• Title/Summary/Keyword: 초등학생의 인식

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A Comparative Study on the Reading Behavior between Children of Children's Reading and Culture Movement Organization Members Versus Non-member Children: Based on Korean Children's Book Association (어린이 독서문화 운동단체 회원 자녀와 일반인 자녀의 독서행태 비교연구 - 어린이도서연구회를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun Ok
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.45-64
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    • 2021
  • This study compares the members of children's reading and culture movement organization versus general public and their children with the aim of understanding how parents' reading activities affect children's reading activities. The study surveyed 477 elementary school students and 483 parents from five special metropolitan cities regarding their reading behaviour. Reading behavior was investigated in terms of reading frequency, book selection information source, reading awareness, and preferred books, and it was confirmed that there was a difference between members of children's reading and culture movement organization and children of the general public. Members of children's reading and culture movement organization and their children showed superior reading habits in terms of both quantity and quality than non-members and their children, and the book selection information service was used. In terms of perception regarding reading, children's reading and culture movement organization members and their children found more "joy" in reading than "help in learning" as compared to the general public and their children. In terms of reading preference, children's reading and culture movement organization members and their children intensively preferred Korean creative fairy tales and picture books while the general public and their children preferred Korean creative fairy tales, picture books, and educational comics. In order to create a healthier reading culture and environment for the long term, the development of more active reading participation methods for the general public is required.

A Study on the Perception of Nutritional Education by Students in Elementary School and Their Parents in the Chungnam Area (충남 일부 지역 초등학생과 학부모의 학교를 통한 영양교육에 대한 인식도 조사)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Bae, Yun-Jung;Kim, Myung-Hee;Lee, Oh-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to assess the perception of nutritional education by students in elementary school and their parents in terms of the degree of satisfaction with school foodservices. The survey was conducted on 322 parents and 322 students using a questionnaire. Most of the students and parents were satisfied with the school foodservices, the most satisfactory component of school foodservice was the "balanced nutrition intake". The students and parents acquired nutritional information from the "school letter" and "Mass media". They trusted professional dietitians, the school and the nutritional information acquired from accredited mass media. In regards to the type of nutritional education, 28.9% of parents preferred "clinical nutrition information on disease" and 26.9% of parents preferred "nutrition information of food". In contrast, 33.7% of the students preferred the "clinical nutrition information on disease" and 25.4% of the students preferred "right eating habit (unbalanced eating, skipping meal)". The top three reasons for wanting to provide offspring with nutritional information was "right eating habit" (48.9%), "correction of unbalanced diet" (19.8%) and "healthy physical strength" (12.1%). The dietitians need professionalism to deliver accurate information and knowledge relating to the subjects that the users demand and the development of teaching media should be conducted to effectively deliver this knowledge.

A Study on Teachers' Acceptance Factors of School Homepage in Elementary Schools (교사들의 학교홈페이지 활용요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Han, Kwang-Hyun;Chang, Chung moo;Kim, Tae Ung
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2003
  • School homepage has emerged as an indispensable communication channel connecting teachers, school administration, students and parents. To increase the usage level of homepage for educational purposes, teachers need to be active proponents and users, specially in elementary schools. This paper develops the model for explaining the factors affecting the use of homepages from the perspective of teachers. The model, a modified version of technology acceptance model(TAM), includes perceived usefulness, ease of use, playfulness, job-relatedness, subjective norms, self-efficacy, etc. Based on a questionnaire survey from elementary school teachers, a statistical result as well as useful guidelines for promoting school homepages are provided.

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The Research of Unplugged Computing Method for Computational Thinking in Elementary Informatics Education (초등정보교육에서의 계산적사고 교육을 위한 언플러그드 컴퓨팅 방법에 관한 고찰)

  • Han, Byoungrae
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2013
  • Computer Science has been developed thru the study of information processing, the study of what can be automated, the study of computation, and the study of information processes both natural and artificial. As developing the computer science, the aspect of informatics education was changed. Recently we focus on computational thinking education. In this paper, I review the progress of informatics education and research the applying of unplugged computing as a method of computational thinking education. I also research the considerations about applying of unplugged computing in aspects of teacher preparation, educational content, and teaching resources. As result I found that teachers change their perceptions about computer education, understand the computer science contents, and understand the promotion of students thinking skills in point of view at teacher preparation, that teachers can set the levels of abstraction and can enrich and integrate of contents, and that teacher can manage class time and educational resources preparation in point of view at educational resources.

