• Title/Summary/Keyword: 창작의식

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A Study on the play of Allegory in the 1970s - Focusing on Lee Kang-baek's Early Works - (1970년대 알레고리극 희곡 연구 - 이강백의 초기 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Rak
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2019
  • In the 1970s, under the tyrannical regulation and censorship of the Yushin regime, realistic dramatization techniques were forced to reveal their limitations. Choosing the 'allegory' technique, a double-meaning narrative structure, Lee Kang-baek sets up virtual spaces or unrealistic figures, both of which lack 'realism'. Lee Kang-baek has allergic the illusion of detadiscourse, the diaspora character, and the universality of 'Political Unconsciousness'. So it's linked to the perception of history in the 1960s. This creates a semantic network of public and casual perception of history. This was a 'bypass' strategy which more clearly disclose the violent politics. Therefore Lee Kang-baek's play shows the desperate situation of the diaspora character being oppressed by detadiscourse, and the desire of the author who can never give up on freedom of expression, though under that oppression. Furthermore, it was an attempt to acquire a timeless universality and symbolism about human freedom and liberation through the Allegory play technique.

An Essay in a Research on Gwonwu Hong Chan-yu's Poetic Literature - Focussing on Classical Chinese Poems in Gwonwujip (권우(卷宇) 홍찬유(洪贊裕) 시문학(詩文學) 연구(硏究) 시론(試論) - 『권우집(卷宇集)』 소재(所載) 한시(漢詩)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Yoon, Jaehwan
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.50
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    • pp.55-88
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    • 2013
  • Gwonwu Hong Chan-yu is one of the modern and contemporary Korean scholars of Sino-Korean literature and one of the literati of his era, so is respected as a guiding light by academic descendants. Gwonwu was a teacher of his era, who experienced all the turbulence of Korean society, such as the Japanese occupation by force, the Korean War, the military dictatorship, and the struggle for democracy, and who educated and led young scholars of his time. However, academia has not payed attention to his life and achievements since his death. This paper is to examine the poetry of Gwonwu Hong Chan-yu, one of the representative modern and contemporary scholar of Sini-Korean literature, which has not yet been discussed by academia. The minimal meaning of this paper is that it is a first work based on his anthology, which has not been discussed by academia, and a first full-scale study on Gwonwu Hongchan-yu. For the reason, this paper aims at the detailed inspection of his poetic pieces recorded in his anthology. Nonetheless, despite such intentions, some limits cannot be avoided here and there in this paper for the insufficient knowledge and academic capability of this paper's writer and for the lack of academic sources. Gwonwu's poetry examined through his anthology shows the characteristic which is that his poems focus on exposing his own internal emotions. Such a characteristic says that his idea of poetic literature payed attention more to individuality, that is exposition of private emotions, than to social utility of poems. Gwonwu's such an idea of poetic literature can be generally affirmed throughout his poetry. Accordingly, Gwonwu preferred classical Chinese poems to archaistic poems, and single poems to serial poems; and avoided writing poems within social relations such as farewell-poems, bestowal-poems, and mourning-poems. When the characteristics of Gwonwu's poetic literature get summarized as such, however, some questions remain. The preferential question is whether the poems in his anthology are the whole poetry of him. Although Gwonwu's poetic pieces that the writer of this paper have checked out till now are all in his anthology, it is very much questionable whether Gwonwu's poetry can be summed up only with these poems. The next question is what is the writing method for taking joy(spice), sentiment, and full-heart into his poems if Gwonwu's poems focus on exposing his internal emotions, and if poems exposing joy and poems exposing sentiment and full-heart appear coherently in various different spaces and circumstances of writing. The final question is what are the meanings of Gwonwu's poems if his poetry checked out through his anthology directly shows either the reality carried in his poems or the reality of a time in his life. The questions listed above are thought to be resolved by the synchronizing process of stereoscopic searches both for Gwonwu as an individual and for the era of his life. Especially, spurring deeper researches toward a new direction regarding Gwonwu's poetry has an important meaning for construction of a complete modern and contemporary history of Sino-Korean literature and for procurement of continuous research on Sino-Korean literature and its history. For the reason, it is thought that more efforts of researchers are required.

