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Comparative Environmental Effects of Digestates Application to the Rice Paddy Soil in Bioenergy Village : Field trial (저탄소녹색마을내 혐기소화액 순환이용에 대한 논토양 환경 영향 비교)

  • Hong, Seung-Gil;Shin, JoungDu;Kwon, Soon-Ik;Park, Woo-Kyun;Heo, Jeong-Wook;Bang, Hea-Son;Yoon, Youngman;Kang, Kee-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2011
  • Objectives of this study were to compare the environmental effects of digestates produced in bioenergy village on the rice paddy field for recycling. Digestates were applied to the soils and the soil properties and the crop responses were analyzed according to the standard methods of soil evaluation. Plant height and the number of tiller showed similar results in both the conventional and digestate treated field, and the yield of rough rice was higher in the field treated with digestates than that with chemical fertilizer. The amounts of nitrogen absorbed in straw and grain were larger in the digestates-treated field than chemical fertilizer-treated one, and efficiency of nitrogen applied was shown to be the highest in 100% treated digestate of the pig manure. Exchangeable cation and pH increased in the soil treated with digestate after harvesting, but salt was not accumulated. With these results, it was concluded that resource recycling in green town can be facilitated through the securement of arable lands for the application of digestates and the proper use of these fertilizers. Long-term effects of digestate application on the soil environment should be sustainingly studied.

Job Stress and Stress Coping Strategy among Workers in A Regional Statistics Office : A Preliminary Study (일 통계청 근무자의 직무스트레스와 스트레스 대처 방식에 대한 예비 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Soo;Yoon, Bo-Hyun;Oh, Eun-Joo;Sea, Young-Hwa;Kim, Kyung-Min;Jung, Haran;Kim, Moon-Doo;Baek, Man-Ki;Son, Eun-Rak;Jung, Ja-Young
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The purpose of this preliminary study was to investigate job stress and stress coping strategy among workers in a regional statistics office. Methods : A total of 133 workers in regional statistics office participated in this study and they were divided into two groups, survey group(n=109) and support group(n=24) depending on relation to statistical survey task. They were asked to respond to Short Form of Korean Occupational Stress Scale(KOSS-SF) and Stress Coping Strategy(SCS) to investigate sociodemographic characteristics, job stress, and stress coping strategy. Results : The proportion of the 133 participants in the sample was 59(44.4%) of men, 74(55.6%) of women. There were no significant differences in KOSS-SF scores in relation to age, sex, education, and marital status, while the KOSS-SF scores were significantly different between the two groups. In regard to the subscales of KOSS-SF, the two groups had significant differences in insufficient job control, interpersonal conflict, job insecurity, and organization system. In addition, the total score of KOSS-SF had a negative correlation with problem-focused coping strategy and social support coping strategy of SCS. Conclusions : Our results suggest that workers of survey group had more job stress compared to those who works in support group in regional statistical office. In addition, in comparison with workers of support group, both men and women of survey group get stressed when they were confronted with interpersonal conflicts. Our results suggest that using problem-focused coping and social support coping strategy lowers job stress.

Physicochemical Properties and Hot Air-Dried and Spray-Dried Powders Process of Sweet Potato and Steamed Sweet Potato (열풍건조 및 분무건조 공정을 이용한 생 고구마와 찐 고구마 분말제조 및 물리화학적 품질특성)

