• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학습 효능감

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A Study on the Effects among Psychological Factors, Knowledge Sourcing Behavior and Knowledge Utilization Outcomes in Social Learning Community (소셜 러닝 커뮤니티에서 심리적 요인, 지식소싱 행태, 지식활용 성과 간의 영향관계에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.267-295
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze empirically relationships between learners' psychological factors, knowledge sourcing behavior and knowledge utilization outcomes and to analyze the mediation effect of social learning and relationships among learners. Another purpose is to understand learners' attitude on social learning and knowledge sourcing behavior. The main results of this study are as follows: First, regression results on relationships among learners' psychological factors, knowledge sourcing behavior, knowledge utilization outcomes show that learners' self-efficacy has a positive effect on social learning activity participation, and goal orientation has a positive influence on group knowledge sourcing and social learning activity participation. Users' experiences of social media has a positive effect on group knowledge sourcing, social learning activity participation and social learning interaction. From a knowledge utilization perspective, published knowledge sourcing positively affects knowledge reuse, knowledge application and knowledge innovation. Dyadic knowledge sourcing has positive influence on knowledge reuse. Group knowledge sourcing affects positively knowledge application and knowledge innovation. Second, social learning activity participation factor has full mediation effect on relationship between learners' goal orientation and group knowledge sourcing, and the relationship between users' experiences of social media and group knowledge sourcing. A relationship among members factor has full mediation effect on the relationship between published knowledge sourcing and knowledge reuse, and relationship between published knowledge sourcing and knowledge innovation. Third, the results of in-depth interview show that learners trust and easily collect knowledge from social network services in general. Also, they get a variety of idea for solving information problem from interaction among members in social learning community.

A Qualitative Case Study of Service Learning in Small Christian Universities : Focusing on service learning effect and learning emotion (소규모 기독교 대학의 서비스러닝 질적사례 연구: 서비스러닝 효과와 학습정서를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun Woo;Lee, Jeong Mee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.61-96
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    • 2022
  • This study tried to explore the ways to operate service learning more effectively by analyzing the educational effects of service learning and changes in learning sentiments that appeared in the service learning operation process established for the realization of the Christian educational philosophy at a small local Christian university. The analysis was conducted using NVivo11, focusing on the reflection journals of students who participated in service learning in the first semester of 2022 at J University. As a result of the study, through service learning, personal competence growth, self-reflection and will to change, self-esteem and self-efficacy, social and civic aspects, social responsibility enhancement, community (community) empathy and awareness of participation, and helping others There were educational effects such as an increase in the breadth of understanding. In addition, learning emotions that appeared in the service learning process included positive emotions such as gratitude, challenge recognition, pride, confidence, and responsibility, and negative emotions such as worry (difficulty), upset, regret, and awkwardness. It is a measure to increase the educational effect based on the learning emotion shown in the service learning process. When operating service learning, the service period at the visiting institution is increased to 6 weeks or more, and based on close interaction and detailed analysis of the educational environment in the planning stage, Suggest to develop and operate a plan. In addition, if you have the opportunity to receive feedback from your professors and colleagues through demonstrations and mock presentations in the classroom before visiting the institution, and finally have the opportunity to visit the institution again after the results of service learning are announced, more quality service learning education will be operated. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that more valuable and meaningful service learning education opportunities will be provided to learners by designing and operating a practical and sophisticated service learning curriculum.

The effects of a simulation-based learning method utilizing the task of making video in raspiratory patients care (호흡기환자 시뮬레이션 교육에서의 동영상 제작 과제 활용 효과)

  • Cho, Hye-Young;Kang, Kyoung-Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.148-156
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of a simulation-based learning method that utilizes the task of making a video for respiratory patients care. A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group pre-post test design was used. A total of 56 students-28 students in the experimental group and 28 students in the control group were included. The experimental group received the 2 education sessions with 120 minutes in each session. It was implemented in November, 2014. Data were analyzed with paired t-test and unpaired t-test using SPSS/Win 18.0. The experimental group who had the simulation-based learning method utilizing the task of making video. It showed significantly higher learning satisfaction (p=.008 p<.001), and self-efficacy (p=.010) compared with the control group who had a traditional simulation education. Through this study, The educational effects of video-making task are the stimulation of interest in learners, improvement of self-led learning and communication skills. Therefore, a simulation-based learning method utilizing the task of making a video was an effective teaching method for the growth of professional competency for students involved in health related fields.