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The Effect of Environment Worksheet on the Elementary Students' Environmental Perceptions & Behavior (워크시트를 활용한 환경수업이 초등학생들의 환경인식 및 환경행동에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Soon-Shik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.611-621
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to find out an effect of 3 types of environment worksheets used for 5th elementary graders's environmental class on their environmental perceptions and behavior. 104 of 5th graders in M elementary school in Ulsan Metropolitan City were selected and divided into A group(35), B group(34) and C group(35) for this study, and to A group, a class used worksheet of the photo taken clean, unpolluted environment, and to B group, a class used worksheet of the photo taken polluted environment and to C group, a class used worksheet of only text without photo were carried out. The worksheet used class was conducted 5 times, and then after the classes, the student's change in environmental perceptions and behavior by group was put into verification Below are the study results. First, the worksheets used for the environment class have incurred significant differences in student's environmental perceptions by their types. A. B groups were higher than C group in their post-test environmental perceptions score, a statistically significant differences. Meanwhile, statistically insignificant differences appeared in environmental perceptions score between A and B groups. Second, the type of worksheet used for environment class represented considerable differences in he students' environmental behavior. A group was higher than B. C groups in post test environment behavior score, the difference of which was statistically significant. While statistically insignificant difference represented in environmental behavior between B, C groups. Third, the both types of worksheets of the photo of positive environment and that of negative environment appeared to be effective statistically in changing the elementary students' environmental behavior, while the worksheets of the photo of positive environment appeared to be effective statistically in their environmental behavior.

Parent's Behavior and Perception of Their Kids' Snacking Behavior and Dietary Life Education (초등학생 학부모들의 자녀 간식 및 식생활 교육에 대한 실태 및 인식)

  • Kim, Yoo-Kyeong
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.596-602
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to investigate parents' behavior and attitudes regarding their kids' snacking and dietary life education. A survey was conducted with the parents (N=412) of elementary students from seven provinces, includeing Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Kwangju, Gyungnam, Chungnam, and Kangwon. Kids' snacks consisted mainly of purchased foods rather than homemade foods. Parents' main concerns regarding kids' snacks were nutrition (44.9%), taste (24.3%), and safety (23.5%). Over 50% of parents checked food labels, especially expiration date (96.4%), food ingredients (49.5%), and food additives (33.5%). The snack items frequently provided to kids were fruits (62.8%), milk (55.5%), bread (47.1%), and snack items (23.3%). Parents responded that the amount of their kids' snacking was adequate (47.8%), small (33.7%), or large (18.2%). The results show that more research is needed regarding the adequacy of kids' snacking, considering that 15.7% and 22.4% of the children ate more and less, respectively, than their daily energy requirement. 76.5% of the parents performed home education regarding their kids' dietary habits, especially on the topics of 'balanced diet' (83.9%), 'healthful food' (53.7%), and 'eating three meals a day' (40.2%). Parents obtained dietary information from TV (65.2%), internet (12.0%), and newspapers (7.0%). From this study, we found that parents perceived their kids' snacking behavior correctly, and considered home-education for their kids' dietary habits positively. However, the information resources were limited, which makes it necessary to develop parents' education programs.

The SMC Model: Identification of Artistically Gifted Students from Low Income Families (사회적 배려대상 예술영재 판별모형 개발)

  • Lee, Seon-Young
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.87-115
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    • 2012
  • This study is about the development of an identification model for artistically gifted students from low income and/or multi-cultural families. Given that parental support at early ages is crucial for talent development, students from low income families are often dismissed in recognizing their artistic giftedness. Based on a comprehensive literature review and consultations with experts in art, the SMC model was developed to identify disadvantaged gifted students in the areas of music, visual arts, and ballet. The model consists of three steps of identification, such as review of documents and teacher recommendations, evaluations of artistic giftedness, and a summative evaluation, and involves multiple criteria for identifying giftedness in both domain general and domain specific arts. SMC is promising in discovering many unrecognized disadvantaged children of artistic potential, thereby using various quantitative and qualitative measures. Yet, issues of validity and reliability of SMC need to be substantiated by subsequent theoretical and empirical studies.

