• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2상 유체 유동

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A Study on the Bubble Deformation and Departure Under DC Electric Field (직류전기장에 의한 기포의 변형과 이탈에 관한 연구)

  • 권영철;김무환;강인석;김석준
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1518-1528
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    • 1995
  • The deformation and departure processes of a bubble attached to the wall are studied experimentally and numerically to understand the phenomena of the nucleate boiling heat transfer enhancement under DC electric field. An air-bubble is injected in a dielectric liquid with different electric fields generated by changing three types of electrode system (Type 1,2 and 3) in the bubble generator. Experimental variables are the electric field strength and the distance and the shape of the electrodes under DC electric field. From experimental results, it is observed that the bubble under Dc electric field is elongated in the same direction as the electric field and the contact angle increases. For the parallel plate electrode which generates a uniform electric field, bubble departure volume doesn't seem to decrease within our experimental range. However, when a needle is raised a few millimeters from the lower electrode to make a nonuniform electric field around the needle, bubble departure volume decreases continuously with the increase of an applied voltage. The reduction effect of bubble departure volume is the most effective under a strong nonuniform electric field generated with Type 3. As the nonuniformity of the electric field due to the shape of a electrode increases, the terminal velocity and the acceleration of a bubble increase largely. For the comparison with visualization results, the deformation of a bubble attached to the electrode is carried out by a numerical method. Numerical results show good agreement qualitatively with experimental results.

Rotor-Blade Shape Design and Power-Performance Analysis for Horizontal-Axis Tidal Turbine Using CFD (수평축 조류발전용 로터 블레이드 형상설계 및 CFD에 의한 출력성능해석)

  • Jung, Ji Hyun;Kim, Bum Suk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.39 no.8
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    • pp.661-668
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    • 2015
  • We present a design methodology for horizontal-axis tidal turbine blades based on blade element momentum theory, which has been used for aerodynamic design and power-performance analysis in the wind-energy industry. We design a 2-blade-type 1 MW HATT blade, which consists of a single airfoil (S814), and we present the detailed design parameters in this paper. Tidal turbine blades can experience cavitation problems at the blade-tip region, and this should be seriously considered during the early design stage. We perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations considering the cavitation model to predict the power performance and to investigate the flow characteristics of the blade. The maximum power coefficient is shown to be about 47 under the condition where TSR = 7, and we observed cavitation on the suction and pressure sides of the blade.

The Effect of the Combined Operation of Sprinkler and Vent Systems on the Smoke Control in a Horizontal Corridor (스프링클러와 배연설비의 통합작동이 수평통로의 연기제어에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon Heung-Kyun;Choi Young-Sang;Choo Hong-Lok;Jang Jun-Young
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1 s.57
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    • pp.70-89
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    • 2005
  • Fire scenarios in a space $20.0m\;\times\;4.0m$ floor and 3.0m high were simulated by using computational fluid dynamics program (FDS 4.0.3) to investigate the effect of the combined operation of both sprinkler and vent systems, which are installed for cooling and blocking smoke which propagates beneath the ceiling of a horizontal corridor, on the temperature and smoke density of it. It was shown that the combined operation both sprinkler and vent systems was more effective than each operation for cooling and blocking smoke, the number of operating sprinklers was two because of corner effect of wall, and over-installed sprinklers deteriorated the effect of cooling and blocking smoke. This study showed that the case of two sprinklers and vent flow rate $3.0m^3/s$ in fire scenario was the most effective for cooling and blocking smoke. It was confirmed that the smoke downdrag occurs in operating sprinkler system, and the more smoke droplets produced by increasing fire size, the greater smoke downdrag occurred.

Geology and Ore Deposit of the Apdong Nb-Ta Mine, North Korea (북한 압동 니오븀-탄탈륨(Nb-Ta) 광산의 지질 및 광상)

  • 이재호;김유동
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2003
  • The geology of the Apdong Nb-Ta deposit, is hosted by alkali metasomatites, consist of Upper Proterozoic sedimentary rocks, alkali syenites(Hoamsan intrusive) of Phyonggang Complex(late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic), Jurassic granite and Quaternary basalt. Alkali syenites are distinguished as alkali amphibole-pyroxene syenite, alkali amphibole-biotite syenite, biotite-nepheline syenite, biotite syenite, and quartz-alkali amphibole-pyroxene syenite. Alkali metasomatites are the products of intense post-magnatic metasomatism, and form the Nb-Ta ore bodies as the belt, irregular vein and lenticular types in the southern part of Hoamsan intrusive. The ore mineralization is characterized by the occurrence of pyrochlore, zircon, and small amounts of columbite, fergusonite. magnetite, fluorite, molybdenite, ilmenite, titanite, apatite, and monazite. Pyrochlore is one of the niobium/tantalum oxides and contains substantial amounts of rare earths and radioactive elements. The compositional varieties of pyrochlore can be defined: (1) enriched in tantalum, uranium and cerium, (2) substantially tantalum- and fluorine-poor, and (3) enriched in thorium or barium. The geochemical characteristics, ore textures and mineral occurrences indicate that alkali metasomatism of the mineralizing fluid was the dominant ore-forming process.

