• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지표온도변화

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Hydrothermal Alteration Related to Cretaceous Felsic Magmatism in the Seongsan Dickite Deposits, Korea; Estimation of Ore - Forming Temperature and aNa+/aK+ Ratio of the Hydrothermal Fluid (성산딕카이트광상에서의 백악기산성마그마티즘에 관련된 열수변질작용 ; 광상형성온도의 측정 및 열수용액의 aNa+/aK+)

  • Kim, In Joon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.259-273
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    • 1992
  • The Seongsan mine is one of the largest dickite deposits in the southwestern part of the Korean Peninsula. The main constithent minerals of the ore are dickite and quartz with accessory alunite, kaolinite and sericite. The geology around the Seongsan mine consists mainly of the late Cretaceous felsic volcanic rocks. In the studied area, these rocks make a synclinal structure with an axis of E-W direction plunging to the east. Most of the felsic volcanic rocks have undergone extensive hydrothermal alteration. The hydrothermally altered rocks can be classified into the following zones: Dickite, Dickite-Quartz, Quartz, Sericite, Albite and Chlorite zones, from the center to the margin of the alteration mass. Such zonal arrangement of altered rocks suggests that the country rocks, most of which are upper part of the rhyolite and welded tuff, were altered by strongly acid hydrothermal solutions. It is reasonable to consider that initial gas and solution containing $H_2S$ and other compounds were oxidized near the surface, and formed hydrothermal sulfuric acid solutions. The mineralogical and chemical changes of the altered rocks were investigated using various methods, and chemical composition of fifty-six samples of the altered rocks were obtained by wet chemical analysis and X.R.F. methods. On the basis of these analyses, it was found that some components such as $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$, CaO, MgO, $K_2O$, $Na_2O$ and $TiO_2$ were mobilized considerably from the original rocks. The formation temperature of the deposits was estimated as higher than $200^{\circ}C$ from fluid inclusion study of samples taken from the Quartz zone. On the basis of the chemical composition data on rocks and minerals and estimated temperatures, the hydrothermal solutions responsible for the formation of the Seongsan dickite deposits were estimated to have the composition: $m_{K^+}=0.003$, $m_{Na^+}=0.097$, $m_{SiO_2(aq.)}=0.008$ and pH=5.0, here "m" represents the molality (mole/kg $H_2O$).

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Evaluation of the Fruit Quality Indices during Maturation and Ripening and the Influence of Short-term Temperature Management on Shelf-life during Simulated Exportation in 'Changjo' Pears (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) (배 신품종 '창조'의 성숙 중 품질 요인 변화 및 수송온도 환경에 따른 반응성)

  • Lee, Ug-Yong;Choi, Jin-Ho;Ahn, Young-Jik;Chun, Jong-Pil
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we evaluated the changes of fruit quality indices during fruit development and ripening in Korean new pear cultivar 'Changjo', developed from a cross between 'Tama' and '81-1-27' ('Danbae' ${\times}$ 'Okusankichi') in 1995 and named in 2009, to determine appropriate harvest time and to enhance the market quality and broaden the cultivation area. The fruits of 'Changjo' pears harvested from 132 days after full bloom (DAFB) to 160 DAFB. Fruit growth and quality indices were monitored at 1 week interval by measuring fruit weight, length, diameter, firmness, and taste related quality indices. The calculated fruit fresh weight increased continuously with fruit development and reached to an average of 594g on Sep. 20 (160 DAFB). The ratio of length to diameter declines as fruit maturation progress, resulting in 0.898 for ripe fruit stage as a round oblate shape. Flesh firmness of 'Changjo' pears showed over 30N until 153 DAFB and then decreased abruptly with fruit ripening, reaching a final level of about 26.44N on 160 DAFB. Starch content of fruit sap was also decreased abruptly after 146 DAFB which decreased almost half of the fruits harvested at 139 DAFB. In parallel with the decrease of flesh firmness, ethanol insoluble solids (EIS) content decreased sharply with fruit ripens, only 50% of EIS was detected on the fruits harvested on 160 DAFB when compared to that of the fruits harvested on 139 DAFB (Aug. 30). The maximum value of soluble solids contents was observed in the fruits harvested on 153 DAFB, resulting in $14.2^{\circ}Brix$. The changes of skin color difference $a^*$ which means loss of green color occurred only after 139 DAFB, coincide with the decrease of SPAD value of the fruit skin. The sugars of the 80% ethanol soluble fraction consisted mainly of fructose, sorbitol, glucose and sucrose, also increased during maturation and ripening. Fructose and sucrose contents were larger than those of glucose and sorbitol in flesh tissues. These results were explained that stored starch is converted to soluble sugars during fruit maturation, mainly in fructose and sucrose increasing the sweetness of this cultivar. Total polyphenols were increased up to middle of fruit maturation (146 DAFB) and then decreased continuously until the end of fruit maturation. Consequently, our results suggested that the commercial harvest time of 'Changjo' pears should not be passed 153 DAFB and late harvest of this cultivar would not good for quality maintenance during shelf-life. As a result of the post-harvest low-temperature acclimation experiment during the short-term transportation period, fruits harvested at 146 DAFB tended to maintain higher firmness after 14 days of simulated marketing at $25^{\circ}C$ compared to fruits harvested at 153 DAFB regardless of temperature set. And, the slower the rate of decrease to the final transport temperature of $5^{\circ}C$, the higher the incidence of internal browning and ethylene production. Therefore, in order to suppress the physiological disorder and to maintain the fruit quality when exporting to Southeast Asia in the 'Chanjo' pears, it is desirable to lower the temperature of the fruits within a short time after harvest and to set the harvest time before 146 days after full bloom.