Positive Psychological Capital, Start-Up Intention, Start-Up Behavior Option Network Analysis (네일아트 자격증 학습자의 긍정심리자본, 창업의도, 창업행동 간의 연결망 분석)

  • Seo, Ran-Sug
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2021
  • This study studied the network between positive psychology capital, intention of start-up, and start-up behavior for learners who are willing to start a business. The research targets were intended to study the impact of the connection relationship between each variable, targeting nail art certification learners who are willing to start their own businesses. For this study, the measurement variables of positive psychology capital, intention of start-up, and start-up behavior were set, and the collected data were analyzed for connection-centeredness and eigenvector after data collection. The findings are as follows. First, some variables affecting the intention of start-up showed optimism, resilience and hope of positive psychology capital. Second, the intention to start a business was shown to have a significant impact on the behavior of start-ups, which, unlike the preceding study, appeared to be almost outside the network structure, showing that the behavior of start-ups was not significantly affected by other variables. Third, it is important to increase self-efficacy in positive psychological capital in order to increase the behavior of start-ups. Fourth, the analysis of the eigenvactor among positive psychology capital, intention of start-up, and start-up behavior showed optimism as some of the most central variables. In other words, prospective start-ups were found to be aware of the hardships and expected positive results in the future. The implications of this study, along with the intention and behavior of prospective entrepreneurs, are important factors in positive psychology capital, and suggest the importance of various educational programs that can be enhanced by positive psychology capital in start-up education or training programs and what should be taught. In addition, this study analyzed the network by approaching it from the perspective of positive psychology capital of prospective entrepreneurs in order to enhance the effectiveness of support programs for start-ups by the government, public institutions or universities in the future.

Strategies for Increasing the Value and Sustainability of Archaeological Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era (포스트 코로나 시대 고고유산 교육의 가치와 지속가능성을 위한 전략)

  • KIM, Eunkyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.82-100
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    • 2022
  • With the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic and the era of the 4th industrial revolution, archaeological heritage education has entered a new phase. This article responds to the trends in the post-COVID-19 era, seeking ways to develop archaeological heritage education and sustainable strategies necessary in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. The program of archaeological heritage education required in the era of the 4th industrial revolution must cultivate creative talent, solve problems, and improve self-efficacy. It should also draw attention to archaeological heritage maker education. Such maker education should be delivered based on constructivism and be designed by setting specific learning goals in consideration of various age-specific characteristics. Moreover, various ICT-based contents applying VR, AR, cloud, and drone imaging technologies should be developed and expanded, and, above all, ontact digital education(real-time virtual learning) should seek ways to revitalize communities capable of interactive communication in non-face-to-face situations. The development of such ancient heritage content needs to add AI functions that consider learners' interests, learning abilities, and learning purposes while producing various convergent contents from the standpoint of "cultural collage." Online archaeological heritage content education should be delivered following prior learning or with supplementary learning in consideration of motivation or field learning to access the real thing in the future. Ultimately, archaeological ontact education will be delivered using cutting-edge technologies that reflect the current trends. In conjunction with this, continuous efforts are needed for constructive learning that enables discovery and question-exploration.

A study on academic self-efficacy and self-directed learning attitude of the EMT students (일부 응급구조과 학생들의 학업적 자기효능감과 자기주도적 학습태도에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Gil-Soon;Chae, Min-Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of academic self-efficacy on self-directed learning attitude of emergency medical students. Methods : A total of 209 emergency medical technology students filled out the questionnaire after receiving the informed consents. The questionnaire consisted of demographical characteristics, academic self-efficacy and self-directed learning attitude. Results : Academic self-efficacy and self-directed learning attitude of the subjects were above mean average. Higher correlations existed between academic self-efficacy and self-directed learning attitude of the subjects, and the significant positive correlations were found between sub-factors of the academic self-efficacy and self-directed learning attitude. The academic self-efficacy of the subjects had the significant influence on the self-directed learning, and self-efficacy. The self-confidence among sub-factors in the academic self-efficacy had a significant influence on self-directed learning attitude and sub-factors. Conclusion : The results of the study subjects of academic self-efficacy had a significant influence on the attitude of self-directed learning, In particular, self-efficacy and confidence of the academic self-efficacy sub-factors showed a significant impact on the sub-factors, attitudes and self-directed learning. This study will provide the basic data for the implementation of the educational programs. This will be effective in managing the knowledge, information, self-directed learning attitude and academic self-efficacy.

