• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지질온도압력계

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Pancreatin Production by Removal of Lipid from Hog Pancreas using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with Entrainer (초임계 이산화탄소와 보조용매를 이용한 돼지췌장 지질제거에 의한 판크레아틴의 생산)

  • 권혁수;박선영;전병수
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.301-305
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    • 2003
  • The study of pancreatin extraction was investigated by supercritical fluid process. Using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction with entrainer the purification of pancreatin was possible to remove lipids from Hog pancreas. To observe the optimum conditions different experimental variables were changed as pressure, temperature, flow rate of solvent and 0.25 mm of sample size were evaluated for effective removal of lipids. Ethanol and n-hexane were used as an entrainer with 5 mL/min. Increasing pressure at constant temperature the efficiency of the lipid removal in Hog pancreas was improved and the protein was concentrated without denaturalization, compared that of the control Hog pancreas. The most efficient conditions of lipid elimination were 17 MPa of pressure and 35$^{\circ}C$ of temperature and 0.25 mm of sample size.

Processing of Protein Concentrate and Fatty Acid Extraction from Tuna Viscera using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (초임계 이산화탄소를 이용한 가다랑어 내장으로부터 지방산 추출 및 단백질 농축물의 제조)

  • CHUN Byung-Soo;YOON Sung-Ok;LEE Seung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2001
  • Supercritical fluid extraction was explored as a method for removing lipids and bad odor from tuna viscera. Selected conditions of extraction pressure, time, temperature and sample size were evaluated for effective removal of lipids and bad odor, Supercritical carbon dioxide was used as a solvent and the extraction was performed at semi-batch flow type. The experimental conditions used in this work was the range of pressure from 1,500 psig to 2,000 psig, the temperature from $25^{\circ}C\;to\;40^{\circ}C$ and dried sample size from 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm. The main fatty acids extracted from tuna viscera were palmitic acid (16: 0) heptadecenoic acid (17: 1) oleic acid (18: 1) and docosahexaenoic acid (22: 6). Protein concentrate was obtained without deformation the optimum condition at $35^{\circ}C$, 1,800 psig and 0.25 mm of the size. In the concentrate after supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, the major amino acids were glutamic acid, leucine and lysine.

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Temperature-Pressure Estimation of Metasediments in Seosan Area (서산지역의 변성퇴적암류에 대한 온도-압력 추정)

  • Song, Yungoo;Moon, Hi-Soo;Lee, Han Yeang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.371-379
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    • 1989
  • Peak or near-peak metamorphic temperatures and pressures for Seosan area could be estimated from major element method. Temperatures calculated from garnet-biotite geothermoneter(Ferry and Spear, 1978; Ganguly and Saxena, 1984) are $620{\pm}40^{\circ}C$ and $520{\pm}20^{\circ}C$ for Seosan and Daesan Formation respectively. Presures derived from garnet-plagiciase-$Al_2Si_O_2$-quartz geobarometer(Newton and Haselton, 1981; Ganguly and Saxena, 1984)suggest 5-6kb for both of Seosan and Daesan Formation. These results suggest that under isobaric, Seosan Formation underwent relatively high temperature metamorphism compared with Daesan Formation. Chemical zonations of garnet for major elements such as Fe, Mg, and Mn in Seosan and Dasan Formation show different patterns each other probably caused by different thermal history.

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Lipid Extraction from Spirulina platensis using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Analysis of Fatty Acid Compositions in Extracts (초임계 이산화탄소를 이용한 Spirulina platensis로부터 지질추출 및 지방산 조성 분석)

  • JOO Dong-Sik;CHO Man-Gi;LEE Eung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to obtain information about the extraction conditions of lipids from microalgae, Spirulina platensis, using supercritical fluid $CO_2$. Regardless of extraction temperature conditions, the extracted lipid contents increased as pressure increased, but decreased at 8500 psi on each temperature. The highest yield of extracted lipid content showed in the condition of 5500psi at $50^{\circ}C$, and extracted lipid content was about $20\%$. In same pressure the contents of C18 : 2 and C20 : 0 increased as temperature increased, but fatty acids composition were $60\~75\%$ saturated, $12\~20\%$ monounsaturated and $13\~31\%$ polyunsaturated regardless of extraction conditions. The C18 : 3 was only detected in the condition of 5500psi at $50^{\circ}C$ but the content was very little.

