• Title/Summary/Keyword: 탈맥락화

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An Analysis of Mediation Function between Concrete and Abstract of the Model (구체와 추상을 연결하는 모델의 중재기능 분석)

  • Shin Eun Ju;Lee Chong Hee
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2005
  • There have been raised the question that students have been of no interst in mathematcs and incompetent for solving real world problem because students have been recognized mathematcs as abstract knowldege. We research whether students' modeles developed in modeling activity can mediate between concrete and abstract. The analysis of our case study revealed that students' modeles aren't decontextualized abstraction but is located in situated abstraction that is a network connecting between concrete and abstract. Thus, these modeles are a tool mediating between concrete and abstract. Also, students' modeling activities can provide students with the opportunity of being competent for solving real world problem.

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The Strategy and Techniques of Welfare Discourse of the Conservative Newspapers (한국 보수언론의 복지담론 전략과 기술 -대칭, 재맥락화, 주체 형성의 담론 기술(technique)-)

  • Joo, Eunsun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.357-384
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    • 2013
  • In this study I've analyzed the strategy and techniques of the welfare discourses of korean conservative newspapers based on the discourse theory. Emphasizing the political and social characteristics of the discourse, It is investigated the way that the conservative newspapers criticize against assertions for welfare increase and universal welfare and the way that produce social meaning on welfare. The study is focused on the discourse techniques like symmetrical contrasts, making new contexts, and formation of identity. The critical welfare discourses are structured according to symmetrical contrasts of welfare to the rationality, the morality, and the prospects for future. The elements of the discourses are reinforced by one another and were recontextualized to the new stories on welfare. The conservative newspapers had emphasized secession welfare from the politics, solving the problem of inefficiency of welfare administration. Regarding the technique of identification, the newspapers had treated people as owners and victims of welfare on the role of financing welfare expenditure. It is noteworthy the newspapers have began to call people separately according to generations and income class using finance.

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Understandings and Practices of the Concept of Cultural Diversity in the Historical Context : Localization of cultural diversity and Contextual future policies (시대적 맥락에 따른 문화다양성 개념의 해석과 실천: 전라북도 사례로 본 문화다양성의 지역화와 맥락적 정책 방향)

  • Jang, Segil;Shin, Jiwon;Youk, Suhyun
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2021
  • Based on the assumption that understandings and practices have been shifted in accordance with the historical context, this study aims to propose future policies to localize cultural diversity. First, in this study, it is necessary for the concept of cultural diversity, which came from political struggles, to understand and practice cultural diversity in the historical context by analyzing the multilayer aspects of policy practices. Second, through the case study of Jeonlabuk-do, by reviewing the discrimination experienced by social minorities and the perception of professionals related to culture policies in the region, this study represents to understand and practice of cultural diversity in the multi-layed way, even in the local. Lastly, it suggests some specific future policies to be considered when implicating the policies of culture diversity in respond to the limits of current government policies, including: decentralization of policies, enhancing local policies, transition from 'politics of distribution' to 'politics of recognition', an interculturalist approach that promotes contact rather than separation

Key Trends in Smart Agriculture Policies and Their Geographical Implication (스마트농업의 주요 정책 동향과 지리적 시사점)

  • Kim, Na-Ri
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.397-419
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    • 2022
  • Smart agriculture has emerged to be a solution to the global food crisis and a new growth engine in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The purpose of this study is to reveal the spatiality of smart agriculture by analyzing smart agriculture policies in major countries and examining how major's agricultural knowledge and experience are expressed in specific agricultural environment. I selected China, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States as representative examples. In the analysis of agricultural policy, the direction, governance and main areas and technologies were focused. As a result, it is found both standardization strategy and the localization strategy work at the same time. Standardization strategies decontextualize technologies and policies from the economic, social, cultural, and ecological contexts of region. The regionalization strategy builds a smart agricultural model for each country with reflecting geographical characteristics. This study could be for facilitating further researches on geographies of agricultural technology and agricultural knowledge production.

The Reinvention of Traditional Cuisine as Counterculture (대항문화로서의 전통음식의 재탄생)

  • Kim, Jee Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.944-954
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    • 2014
  • This paper discusses how the traditional cuisine of Korea capitalizes on "nostalgia" for the past. While examining the (re)invention of Buddhist cuisine and Andong food, this paper contends that traditional Korean cuisine is commodified through a process of de-contexualization. This paper first discusses the possibility that the idea of traditional cuisine is an invention in the first place. The history of temple food, for instance, suggests that it was created as a vehicle for circulating and implementing the ruling ideology in the ancient societies of China. This paper then turns to the issue of the growing influence of traditional cuisine in contemporary Korean culture, which is related to the public's demand for healthy food and also tied with the South Korean society's need for promoting a national cuisine in the age of globalization. The rise of traditional cuisine is a sign that people are seeking to reform their eating habits and form a counterculture. Yet, another side of the story is that consumers end up taking part in the self-expanding capitalist market with more consumer choices rather than forming a genuine counterculture. In this respect, the reinvention of temple food is closely related to what Jean and John L. Comaroff call the "emergence of consumption as a privileged site for the fabrication of self and society, of culture and identity".