Development of the Reading Attitudes Test Tool for Children (아동의 독서태도 검사도구 개발)

  • Park, Ju-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.329-358
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a test tool that can be measured in various aspects for the reading attitudes of children. For that it was set the configuration based on the preceding reading attitude survey and models and tacit knowledge of attitude toward reading and wrote the questions for reading attitudes. It conducted a primary and secondary test for elementary school students in grades 4-6 to verify the validity and reliability of measurement tools. 8 factors of the reading attitudes measurement tool were extracted through exploratory factor analysis and it described 66.29% of total variable. the r-value for inter-item consistency about reading attitudes were above 0.4 on all questions. The Cronbach ${\alpha}$-value of reliability coefficient about reading attitudes measurement tool was 0.950. Therefore Reading attitude test tool have reading usefulness, reading efficacy, leisure, stiumulation, flow, expression, study, assertiveness as sub factors of reading attitude has been shown that it can serve as a useful tool for measuring various aspects of the reading attitude for children.

Analysis of the current situation of Affective Characteristics of Korean Students Based on the Results of PISA and TIMSS (PISA와 TIMSS 결과에 나타난 우리나라 학생의 정의적 성취 실태 분석 - 수학 교과를 중심으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Hyun;Park, Sangwook;Hwang, Hye Jeang
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.23-43
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to develop strategies for improving the affective characteristics of Korean students based on results from international achievement tests. In pursuing the goal, different research methods are employed including a) analysis of the theories and literature regarding the affective domains included in PISA and TIMSS studies; b) analysis of the current situation and needs of Korean students with respect to the affective factors based on PISA and TIMSS results; c) case studies of best practices in relation to students' affective domains in Korea and abroad; and d) development of strategies for improving and supporting Korean students' affective characteristics. Especially, this paper describes meta-analyses of the results from the previous PISA and TIMSS studies. Afterwards, it reports statistical analyses results on the relationship between students' affective achievements and educational context variables. Data from TIMSS 2011, TIMSS 2007, PISA 2006, and PISA 2003 are used for the analyses, and contextual variables are selected through rigorous statistical analyses including frequency and correlation, and expert consultation. The effects of educational contextual variables on students' affective achievement in mathematics and science are analyzed through Hierarchical Linear Model.

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Effects of Organizational and Personal Characteristics on Salesforces' Performance (조직특성 및 개인특성이 판매원 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Sohn, Jun-Sang
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.8
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    • pp.111-138
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    • 2001
  • Currently marketing researchers are investigating the causal variables affecting to salesforces' performances. Some researchers found personal and organizational affecting variables as well as structural context of variables. But almost affecting variables examined in salesforce performance researches are personal characteristics. Such organizational variables like leadership, organization's market orientation would be worth to examine in salesforce performance researches. Thus this research is intended to analyze effects of personal and organizational characteristics on salesforces' performances. Data for this research were elicited from sales representatives of motor companies. Data collected were analyzed by regression analysis using SPSSWIN Ver.10.0. The following are major findings of this research. 1. Leadership whether transformational or transactional affected on salesforces' performances. But it was not accepted that transformational leadership would be superior than transactional leadership. 2. Market Orientation of organization affected on its salesforces' performances. 3. Personal characteristics such as need for achievement, compensation predispositon, self efficacy, learning goal orientation were affect on salesforces' performances. But it found that effects of intrinsic compensation predisposition on salesforces, performances were reverser (-). Based on the above findings, the following conclusion could be drawn: 1. Organizational variables like leadership and market orientation are key managerial variables in the sales organization, meaning that sales manager development and organization's market-driven culture are important. 2. Through recruiting and educating, raising salesforces' self-esteem is necessitated.

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The Effects of 'Affirmative Language' Experiment on Negative Affect, Self-Efficacy and Stress Coping Style in Freshmen Nursing Students ('긍정의 말' 실험학습이 새내기 간호 대학생의 부정적 정서, 자기효능감 및 스트레스 대처방식에 미치는 효과)

  • Cha, Jin Gyung;Moon, In Oh;Choi, Yeon Sook;Kim, Ji Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of 'affirmative language' experiment upon freshmen nursing students' negative affect, self-efficacy and stress coping style. Methods: A nonequivalent control quasi-experiment was conducted on the subjects of 55 freshmen nursing students for 26(experimental group) and 29(control group). Data were analyzed using x2-test and t-test for participants' homogeneity test and conducted content analysis of process diary record and personal impressions. Results: As for negative affect, in case of the experimental group, depression(t=-2.384, p=.022) and anxiety(t=-2.243, p=.025) were significantly low with no difference for the control group. As for self-efficacy, both experimental and control groups showed significance and as for stress coping style, the control group used sub-categorized strategies better than the experimental group. There were 4 topics and subsequent 15 topics derived from the content analysis. 'Affirmative language' experiment showed alleviation of depression and anxiety helpful for study participants in self-reporting measurement, and helpful for stress self-management competence. Conclusion: It is necessary to connect the curriculum operation with interest of competence and practice of students stress self-management through the participating experiment experience.

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