  • Gu, Yul-Ri;Chae, Ho-Yong;Hong, Joo-Heon
    • Journal of Chitin and Chitosan
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to examine the physicochemical properties and hot air-dried and spray-dried powders process of sweet potato and steamed sweet potato. The moisture and the total starch contents were 1.66~2.19% and 52.65~57.42%, respectively. The total starch contents increased during process steaming. The water absorption index of the spray-dried powders (0.97 and 2.03) was lower than that of the hot air-dried powders (2.12 and 4.71), and the water solubility index of the spray-dried powders (83.83 and 86.95%) was higher than that of the hot air-dried powders (68.40 and 81.21%). The particle size and outer topology of the spray-dried powders were 46.18 and 65.53μm, and its shape was generally globular. In the DSC analysis of this study, the To of the spray-dried powders (64.40 and 67.80C), Tp of the spray-dried powders (74.40 and 78.20C), and Tc of the spray-dried powders (81.10 and 81.60C) was higher than that of the hot air-dried powders. The solubility contents of the spray-dried powders (68.21 and 80.73%) was lower than that of the hot air-dried powders, and the swelling power contents of the spray-dried powders (14.79 and 15.35%) was higher than that of the hot air-dried powders. The amylose contents of spray-dried powders (11.67 and 12.51%) was lower than that of the hot air-dried powders. The soluble dietary fiber contents of spray-dried powders (1.34 and 2.02%) was higher than that of the hot air-dried powders.

Analysis of Trends in Education Policy of STEAM Using Text Mining: Comparative Analysis of Ministry of Education's Documents, Articles, and Abstract of Researches from 2009 to 2020 (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 융합인재교육정책 동향 분석 -2009년~2020년 교육부보도, 언론보도, 학술지 초록 비교분석-)

  • You, Jungmin;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.455-470
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the trend changes in keywords and topics of STEAM education from 2009 to 2020 to derive future development direction and education implications. Among the collected data, 42 cases of Ministry of Education's documents, 1,534 cases of articles, and 880 cases of abstract of researches were selected as research subjects. Keyword analysis, keyword network and topic modeling were performed for each stage of STEAM education policy through the Python program. As a result of the analysis, according to the STEAM education policy stage, there were differences in the frequency and network of keywords related to STEAM education by media. It was confirmed that there was a difference in interest in STEAM education policy as there were differences in keywords and topics that were mainly used importantly by media. Most of the topics of the Ministry of Education's documents were found to correspond to topics derived from articles. The implications for the development direction of STEAM education derived from the results of this study are as follows: first, STEAM education needs to consider ways to connect multiple topics, including the humanities. Second, since the media has a difference in interest in STEAM education policy, it is necessary to seek a cooperative development direction through understanding this. Third, the Ministry of Education's support for core competency reinforcement and convergence literacy for nurturing future talents, the goal of STEAM education, and the media's efforts to increase the public's understanding of STEAM education are required. Lastly, it is necessary to continuously analyze the themes that will appear in the evaluation process and change STEAM education policy.

Effect of Irrigation Amounts on Growth and Yield of Rice in Desert Climates (인공사막환경에서 벼 재배시 관개량에 따른 생육 및 수량 특성 변화)

  • Jung, Ki-Youl;Lee, Sang-Hun;Jeong, Jae-Hyeok;Chun, Hyen-Chung;Oh, Seung-ka;Jeon, Seung-ho
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 2021
  • There is a growing interest in rice cultivation on farms with irrigation facilities in desert climates. We investigated the growth characteristics and yields of two rice cultivars (FL478 and Asemi) irrigated at field capacities (FCs) of 80%, 100%, and 120% in a lysimeter with coarse sandy soils. The results showed that at the heading stage, the FC 100% treatment had the highest plant height and number of tillers between the two cultivars. At the harvest period, the culm and panicle lengths of both cultivars at FC 100% were similar to those of the control. In contrast, the number of panicles, grain number per panicle, and percentage of ripened grains were the highest in the control. Moreover, FL478 and Asemi had the highest grain yields of 1.40 and 2.20 kg·pot-1 in the control, respectively. For both cultivars, the grain yields of the FC 100% and FC 120% treatments were approximately 70% of the control. In comparison, FL478 and Asemi had the highest water productivity of 0.45 and 0.63 kg·m3-1 for the FC 80% treatment, followed by the FC 100% treatment (0.42 and 0.59 kg·m3-1, respectively), which was nearly 14.3% and 20.3% higher than that of the control. Therefore, we found that irrigation at FC 100% is anticipated to be effective in managing surface drip irrigation for rice cultivation in desert climates in arid environments, while maintaining rice yields.

