• Title/Summary/Keyword: 질적관리

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A Study on the Continuing Education of Radiologic Technologists : Focused on Current Status and Satisfaction of Continuing Education (방사선사의 보수교육에 관한 연구 : 보수교육 현황 및 만족도를 중심으로)

  • Min, Hye-Lim;Choi, In-Seok;Nam, So-Ra;Kim, Hyun-Ji;Yoon, Yong-Su;Her, Jae;Han, Seong-Gyu;Kim, Jung-Min;Ahn, Duck-Sun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we surveyed the current status, satisfaction and demand of radiologic technologist continuing education for 93 radiologic technologists who participated in the continuing education. To understand the current status and general evaluation and to find out the improvement direction, survey was conducted on 3 categories: participation, satisfaction and demand of continuing education. In addition, we analyzed the continuing education implementation status and the management system by collecting related regulations. As a result, the education completion rates of radiologic technologists from 2010 to 2012 were respectively 42.6%, 43.4% and 34.2%; the rates were similar to other medical technician's average education completion rates. According to the survey, in case of participation, the most frequent answer was 'more than five times less than 10 times per year' with 48.4% and in satisfaction section, the most common answer was 'Average(3)' with 34.4%. In demand of continuing education section, 32.8% of the respondents chose 'Clinical skill training in major field'. In the results of this research, continuing education needs to be managed in the direction of helping radiologists improve their personal ability and self development. Furthermore, to meet the demand of radiologists, the quality of continuing education should be improved to satisfy the educatee.

Korean Policy for Overseas Fisheries (한국(韓國)의 해외어업정책(海外漁業政策))

  • Park, Gyu-Seok
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 1995
  • 1970년대 중반 세계 주요 연안국(沿岸國)들이 배타적(排他的) 어업수역(漁業水域) 또는 경제수역(經濟水域)의 선포를 통하여 해양관할권(海洋管轄權)을 확대할 때까지 한국은 원양어업(遠洋漁業)의 발전과 어획량 증대에 박차를 가하였다. 그 당시 정부의 주요 정책은 재정 지원을 통하여 원양어선(遠洋漁船)의 선복량을 확충하는 것이었지만, 새로운 해양법질서(海洋法秩序)가 도입된 후로는 원양어업(遠洋漁業)에 대한지원 정책을 재검토하지 않을 수 없게 되었다. 그 당시 한국의 원양어업(遠洋漁業)에 가해진 압박을 타개하기 위하여 연안국(沿岸國)의 규제를 최소화하는 노력과 함께 경제성 있는 대체어장(代替漁場)의 개발에 주력한 결과 성공을 거두었는데, 그것은 바로 수산자원(水産資源) 보유국(保有國)과의 쌍무협정(雙務協定) 체결을 통한 어업의 계속과 더불어 공해어업(公海漁業)으로의 전환이었다. 최근에 한국의 원양어업(遠洋漁業)이 당면하고 있는 현안은 공해어업(公海漁業)에 대한 국제사회(國際社會)의 규제 강화와 더불어 국내 수산물 시장의 개방이라는 내우외환(內憂外患)이 겹친 위기상황(危機狀況)이다. 이러한 난국을 타개함으로써 원양어업(遠洋漁業)의 지속적인 발전을 추구하기 위하여 한국정부(韓國政府)는 새로운 전략을 마련하였는데, 그 구체적인 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자원을 보유하고 있는 연안국(沿岸國)과의 협력을 강화함과 동시에, 국제수산기구(國際水産機構)에서의 적극적인 활동을 전개하는 것이다. 현재 한국은 14개 연안국(沿岸國)과 쌍무적 어업협정(漁業協定)을 체결하여 기술이전 및 재정 지원을 통한 공동번영(共同繁榮)을 추구하고 있으며, 10개 국제수산기구(國際水産機構)에 가입하여 수산자원(水産資源)의 보존과 해양환경(海洋環境)의 보호에 노력하고 있다. 둘째, 원양어선(遠洋漁船)의 감축과 연근해어업(沿近海漁業) 구조 조정을 통한 합리적인 수산업 체제를 구축해 나갈 것이다. 즉, 원양어업(遠洋漁業)의 양적 팽창보다는 장기적인 안목에서 질적인 수준을 제고함으로써 안정적인 산업으로 내실을 기할 수 있도록 경영의 합리화와 같은 업계 자체의 체질 개선 노력을 지원할 것이다. 셋째, 현대의 해양법질서(海洋法秩序) 하에서 한국원양어업(韓國遠洋漁業)의 활로는 주로 자원보유국(資源保有國)과의 합작사업(合作事業)에서 찾을 수 밖에 없다. 이것이야 말로 연안국(沿岸國)과 원양어업국(遠洋漁業國)에게 공통적으로 이롭다는 사실이 입증된 것이기 때문이다. 따라서, 원양어업(遠洋漁業)을 해외합작사업(海外合作事業)으로 전환하는 데에 있어서 정부가 지원해야 할 부분은 다음 세 가지로 요약된다. 즉, 장래성 있는 사업 분야에 대한 적극적인 재정지원(財政支援), 생산된 수산물의 국내시장반입(國內市場搬入)에 대한 특별한 배려, 그리고 기업의 해외투자의욕(海外投資意慾)을 고취시키는 정책의 수행이다. 수산자원(水産資源)은 그 자체가재생산성(再生産性)을 갖고 있기 때문에 합리적으로 보존관리(保存管理)한다면 영속적인 이용이 가능한데, 이와 같은 이념은 1982년 유엔 해양법협약(海洋法協約)에서도 최선의 과학적 증거로써 "보존(保存)"과 "이용(利用)"의 조화를 유지하는 것으로 구현되어 있다. 따라서, 한국정부(韓國政府)도 그러한 차원의 국제협력(國際協力)에 기꺼이 동참함과 동시에, "투명성(透明性)"과 "책임(責任)"을 이행하는 어업 활동을 보장하기 위한 제도적 개혁을 진행 중이다.