Russia Represented the Novel of Dae Hun Ham before and after the Liberation (해방전후 함대훈 소설에 나타난 '러시아' 표상 연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Hoon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.44
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    • pp.87-121
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    • 2016
  • Daehoon Ham's novel 'Cheongchunbo' features a studier as the main character who majored in Russian literature and admired the culture of the Soviet Union. From his viewpoint, the novel reproduces North Korean society before and after its independence from Japan. In this regard, it shows multilayered presence related to Russian culture and Soviet Russia. Such an aspect is based on the sense of sympathy that the main character has. The sense of sympathy is originated from the main character's admiration for the exoticism of Soviet culture which was forbidden during the late Japanese occupation. After Korea's independence from Japan, Russian was replaced by English. Such change also occurred in the main character's viewpoint. He underwent a change in his integrative viewpoint on Russian and Soviet under the name of Red Army. After defecting to South Korea, he began to put Russia down as a den possessed by the devil called 'communism.' In the meantime, Russia and Soviet have been separated from each other in ideological terms. The novel 'Cheongchunbo' stresses that the decisive cause of such changes is argued over trusteeship. The main character, fascinated by the presence of exotic Soviet, predicates that Soviet is a political symbol around the national division caused by the trusteeship. His change alluded to the life path of Korean authors who translated Russian literature after independence. During the Japanese occupation, Russian literature translated into Korea was a longing for forbiddance and admiration for Russia. However, the Russia presented in Daehoon Ham's novel before and after independence implies that the romantic translation has ended.

A Study on the possibility about genre extension of korean verse and modern novel in Multimedia age (다매체시대, 시조와 현대소설을 통한 장르 확장의 가능성 고찰 - 생태학적 상상력을 중심으로 -)

  • Hur, Man-Ook
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.25
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    • pp.75-100
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    • 2006
  • This treatise puts with ecology that important topic is becoming in Multimedia age today. Is appearing to some meaning that symbol that. Is nature friendship and nature assimilation in korean verse and modern novel. And is the purpose to draw diachronic and synthetic thought between age and genre is forming by ecological imagination how. Our korean verse thinks of nature as residing space, and is singing life that is nature friendship and nature assimilation in relation of indivisibility sto of human and nature. And nature space of metaphor or symbol is forming by ecological imagination in the modern novel. Therefore, these two genres see that traffic is available in diachronic synthetic relation. First, must escape resolutely in ideas that literature is basing in actuality and search the literature-ecological imagination. Therefore, forward literature may have to look for the literature-ecological imagination with many interests to green literature ecology and show image that move constantly. And must approach appearing common view of nature and the literature-ecological imagination in principle of integration of expropriation and production now all round to our literary productions. Therefore, must do so that can be nature friendship and become practical education model that expropriation of ecological literary productions and production activity foster literary sensibility and imagination. Also, lively research and groping about each genre of a Korean literature are to premised in diachronic and synthetic veins I will. Method groping that adapt on New Age as defending peculiar special quality that founder is keeping korean verse with opened thinking may have to be spread more hard. Therefore, genre of novel can may ready the one clue to grope confrontation method naturally to secure new identity in new literature environment of digital age.

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The analysis of design education in "Arts & Life" (현행 고등학교 교과서 "미술과 생활" 의 디자인 교육 내용 분석)

  • 이지수;정은숙
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2004
  • Design textbooks for general education bring our attention to the education of design as a part of whole education. In this vein, this thesis tried to analyze and discuss on the current status of design education contents included in the 7th educational curriculum of the Art & Life. This study had a historical review of the contents of arts education as well as a review of theoretical contents in art education. Also this thesis analyzed five types of Art & Life text books currently used at high schools with weight given to the design and to the status of pictorial coverage in the text books. Finally, the thesis presented problems of design education through a comparative analysis of high school arts education and design education. Through the analysis, inequality of design contents in education was reported. It was clearly attributable to the backgrounds of text book writers. For example, authors with graphic design backgrounds tended to lack product and environment design concepts, while hand craft section of text books all showed a biased contents towards traditional Korean arts. In the analysis of pictorial coverage, similar to the composition of academic contents, coverage was concentrated in the graphic design areas; inequality in quantity of pictures found with a ratio of 1 to 4. In terms of areas of arts, design contents in text books were concentrated only in arts creation chapters among the 3 major areas of arts appreciation, understanding, and creation. Design education is attained in an atmosphere of creativity and the provision of ample teaching material. It is because diverse contents will generate the development of arts. When compared to design education curriculum of U.S. and Japan, these creativity put their focus of design education in the understanding and emotional contacts, so that every application is easily attained. In terms of expression learning, creativity and diversity of material are emphasized. From Kindergarten to middle, and high school periods, apparently the care contents of deign is emphasized. A textbook in the 7th education curriculum is one of the sources for education. In designing text books, learning process should be emphasized following subjects and natures of arts so that creativity can be achieved. Therefore, a systematic approach for design research and educational development for material would be needed in textbook design.