Analysis of the Weight of SWOT Factors of Korean Venture Companies Based on the Industry 4.0 (4차 산업혁명 기반 한국 벤처기업의 SWOT요인에 대한 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Dongik;Lee, Sangsuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.115-133
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the concept and related technologies of the 4th industrial revolution that has been mixed so far and examines the socio-economic changes and influences resulting from it, and the cases of responding to the 4th industrial revolution in major countries. Based on this, by deriving SWOT factors and calculating the importance of each factor for Korean venture companies to prepare for the forth industrial revolution, it was intended to help the government and policymakers in suggesting directions for establishing related policies. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to suggest a direction for securing global competitiveness to Korean venture entrepreneurs and to help with basic and systematic analysis for further academic in-depth research. For this study, a total of 21 items derived through extensive literature research and data research to understand what are the necessary competency factors for internal and external environmental changes in order for Korean venture companies to have global competitiveness in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. After reviewing SWOT factors by three expert groups and confirming them through Delphi survey, the importance of each item was analyzed by using AHP, a systematic decision-making technique. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that Strength(48%), Opportunity(25%), Threat(16%), Weakness(11%) were considered important in order. In terms of sub-items, 'quick and flexible commercialization capability', 'platform/big data/non-face-to-face service activation', and 'ICT infrastructure and it's utilization' were shown to be of the comparatively high importance. On the other hand, in the lower three items, 'macro-economic stability and social infrastructure', 'difficulty in entering overseas markets due to global protectionism', and 'absolutely inferior in foreign investment' were found to have low priority. As a result of the correlation verification by item to see differences in opinions by industry, academia, and policy expert groups, there was no significant difference of opinion, as industry and academic experts showed a high correlation and industry experts and policy experts showed a moderate correlation. The correlation between the academic and policy experts was not statistically significant (p<0.01), so it was analyzed that there was a difference of opinion on importance. This was due to the fact that policy experts highly valued 'quick and flexible commercialization', which are strengths, and 'excellent educational system and high-quality manpower' and 'creation of new markets' which are opportunity items, while academic experts placed great importance on 'support part of government policy', which are strengths. The implication of this study is that in order for Korean venture companies to secure competitiveness in the field of the 4th industrial revolution, it is necessary to have a policy that preferentially supports the relevant items of strengths and opportunity factors. The difference in the details of strength factors and opportunity factors, which shows a high level of variability, suggests that it is necessary to actively review it and reflect it in the policy.

Agricultural and Quality Characteristics in Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) Population in Perilla (Perilla frutescens) (들깨 대실/잎들깨1호 재조합 자식계통(RILs)의 농업적 특성 및 품질 분석)

  • Park, Jae Eun;Lee, Myoung Hee;Oh, Ki Won;Kim, Sungup;Oh, Eunyoung;Ha, Tae Joung;Cho, Kwang-Soo;Jung, Chan Sik;Kim, Jung In
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.248-255
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to obtain basal information for the development of perilla cultivars with improved quality. The F7 population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between the parents of Daesil for seeds and Ipdeulkkae1 for vegetables was used as the material. We evaluated several agricultural characteristics and seed quality. Variations were observed in most of the measurements; for example, stem length (ranging from 66.0 to 150.0 cm), number of branches (from 5 to 23), flower cluster length (ranging from 5.1 to 10.5 cm), number of flower clusters (from 17 to 131), a-linolenic acid content (from 54.2 to 64.1%), and functional compound content (rosmarinic acid 869.5~3,508.1 ㎍/g; luteolin 47.4~864.3 ㎍/g; apigenin 57.1~296.7 ㎍/g) all showed variation. Significant correlations between stem length and the number of branches (0.561) and number of branches versus number of flower clusters (0.638) were detected in the RIL F7 population. Most agricultural characteristics and seed qualities showed a normal distribution with large variation, and transgressive segregation was observed in many descendants with characteristics to those of their parents. Daesil/Ipdeulkkae1 RIL F7 populations could be useful for future QTL analysis as well as for intermediate breeding lines for high-quality perilla cultivars.