Search for an archaic form of Jain-Danoje - Focucing on 'Yeowonmoo' and 'Hojanggut' - (자인단오제의 고형(古形)에 관한 탐색 - '여원무'와 '호장굿'을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Yang-myung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.19
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    • pp.5-33
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    • 2009
  • Jain-Danoje's course since modern is not different with almost all of folk performances, which were restored and reconstructed with a background of the designation of an intangible cultural heritage and National folk arts contest sine the 1960s. Generally, these folk performances were decontextualized in course of extinction and reappearance, and recontextualized in course of new directions on tradition. Also, the performances were interpreted differently and transformed by the main constituents of reappearance. Jain-Danoje nowadays has a regular form just at that time that has been designated as a cultural heritage at 1970s. But, today's Jain-Danoje is clearly different with the last appearance in 1936 and some Literature and jainhyun-eupji. I think such differences would stems from the process of reproduction. From this perspective, I had investigate Old literature and the early days report, and the current text. Especially, I will show the considerable change which has been occurred in the Yeowonmu and Hojanggut, the central role to configure that identity, by comparing past and today. As a result of consideration, today's form of the Yeowonmu and Hojanggut are created texts that mind the designation of an intangible cultural heritage and National folk arts contest. These texts has been reproduced without understanding about structure and current of folk festival and state of performance which has been transmitted on premodern society. some intellectuals search for an archaic form of Jain-Danoje based on jainhyun-eupji that created in 1895, except the other jainhyun-eupji. Moreover, because of the understanding with a bias, they can't grasp the meaning about the religious service for Hanjanggun, and they can't see the facts of Yeowonmoo. In addition, they were aware of 'o-sin' that led by Hojang as a fancy dress parade in a carnival, and that is recognized as a component of Jain-Danoje, so there was other text which is different from our own festival.

A Structure of Generating the Fan-made Works in Korean Idol (한국 아이돌 팬 창작물의 생성 구조)

  • Chung, Eun-hye;Han, Hye-won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.158-168
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    • 2020
  • This paper analyzed the process of text generation of the fan-made works in Korean idol. The subjects of the study adopted the fan-made works of 'BTS' and 'EXO'. This is applied the concepts of 'Apparatus-Operator' and 'Technical form' in Vilém Flusser. Idol contents build a database of fan-made works and create the storyworld through separation and integration of fan's interpretations. By decontextualizing and recontextualizing the idol contents, fans reinforce and extend the original texts.

A Feminist Psychological Analysis on the Playful Embracement of Boys' Love Manga (여성심리학 관점에서 분석한 남성동성애만화(Boys' Love manga)의 유희적 수용)

  • Yang, Sungeun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.510-520
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    • 2018
  • This study explored the phenomenon of heterosexual women embracing Boys' Love manga within the heteronormativity context from a feminist psychological perspective. Specifically, the issue of genre characteristics of Boys' Love manga, women's psychological mechanism of reading Boys' Love manga, and the functions and effects of embracing Boys' Love manga were discussed. As a theoretical framework of analysis, I started from the classical psychoanalysis and critically adopted the concepts of the various camps of feminism, queer theory, and Huizinga's Homo Rudens. The results show that Boys' Love manga can be classified as a sub-category of the romance genre, which fulfills heterosexual women's desires of eternal love and equal partnership. From these wish-fulfilling fantasies, heterosexual women attempt to be decontextualized from the heteropatriarchism, to enjoy distancing and voyeuristic separation from the characters in the texts, and to disturb the dichotomous gender system through gender reversal identification. These processes, which can be regarded as a women's play challenging sexual rigorism, ultimately bring about an awareness of the female sexual subjectivity.

Exploring the Transnational Mobility and Work Experience of Young Koreans in Singapore (초국적 이동성과 일 경험: 한국 청년들의 싱가포르 해외취업 사례 연구)

  • YUK, Joowon
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.111-158
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    • 2018
  • This paper pays attention to the recent increase of young Koreans working in the low-skilled service sector in Singapore. Such rapid increase largely results from the Korean government's initiatives to promote labour migration of young people and the concurrent proliferation of migration agencies, against the background of growing youth unemployment in South Korea. By exploring the motivations and trajectories of young people's labour migration to Singapore, this study examines to what extent they think their expectations have been met and how they interpret their migration and work experiences. There has been little research that examines the actual voices of young migrants as part of migration studies, whilst the majority of previous research focuses on the evaluation of government support programmes based on job matching rates, surveys of participant satisfaction and etc. Young people who went to Singapore to improve their English language skills and qualifications for future employment in Korea have become frustrated due to low-skilled service jobs that consist of low pay and high labour intensity. Their credentials are devalued and they experience deskilling through this migration process. Most of them were discontent with the Korean migration agencies they used and critical about programmes offered by government institutions and universities/colleges. Despite being subject to deskilling, they did try to actively cope or resist this situation. This study focuses on the various ways these migrants attempted to manage the gap between their initial expectations and reality. It also demonstrates how these migrants interpreted their work experiences after returning to Korea: whilst most of them did not cash off their Singapore work experience for a decent job after returning to Korea, they did not define their experience as a complete failure. Adding to cultural, social capital they gained through this experience, they acquired 'mobility capital' which includes confidence, the desire to move, and capacity to control one's own movement.

Rupturing in the Plaza: Teens in the Candle Demonstrations (광장에 균열내기 촛불 십대의 정치 참여에 대한 문화적 해석)

  • Kim, Ye-Ran;Kim, Hyo-Sil;Jung, Min-Woo
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.52
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    • pp.90-110
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    • 2010
  • This study problematizes the youth‘s politico-cultural process of identification as becoming in the context of candle demonstration in Seoul, 2008. We examine their ethical subjectivity, communicative subjectivity and political subjectivity based on our analysis of depth interviews of teenage activists in the candle demonstrations. It is suggested that instead of naming the teens as the historical consequence of so-called 386 generation, or social product in the neo-liberal economic and educational conditions, we need to understand the complexities and dynamics of the youth’s practice of identity politics: subjective pain and anxiety in daily life, creation and sharing of pleasure and fun of peer group comunication are mixed into the pursuit of justice in their social activation of generation/gender politics.

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