• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학생의 활동제한

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Effects of the Planetarium Lesson on Students' Understanding of Astronomical Concepts (천체투영관 수업이 학생들의 천문 개념 이해에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Wansoo;Shim, Hyunjin
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2018
  • Astronomy is the subject that can easily draw students' interest in studying science, therefore plays an important role in developing scientific core competence. However, it is difficult to develop spatial thinking that is required in understanding astronomical concepts through the classroom lessons. Planetarium, along with the science museum, is one of the most representative informal educational institution where astronomical concepts can be taught beyond time and space constraints. In this study, we developed the astronomy education program that is operated in the planetarium and applied the program to the elementary, middle and high-school students to investigate the effects of the planetarium lesson compared to the classroom lesson. The duration of this research was about 8 months, and the number of the students involved is 761, including participants of the 1 night and 2 days camps in the Daegu National Science Museum. The newly developed planetarium lesson is comparable to the previous classroom lesson of which topics are cardinal points, constellation, and the rotation of the earth. Test items were developed to evaluate the understanding of the astronomical concepts. The study was conducted based on the pre- and post-test with non-equivalent groups design comparing classroom and planetarium lessons. The results of this study are as follows. First, planetarium lesson is more effective for understanding astronomical concepts such as the cardinal points, earth's rotation, and the constellation than classroom lesson. Second, planetarium has a positive effect irrespective of gender and previous knowledge. Third, planetarium for high school students has the same effect as additional observation activities followed by the classroom instruction. Therefore, planetarium can be used as an alternative, effective tool when night observation is not available. In summary, planetarium is an effective tool that helps students to understand the astronomical concepts.

A Comparative Study of Korean Home Economic Curriculum and American Practical Problem Focused Family & Consumer Sciences Curricula (우리나라 가정과 교육과정과 미국의 실천적 문제 중심 교육과정과의 비교고찰)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sook;Yoo, Tae-Myung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.91-117
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    • 2007
  • This study was to compare the contents and practical problems addressed, the process of teaching-learning method, and evaluation method of Korean Home Economics curriculum and of the Oregon and Ohio's Practical Problem Focused Family & Consumer Sciences Curricula. The results are as follows. First, contents of Korean curriculum are organized by major sub-concepts of Home Economics academic discipline whereas curricular of both Oregon and Ohio states are organized by practical problems. Oregon uses the practical problems which integrate multi-subjects and Ohio uses ones which are good for the contents of the module by integrating concerns or interests which are lower or detailed level (related interests). Since it differentiates interest and module and used them based on the basic concept of Family and Consumer Science, Ohio's approach could be easier for Korean teachers and students to adopt. Second, the teaching-learning process in Korean home economics classroom is mostly teacher-centered which hinders students to develop higher order thinking skills. It is recommended to use student-centered learning activities. State of Oregon and Ohio's teaching-learning process brings up the ability of problem-solving by letting students clearly analyze practical problems proposed, solve problems by themselves through group discussions and various activities, and apply what they learn to other problems. Third, Korean evaluation system is heavily rely on summative evaluation such as written tests. It is highly recommended to facilitate various performance assessment tools. Since state of Oregon and Ohio both use practical problems, they evaluate students mainly based on their activity rather than written tests. The tools for evaluation include project documents, reports of learning activity, self-evaluation, evaluation of discussion activity, peer evaluation in a group for each students for their performance, assessment about module, and written tests as well.

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Design and Implementation of Mobile Class Homepage for Reinforcing Communication between School and Home (학교와 가정 사이의 의사소통을 강화한 모바일 학급 홈페이지의 설계 및 구현)

  • Hong, Yeon-Ho;Jun, Woo-Chun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2005
  • Advances in the wireless Internet have led to the rise of diverse techniques which can access information regardless of time and place. There are many research efforts to identify the various ways to use a cellular phone in our everyday life. However, it has been rarely used in the elementary school. As an attempt to apply the wireless Internet technology to the elementary school, this study is to design and implement a wireless Internet homepage where the parents would be able to have an easy access to the information any place and any time. The characteristics of the wireless Internet homepage are as follows; first, the images were reduced to the minimum and the text-oriented information is mostly used to deliver the key information, considering the small screen and relatively slow transmission rates. Second, by providing a link set up between the wireless homepage and the wired Internet homepage, users can choose the more convenient access tool. Finally, the SMS (Short Message Service) messages could be used for an immediate delivery of information.