Stand Structure and Sapling Growth Characteristics of Korean Red Pine Stands Regenerated by the Seed Tree Method (소나무 모수림 시업지의 임분구조 및 치수생육특성)

  • Lee, Daesung;Choi, Jungkee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.4
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    • pp.678-688
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to provide growth characteristics and stand information in preparation for natural regeneration method and silvicultural treatment of seed tree method in Korean red pine stands by using the field inventoried data 18 years after the seed tree regeneration method in 2001 and analyzing the stand and sapling characteristics. The study area was located in the Research Forest of Kangwon National University, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do. In November 2018, we collected tree measurement factors, such as diameter at breast height (DBH), height, crown class, stem quality, tree age, and annual height increment on the established plots. We calculated the basal area, volume, height-diameter ratio (HD ratio), and additional stand density variables such as the relative density and %stocking to analyze the managed stands. The number of mother trees was 58 trees/ha, with a 17.7% stocking level, whereas the number of saplings was 2,330 trees/ha, with a 79.0% stocking level. In germination, the age distribution of saplings ranged from 2001 to 2007, with most belonging to 15-16 years. The development condition of saplings was 10 cm in DBH and 8 m in height. DBH and height were higher as the crown class is more dominant, and this difference was statistically significant in the analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple comparison test (p<0.0001). HD ratio ranged mostly between 80% and 90%, and more than 95% of sapling stems were of high quality, with a straight, unbroken top, non-sweep, and non-diseased stem. On average, the annual height increment of saplings was 21.9 cm at 1 year, 43.3 cm at 5 years, 54.3 cm at 10 years, and 64.3 cm at 15 years. The overall height growth with age increased smoothly. According to the analysis of covariance, the annual height growth by crown class differed significantly. The regression analysis parameters revealed that annual height growth increased with age and dominant crown class.

New Perspectives on Sunday School of Korean Church for Next Generation (다음 세대와 한국교회 주일학교의 새 전망)

  • Kim, Jeong Joon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.67
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    • pp.11-44
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    • 2021
  • In the early 21st century, the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has arisen during the development of the technological science of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has been a great challenge in all fields including politics, economy, industry, education and religion in Korean society. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Korean government announced 'social distancing guidelines,' focused on the 'prohibition of three conditions'(crowd, closeness, airtight) for safety reasons. These quarantine guidelines made it more difficult for Korean churches and Sunday schools to operate. In general, looking at the statistical data of the major denominations of the Korean Church in the second half of the 20th century, shows that the Church has entered a period of stagnant or declining growth. Data also show that the number of students attending Sunday School is decreasing. The researcher identified four causes of the crisis faced by the Korean church and Korean Sunday school entering the 21st century. These trends are influenced by the tendencies of postmodernism, the deconstruction of modern universalism, the certainty and objectivity of knowledge, and the grand narrative and worldview of diffusion. Moreover, it is a phenomenon in which the young population decreases in contrast to the increasing elderly population in the age of population cliff in Korean society. Sunday Schools are also facing a crisis, as the youth population, who will become the future heroes of the Korean church, is declining. Finally, constraints of Church and Sunday school education activities are due to COVID-19 Pandemic. As analysis shows the loss of the Church's educational vision and a decrease in the passion for education. Accordingly, the researcher suggests four new strategies for the next generation of Korean Sunday schools, whose ranges from 200 members or less; this range covers the majority of Sunday School program run by churches in Korea. First, in the age of postmodernism, a time of uncertainty and relativism, Christian Societies requires teachers who are certain of absolute Christian truth and faith. Second, in an era of declining population cliffs for younger generations, a shift to a home-friendly Sunday school paradigm is needed. Third, during the COVID-19 pandemic, educational activities must appropriately utilize face-to-face and non-face-to-face communication. Finally, even in difficult times, Korean Sunday school should nevertheless remember the Lord's great commandment(Matthew 28:18-20) and restore the vision and passion of education to announce and teach the gospel. The researcher hopes that this study will provide small, positive steps in rebuilding Korean Sunday school educational activities for future generations in difficult times.