• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학생성취

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A Study on the Learning Strategies and Academic Achievements of the Students in the Department of Health Science (보건계열 대학생의 학습전략과 학업 성취도 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Yoon, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Yoseob
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the relationship between learning strategies and achievements of the students in the department of health science, and differences between higher academic achievers and lower academic achievers in the use of the learning strategies. The results were as follows. First, there was a correlation between academic achievements and self-efficacy and power of execution in the personality area. Second, there was a positive correlation between academic achievements and academic motivation, a negative correlation between academic achievements and avoidnat motivation, in the motivation area. Third. there was a correlation between academic achievements and all 8 factors in the behavior area. In the use of learning strategies, there was a difference found in self-efficacy and the power of execution between the higher academic achievers and the lower academic achievers. It also was found that the lower academic achievers perceived more depression, showed remarkably lower motivation and higher avoidance motivation, than the higher academic achievers. Lastly, the lower academic achievers was lagged behind noticeably compared to the higher academic achievers in the ability of using all factors of the behavior area.

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A study of gradual mastery learning with prediction of learning achievement (학습성취도 예측을 통한 단계별 완전학습 시스템 연구)

  • Jung, Young-Hee;Choi, Jin-Seek
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.665-666
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 학습 성취도 예측을 통한 완전학습 시스템을 연구하는데 그 목적이 있다. 학급 내의 95%의 학생들이 학습 과제의 90% 이상을 완전히 학습해 내는 것이 완전학습이다. 그러나 개인의 수준차로 인한 완전학습 도달 시간이 상이하고, 그 도달 시간을 파악하기가 어려우므로 현실적으로 완전학습에 도달하기란 쉬운 일이 아니다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 현실적인 어려움을 극복하고자 학생들의 과거 현재 학습 성취 데이터를 분석하여, 미래 학습 성취도를 예측함으로써 보충학습이 필요한 학생을 미리 선별하고, 학생별 특성과 수준에 맞는 보충학습 자료 제공을 통한 재학습 유도로 정해진 기간 내에 단계별(단원별, 학기별)로 완전학습에 도달할 수 있도록 하였다.

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Association analysis of admission factors and academic achievement (입학전형요소와 학업성취도의 연관성 분석)

  • Ko, Jeong Hwan;Song, Joon Hyub
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1475-1480
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    • 2014
  • This article analyzes the academic achievement of students who entered A university from 2011 to 2012 using grade point average (GPA). The purpose of this analysis is to find the relationship between admission factors and academic achievement. Contrary to our expectation, GPA of student selected from KSAT is higher than that of selected from CSAT. So, designing and running university entrance type, it is necessary to consider admission factors deliberately.

A Comparison and Evaluation Study on Metrics of Personality, MBTI, and Coding Speed to Predict Programming Learner's Achievement (프로그래밍 학습자의 성취도 예측을 위한 개인성향, MBTI, 분당 코딩 수 척도 비교 평가 연구)

  • Cho, Jae-Hyung;Lee, Taek;Lee, Jung-Been;In, Hoh Peter
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.04a
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    • pp.540-543
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    • 2015
  • 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 과정에서 학생간의 수준 차는 반 전체의 성취도를 결정하는 중요 요인 중 하나다. 문제를 먼저 해결한 학생은 대기 시간이 낭비되고, 해결 하지 못한 학생은 추가 시간이 필요하다. 이는 예제 위주의 프로그래밍 교육에서는 더 심각하다. 성취도를 예측하는 선행적 기준이 있다면 학생간의 수준별 학습이 가능해 진다. 초기에 수집된 정보인 개인성향, MBTI 분석, 분당 코딩 량 데이터를 향후 필기 시험 점수와 비교 분석하여 성취도를 예측하는 방법을 제시한다.

A Study on Math Motivation, Mathematically Affective Characteristics and Mathematical Achievements between Gifted and Non-gifted Students Based on Keller's ARCS Theory (영재학생과 일반학생의 ARCS 이론에 근거한 수학학습동기 비교와 수학 정의적 특성 및 학업성취도 간의 관계)

  • Lee, Jihyun;Kim, Min Kyeong
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.141-159
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of the study are to recognize importance of motivation in math education and to increase interest in students' motivation problem by comparing math motivation between mathematically gifted and non-gifted 5th graders based on Keller's ARCS theory and analyzing correlations between math motivation, mathematically affective characteristics and mathematical achievements. For this purpose, 436 students who were mathematically gifted and non-gifted 5th grade students were asked to take questionnaires and test to measure math motivation, mathematically affective characteristics and mathematical achievements. After analyzing the data, there are statistically differences in three educational factors between two groups. In addition, there are correlations between three educational factors. This study revealed that highly motivated students showed positive mathematically affective characteristics and high mathematical achievements. As results indicate that motivation could be a crucial factor in learning, teachers should consider motivation strategy to plan students' lessons regarding to learners' giftedness.

