• Title/Summary/Keyword: 현대 회화

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A Study on Korean Plastic Characteristics Expressed in Modem Costume - Laying Stress on the Concept of Void, Trait de Korean Painting - (현대 복식에서 표현된 한국적 조형 특성 연구 - 한국 회화의 운필, 여백의 개념을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Mi-Gap;Yang, Sook-Hi
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.965-981
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    • 2007
  • Since the latter half of 20 century, in Korea, there are many discussions on the identity of Korean itself in several divisions, in which the discussion on the identity in the part of the costume or the part of the art reflecting the life, is the subject which must not fail to be noticed. So, we try to study the common structure manifested in the Korean painting and the costume as a part of basic recognition of problems and the way of problem-solving for the research on the Koran formative characteristics. The method and the process of this study is first, to consider the characteristics of the plastic and style of the Oriental arts and the Occidental arts by discourse implicate the difference between Oriental and Occidental view and the recognition of the body in the two worlds. And in the study we try to apprehend the dynamic modern artistic value of Korean style through assimilation between the Korean style and Baroque style according to the theory of $W\ddot{o}lfflin$ about the classical style and Baroque style. We will describe the Korean identity by analyzing the Korean plasticity with the Occidental style of dress and paintings reflecting the Occidental culture and thought and the Oriental things, and modern paintings and dress in the present age. As a result, we can try to recherche the way of use of new design for the identity of Korean style, in the concept of the ellipsis, repetition of the retrait, obscur silhouette, and superimposition.

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A Study on Abstract Nail Design using Colors of Chun Kyung-ja's Works (천경자 작품의 색채를 활용한 추상적 네일 디자인 연구)

  • Shin, Rok;Jung, Yeon-ja
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2018
  • This paper tried to produce the abstract nail designs using the colors expressed in the works by the artist Chun Kyung-ja. The approach in this paper aimed to prepare the basis for realizing the creative idea on the nail design and to help to expand the expression field of nail design. The works expressing the artistic features of the artist Chun Kyung-ja well were selected for the empirical research and color data was analyzed using NCS(Natural Color System). Finally, 5 kinds of representative works on the works by the artist Chun Kyung-ja were selected and applied to nail designs for creating nail designs as well as application of colors. In conclusion, the nail design of this research is convergence of nail design and the modern Korean painting. Based on such convergence, this paper expressed the nail design by recreating the of beauty design by various viewpoints.

A Study on the Destructive Method in Contemporary Painting - On Vandalic and Iconoclastic Destruction (현대 서양회화에서의 해체(Destruction) 연구 : 야성적(Vandalic) 경향과 성상파괴적(Iconoclastic) 경향을 중심으로)

  • Park Ki-Woong
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.2
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    • pp.5-41
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this thesis is to study about destructive method in late twentieth Century Paintings. To do this we will consider the examples of Frank Stella and Anselm Kiefer's expressive methods. And this thesis is designed to investigate the change of the two Modes. The centering change is in the destructive manner of them, and they are traced systematically. In these chapters we will study the procedure of the destruction and specification of the Modes; the subject which contains the special element, the relation between it and the artist's willful meaning, morphological specification, symbol system formative language, subject, material and coloring way. etc. The origin of the methodology is systematically studied and the procedures of the content applicated are considered. In the special characteristics of the methodology, the special feactures it contains will be considered. The basis of the deconstructive idea from Nietsche, Derrida, Saussire, Andrew Benjamin and others will be applied to understand the two Modes of artistic methodology, and whether or not they can be tools of explaining the methodology of our time is distinguished. Next, the methodologically founded contents and concepts from Chapter#2 are related and intertwined together. The outer destructive aspect and inner destructive specification are centrally uncovered by the Interpretation. The resulting background of the Mode, the factor of destruction and central concept, along with the works, applied ideas, and pre-scholar's writings, are conjoined and explained. The characteristics of S Mode are revealed as being similar to those of Vandalic Destruction and Baroque formalistic Style, while K Mode is closely related to Iconoclastic Destruction and Neoclassical Antiformal Style.

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Sumuk Style in Contemporary Fashion and the Development of Korean Fashion Cultural Products Applied Sumuk Technique (현대 패션에 나타난 수묵 기법과 이를 활용한 한국적 패션문화상품 개발)

  • Lee, Hye-Won;Cha, Hye-In;Jang, Young-Sun;Kim, Min-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.7
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2011
  • Sumuk drawings are made with water and muk(墨), which are used to express the light, shade and texture of an object. The expression methods of oriental drawing can be divided into three methods: pictorialization, abstractness and realism. The method of pictorialization expresses traditional pictures or letters. Abstractness show an artist's aesthetic feeling through sprinkling, splashing and spreading diffusion of muk. The method of realism is Takbon which makes a copy painting directly from a monument by rubbing a paper with ink. Modern fashion designer attempts to develop a new Sumuk technique based on both oriental drawing style and western watercolor painting style. Rather than following the designated styles of oriental drawings and Korean drawings, new Sumuk technique colors detailed structures expressed as outlines, dots and lines or creates abstract patterns through spreading or spilling in showing theme of flowers, plants and insects. In this study, in order to develop fashion cultural products with Sumuk technique, rubbed copy of the ancient 'Emile bell Takbon' was used. For this study, with the combination of different colors and the patterns from 'Emile bell Takbon', designs for scarfs, shirts and one-piece dresses were created. These techniques enabled to express soft and strong Takbon image in simple Sumuk technique in harmony with modern trends.

