• Title/Summary/Keyword: 측지계

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Conversion of Korean Geodetic Coordinates (우리나라 측지좌표계의 좌표변환)

  • Seo, Seung-Nam;Kim, Sang-Ik
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2001
  • Geodetic datums define the size and shape of the earth and the origin and orientation of the coordinate systems used to map the earth. A lot of different datums have been developed and each nation uses its own datum as the basis for coordinate systems used to identify positions in geographic information systems. Recently GPS receivers are widely used to find out location and GPS is based on the World Geodetic System 1984(WGS-84) datum. Therefore the diversity of datums in use today requires accurate conversion between coordinates in different datums. In this study a coordinate conversion program on Windows is developed to transform between Tokyo Bessel(1941), which is the reference datum in Korea, and WGS-84. Several examples of coordinate conversion are presented and computed results are tested and proved to be correct.

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Using Topological Properties of Complex Networks for analysis of the efficiency of MDP-based learning (복잡계의 위상특성을 이용한 MDP 학습의 효율 분석)

  • Yi Seung-Joon;Zhang Byoung-Tak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.06b
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    • pp.232-234
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문에서는 마르코프 결정 문제 (Markov decision problem)의 풀이 효율을 잴 수 있는 척도를 알아보기 위해 복잡계 네트워크 (complex network) 의 관점에서 MDP를 하나의 그래프로 나타내고, 그 그래프의 위상학적 성질들을 여러 네트워크 척도 (network measurements)들을 이용하여 측정하고 그 MDP의 풀이 효율과의 관계를 분석하였다. 실세계의 여러 문제들이 MDP로 표현될 수 있고, 모델이 알려진 경우에는 평가치 반복(value iteration)이나 모델이 알려지지 않은 경우에도 강화 학습(reinforcement learning) 알고리즘등을 사용하여 풀 수 있으나, 이들 알고리즘들은 시간 복잡도가 높아 크기가 큰 실세계 문제에 적용하기 쉽지 않다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 제안된 것이 MDP를 계층적으로 분할하거나, 여러 단계를 묶어서 수행하는 등의 시간적 추상화(temporal abstraction) 방법들이다. 시간적 추상화를 도입할 경우 MDP가 보다 효율적으로 풀리는 꼴로 바뀐다는 사실에 착안하여, MDP의 풀이 효율을 네트워크 척도를 이용하여 측정할 수 있는 여러 위상학적 성질들을 기반으로 분석하였다. 다양한 구조와 파라미터를 가진 MDP들을 사용해 네트워크 척도들과 MDP의 풀이 효율간의 관계를 분석해 본 결과, 네트워크 척도들 중 평균 측지 거리 (mean geodesic distance) 가 그 MDP의 풀이 효율을 결정하는 가장 중요한 기준이라는 사실을 알 수 있었다.

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A Study on the Plane Rectangular Coordinate in Korea (우리나라 평면직각좌표에 관한 연구)

  • 최재화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.42-59
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    • 1983
  • This article investigates the situation of the Plane Rectangular Coordinate derived from the Gauss Double Projection whereby the positioning of triangulation point in Korea has been represented on. Analyzing and assessing it have been performed by means of new computational method such as computer programing. On the basis of the results brought about, it is found that a new Plane Rectangular Coordinate as well as map projection and scale factor of geodetic length may be adapted to improve the distortion along the geodetic line on a certain zone of map projection in order to enhance the accuracy and the utility of the practical surveying works. The proposals for this study are as follows; (1) projection: Gauss-Kruger's projection (2) Coordinate system: Plane Rectangular coordinate with 8 origin system (3) Scale factor of geodetic length in origin; m0=0.9999m0=0.9999

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Improvement of Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing for Linear-Type Infrastructure (선형형태 사회기반시설물의 지형도면 고시 개선방안)

  • Moon, Jung Kyun;Kwon, Hun Yeong;Cho, Hyoung Sig;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.1327-1334
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    • 2014
  • Linear form of public works such as roads, railways and rivers, generally used as long work crossing administrative districts, can be several hundreds km length and narrow. These linear forms use SCM sheets, which do not include the quadrangle shape, to make a public announcement of topographical drawing in order to get the work approval. the Integrated measurement channel investigation and cadastral act that are established in 2009 apply the ITRF for the composition of design and construction books and coordinates of topographical map in order to get the work approval. However according to the article 5 of additional clause, while the cadastre is maintaining local coordinates, if there is a technical error in the content of the Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing that used the SCM, the question of responsibility of land borders and the efficacy or not of the announcement is raised as an administrative measure. After analysing the causes and enforcing coordinate conversion and correction taking into account linear form work's features, the result was reflected in the existing SCM. As a conclusion, the present study proposes the improvement of the procedures of the Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing.

Development of Geotechnical Information Input System Based on GIS on Standization of Geotechnical Investigation Result-format and Metadata (지반조사성과 양식 및 메타데이터 표준화를 통한 GIS기반의 지반정보 입력시스템 개발)

  • Jang, YongGu;Lee, SangHoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4D
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    • pp.545-551
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    • 2008
  • The MOCT(Ministry of Construction & Transportation) gave a order named as "The guideline for computerization and application of geotechnical investigation result" to an affiliated organization in March 2007. Today, pilot project of construction of geotechnical information database is in process to be stable for its system after applying this guideline, and discipline how to input investigated data for related users. We have developed standard for geotechnical investigation result-format, metadata for distribution of geotechnical information and to coordinate based on world geodetic system. Also, We had a introduce to status with respect to use the input system, collect a statistics of input contents. At a result, improvement items of input system is proposed. It was analyzed that most users put to practical use easily as a result of education for making use of on the spot of the developed GIIS. But There were problems with the GIIS as well as complexity of metadata formation, such as error of moving part of information window, and a part of recognition error of install program in accordance with computer OS circumstances. Particularly, to improve some parts of GIIS is needed, because of use of or KNHC (Korea National Housing Corporation)-specific format and difference of input process followed by MOCT's guideline. In this study, it is planning to make up for occurred problems, and improvements when operating and managing the Geotechnical Information DB center in 2008.