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Measurement of Ambulatory Patients' Satisfaction and Its Influencing Factors in a Tertiary Hospital (병원 외래 방문 환자의 만족도 평가 및 관련 요인에 대한 연구 - 한 3차 병원 방문 환자를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.27 no.2 s.46
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    • pp.366-376
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    • 1994
  • Patients' evaluation of hospital care is one of the most important aspects of quality assessment. Survey allows patients to judge sujectively the events that occur during their hospital visit if performed properly. This study describes the result of a research effort to develop outpatient questionnaire that has sufficient validity and reliability to be used to measure patients' perception of satisfaction in Korea and to investigate influencing factors on patients' satisfaction. Self-administered questionnaire was developed for outpatient and the survey was conducted covering 827 outpatients in a tertiary hospital. It was confirmed by factor analysis that patients evaluate several components of ambulatory care distinctly ; hospital environment, administration and ancillary services, and medical care. We found strong evidence of construct validity and internal consistency for the above three dimensions of hospital process. On the contrary, reliability of overall outcome measures was low. It suggests that three items concerning overall outcome measures have some different meanings in patients' perception. Using logistic regression analysis it was found that previous health status, cost evaluation, and improvement in health status have significant influences on the level of patients' overall satisfaction and that patient's sex, experience of previous visit, expectation for improvement, cost evaluation, and improvement in health status are strongly related with intention to recommend hospital. In spite of some limitations the results of this study can be used helpfully as baseline informations for developing self-administered questionnaire and for exploring the influencing factors on patients' satisfaction. Further comprehensive research efforts should be made on the measurement of ambulatory patients' satisfaction and its related factors in current Korean situation.