Estimation of Temporal Surface Air Temperature under Nocturnal Inversion Conditions (야간 역전조건 하의 지표기온 경시변화 추정)

  • Kim, Soo-ock
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2017
  • A method to estimate hourly temperature profiles on calm and clear nights was developed based on temporal changes of inversion height and strength. A meteorological temperature profiler (Model MTP5H, Kipp and Zonen) was installed on the rooftop of the Highland Agriculture Research Institute, located in Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do. The hourly vertical distribution of air temperature was measured up to 600 m at intervals of 50 m from May 2007 to March 2008. Temperature and relative humidity data loggers (HOBO U23 Pro v2, Onset Computer Corporation, USA) were installed in the Jungdae-ri Valley, located between Gurye-gun, Jeollanam-do and Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do. These loggers were used to archive measurements of weather data 1.5 m above the surface from October 3, 2014, to November 23, 2015. The inversion strength was determined using the difference between the temperature at the inversion height, which is the highest temperature in the profile, and the temperature at 100 m from the surface. Empirical equations for the changes of inversion height and strength were derived to express the development of temperature inversion on calm and clear nights. To estimate air temperature near the ground on a slope exposed to crops, the equation's parameters were modified using temperature distribution of the mountain slope obtained from the data loggers. Estimated hourly temperatures using the method were compared with observed temperatures at 19 weather sites located within three watersheds in the southern Jiri-mountain in 2015. The mean error (ME) and root mean square error (RMSE) of the hourly temperatures were $-0.69^{\circ}C$ and $1.61^{\circ}C$, respectively. Hourly temperatures were often underestimated from 2000 to 0100 LST the next day. When temperatures were estimated at 0600 LST using the existing model, ME and RMSE were $-0.86^{\circ}C$ and $1.72^{\circ}C$, respectively. The method proposed in this study resulted in a smaller error, e.g., ME of $-0.12^{\circ}C$ and RMSE of $1.34^{\circ}C$. The method could be improved further taking into account various weather conditions, which could reduce the estimation error.

Introduction of Integrated Coastal Management Program and Sustainable Development of Fishing Villages in Cheonsu Bay Region (연안통합관리계획의 도입과 천수만 어촌의 지속가능발전)

  • 김부성
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.184-205
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    • 2003
  • Sustainable Development(SD) is an important concept for the future of the coastal area, and for development of fishing villages. Since 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro many governments and local authorities throughout the world have been engaged in preparing and implementing $\ulcorner$Agenda 21$\lrcorner$. Many projects which previously would have been identified as environmental protection are now presented under the banner of sustainable development. Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) is an extension of sustainable development. ICM was presented as a framework for resolution of coastal use conflicts. The aim of the present paper is to assess sustainable development potential of fishing villages in Cheonsu Bay Region according to implementation of ICM. Cheonsu Bay Region was known as one of the productive fishing grounds and Cheonsu Bay Region preserved unique characteristics of traditional fishing villages. But this region is now experiencing many changes through the massive reclamation projects like Seosan A B Project. After a brief overview of concepts and history of SD and ICM, the reclamation process and its impacts on both fishery and fishing communities in Cheonsu Bay Region are discussed. According to their changing environmental and socio-economic characteristics after the reclamation, ca 35 representative coastal villages in this region can be classified into 5 types. Many coastal villages shows diversity in their economic activities, as tourism and recreation function becomes more and more important in this region. In present-day Cheonsu Bay Region, it is possible to differentiate fishing village cooperatives(FVO) with high potential of sustainable fishery development, FVOs with medium potential, FVOs with low potential on the basis of 14 selected indicators.

