• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역사회 참여

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The Factors of Leisure Affecting Happiness of the Elderly by Sex in Korea (성별에 따른 노인의 행복감에 영향을 미치는 여가 요인 연구)

  • Park, Chanje
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze leisure factors affect happiness of the elderly by sex in Korea and then to discuss implications for the findings. Data of National Leisure Activity Survey conducted by Korea Culture & Tourism Institute in 2016 were used for this study. From this dataset, 891 male elderly and 970 female elderly aged above 65 were selected for this study. Ordered logistic regression model was used by considering the nature of the dependent variable. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, choice proportions of leisure activities classified by four type are different by sex of the elderly. Second, among control variables, household income, residential area, joining a club have different significant effect on happiness of the elderly by sex but volunteering have same significant effect on happiness of the elderly by sex. Third, any type of leisure activity have no significant effect on happiness of both the male elderly and the female elderly. Fourth, cost of leisure has significant positive effect on happiness of both the male elderly and the female elderly but has different significance by sex. Fifth, focus on leisure rather than work has very significant positive effect on happiness of both the male elderly and the female elderly. Sixth, leisure life satisfaction has very significant positive effect on happiness of both the male elderly and the female elderly.

A Study on the Perception, Emotion and Capacity of Cultural-Based Community's Policy Target Groups (문화기반 마을공동체 정책대상자의 인식, 정서, 역량에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Anna;Kim, Saejune
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.56
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    • pp.5-38
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    • 2020
  • This study begins with the question of how culture-based communities can form a community culture and become a community of sustainable development. Based on the concept of community, community development factors and stage of development, cultural activities, and policy implementation theory, policy execution analysis models suitable for culture-based community projects were derived. A qualitative case study method was adopted as a research method, and success stories of culture-based village communities were selected as the 'Gamgol Community' in Sadong, Ansan, 'Sangdong Community' in Daebu-dong, Ansan, and 'Grimae Village' in Sinse-dong, Andong. Through in-depth interviews, literature analysis, and direct observation, the research analysis used pattern matching, explanation, chronicle analysis, and case integration analysis methods presented by Yin (2009). As a result of the study, first, the characteristics of the policy implementation strategy were taking place in the process of step-by-step development. The main factors in the community development phase were the improvement of community consciousness through the emotional change of participants and the change of capacity within the community. Second, it was understood that cultural activities played a major role in strengthening community consciousness and community capacity, and could be understood as various creative activities. Based on the ecological approach study on culture-based community, this study derived the policy execution analysis model, analyzed the case of culture-based village community, presented the direction of development of community and presented practical implications.

The Effect of College Students' Teaching-Friendly Learning Activities on Adaptation to College Life (대학생의 교수친교형 학습활동이 대학생활적응에 미치는 영향)

    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to examine the effects of college students' teaching-friendly learning activities on college life adaptation, and to examine whether these effects differ according to learner characteristics. To this end, 214 people who participated in the learning program of universities located in G area in the first semester of 2022 were targeted. In order to find out the effect of teaching-friendly learning activities on college students' adaptability to college life, frequency analysis, response sample t-verification, and one-way analysis of variance (one-way Anova) were conducted using SPSS 20.0. The results are as follows. First, it was found that teaching-friendly learning activities significantly increased the scores of academic adaptation, emotional adaptation, and social adaptation in college life adaptation. Second, there was no difference in adaptation to college life according to college. Third, The score of the level of attachment to universities was found to be higher in the female group than in the male group. Fourth, as a result of the analysis according to the grade, it was found that the third-grade group had a high level of attachment to universities. Conclusions and suggestions for these research results were presented.