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A Study on Developing Qualification Criteria in the Private Security Industry (민간경비 자격검정 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Jung-Taek
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.18
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    • pp.143-167
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    • 2009
  • As of entering the 21st century, a trend in the field of a private security industry among the advanced countries have been increased a qualification system and train session to meet the needs of professionalism. Intensifying the professionalism in Korea, education and train system has been initiated to change but the oligopoly market already formulated due to impractical selection standard and management of education system. Issuing certification and offering basic training through a designated institution for the purpose of improving quality of the private security industry worker, its practical effectiveness were lower than expectation. Rather certification-holder or security agency, institution or truster's rent-seeking behavior have been increased by occupational licensing system. The founded results, which were associated to problems in selecting and educating to the private security guard, in this study were that any verification has been initiated towards dual-system in official approval and structural problems in education system, and non-existence of verification for professionalism and management capability to security agency owner and its upper managerial level. Current a dual system in an officially authorized verification system and completion of security guard credential requested change to an unified official qualification verification system to solve those problems. Ranges of an applicant to the unified official qualification verification system should be extend to the whole population in the private security industry. Moreover, minimization of the dead-weigh loss, which is caused by oligopoly phenomenon while using its market-dominant status, increasement number of designated institution, which allows self-regulating competition, and endowment of autonomy, which is in selecting education and agency, were requested to solve the problems in selecting and educating to the private security guard. In order to minimize stated problems while maintaining objectiveness, a new manage and supervise institution, which is called a 'private security industry committee', should be establish. The private security industry committee is a formation of governance network which are participated from professional group to civil organization.

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Economic Effects of Changes in Spatial Accessibility on Regional Tourism Expenditure Structure (공간적 접근성 변화가 지역관광지출구조에 미치는 경제적 효과 분석)

  • Kwon, Young-Hyun;Shin, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.135-149
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    • 2019
  • This article analyzed economic effects of changes in spatial accessibility on regional touruism expenditure structure resulting from highway investments on Gangwon province, Korea. The Seemingly Unrelated Regress(SUR) model is applied to analyze the structure of change in tourism expenditure of Gangwon Province, and the competition and complementary relationship of tourist demand were analyzed among 18 counties in Gangwon by Dendrinos-Sonis method. The spatial accessibility has a significant effect on the increase in amount of tourist expenditure, but by 1% increase in the accessibility resulted in a reduction of length of stay -0.18% and travel costs -0.34% by respectively. The most powerful variable for improving the on-site economy is the tourist service establishment, which increases one unit, the amount of tourist expenditure increased by 3.6%. Moreover, the competition and supplemental relationship of tourism demands in Gangwon was decided by the conditions under which traffic flow with passing occurred, such as inland or ocean-typed travel attractions, adjacent or remote regions to the highway. The limitations of this study were not able to use raw data of tourism expenditures before and after the opening the highway due to the restriction of priority data, and further research on the appropriate level of spatial accessibility for the regional economy is needed.

A Study on Factors Influencing the Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Organizational members for Accreditation of Engineering Education (대학내 공학교육인증 관련 직무 전담 조직구성원의 직무만족 및 조직몰입 영향 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Sook
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze job satisfaction and organizational commitment of organizational members for accreditation of engineering education. That will allow applying for effective and efficiency job system in workplace. To this aim, this study analyzed 62 organizational members for accreditation of engineering education how they perceived job satisfaction and organizational commitment in their workplace. The main results of the study are follows. First, organizational members' general job satisfaction is very low. Especially satisfaction of job security, wages, promotion and reward is very low. Second, organizational commitment of organizational members is low. Especially continuance commitment is higher in comparison with affective commitment and normative commitment. It means that their retailing potential is huge if they have a chance. Finally, influencing factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment are job security, wages, promotion and reward. In conclusion, this study suggests effective organizational system for enhancing job satisfaction and organizational commitment of organizational members for accreditation of engineering education.

A Development of Communication and Relationship Enrichment Program for Multicultural Couples (다문화가정 부부의 의사소통 및 관계 증진 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, GumHee;Min, Ki-yeon;Lee, Youngsun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.202-214
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to develop and apply communication and relationship enrichment programs for married multicultural couples and verify its effects. This preliminary program was developed based on results from reviews of existing intervention programs, participants' interview for their needs and professionals' feedback on program. The program includes 11 sessions(once a week; 2 hours per session) focusing on communication strategies and related activities using marital counseling. Four multicultural couples participated in the intervention program. Qualitative data was collected during the program, including voice recording files, activity sheets, and filed notes conducted by researchers. Based on the results from the data analysis, we could find the intervention program had an positive effect on the communication between multicultural couples. Specifically, the intervention program could (1) enhanced intimacy in the couples, (2) started conversation and improved communication patterns between the couples. And also (3) modes of communication were changed to more collaborative communication through this program. The marital communication program developed in this study is significant in that it played a catalytic role for marital conversation in multicultural couples and used professional counseling techniques and strategies in solving and managing marital conflict.