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Zwei Perspektiven für die Kunst - Kants Ästhethik des Empfangenden und Nietzsches Physiologie der Kunst - (예술에 대한 두 가지 태도 - 칸트의 수용미학과 니체의 예술생리학 -)

  • Chung, Nak-rim
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.130
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    • pp.277-304
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    • 2014
  • Der vorliegende Beitrag zielt darauft ab, zwei Perspektiven $f{\ddot{u}}r$ die Kunst bei Kant und Nietzsche und ihre Schlussfolgerungen zu $er{\ddot{o}}rtern$. Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft hat eine enorme Rolle in der Geschichte der ${\ddot{A}}sthetik$ gespielt. $F{\ddot{u}}r$ Kant sollen ${\ddot{a}}sthetische$ Urteile ebenso wie Erkenntnis- und Moralurteile $allgemeing{\ddot{u}}ltig$ sein, obwohl sie auf einem $pers{\ddot{o}}nlichen$ Geschmack beruhen. Die $Allgemeing{\ddot{u}}ltigkeit$ des $Sch{\ddot{o}}nen$ sei $m{\ddot{o}}glich$, weil sie nicht auf dem Gegenstand, sondern auf dem transzendentalen Subjekt basiere. Die $sch{\ddot{o}}ne$ Kunst als Kunst des Genies soll uns wie die $Natursch{\ddot{o}}nheit$ ohne Interesse wohlgefallen. Nietzsches Stellungnahme zu Kants ${\ddot{A}}sthetik$ ist sehr kritisch. Nietzsches erster Kritikpunkt richtet sich gegen das 'interesselose Wohlgefallen'. Gegen Kant behauptet Nietzsche, dass die $Sch{\ddot{o}}nheit$ sehr wohl mit Interesse verbunden ist. Grund $daf{\ddot{u}}r$ ist, dass das $Sch{\ddot{o}}ne$ wesentlich aus dem Willen zur Macht entspringt. Der zweite Kritikpunk Nietzsches liegt darin, dass in Kants ${\ddot{A}}sthetik$ die Moral im Vordergrund steht. Das $Sch{\ddot{o}}ne$ ist $f{\ddot{u}}r$ Kant durch die Moral gerechtfertigt. Nietzsche dreht diese Stellung der Moral zur Kunst um. Der dritte Kritikpunkt Nietzsches ist, dass Kant statt von der Erfahrung des $K{\ddot{u}}nstlers$ (Schaffenden) aus das ${\ddot{a}}sthetische$ Problem zu betrachten, allein vom Zuschauer (Empfangenden) aus ${\ddot{u}}ber$ die Kunst und das $Sch{\ddot{o}}ne$ nachgedacht habe. $F{\ddot{u}}r$ Nietzsche ist die Kunst $prim{\ddot{a}}r$ vom $K{\ddot{u}}nstler$ aus zu verstehen. Nietzsches Physiologie der Kunst ist mit dem Begriff 'Leib' $verkn{\ddot{u}}pft$, d.h. Nietzsche behauptet, dass physiologische und ${\ddot{a}}sthetische$ Prozesse wesentlich $zusammenh{\ddot{a}}ngen$. Die Schlussfolgerung der Physiologie der Kunst lautet: erstens, jeder Mensch ist $K{\ddot{u}}nstler$, sofern er schaffend ist, und zweitens, die Welt selbst ist nichts als Kunst. Nietzsches Physiologie der Kunst hat einen $gro{\ss}en$ Einfluss auf die $gegenw{\ddot{a}}rtige$ Kunst $ausge{\ddot{u}}bt$ und kein anderer Philosoph hat auf die $gegenw{\ddot{a}}rtige$ Kunst nachaltiger gewirkt.

Okdong Lee Seo's Historical View Examined through Yeokdaega (「역대가(歷代歌)」를 통해 본 옥동(玉洞) 이서(李漵)의 역사인식(歷史認識))

  • Yoon, Jaehwan
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.57
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    • pp.331-357
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    • 2014
  • This paper is to examine Okdong Lee Seo's historical view through analyzing Yeokdaega("歷代歌"), Okdong's full-length historical epic. As long as Okdong Lee Seo was a Confucian scholar holding moral cultivation as the highest value, his Yeokdaega is hard to explain separately from the Confucian world view. Okdong's Yeokdaega is a long old-style sino-korean poem consisting of 526 7-syllable verses, yet it considerably differs in structure from other historical epics known so far. Okdong's Yeokdaega consists of two parts: the first narrates Chinese historical facts from the beginning to the fall of Ming dynasty, and the second describes the social irrationality of the time and reveals his strong social criticism. It is very different from an ordinary historical epic piece narrating the orders and disorders and the rise and fall of historical facts. It is thought that Okdong's Yeokdaega was written based on his Confucian historical view. It seems that for Okdong the rise and fall of Chinese historical dynasties did not merely mean historical facts but functioned as a tool explaining the reason for people to persue moral cultivation. Okdong summed up his knowledge of the rise and fall of Chinese historical dynasties, his sharp criticism on social irrationality, and his stimulation about the necessity of moral cultivation, and then created a long 526-verse historical epic Yeokdaega. For the reasons, it is not easy to say that Okdong's Yeokdaega is the result of pure literary activities only for artistry. However, Okdong's Yeokdaega is not inferior to other historical epic pieces written by the time in literary value. Especially, Okdong's Yeokdaega can be said to be more meaningful since it was, over its literary value, not only a tool to strengthen his own study and will but also a educational tool for others around himself.