The Effects of Ethylene Absorbent on the Quality of 'Fuyu' Persimmon Fruits in MA Package (MA 포장내 에틸렌 흡착 처리가 단감 '부유'의 선도유지에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Gwang-Hwan;Ha, Yeong-Le;Shon, Gil-Man;Song, Won-Doo;Seo, Kwang-Ki;Choi, Seong-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.1278-1284
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    • 2000
  • The study was performed to elucidate the effects of ethylene-absorbent on the quality of 'Fuyu' persimmon fruits in the MA package. Five persimmons were packed in a MA package film (low density polyethylene, 0.055 mm film thickness), and stored at $-0.5^{\circ}C$ for 60 days. Two persimmons were repacked in a MA package with or without ethylene absorbent $(1\;M\;KMnO_4+zeolite)$ and stored at $-0.5^{\circ}C$. Ten days later, these packages was moved to $2^{\circ}C$ or $25^{\circ}C$ storage room to examine the effect of the ethylene-absorbent on the quality of the fruits. Ethylene removal by enclosed ethylene absorbent in MA packaging reduced the rate of fruit respiration at $25^{\circ}C$, so that $O_2$ and $CO_2$ concentration in packing were maintained higher and lower, respectively, compared to control. These effects were not observed, however, in $2^{\circ}C$ post-storage. Fruit firmness and sugar composition were also influenced by ethylene absorbent, showing more delayed flesh softening and higher sucrose concentration in ethylene absorbent treated fruits than control. But ethylene-absorbent treatment lowered glucose and fructose concentration. That shows that ethylene could influence on sugar composition by inhibiting sucrose inversion to glucose and fructose. The production of ethanol and acetaldehyde was reduced by ethylene removal, but the effect was not so high as other quality indices.

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Storage and Acceptability of a Smoked Sebastes schlegeli Product (훈연처리에 의한 조피볼락의 저장성 및 기호도)

  • Lee, In-Sung;Kim, In-Cheol;Chae, Myoung-Hee;Chang, Hae-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.1458-1464
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to develope a new type of ready-to-eat smoked Sebastes schlegeli product with high acceptability and extended shelf-life. A Sebastes schlegeli was salted at 4% salt concentration for 6 hr at $4^{\circ}C$. The cold smoking conditions for the salted Sebastes schlegeli consisted of drying for 2 hr at $22{\sim}24^{\circ}C$ followed by smoking for 2 hr at $22{\sim}24^{\circ}C$. The warm smoking conditions for the salted Sebastes schlegeli consisted of drying for 2 hr at $22{\sim}24^{\circ}C$, smoking for 2 hr at $22{\sim}24^{\circ}C$, and smoking again for 30 min at $47{\sim}50^{\circ}C$. The rancidity of the smoked Sebastes schlegeli did not change after 1 year storage at $-20^{\circ}C$ by monitoring the iodine value, peroxide value, and acid value. The number of viable cells in the cold and warm smoked samples were counted as $7.4{\times}10^5$ and $6.2{times}10^5$ CFU/g, respectively. Viable cells were not detected after 1 year of storage at $-20^{\circ}C$. The sensory evaluations of the processed Sebastes schlegeli showed that elastic texture increased with smoking as compared to with salting. There were no significant differences between cold and warm smoking in terms of sweetness, elastic texture, color, and smoke flavor. However, for overall acceptability, preference were in the oder of cold smoked, warm smoked, and salted.

A Study on Retrieval of Storage Heat Flux in Urban Area (우리나라 도심지에서의 저장열 산출에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Darae;Kim, Honghee;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Doo-Il;Hong, Jinkyu;Hong, Je-Woo;Lee, Keunmin;Lee, Kyeong-sang;Seo, Minji;Han, Kyung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_1
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 2018
  • Urbanization causes urban floods and urban heat island in the summer, so it is necessary to understanding the changes of the thermal environment through urban climate and energy balance. This can be explained by the energy balance, but in urban areas, unlike the typical energy balance, the storage heat flux saved in the building or artificial land cover should be considered. Since the environment of each city is different, there is a difficulty in applying the method of retrieving the storage heat flux of the previous research. Especially, most of the previous studies are focused on the overseas cities, so it is necessary to study the storage heat retrieval suitable for various land cover and building characteristics of the urban areas in Korea. Therefore, the object of this study, it is to derive the regression formula which can quantitatively retrieve the storage heat using the data of the area where various surface types exist. To this end, nonlinear regression analysis was performed using net radiation and surface temperature data as independent variables and flux tower based storage heat estimates as dependent variables. The retrieved regression coefficients were applied to each independent variable to derive the storage heat retrieval regression formula. As a result of time series analysis with flux tower based storage heat estimates, it was well simulated high peak at day time and the value at night. Moreover storage heat retrieved in this study was possible continuous retrieval than flux tower based storage heat estimates. As a result of scatter plot analysis, accuracy of retrieved storage heat was found to be significant at $50.14Wm^{-2}$ and bias $-0.94Wm^{-2}$.