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The Development of Competency-Based Extracurricular and its Operating System for developing creative-convergent talent (창의융합인재양성을 위한 역량중심 비교과과정 개발 및 운영체계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-mi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1987-1993
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    • 2016
  • The core value of the college of Interdisciplinary & Creative Studies is rely on the supporting system which can develop the learners' practical 'performing' competency. For aiming this, educational process of university constitutes the competencies which can be expected at the local field and develop the competency-oriented extracurricular & its operating system. Defining the creative convergent talent, as 'collaborative creative convergent one, bricoleur' and categorizes core competency named as TX competency. T competency contains humanities and the professionals of each major field needed. X competency consists of creative problem solving, convergent thinking ability, self-oriented learning ability and cooperative leadership. Developing extracurriculum & its operating system learners can be exposured the systemic learning and managing process. They can develop their potential abilities and can accumulate a proper mileage at their learning achievement. This research can be expected as a model of competency-based extracurriculum and its operating system which can develop learners' multiple competency overcoming the limit scope of curriculum.

Analytical Results of Panel Survey on the Career Decision Level and Career Preparation Behavior of College Students Majoring in Science and Engineering (이공계 대학생의 진로결정수준 및 진로준비행동 분석)

  • Lee, Soo-Young;Lee, Young-Min
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze the career decision level and career preparation behavior of 2-3 and 4 year college students majoring in science and engineering. We used the raw data of KEEP(Korean Education & Employment Panel) survey. In the results, we found that the career decision level of the subjects had no relationship with gender, high school type, university level, and study fields. On the other hand, in terms of the career preparation behavior, male students had more concrete perception regarding future jobs and tasks in labor market than female counterparts. In addition, 4 year college students were more positive and directed to pursue the career search planning and activities than 2 or 3 year college students. Finally, the students who had high career decision level could identify future job-related tasks, direction, rewards, and skill matches. We suggested that early career education and counselling should be provided for freshman or sophomore level students majoring in science and engineering at colleges and universities.

Analysis of the meaning of histogram and questioning in histogram tasks from a discursive perspective (담론적 관점에서 히스토그램의 의미와 과제 발문 분석)

  • Kim, Won
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.237-255
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    • 2023
  • The objective of this study is to explore the meaning generated through discourse in three different types of 1st-grade middle school textbooks in Korea and CMP textbook in the United States, specifically focusing on histograms. Through a discursive perspective, the study aims to analyze the characteristics of questioning within the stages of statistical problem-solving found in histogram tasks. The findings highlight several significant points. Firstly, variations exist in the definitions of histograms between Korean and US CMP textbooks. Secondly, diverse discursive structures contribute to the interpretation and understanding of histograms in textbooks. Thirdly, limitations are observed in the stages of statistical problem-solving reflected in histogram tasks. Lastly, distinctions are identified in the types of questioning employed in histogram tasks between Korean and US CMP textbooks. Building on these insights, the study suggests concrete ideas for enhancing the process of defining histograms and refining the questioning in histogram tasks.

A Study on Non-Contact Vocal Instruction (비대면 가창 수업 방법 고찰)

  • Lim, Ji-Hyun;Min, Kyung-Won
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2021
  • Non-Contact society has arrived due to social distinctions by COVID 19 pandemic. The arrival of the era of non-contact is having a profound impact on educational activities as well as on our social and economic lives. In response to the pandemic situation universities and all other educational institutions have implemented non-contact online classes. In particular arts physical educations and other practical classes are experiencing many difficulties due to the limited environment caused by social distancing from COVID 19 pandemic. Vocal classes are undergoing a transition mainly from 1:1 individual face-to-face lessons or group teaching methods to the non-contact era of online teaching or lesson methods. It is necessary to look at the direction of non-face-to-face practical classes in preparation for accelerated educational innovation. Edu-tech, which innovates technology in the wake of the age of non-contact after COVID 19 pandemic is expected to begin in earnest at school sites in Korea which have remained in the traditional way of education. The purpose of this study is to effectively non-contact vocal instructional methods by cogitating the current state of higher practical education and vocal classes in Korea. In addition, This study conducted two components of satisfied instructions such as 'Priorlearning of monitoring of recorded singing', and 'Immediate analyzing of various vocal contents and supplementary lessons of music theory' with a research on the peos and cons of non-face-to-face vocal class. Over a period of time, The effective non-contact of vocal instructional methods is in need to supplement non-face-to-face vocal class problems and further research and system construction with non-face-to-face vocal class's pros and cons to construct high-quality lecture contents is warranted.