The Numerical Study on Effect of the Droplet Sizes on Internal Mass Transfer in the Spray Type Scrubber (분무형 스크러버에 내에서 액적크기에 따른 물질전달에 관한 전산해석적 연구)

  • Lee, Chanhyun;Chang, Hyuksang
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2019
  • As regional air pollution gets worse by the sulfur oxides emitted from various types of vessels passing through the many countries, the International Maritime Organization establishes the emission control areas and regulates sulfur dioxide in those areas. In order to satisfy these regional regulations, the fuel selection method and the exhaust gas post-treatment device are applied to the ships. Due to the economic reasons, the post-treatment method of exhaust gas for reducing the amount of sulfur oxides discharged is mainly preferred. The scrubber which is dominantly used in the ships are the spray type system where the sprayed liquid drops used for capturing the soluble sulfur dioxides in the exhaust gas. The performance of the spray type system depends on the size distribution of the sprayed droplets. In order to evaluate this performance, we designed counterflow type scrubber and cyclone scrubber and evaluated the desulfurization efficiency and the amount of droplet evaporation according to the size of each droplet by using computational fluid dynamics. The Eulerian-Eulerian analysis method was used because the scrubber had a gas-liquid two-phase flow inside the scrubber. When the diameter of the droplet was $100{\mu}m$, $300{\mu}m$, $500{\mu}m$ and $700{\mu}m$. As a result, both of scrubbers showed high desulfurization efficiency and low evaporation amount at $500{\mu}m$ and $700{\mu}m$.

Numerical Analysis of the Ocean Tidal Current Considering Sea Bottom Topography (해저지형을 고려한 조류유동의 수치해석)

  • B.S. Yoon;.H. Rho
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.70-82
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    • 1995
  • A multi-layer simulation program is developed to estimate the ocean current considering sea bottom geometry. The so-called $\sigma$ coordinate system is introduced in vertical direction to describe sea bottom topography more accurately and effectively. Leapfrog scheme combined with Euler backward scheme is used to reduce computation error which may be possibly accumulated in time evolution by Leapfrog scheme alone. In this paper, very simple examples of rectangular basins with various bottom geometries were taken and the effect of sea bottom geometry on vertical structure of the ocean tidal current and its direction were investigated. Through comparisons between the present three dimensional calculation in which bottom topography is directly taken into consideration and the two dimensional calculation in which depth average concept is employed, it was found that magnitude of surface current and its direction could be largely affected by the sea bottom topography, particularly in shallow region with complex bottom shape.

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전해질 내 방전 전극의 기포 막 두께에 따른 플라즈마 전력의 변화

  • Yun, Seong-Yeong;Gwon, Ho-Cheol;Kim, Gon-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.443-443
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    • 2010
  • 액체 표면을 전극으로 하는 플라즈마 방전은 생물학적 살균, 분해 처리 등에 필요한 UV 및 화학적 활성종의 생성에 유리하여 널리 활용되고 있다. 하지만 그 특성 등에 관한 연구는 액체막의 유동 및 기하학적 구조 상 진단의 제한으로 인하여 아직 미비한 상태이다. 전해질 내 방전은 전극 표면의 기포 막 에 인가되고 그 두께에 따라 변한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 액상 전해질의 인가 전압 및 점성도를 독립적으로 조절하여 기포 막 크기와 인가 전력간의 관계와 이에 따른 전해질 내 플라즈마의 특성이 음극 글로우 방전임을 밝혔다. 실험에서는 전기 전도도 1.6-3.2 S/m의 NaCl 수용액 전해질에 양극성 전극을 삽입하고 350 kHz의 전압을 인가하여 플라즈마를 발생하였다. 인가된 전압은 230 - 280 V이며 전해질의 점성도는 젤라틴을 첨가하여 1E-4-1.1 kg/m${\times}$sec로 조절하였다. 기포 막의 두께 및 변화는 고속카메라를 통하여 관측하였으며 인가되는 전압 및 전류는 고전압 프로브와 전류 프로브를 통하여 관찰하였다. 기포 막은 전극표면에서 막 비등을 통하여 발생됨을 밝혔다. 인가 전력과 손실 열에너지간의 비율에 따라 기포막은 수축과 확장의 진동을 반복하였으며 전기 유체적 모델을 통하여 기포 막의 동적 거동에 따른 플라즈마에 인가된 전력의 변화를 정량적으로 분석할 수 있었다. 기포 막의 평균적인 두께는 인가 전압과 비례하여 약 $150\;{\mu}m$에서 $200\;{\mu}m$로 증가하였으며 진폭은 점성의 증가 시 약 $50\;{\mu}m$에서 $20\;{\mu}m$로 감소하였다. 순간적인 플라즈마 인가 전력은 평균적인 두께에 따른 평균적인 두께에 대해서는 15 - 20 W의 변화를 보였으나 진폭의 감소 시 17 - 70 W의 보다 큰 폭으로 증가하였다. 이를 통하여 점성도가 큰 조건에서 기포 막의 확장이 억제되어 방전이 유지됨을 알 수 있었다.