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Extractions of Surface-Active Substances from Defatted Rapeseed Meal (Brassica napus L.) by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (초임계 CO2 유체 추출법을 이용한 탈지 유채박 중 표면활성물질 추출의 최적화)

  • Kim, Jeong-Won;Jeong, Yong-Seon;Gil, Na-Young;Lee, Eui-Seok;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Jang, Young-Seok;Lee, Ki-Teak;Hong, Soon-Taek
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.831-840
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    • 2013
  • In this study, an attempt is being made to extract surface-active substances from defatted rapeseed cakes by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid. Independent variables for the extraction process, being formulated by D-optimal design, are pressure (150~350 bar), temperature ($33{\sim}65^{\circ}C$ and co-solvent (ethanol, 50~250 g). The dependent variables of the extraction yield, the content of neutral lipids, phospholipids and glycolipids in the extracts were analyzed upon the results through the response surface methodology. As for the extraction yield, it was found to increase with increasing independent variables, among which the co-solvent proved to be a major influencing parameter. Similar trends were found for the content of surface-active substances (i.e, phospholipids and glycolipids) in the extracts, except for the content of neutral lipids. Regression equations were suggested to coincide well with the results from the experiments. Extraction conditions are being optimized to maximize the extraction yields, the content of phospholipids, and glycolipids were 350 bar (pressure), $65^{\circ}C$ (temperature) and 228.55 g (co-solvent), respectively.

Granulite xenoliths in porphyroblastic gneiss from Mt. Jiri area, SW Sobaegsan massif, Korea (소백산육괴 서남부 지리산지역의 반상변정질 편마암에서 산출되는 백립암질 포획암)

    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 1999
  • Mafic granulite xenoliths are found in precambrian porphyroblastic gneiss of the Mt. Jiri area, SW Sobaegsan massif, Korea. The xenoliths are rounded to ellipsoidal in shape, 50-100 cm in length and coarse-grained with granoblastic and foliated texture. The xenoliths consist of orthopyroxene, garnet, biotite, plagioclase, quartz, ilmenite and secondary orthoamphibole. Orthopyroxene is mostly resorbed and rimmed by coronitic orthoamphiboles. Garnets occur as porphyblasts and are zoned with higher pyrope content in cores than in rims. Geothermo-barometry results yield conditions of about $800-850^{\circ}C$, 6 kb and $500^{\circ}C$, 4 kb for early and retrograde stages of equilibration, respectively. According to available geochronological data, it is suggested that the granulite facies metamorphism occurred prior to 2.1-1.9Ga and that the area was superimposed by the high-grade (over $600-700^{\circ}C$) metamorphism between 1.9-1.7Ga, followed by cooling during uplift.

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Petrology of the Chaeyaksan basaltic rocks and application of hornblende geobarometer (채약산 현무암질암류의 암석학적인 특징 및 각섬석 지질압력계의 적용)

  • 김상욱;황상구;양판석;이윤종;고인석
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.92-105
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    • 1999
  • The Cretaceous Chaeyaksan basaltic rocks consist mainly of basaltic tuffs intercalating three layers of basalt. Stratigraphically, the rocks are located between the upper Songnaedong Formation and the lower Geoncheonri Formation and contain plagioclase, augite, hornblende, and a few olivine phenocrysts. Geochemically, they show calc-alkaline characteristics in some immobile element content, but show the alkaline suite feature in the mobile major element composition. The basalts are widely spilitized but some of them is altered to shoshonitic rocks with more calcic plagioclase, calcite, and chlorite, and adularia veinlets are common in the rocks. It is supposed that the post-eruption alteration of the rocks is done through alkali-replacement by hydrothermal solution or vapor rather than by low grade regional metamorphism. It is considered that A1 in hornblende will be available for estimating the pressure of the pre-eruption magma in the reservoir although the plagioclase of the rocks are highly albitized. The crystallization pressure was calculated as 5.7Kb by the equation of Johnson and Rutherford(l989) incorporating of the effect of overestimate of .41T in hornblende in the case of quartz-free rocks. Application of the estimated temperature, pressure and the constituent of phenocrysts of the rocks to the experimental P-T phase diagram for basalts established by Green(1982) indicates the crystallization course and succession of growth of the phenocrysts during of rising and cooling of the magma reservoir; augite + augite and olivine + augite, olivine, and hornblende -+ augite and hornblende+ augite, hornblende, and plagioclase. Such evolution course of the magma may include crystal fractionation by the phenocrysts crystallization and contamination by country rock in lower crust.

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Petorshemical Study on the Mantle Xwnoliths in alkli basalts from S. Korea: P-T Regime of Upper Mantle (남한의 알카리 현무암에 분포하는 맨틀포획암의 암석화학적 연구: 상부맨틀포획암의 암석화학적 연구: 상부맨틀의 온도 및 압력 추정)