Parents' Oral Health Awareness and Behaviors of their Elementary School Children (초등학생 자녀의 구강보건에 관한 학부모의 인식 및 행동)

  • Han, Su-Jin;Moon, Hyock-Soo;Jung, Jae-Yeon;Kim, Young-Kyung;Lee, Byoung-Jin;Kim, Eun-Kyeong;Jung, Hye-Ryun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to collect basic data for the development of oral health education program of parents and to encourage their actual interest and participation in school oral health program. The authors surveyed parents' awareness and behaviors about the oral health of their children. The subjects in this study were 193 parents of elementary school children in Seoul. The collected data were analyzed, the obtained results were as follows: 1. Thirty-five percent of the parents investigated paid a regular visit to a dental clinic. The most common tooth brushing time among them was after dinner, the second was after breakfast, and this was followed by before bedtime and before breakfast 2. Ninety-four percent of the parents responded that prevention is necessary, 92.2% had a plan to visit a dental clinic to prevent dental caries, and 60.1% experienced receiving pit and fissure sealants. Ninety-seven percent responded that they did check their children's dental caries. 54.9% checked their children's oral status after tooth brushing. The parents who visit a dental clinic on a regular basis were more likely to check their children's teeth after tooth brushing than those who don't(P<0.05). 3. Eighty eight percent of respondents wanted to keep the fluoride mouth rinse program. 4. It is recommended that an oral health education program be developed for parents to visit dental clinics on a regular basis, to educate as to the right tooth brushing time, and to check out their children's oral status after tooth brushing.

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Role Expectation and Role Performance for School Health Educator as Elementary School Students Recognize (초등학생이 인식하는 보건교사의 역할기대와 역할수행)

  • Jung, Gwi-Sun;Ahn, Suk-Hee;Chung, Eun-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2003
  • Purposes of this study were 1) to identify the level of role expectation and role performance for school health educators as elementary school students recognize and to compare them, and 2) to examine differences in the role expectation and performance by characteristics of students and educators. Subjects of the study were 1,433 6th grade students at 37 elementary schools in Busan. The data were collected by a structured self-administered questionnaire, measuring role expectation and performance that students recognize. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA by SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Students' level of recognizing the role expectation was high(M=4.08) and level of the role performance was moderate to high(M=3.50) within range of 1 to 5. The students recognized role expectation greater than role performance. 2. The students' point of view for role expectation and performance for school health educators were related to several characteristics of students and school health educators. Students' levels of recognizing the role expectation and performance were higher when students were male, healthy, their academic performance was high, their level of satisfaction with their school life was high, and their level of satisfaction with using school health office was high. With characteristics of School health educators, students' level of appreciating the role expectation was higher when educators were of an older age and had a long career, and when they were fairly satisfied with their job as an educator. Students' level of recognizing the role performance was higher when educators were of a younger age, and had a small number of students at school. This indicates that there exists role conflict on students and implies that the conflict needs to be mediated, and desirable solutions to address the conflict need to be developed by school health educators.

Survey on Oral Health Recognition Level and Support of Benefited School Teachers by the Operating Period of Incremental School Oral Health Program (학교구강보건실 설치운영학교 담임교사의 구강보건인지도 및 지지도 조사)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwa;Jeon, Eun-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.244-252
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the fundamental data for further developments of the school dental clinic program through evaluating oral health knowledge, status and attitude of school dental program subjected on teachers who had experienced the program. The subjects were total 186 teachers from 8 elementary school in Ulsan metropolitan city area that had been operating school dental clinic program from 1999 to 2005. For the teachers by school and period of operation, the level of knowledge and behavior of oral health were no difference, however the recognition and behavior level in shorter operation group were higher, the level of recommend other school was higher than previous research. The efforts for further development school dental clinic program associated with advanced countries should be emphasized including the higher interests, more active participation and strengthened education. The systematic supports would be also important.