Secondary Pre-service Science Teachers' Image of Scientists and Perception on the Science-Related Career (중등 예비 과학교사들의 과학자 이미지 및 과학 관련 직업에 대한 인식)

  • Song, Youngwook;Cho, Hyukjoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.753-763
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    • 2018
  • The image of scientists that learners have has an important impact on science learning and on science-related career choices. The image of the scientist was mainly analyzed using the drawing analysis method. Drawing analysis has limitations on drawing, mainly analyzing the external image of scientist. Science teachers' images of scientists and their perception of science-related careers are important factors in students' science learning and science-related career choices. However, research on science teachers is lacking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness of measurement tools by developing and applying a scientist image measurement tool through the semantic analysis method, and to discuss the educational implications of the research by investigating the image of scientists and science-related professions of secondary pre-service science teachers. The subjects of the study were 79 male and 55 female for a total of 134 students in the 2nd and 3rd grades majoring in science education at a teachers college. The results of the research show that the image measurement tool consisted of four components: 'ability,' 'evaluation,' 'activity,' and 'emotion,' in 24 items. As a result of applying the developed measurement tool to the secondary pre-service science teachers, the image of the 'evaluation,' 'ability,' and 'activity' elements of the scientist were high, but 'emotion' was low. There was no statistically significant difference according to gender. It is found that science-related career perceive them as 'hard,' 'professional,' 'smart,' and 'complex.' In particular, male students perceive themselves as 'hard and difficult' while female students perceive it as 'challenging and complicated'. Finally, we discussed the usefulness of using the image measurement tool of the scientists, the image of the scientists of the secondary pre-service science teachers, and the educational implications on science-related career.

Analysis of Scientific Models in Science Textbooks for the 7th Grade (중학교 과학 교과서 물질 영역의 과학적 모형 유형 분석)

  • Kim, Ae-Jung;Park, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Chan-Jong;Kim, Heui-Baik;Yoo, June-Hee;Choe, Seung-Urn
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study was to classify scientific models in the seventh grade science textbooks of the 2007 revised science curriculum. The three chapters of 'three states of material', 'motion of molecule', and 'change of state and energy' were investigated. There were two types of the scientific model as 'mode of representation' and 'attribute of representation'. The mode of representation was composed of 'action model', 'analogical model', 'symbolic model', and 'theoretical model' and the attribute of representation was composed of 'static model' and 'dynamic model'. The results showed that the action model and the analogical model were used primarily in mode of representation. The dynamic model were widely used in attribute of representation. Area of matters dealt with conception of molecules and aimed for students to understand the arrangement and movement of molecule microscopically about macroscopic state in a daily life. Tis study could help to recognize the limitations of scientific models on current textbooks and offer more useful information in planning lessons and organizing textbooks for the future.

An Analysis of 'Related Learning Elements' Reflected in Textbooks (<인공지능 수학> 교과서의 '관련 학습 요소' 반영 내용 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh Nam;Lee, Kyungwon;Oh, Se Jun;Park, Jung Sook
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.445-473
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to derive implications for the design of the next curriculum by analyzing the textbooks designed as a new subject in the 2015 revised curriculum. In the mathematics curriculum documents of , 'related learning elements' are presented instead of 'learning elements'. 'Related learning elements' are defined as mathematical concepts or principles that can be used in the context of artificial intelligence, but there are no specific restrictions on the amount and scope of dealing with 'related learning elements'. Accordingly, the aspects of 'related learning elements' reflected in the textbooks were analyzed focusing on the textbook format, the amount and scope of contents, and the ways of using technological tools. There were differences in the format of describing 'related learning elements' in the textbook by textbook and the amount and scope of handling mathematics concepts. Although similar technological tools were dealt with in each textbook so that 'related learning elements' could be used in the context of artificial intelligence, the focus was on computations and interpretation of results. In order to fully reflect the intention of the curriculum in textbooks, a systematic discussion on 'related learning elements' will be necessary. Additionally, in order for students to experience the use of mathematics in artificial intelligence, substantialized activities that can set and solve problems using technological tools should be included in textbooks.