  • 이한영
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.104-123
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    • 1995
  • Mantle xenoliths in alkali basalt from Boun, Gansung area, and Baegryung island in S. Korea are spinel lherzolites composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and spinel. The xenoliths generally show triple junctions among grams, kink-banding in olivine and pyroxenes, and protogranular and eqigranular textures having m orlentatron of specific direction. Anhedral brown spinels are disseminated in the intergranular spaces of minerals. Mineral compositions are very homogeneous without compositional zonation from rim to core in grains regardless different locahties. Olivine shows Fo. component of 89.0-90.2 and low CaO of 0.03-0.12wt%, orthopyroxene is enstatite with En component of 89.0 - 90.0 and $Al_2O_3$ of 4-5wt%, and clinopyroxene is diopside having En. component of 47.2-49.1 and $Al_2O_3$ of 7.42-7.64wt% from Boun and 4.70-4.91wt% from Baegryung showing local variation. Spinel shows the distinctive negative trend with increasing of A1 and decreasing of Cr, and Mg value and Cr number are 75.1-81.9 and 8.5-12.6, respectively. To estlmate T and P for these mantle xenoliths pyroxene-geothermometers (Wood and Banno, 1973; Wells, 1977; Mercier, 1980; Sachtleben and Seck, 1981; Bertrand and Mercier, 1985; Brey and Kohler, 1990) and Al-solubility geobarometer (Mercier, 1980; Lane and Ganguly, 1980) are used. Temperatures of Mercier (1980) and Sachtleben and Seck (1981) are compatible and equilibrium temperatures of xenoliths, average value of these two, aiie from $970^{\circ}C$ to $1020^{\circ}C$, and equihbrium pressures derived from Mercier (1980) are in the range of 12-19 Kb (42-63 Km). These temperatures and pressures seem to be reasonble wlth the consideration of Al-isopleths in MAS system (Lane and Ganguly, 1980) and Fe effect on Al-solubility in orthopyroxene (Lee and Ganguly, 1988). Equllibrium of temperatures and pressures of xenoliths in P-T space belong to ocenanic geothem among the Mercier's mantle geotherms (1980) and are completely different from continental geotherms of S. Africa (Lesotho) and S. India having different geologcal ages. anera1 compositions of spmel-lherzohtes in S. Korea and eastern China are primitwe and paleogeothems of both are very s~mllar, but degrees of depletion of upper mantle could be locally different from each other since eastern China has various depleted xenoliths due to different degrees of partial melting.

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Genetic Environment of the Pailou Magnesite Deposit in Dashiqiao Belt, China, and Its Comparison with the Daeheung Deposit in North Korea (중국 다스챠오벨트 팰로우 마그네사이트 광상의 생성환경 및 북한 대흥 광상과의 비교)

  • Im, Heonkyung;Shin, Dongbok;Yoo, Bong-chul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.767-785
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    • 2021
  • World-class magnesite deposits are developed in the Dashiqiao mineralized district of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt in China. This belt extends to the northern side of the Korean Peninsula and hosts major magnesite deposits in the Dancheon region of North Korea. Magnesite ores from the Pailou deposits in the Dashiqiao district is classified into pure magnetite, chlorite-magnetite, chlorite-talc-magnetite, and dolomite groups depending on the constituent minerals. According to the result of petrographic study, magnesite was formed by the alteration of dolomite, and, talc, chlorite, and apatite were produced as late-stage alteration minerals that replaced the magnesite. Fluid inclusions observed in magnesite are a liquid-type inclusion, with a homogenization temperature of 121-250 ℃ and a salinity of 1.7-22.4 wt% NaCl equiv. The chlorite geothermometer, indicating the temperature of hydrothermal alteration, is 137~293 ℃, slightly higher than the homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions, and the pressure is calculated to be less than 3.2 kb. For magnesite mineralization in the study area, the initially formed-dolomite was subjected to replacement by Mg-rich fluid to form a magnesite ore body, and then it was enriched through regional metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration. It seems that altered minerals such as talc were crystallized by Si and Al-rich late-stage hydrothermal fluids. These results are similar to the genetic environments of the Daeheung deposit, a representative magnesite deposit in North Korea, and it is believed that the two deposits went through a similar geological and ore genetic process of magnesite mineralization.

Supercritical $CO_2$ Extraction of Sesame Oil with High Content of Tocopherol (초임계 이산화탄소를 이용한 토코페롤 고함유 참기름 추출)

  • Ju Young-Woon;Son Min-Ho;Lee Ju-Suk;Byun Sang Yo
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.210-214
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    • 2005
  • The characteristics of sesame oil containing one of natural antioxidant, ' $\gamma$-tocopherol', were studied with the supercritical $CO_2$ extraction. Although $\gamma$-tocopherol has a lower vitamin E value in biological systems than $\alpha$-tocopherol, it is a more potent antioxidant with in oils. For the research of various factors influence to the $\gamma$-tocopherol contents increment, we have checked roasting time and temperature, as well as pressure, temperature and flow rate of supercritical fluid. As a result, we found that the $\gamma$-tocopherol content was maintained constant under the condition of roasting temperature over $200^{\circ}C$. With the longer roasting time, $\gamma$-tocopherol content was increased. Except 250 bar, the $\gamma$-tocopherol content was maintained constant under the condition of the various pressure of supercritical fluid. But $\gamma$-tocopherol content was increased with lower flow rate of supercritical fluid from 1 $m{\ell}$/L to 3 $m{\ell}$/L. When the extraction performance with the supercritical fluid was compared to the conventional compressed extraction, $\gamma$-tocopherol content was increased up to 1.6 times.