A Study on Using Color-Concept Directed Scent to Allow Visually Impaired People to Appreciate Paintings (시각장애인의 미술작품 감상을 위한 색-개념 지향성 향 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hoon-Suk;Cho, Jun-Dong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.73-92
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    • 2020
  • This article addresses the possibility of developing a new art appreciation method using olfaction, which was not previously considered an important sense in expanding the cultural enjoyment of visually impaired people. The human olfactory system is a faculty that is not considered very important in modern society; however, this is due to cultural factors, and from a biological point of view, the human sense of smell has sufficient potential for practical application. In this study, it is assumed that when various types of scent are perceived through this sense of smell, each has its own unconscious relation to color and concept, which researchers have termed "color directivity" and "concept directivity." Through experiments, the researchers found that some specific scents have color directivity and concept directivity, and in using these scents, they succeeded in delivering information about colors used in artworks to the visually impaired. Based on this study, we hope to continue our research on the use of color-concept directional scents that can convey the brightness and saturation of colors and more diverse hues.

A Study on the Evacuation of the National Treasures and the National Museum of Korea's Activities in Busan during the Korean War (한국전쟁기 문화재 부산 소개(疏開)와 국립박물관의 부산 활동 연구)

  • JANG, Sanghoon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.114-129
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    • 2022
  • Securing a safe place to keep its collections in Busan, the interim capital during the Korean War, the National Museum of Korea could fulfill its mission to protect the national treasures. Right before Seoul was recaptured by the Communist forces, the museum managed to evacuate its collections to Busan in December of 1950. Until the armistice in 1953, a Korean government warehouse in Busan had to function as a temporary museum building. Protecting the national treasures in this small building, the National Museum of Korea had to maintain its role as a national museum and contribute in revitalizing cultural functions of Busan, the interim capital. The efforts led to hope for reconstructing the museum.

Study of Artwork Expressed through Interpretation of Lines and Overlapping Effects (선의 해석과 중첩 효과로 표현된 작품연구)

  • Ah-Reum Han
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2024
  • When we look at the history of lines, we see that with the beginning of human civilization, lines were engraved on cave walls or rock surfaces for religious, shamanistic meanings, or to leave records. As time passed, characters were invented, which were used as a means of expression and recording, and had a significant impact on painting. In the East, according to the philosophy of 'Wu Wei Zi Ran (無爲自然)', artists borrowed from nature to express their intentions on the canvas with lines, and sometimes wrote their impressions on the canvas before or after painting. Lines were regarded not just as simple boundaries but as manifestations of the energy that evokes the vitality of the subject. Drawing a single line was considered the first act of life newly born in the cosmic space. The line itself implies the depth of space and elements of expression. Many artists have developed lines using contemporary senses and materials based on theories found in literature. This study aims to research the concept of lines and the linear characteristics of the East and West through recorded literature and data, and to study works using the overlapping nature of lines as a modern expression method.

A study on expressing an artist's inner world as well as the external shape of a figure in a figure painting (인물화(人物畵)의 사의성(寫意性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, So-Young
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.11
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    • pp.153-199
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    • 2007
  • The East has recognized 'similar forms' and 'similar spirits' as important topics in expressing an object. Figure painting, in particular, has attached importance to 'transmission of spirit'. Gu Kaizhi (345-406) definitely presented the transmission concept and made it the moot important criterion in painting criticism. By identifying the possibility of revealing spirit through a form, he recognized the 'expression of will' in a creator's work and the experience of such 'expressed will' by an appreciator to be the essential acts of art. Thus, he said, a figure painting revealed the character and nature of the depicted object rather than reproducing its form. Regarding art as a person creating the saintly way of life via developing own character, he attached importance to the will of an artist as the central aesthetic subject. This dissertation explores the keynote of the spirit expressing an artist's inner world and the external shape of a figure. It is carried out by investigating the process of Gu Kaizhi's theory (namely spirit transmission and revelation in painting) leading to Su Dongpo's assertion that "the nature of things" and later leading to Yun Duseo's "theory of the way of painting" as the spirit-transmission theory faithful to the principle of revealing spirit through a form in Chosun. The chronological study of the aforementioned works reveals that the relation between an artist and an object is important at the stage of setting aim in producing a work, and this dissertation analyzed it with four elements: (1) creating work based on the viewpoint of nature that heaven and man are one; (2) reflection of the creator's character (including his/her nature, temperament, spirituality, and emotion during the creation) and the artistic merit of a picture; (3) the dialectic unification between the true and the false through space which is a volitional state as creative thinking space; (4) importance of artist's will above the technique used such that a purposeless, inactive and plain work (where human will is combined with heavenly one) was pursued because the picture is regarded coming from the mind created in the unity of host/artist and guest/object. Thus, through his/her intuitive insight is the world where self is united with the cosmos symbolized. Such expression of an artist's inner world and the external shape of a thing pursues the stage of materialization and creates the new modes such as using space, a variety of brushstrokes, and accidentality and improvisation of India ink. In particular, the writer sees that such expression which enables a creator to express his/her nature or personality (and even the emotion) at the time of creation will be highly worth studying in the future, in accord with the pursuit of contemporary painting being expressed as an abstract aspect.