Determination of Precise Coordinates and Velocities of 142 International GNSS Service Stations to Realize Terrestrial Reference System (지구기준계 실현을 위한 142개 IGS 관측소 정밀좌표 및 속도 결정)

  • Baek, Jeong-Ho;Jung, Sung-Wook;Shin, Young-Hong;Cho, Jung-Ho;Park, Pil-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.303-310
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    • 2009
  • We processed seven years data of 142 IGS(International GNSS Service) stations were processed, which have been selected with an optimal network algorithm, to realize terrestrial reference system. To verify the result, a comparison with the ITRF2005 was given both in positions and velocities with transformation parameters estimation. The transformation parameters are within 4.3 mm in length, while the RMS(root mean square) difference of positions and velocities are 6.7 mm and 1.3 mm/yr in horizontal and 13.3 mm and 2.4 mm/yr in vertical, respectively, which represent good coincidences with ITRF2005. This research would help developing our own geodetic reference frame and may be applied for the global earth observations such as the global tectonics. A further improved TRF would be expected by applying various data processing strategies and with extension of data in number and observation period.

Accuracy of the NNSS Fix in Pusan Areas (부산지역에서의 NNSS 위치의 정도)

  • Kim, Min-Seok;Sin, Hyeong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 1987
  • For the purpose of getting the accuracy of NNSS fix, the continuous observation was performed to search the factors affecting the accuracy of NNSS fix, and then to examine their effects. The observation was made at Lat. $35^{\circ}'||'&'||'<\TEX>05'04"N, Long. '||'&'||'129^{\circ}'||'&'||'<\TEX> 02'13"E from 28th January to 20th July in 1985. Accuracy of the position fixed in accordance with the observation time, each satellite, elevation angle doppler count, passed direction of each satellite and the antenna height were analyzed. The results obtaines are summerized as follows: 1. The deflaetion error is reduced to 0.21 miles when the geodetic system of the calculating the position converted from WGS-72 to Bessel. 2. When the elevation angle of the mountain is high, or the range of the elevation angle of satellite is 20-70 degrees, the position fixed comes nearest the true position. 3. The position fixed is more accurate on the condition that doppler count is more than 21, and at night than in daytime. 4. The accuracy of the position fixed is more seriously affected when the input data of the antenna height has considerable errors. But there occures almost little difference in the accuracy of position according to each satellite.

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Impact of Mathematical Modeling Schemes into Accuracy Representation of GPS Control Surveying (수학적 모형화 기법이 GPS 기준점 측량 정확도 표현에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hungkyu;Seo, Wansoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.445-458
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    • 2012
  • The objective of GPS control surveying is ultimately to determine coordinate sets of control points within targeted accuracy through a series of observations and network adjustments. To this end, it is of equivalent importance for the accuracy of these coordinates to be realistically represented by using an appropriate method. The accuracy representation can be quantitively made by the variance-covariance matrices of the estimates, of which features are sensitive to the mathematical models used in the adjustment. This paper deals with impact of functional and stochastic modeling techniques into the accuracy representation of the GPS control surveying with a view of gaining background for its standardization. In order to achieve this goal, mathematical theory and procedure of the single-baseline based multi-session adjustment has been rigorously reviewed together with numerical analysis through processing real world data. Based on this study, it was possible to draw a conclusion that weighted-constrained adjustment with the empirical stochastic model was among the best scheme to more realistically describe both of the absolute and relative accuracies of the GPS surveying results.

The Coordinates Computation of the GPS Base Station by Precise Point Positioning (정밀절대측위(PPP)기법에 의한 GPS 기준점 좌표의 산정)

  • 이용창
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 1999
  • JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory) has been routinely produced the precise GPS ephemeris and clock's correction parameter using data collected from globally distributed permanent GPS tracking stations, and has been offering the automated GPS data analysis(Precise Point Positioning: PPP) service by using them. In this study, after investigating the potential capacity of JPL's PPP service, the coordinates computation of the GPS base station by this service were investigated. For this, the dual frequency P codes data of 24 hours were observed from continuously operating four reference stations in USA. sent to the JPL's main computer through E-mail and/or ftp, and then were processed by Gipsy/Oasis-II (GOA-II) software with the precise GPS transmitter parameters. Centimeter-level positioning results were available to obtain in X, Y, Z geocentric rectangular coordinate system.

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The Development of Process for Transforming Cadastral Map to Be Referred to KGD2002 (지적도면의 세계측지계 변환을 위한 프로세스 개발)

  • Hwang, Jin-Sang;Yun, Hong-Sic;Song, Dong-Seob;Kang, Ji-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.439-442
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    • 2007
  • This study is on the development of optimal method for transforming cadastral map to be referred to KGD2002. The method was developed by referring to the method used at transforming Korean National Digital Topographic Map to be referred to KGD2002 and analysing the records about making cadastral map. We tested the method by transforming the cadastral maps of three sample sites and analysing the accuracy of transformed maps. It was proved that the method could be used at transforming cadastral map to be referred to KGD2002 for the propose of being related to National Digital Topographic Map, National GIS data, and so on. We also introduce the longitudinal process for transforming national cadastral maps to be used as a data to verify land ownership.

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