A Study the Relationship between Tutoring Experience and the Achievement in Major Subjects using R (분석도구 R을 활용한 튜터링 학습 경험과 전공교과 성취도 간의 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Hyung-Mook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.354-355
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    • 2017
  • 분석도구 R은 대용량 데이터의 고급 분석과 통계 계산을 위한 스크립트 언어로 빅데이터의 자료 분석에 다양하게 활용되고 있다. 대학의 학습 활동 측면에서의 튜터링 학습법은 학습 능력이 우수한 선배 또는 동료인 튜터와 학습 받고자하는 튜티가 1:1 또는 1:N의 관계를 이루고 학습 활동을 진행해 나가는 과정이다. 지난 연구에서는 튜터링 학습법에 참여한 학생들의 학업 성취도가 튜터링 학습법에 참여하지 않은 일반 학생들의 학업 성취도 보다 얼마나 높은지 정량적 값을 도출했었다. 본 연구에서는 튜터링 학습법에 참여했던 학생들의 튜터링 참여 과목 이외 다른 전공과목의 성적 성취도를 분석도구 R을 이용하여 분석해 봄으로써 튜터링 학습법 참여 경험이 튜터링을 실시하지 않은 다른 전공과목의 학업 성취도에 영향을 미치고 있는지 분석하였다.

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Analyses of Volition Strategy by Achievement Level of the Students with High Learning Motivation (학습동기가 높은 학생들의 학업성취도 수준에 따른 의지조정 전략 분석)

  • Ko, You-Kyong;Kim, Hyun-Kyung;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.376-384
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze the frequency and type of volition strategy, according to achievement level, employed by students with high learning motivation, and to identify the role volition strategy plays in keeping students motived to learn science. To accomplish these aims, two groups of students(each containing three members) were selected. Students in the two groups both had the same cognitive level and high learning motivation. However, one group's science achievement was high, and the other was low. Through interviews and class observations, volition strategies students in the two groups used when they encountered hindrances in science learning were compared. Results of the study revealed a relationship between achievement level and volition strategy. Students showed differences in the frequency and types of volition strategies used according to science achievement. It was found that students with higher achievement levels used volition strategies more often to overcome hindrances in science learning than those with lower achievement levels. Furthermore, students with higher achievement levels generally used internal mind control strategies while those with lower achievement levels used environmental control strategies. Lastly, findings found that the types of volition strategies used by lower achievement level students were very limited.

The Relationships among Achievement Goal-orientation, Sports Confidence, and Exercise Commitment in University Student-athletes (대학 학생선수의 성취목표지향성과 스포츠자신감 및 운동 몰입의 관계)

  • Yoon, Chan-Soo;Lee, Jin-Taek
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.535-546
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the relationships among achievement goal-orientation, sports confidence, and exercise commitment in university student-athletes. To fulfill this purpose, data were collected from 347 student-athletes enrolled in universities located in Seoul and the Gyeong-In area, and analysis thereof was carried out. Conclusion drawn from the performance of this study is as follows: First, university student-athletes' achievement goal-orientation has significant effects on their sports confidence. Second, university student-athletes' sports confidence has significant effects on their exercise commitment. Third, university student-athletes' achievement goal-orientation has significant effects on their exercise commitment. Fourth, sports confidence has indirect mediation effects on the relationship between achievement goal-orientation and exercise commitment in university student-athletes, and it was found that these factors had causal relationships. Therefore, the findings of this study show that university student-athletes' achievement goal-orientation plays an important role for their effective commitment to exercise, in the process of which sports confidence plays the role of a mediator, suggesting that psychological support as well as motor skill cultivation is necessary to enhance university student-athletes' performance.

Narrative Characteristics in High School Students' Geological Field Trip Reports: the Relationship Between the Narrative Mode of Thought and the Academic Achievement (지질 답사 보고서에 나타난 고등학생들의 내러티브 특성: 내러티브적 사고와 학업 성취도의 관계)

  • Chung, Sue-Im;Shin, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.735-750
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to draw an educational implication by analyzing the context of narrative texts, students' narrative thinking, and their academic achievement. We investigated text types in students' geological field trip reports, the reason why students favors narrative texts, the relationship between narrative texts and their scientific knowledge recall, and the relationship between narrative thought and academic achievement. All students used expository texts, 82% of them expressed argumentative texts, and 36% of them used narrative texts. It is likely that students use more narrative texts because students were in the context of outdoor activity and so, their emotional feelings were more activated than when they are doing lab activities. The academic characteristics of earth science seemed to contribute more narrative texts in students' reports. The post-test revealed that students with narrative texts recalled better than the others. On the other hand, there were no statistically meaningful differences in academic achievement between the two groups. However, we have noted that female students whose reports contain narrative texts achieved significantly higher scores than female students whose reports are without narrative texts. From in-depth interviews, we found that students who properly used both paradigmatic and narrative mode of thought were in a more advantageous position than those who used narrative thought only. It was also found that some narratively thinking students tended to feel uncomfortable with the way of learning or evaluating questions about science. In the future, a complementary approach of narrative and paradigmatic mode of thoughts would be encouraged by understanding students' tendency of thinking.

An Analysis on the Level of Achievement in Geography Based on NAEP in the United States (NAEP 문항 반응에 기초한 미국 학생들의 지리 성취수준 분석)

  • Park, Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.474-487
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    • 2005
  • This paper aims to provide empirical evidence required to describe the level of achievement by analyzing students' item response in NAEP implemented in the United States in 2001. The geography assessment in the NAEP is aimed to test students of 4th, 8th, and 12th grades, and consists of content dimension and cognitive dimension, The former includes 'space and place' 'environment and society' and 'spatial dynamics and connections,' and the latter includes 'knowing' 'understanding' and 'applying,' The level of achievement is defined as three levels for each grade: Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. In this paper, descriptions of achievement is derived inductively from an analysis of student's responses to the items which were selected by using item-mapping method. As a result, there is a great difference between the level of achievement derived empirically from students' response and the level of achievement designed principally suggested by the expert committee. The former could have a contribution to the improvement in geography curriculum.

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