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Research of the Neo-Confucianism and the development of Landscape painting in Song Dynasty (성리학(性理學)과 산수화(山水畵)의 발전에 관한 연구 - 송대를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Wan-sok
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.32
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    • pp.309-336
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    • 2011
  • There were various linking points that connect Li xue(Neo-Confucianism) to aesthetics in Song Dynasty as following. 1. The traditional moral as "pursuing pleasure of Kong-zi and Yan Hui" 2. Esteem of "life and vitality". Scholars of Li xue in Song regarded the pleasure of acting up to "benevolence" as a beauty, and this benevolence originated in the "heaven and earth; the universe". "Benevolence", that is to say, is name of the nature that continuous reproduction breed in an endless succession by "Yin-Yang the universe", thus the natural "life and vitality" of the "heaven and earth" as the matter of course is the perfect beauty. 3. An idea of "serene contemplation". Originally the "serene contemplation" belongs to discipline of "Li xue", however simultaneously this conception was entirely applicable to aesthetic point of view. 4. Cosmological consciousness. In the same manner, the "pleasure" which is moralistic and moreover aesthetic is indivisible from cosmic contemplation itself. Because of this point, the art and aesthetics of Song Dynasty self-consciously had the cosmological consciousness in its fullness. 5. Respect of beauty of nature. Scholars of "Li xue" considered as : no matter what "Li" or "Qi" that producing all things is "coming of itself", that is by no means artificially operated or prearranged in advance. Such standpoint was applied to creative art and made art of Song Dynasty esteem beauty of nature (coming of itself) exceedingly. 6. Laying stress on "disposition". Scholars of "Li xue" ordinarily valued much of "disposition of a sage", consequently this tendency influenced on aesthetics. "disposition" indicates the whole impression that one who has appearance and the inside(personality, temper, thought, etc.) gives to others. By putting that impression into practice of art and literature, it is to materialize the works of art as a unity of form and subject, also as an expression of human existence that breathed into one's sensibility on the whole. 7. Principles of "completing inquiry", "study the laws of nature by close access" of "Li xue". These principles made art and literature of Song Dynasty take a serious view of "Li" of all over the universe, so made them close investigate things, and after all have achieved very remarkable characteristic in art and literature, especially in paintings of Song Dynasty. Theory of painting in Song Dynasty had occupied considerably high position in Chinese aesthetic history. It was positively superior to former generations no matter what in quantity or in theoretical minuteness and its systematic level. Undoubtedly the Chinese theory of painting had been achieving development time after time since Song Dynasty. However if we could make a comparison it with every single period (ex. Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties), there is no prominent period than Song Dynasty in theory of paintings. Song period had number of essays of Landscape painting.

Zou Si Cong's Work (주사총(周思聰)의 작품세계)

  • Oh Se-Kwon
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.7
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    • pp.128-149
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    • 2005
  • Zou Si Cong is a very significant female artist from the period when China was forming its modern arts and culture. Zou Si Cong, who was influenced by China's political and social upheaval, was born in 1939 and died in 1996. Her actual work period was after China's 'Cultural Revolution' and lasted only 13 years, from 1978 to 1990. Her passion for art never stopped, even when she was suffering from severe arthritis with its torturing pain. There were big changes that occurred in her work; 'Early Work', 'Realistic Work', 'Mine Worker Painting', 'Yi Tribe' Painting', 'Lotus Paintings'. 'Mine Worker Painting', which represented a new figure by abandoning traditional techniques, dividing picture space, and changing and distorting forms, was the one that had the greatest impact of all on a lot of people and strongly influenced modern Chinese figurative painting. The characteristics of Zou Si Cong's work are in its 'Traditionalism', 'Realism, and 'Historical' aspects. Zou Si Cong developed her uniqueness, along with Western expressions, based on traditional Chinese painting techniques. Realism, through realistic rendering, appeared in her figurative paintings during the Cultural Revolution Period. 'Yi Tribe' paintings lively illustrated their lives. She creatively reinterpreted history in the composition of Mine Workers, which is based on the historical record of Chinese barbarity.

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