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A Comprehensive Groundwater Modeling using Multicomponent Multiphase Theory: 1. Development of a Multidimensional Finite Element Model (다중 다상이론을 이용한 통합적 지하수 모델링: 1. 다차원 유한요소 모형의 개발)

  • Joon Hyun Kim
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 1996
  • An integrated model is presented to describe underground flow and mass transport, using a multicomponent multiphase approach. The comprehensive governing equation is derived considering mass and force balances of chemical species over four phases(water, oil, air, and soil) in a schematic elementary volume. Compact and systemati notations of relevant variables and equations are introduced to facilitate the inclusion of complex migration and transformation processes, and variable spatial dimensions. The resulting nonlinear system is solved by a multidimensional finite element code. The developed code with dynamic array allocation, is sufficiently flexible to work across a wide spectrum of computers, including an IBM ES 9000/900 vector facility, SP2 cluster machine, Unix workstations and PCs, for one-, two and three-dimensional problems. To reduce the computation time and storage requirements, the system equations are decoupled and solved using a banded global matrix solver, with the vector and parallel processing on the IBM 9000. To avoide the numerical oscillations of the nonlinear problems in the case of convective dominant transport, the techniques of upstream weighting, mass lumping, and elementary-wise parameter evaluation are applied. The instability and convergence criteria of the nonlinear problems are studied for the one-dimensional analogue of FEM and FDM. Modeling capacity is presented in the simulation of three dimensional composite multiphase TCE migration. Comprehesive simulation feature of the code is presented in a companion paper of this issue for the specific groundwater or flow and contamination problems.

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Fast Pyrolysis Characteristics of Jatropha Curcas L. Seed Cake with Respect to Cone Angle of Spouted Bed Reactor (분사층 반응기의 원뿔각에 따른 Jatropha Curcas L. Seed Cake의 급속열분해 특성)

  • Park, Hoon Chae;Lee, Byeong-Kyu;Kim, Hyo Sung;Choi, Hang Seok
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2019
  • Several types of reactors have been used during the past decade to perform fast pyrolysis of biomass. Among the developed fast pyrolysis reactors, fluidized bed reactors have been widely used in the fast pyrolysis process. In recent years, experimental studies have been conducted on the characteristics of biomass fast pyrolysis in a spouted bed reactor. The fluidization characteristics of a spouted bed reactor are influenced by particle properties, fluid jet velocity, and the structure of the core and annulus. The geometry of the spouted bed reactor is the main factor determining the structure of the core and annulus. Accordingly, to optimize the design of a spouted bed reactor, it is necessary to study the pyrolysis characteristics of biomass. However, no detailed investigations have been made of the fast pyrolysis characteristics of biomass in accordance with the geometry of the spouted bed reactor. In this study, fast pyrolysis experiments using Jatropha curcas L. seed shell cake were conducted in a conical spouted bed reactor to study the effects of reaction temperature and reactor cone angle on the product yield and pyrolysis oil quality. The highest energy yield of pyrolysis oil obtained was 63.9% with a reaction temperature of $450^{\circ}C$ and reactor cone angle of $44^{\circ}$. The results showed that the reaction temperature and reactor cone angle affected the quality of the pyrolysis oil.

Introduction to Researches on the Characteristics of Gas Migration Behavior in Bentonite Buffer (벤토나이트 완충재 내 기체 이동의 거동 특성 관련 연구 동향 소개)

  • Kang, Sinhang;Kim, Jung-Tae;Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Jin-Seoup
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.333-359
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    • 2021
  • Gases such as hydrogen and radon can be generated around the canister in high-level radioactive waste disposal systems due to several reasons including the corrosion of metal materials. When the gas generation rate exceeds the gas diffusion rate in the low-permeability bentonite buffer, the gas phase will form and accumulate in the engineered barrier system. If the gas pressure exceeds the gas entry pressure, gas can migrate into the bentonite buffer, resulting in pathway dilation flow and advective flow. Because a sudden occurrence of dilation flow can cause radionuclide leakage out of the engineered barrier of the radioactive waste disposal system, it is necessary to understand the gas migration behavior in the bentonite buffer to quantitatively evaluate the long-term safety of the engineered barrier. Experimental research investigating the characteristics of gas migration in saturated bentonite and research developing numerical models capable of simulating such behaviors are being actively conducted worldwide. In this technical note, previous gas injection experiments and the numerical models proposed to verify such behaviors are introduced, and the future challenges necessary for the investigation of gas migration are summarized.