Effects of Cultivation Environment and Fruit Ripeness on Microbial Load in Mulberry (재배환경 및 과실 숙도가 오디의 미생물학적 부하량에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Song Hee;Yun, Bohyun;Kim, Hye-Young;Choi, Ah-Hyun;Kim, Se-Ri;Kim, Won-Il;Ryu, Jae-Gee;Han, Sanghyun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate the microbial loads in mulberry fruits depending on cultivation environment and fruit ripeness. The population levels of total aerobic bacteria in mulberry fruits collected from open field orchards were higher than those from three plots protected within plastic green houses. In regards to fruit ripeness, the levels of total aerobic bacteria in ripe black fruits were higher than those in unripe green and red mulberry. From the farms into where livestock animals were allowed to enter, Escherichia coli was detected in soil at a level of 4.26~4.94 log CFU/g and in mulberry fruits at 5.03~6.07 log CFU/g, while no coliform and E. coli were detected from where the intrusion of livestock was prevented. We also examined the density change of inoculated E. coli in mulberry fruits as they were becoming mature. While E. coli did not increase in green fruits, two and four log CFU/g increases at $20^{\circ}C$ and $37^{\circ}C$, respectively, were observed with red and fully mature black mulberries during 48 hours incubation. To ensure the food safety of mulberry, it is suggested that the introduction of E. coli into a farm through livestock should be prevented and more hygienic caution should be taken especially when the fruits are ripe.

The Estimation Model of an Origin-Destination Matrix from Traffic Counts Using a Conjugate Gradient Method (Conjugate Gradient 기법을 이용한 관측교통량 기반 기종점 OD행렬 추정 모형 개발)

  • Lee, Heon-Ju;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.1 s.72
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    • pp.43-62
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    • 2004
  • Conventionally the estimation method of the origin-destination Matrix has been developed by implementing the expansion of sampled data obtained from roadside interview and household travel survey. In the survey process, the bigger the sample size is, the higher the level of limitation, due to taking time for an error test for a cost and a time. Estimating the O-D matrix from observed traffic count data has been applied as methods of over-coming this limitation, and a gradient model is known as one of the most popular techniques. However, in case of the gradient model, although it may be capable of minimizing the error between the observed and estimated traffic volumes, a prior O-D matrix structure cannot maintained exactly. That is to say, unwanted changes may be occurred. For this reason, this study adopts a conjugate gradient algorithm to take into account two factors: estimation of the O-D matrix from the conjugate gradient algorithm while reflecting the prior O-D matrix structure maintained. This development of the O-D matrix estimation model is to minimize the error between observed and estimated traffic volumes. This study validates the model using the simple network, and then applies it to a large scale network. There are several findings through the tests. First, as the consequence of consistency, it is apparent that the upper level of this model plays a key role by the internal relationship with lower level. Secondly, as the respect of estimation precision, the estimation error is lied within the tolerance interval. Furthermore, the structure of the estimated O-D matrix has not changed too much, and even still has conserved some attributes.

Traffic Forecasting Model Selection of Artificial Neural Network Using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC(AKaike's Information Criterion)을 이용한 교통량 예측 모형)

  • Kang, Weon-Eui;Baik, Nam-Cheol;Yoon, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.7 s.78
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    • pp.155-159
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    • 2004
  • Recently, there are many trials about Artificial neural networks : ANNs structure and studying method of researches for forecasting traffic volume. ANNs have a powerful capabilities of recognizing pattern with a flexible non-linear model. However, ANNs have some overfitting problems in dealing with a lot of parameters because of its non-linear problems. This research deals with the application of a variety of model selection criterion for cancellation of the overfitting problems. Especially, this aims at analyzing which the selecting model cancels the overfitting problems and guarantees the transferability from time measure. Results in this study are as follow. First, the model which is selecting in sample does not guarantees the best capabilities of out-of-sample. So to speak, the best model in sample is no relationship with the capabilities of out-of-sample like many existing researches. Second, in stability of model selecting criterion, AIC3, AICC, BIC are available but AIC4 has a large variation comparing with the best model. In time-series analysis and forecasting, we need more quantitable data analysis and another time-series analysis because uncertainty of a model can have an effect on correlation between in-sample and out-of-sample.