Tourism Resource Development for the Activation of Regional Economic and the Roll of Tourism Policy (지역경제 활성화를 위한 관광자원개발과 관광정책의 역할)

  • Kim, Tae-Heon;Park, Suk-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.403-412
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    • 2011
  • This study aims at proposing clear direction of tourism policy through analyzing the correlation between tourism resource, tourism system and activation of regional economic. A total of 283 samples were ultimately collected in survey of 300 researchers from the national and public institutes in provinces Chungchong-do and Kyungsang-do in July 2010 alone. SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 6.0 were used to test the model. Analysis showed that the more regional tourism resources have more significant effect on tourism system and tourist-attracting strategy, and that tourism system exerts influence on tourist-attracting strategy. So it was proved that the tourism policy effects meaningfully on vitalization of regional economic, and it was confirmed that the tourism system is more effective on the energization of regional economic than the tourist-attracting strategy. But the hypothesis has been rejected unexpectedly that tourist attractions have consequences for the activation of regional economic. It establishes the fact that it is useless for regional economy regardless of abundant regional tourism resources, if the tourism policy is not concretely in force. Therefore, Korean government must intercept overissue and overlapping investments on tourism development by the local government and induce qualitative growth of tourism sector through upgrading of development guidelines and the criteria for selecting tourism special zone, regional festival and cultural assets, and its continuous assessment and management. And it is desirable to enforce the connected cooperation projects between local governments and the 5+2 great-sphere economic blocs on government-level.

A Study on the Concept and Improvement Plan of Long-Term Care Service Quality -The Voice of Service Field for 'Good Care'- (장기요양서비스의 질 개념 정립과 향상 방안 -현행 전략의 한계와 '좋은 돌봄'을 위한 현장의 목소리-)

  • Seok, Jaeeun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.221-249
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    • 2014
  • This paper has the objectives to define the concept of 'Good Care' which is the service goal we are aiming essentially for the improvement of long-term care service quality, to find out the components for 'Good Care', and to explore the conditions that create a good care. In addition, we tried to find the answer about what is the best way to measure the service quality. For this, I referred the advanced researches which explored the fundamental properties of care and tried to find the answer from the accumulated wisdom of service field through the 5-year long term care service experience. As a result of research, the good care can be defined as helping someone to be able to maintain his own life as maximum as possible with the goal to assure total quality life. The most important condition for good care is making 'a good care relationship'. Without damaging the relationship between care provider and care receiver, the individualized service focusing on the demand of care receiver based on mutual reliability, mutual respect and smooth communication should be provided. For the evaluation system, it is reasonable to set the standard according to the size of each institution for the core quality of facility service and establish the certification system of absolute standard to carry out the quantitative evaluation rather than the relative evaluation in the whole. For the part over the absolute certification standard, it is reasonable for each institution to characterize its own characteristics autonomously and carry out the qualitative evaluation for this. For the evaluation of home visit care service, it is recommended to contain the evaluation contents such as user satisfaction, satisfaction of care worker, how well the case management system of home care service center is operated etc.

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An Evaluation of The Vital Registration System in Korea (한국 인구동태통계 작성에 대한 평가)

  • 김남일
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 1997
  • Problems concerning the vital registration system and its management, errors and methods to adjust them in the vital registration data in Korea have been studied. It is found that birth and death registration rates were above 95% in 1994. The registration rates rose rapidly since 1970 due to 1) simplification of registration form, 2) improving accessibility by allowing registration at the current residence, 3) enforcing fine against non-registration, and 4) improvements in social security system. However, there should be some continuing efforts for further improvement of the vital registration system. The content error in the data could be substantially reduced following the rapid rise of the registration rates in the 1980s, though this has never been actually studied. There are still substantial registrations with false date of death. The false date of events may affect the computed vital rates specially when the registration rates are rapidly rising. Especially the death rates of the young can be seriously affected. A study on the data in the 1970s shows that death of age between 3 to 19 has been over-registered up to 67% compared with the expected. It is a serious matter that some researchers analyze the registration data without adjusting the errors. It is strongly recommended for the Government Statistical Office to undertake a study on the registration behavior of the people.

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