The Uncanny of Familiar, yet Foreign Gestures Focused on the Works of Brothers Quay (몸짓의 언캐니 연구 - 퀘이 형제의 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Min-Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.33
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    • pp.55-78
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    • 2013
  • The issues on the representation of digital images, the uncanny is not considered aesthetically but must be overcome. It seems that the future of visual media using digital images, depends on the development and advancement of the digital technology. However, the Brothers Quay regarded as unique and experimental animators, focus their attention towards the past rather than the future. They trace back to the origin of the media, reproducing, manipulating, and representing gestures in oder to restore the shock and thrill delivered in film and animation. The Brothers Quay explore the uncanny of gestures through the mechanism of medium. They work in a wide range of genres, from animation, live action to dance film. The creaking spasms, which create the feeling that the movement does not belong to this world, and the strange gestures, reveals the flicker of the still projection and make audiences recognize gestures in the true meaning of the word. While they animate live actors and dead objects like automata, the hidden desires are revealed over screen. In this paper, focusing on the works of Brothers Quay, I tried to explore the uncanny of gesture based on Freud's and Jentsch' theory of uncanny.

Research on the Structure of 4 Panel Comic Strips and Rhetoric Expression for the Education of Comic Contents: with of Kyunghyangsinmoon (만화콘텐츠 교육을 위한 네칸만화 구조와 수사법 연구: 경향신문 <장도리>를 중심으로)

  • Park, Keong-Cheol
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.19
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    • pp.17-35
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    • 2010
  • We can say that there are several majors in the course of cartoon education of college; cartoon, manpyung, 4 panel comic strips, editorial cartoon, webtoon and so on. Among them, this study starts with concrete question; "How can we encourage students to understand 4 panel comic strips better in the educational course of 4 panel comic strips?" 4 panel comic strips divided into two groups, depending on the materials. The first is daily cartoon which depicts the emotion in daily life. The second is editorial cartoon which deals with the problems of society in the ironical and witty way. Judging from my own thoughts that it would be better in the understanding and analysis of structures to take editorial cartoon in which materials are confined to social problems, this study treats rhetoric expression and structures of 4 panel comic strips. Introduction, development, turn and conclusion of "Jangdori" on Kyunghyangsinmoon are good materials for this study. So, "Jangdori" is in the center of this study. The objective of this study is to provide knowledge in creating 4 panel comic strips with the understanding the area of 4 panel comic strips through the analysis of the rhetoric expression and structures of this field. Even though this study has a limit, no access to daily 4 panel comic strips, I hope that this study would be a little help in any places in which the education of 4 panel comic strips is needed as a part of a course of cartoon in college.

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Studies on North Korean Documentary Films: Structures as to How Meanings of Film Literature are Made (북한 기록영화 연구: 영화문헌의 의미생성 구조)

  • Kim, Seung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2017
  • This paper intends to examine how North Korea has incited and persuaded its people by figuring out the structure regarding the meaning creation of its documentary film "Kim Jong-un, the Respected Comrade Supreme Commander, Giving On-site Guidance on the Grand Project of the People's Army" produced in 2015, which was North Korea's politically important year. The analysis results show that its narrative structure of the film took the form of an introduction, body, and conclusion to substantiate it obviously given theme. Its imaging techniques are geared towards uplifting the public's combat mentality and its sound contributes to achieving their adherence. In this regard, its film literature has the following meaning structure: first, the film takes the form of both film annals and the structure for the public to easily comprehend; second, the film clearly demonstrates its deep-rooted theme asking for the public to follow in the footsteps of the party's late father for its leadership; and third, the film also aims to establish the images of an always awake working leader by implanting and arranging the leader's diligence about his revolutionary activities in the documentary film. North Korea's documentary films serve as a weapon used for instigating revolution and construction. Given this, the producers of all documentary films have made sure to turn film literatures into the film literatures of the great leader. It was identified that under the social vision that the Kim Jong-un regime is a "socialist civilized country", he has tightened his grip on power in North Korea through the propaganda tool of film literatures.