지 방법에 의해 추정한 후에 상호 비교하였다. MC방법에 의해 2,000회 simulation시켜서 그 결과가 시스템의 추계학적 성질을 잘 반영한 것으로 판단하여 비교기준으로 삼고 MFOSM과 AFOSM에 의해 추정한 결과와 비교하였다. MFOSM의 결과보다는 AFOSM의 결과가 전체적으로 MC의 결과에 더 근접하였으며, 이유는 AFOSM의 계산방법이 MFOSM의 선형근사로 인한 오차를 줄일 수 있었기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. MC방법의 결과와 다른 방법들의 결과사이의 차이가 입력 변수들이 평균값에서 멀어질 때가 많았는데 이는 MC의 경우 입력 변수들이 일정범위를 벗어나서 비현실적인 상황이면 model이 정지하는데, 다른 방법들은 simulation에 의한 것이 아니고 수학적인 계산에 의해서 신뢰도가 추정되기 때문에 이러한 상황이 반영될 수 없기 때문이다. 강물의 수질을 취급하는 공학적인 측면에서 보면, 이중에 가장 간편한 MFOSM이 많은 simulation이 필요한 MC나 계산방법이 상대적으로 복잡한 AFOSM에 비해 오차가 크지 않아서 이들을 대시하여 사용될 수 있다고 판단된다. 유래의 PAF가 분비된다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 이러한 인자는 동결처리에서도 그 기능은 전혀 변하지 않는다고 본다. 이후에 있어서 mouse LIF의 첨가는 돼지의 수정란을 배반포 이후의 단계에까지 발달시킬 수 있었다. 있어서 더 적합한 것으로 판단되었다. 5. 개발된 모형은 논 관개의 물리적 측면과 관리목표 모두를 고려한 것으로 계산된 효율은 벼, 생육 각 단계에서의 효율 비교에 양호한 방법임을 알 수 있다.은 Sharpsburg 점질양토에 대한 S.C.S 한계허용치 10ton/ha/year 이내로 나타났다. 비처리구에서의 토양유실량은 평균 2.56ton/ha/year로 높게 나타난 반면 3개의 서로 다른 추리구인 비수구, 초생수로구 및 Bromegrass구에서는 각각 0.152, 0.192 및 0.290ton/ha/year로 낮은 결과를 가져왔다. 6. 평균 침전량에 대한 L.S.D. 검정 걸과 전시험구중 비처리구가 고도의 유의차를 나타낸 반면 비수구, 초생수로구 및 Bromegrass 목초구 간에는 아무런 유의차가 인정되지 않았다. 7. 농지보전 처리구인 배수구와 초생수로구는 비처리구에 비해 낮은 침두 유출량과 낮은 토양유실량을 나타내었다.구보다 14% 절감되는 것으로 나타났다.작용하는 것으로 사료된다.된다.정량 분석한 결과이다. 시편의 조성은 33.6 at% U, 66.4 at% O의 결과를 얻었다. 산화물 핵연료의 표면 관찰 및 정량 분석 시험시 시편 표면을 전도성 물질로 증착시키지 않고, Silver Paint 에 시편을 접착하는 방법으로도 만족한 시험 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.째, 회복기 중에 일어나는 입자들의 유입은 자기폭풍의 지속시간을 연장시키는 경향을 보이며 큰 자기폭풍일수록 현저했다. 주상에서 관측된 이러한 특성은 서브스톰 확장기 활동이 자기폭풍의 발달과 밀접한 관계가

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Identification of Motor Parameters and Improvement of Voltage Error for Improvement of Back-emf Estimation in Sensorless Control of Low Speed Operation (저속 센서리스 제어의 역기전력 추정 성능 향상을 위한 모터 파라미터 추정과 전압 오차의 개선)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Yun, Chul;Cho, Nae-Soo;Jang, Min-Ho;Kwon, Woo-Hyen
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.67 no.5
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    • pp.635-643
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    • 2018
  • This paper propose a method to identify the motor parameters and improve input voltage error which affect the low speed position error of the back-emf(back electromotive force) based sensorless algorithm and to secure the operation reliability and stability even in the case where the load fluctuation is severe and the start and low speed operation frequently occurs. In the model-based observer used in this paper, stator resistance, inductance, and input voltage are particularly influential factors on low speed performance. Stator resistance can cause resistance value fluctuation which may occur in mass production process, and fluctuation of resistance value due to heat generated during operation. The inductance is influenced by the fluctuation due to the manufacturing dispersion and at a low speed where the change of the current is severe. In order to find stator resistance and inductance which have different initial values and fluctuate during operation and have a large influence on sensorless performance at low speed, they are commonly measured through 2-point calculation method by 2-step align current injection. The effect of voltage error is minimized by offsetting the voltage error. In addition, when the command voltage is used, it is difficult to estimate the back-emf due to the relatively large distortion voltage due to the dead time and the voltage drop of the power device. In this paper, we propose a simple circuit and method to detect the voltage by measuring the PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) pulse width and compensate the voltage drop of the power device with the table, thereby minimizing the position error due to the exact estimation of the back-emf at low speed. The suitability of the proposed algorithm is verified through experiment.

Using Google Earth for a Dynamic Display of Future Climate Change and Its Potential Impacts in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 기후변화의 시각적 표현을 위한 Google Earth 활용)

  • Yoon, Kyung-Dahm;Chung, U-Ran;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.275-278
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    • 2006
  • Google Earth enables people to easily find information linked to geographical locations. Google Earth consists of a collection of zoomable satellite images laid over a 3-D Earth model and any geographically referenced information can be uploaded to the Web and then downloaded directly into Google Earth. This can be achieved by encoding in Google's open file format, KML (Keyhole Markup Language), where it is visible as a new layer superimposed on the satellite images. We used KML to create and share fine resolution gridded temperature data projected to 3 climatological normal years between 2011-2100 to visualize the site-specific warming and the resultant earlier blooming of spring flowers over the Korean Peninsula. Gridded temperature and phonology data were initially prepared in ArcGIS GRID format and converted to image files (.png), which can be loaded as new layers on Google Earth. We used a high resolution LCD monitor with a 2,560 by 1,600 resolution driven by a dual link DVI card to facilitate visual effects during the demonstration.