A Study on the Trend of Library Services in Foreign Correctional Facilities (외국 교정시설도서관 서비스 동향에 관한 연구)

  • Hyojung Sim
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2023
  • This study increases awareness of the survey and demand for libraries in correctional facilities, which have not received much attention so far, and is necessary for improving the operation of existing research and libraries in Korea, which is conducting a current status survey of most correctional facility libraries. The contents of the service operation of the external correctional facility library were explored and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, where correctional facility libraries are relatively well operated, are practically operating social rehabilitation programs while reducing recidivism of inmates, and library associations or local governments in each country are promoting the vitalization of correctional facility libraries. It helps and organizes committees or organizations involving related experts to discuss policy support, issue checks, research, report publication, drafting and revising guide guidelines, cooperation between libraries, and reflect them in actual operation. In addition, it maintains steady support and interest through public-private cooperation, and makes good use of the linkage system with local public libraries. As a result, it contributes to reducing the recidivism of prisoners. Through this study, the following three areas were suggested for the administrative improvement direction for correctional facility library services. First, the production and distribution of guidelines or guidebooks for correctional facility libraries, second, the establishment of a specialized correctional facility library organization within the correctional headquarters or library association, and third, the strengthening of activities and the operation of law libraries in correctional facilities.

The Role of Workers' Awareness of Disaster Safety Management and Disaster Management Capabilities of Companies and Governments for Infectious Disease Disaster Management: Focused on Workers in the Automobile Manufacturing Industry (감염병 재난관리에서 근로자의 재난안전관리 인식이 지방정부와 기업의 재난관리 역량 및 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구: 자동차 제조업 종사자를 중심으로)

  • Han Hwangbo;Chang Yull Lee;Ha Kyoung Kim;Byoung Gwon Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.451-470
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Since COVID-19 was first discovered in China in December 2019, it has rapidly spread around the world, causing serious economic and social problems not only in individuals' lives, but also in businesses and countries. Individuals, businesses, and governments have all made various efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Although the roles of individuals, companies, and the government are important to respond to and manage infectious diseases, previous studies have only partially studied the roles. Therefore, in this study, the roles of individuals, companies, and the government to achieve results in responding to infectious diseases disaster management A comprehensive study was conducted on this issue, and it was attempted to understand the impact of workers' perceptions of infectious disease disaster management and government and corporate capabil]ities on disaster response performance. Method: The survey was conducted for workers in the automobile manufacturing industry in Ulsan, Gyeongju, and Yangsan, and frequency analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were performed. Result: It was found that worker perception had a positive effect on both government and corporate capabilities as well as disaster management performance. In addition, government capacity and corporate capacity had a positive effect on disaster management performance. Conclusion: The results of this study are meaningful in that they reveal that not only workers' perceptions but also the capabilities of the government and companies are important to achieve disaster response performance. In addition, workers should make good use of opportunities for education and participation provided by the government and corporations, and make the most social efforts that workers can make.

Policy Implication on UK's Net Zero 2030 in Water Industry (영국 물산업 분야 탄소중립 방안에 대한 정책적 시사점)

  • Suh, Jin Suhk;Kim, Shang Moon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.46-46
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    • 2021
  • 국제사회는 1992년 기후변화협약 체결 이후 지구온도 상승을 2℃이하로 억제하는 등 기후변화 문제를 해결하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그러나 1997년 선진국(38개국) 중심으로 2020년까지 탄소감축(교토의정서)을 선언하였음에도 불구하고, 미국, 중국 등의 감축의무 미참여로 인해 기후변화대응에 대한 한계를 노출한 바 있다. 그 이후 COP21(2015년)에서 모든 국가에 감축의무를 부여하는 신(新)기후체제를 출범함으로써 선진국뿐만 아니라 개발도상국도 2020년부터 탄소감축의무를 부담하게 되었다. 영국은 기후변화위원회의 권고에 따라 탄소중립경제(Net-Zero Economy) 실현을 위해 국가적 탄소배출 목표를 발표(2019년)하고 온실가스 배출 'Zero'를 기후변화법에 명시하여 모든 산업 인프라 및 환경에 적용시키려 한다. 전 세계에서 최초로 영국의 물산업 분야는 'Net Zero 2030 Routemap'을 발표하여 물산업분야의 탄소중립 실현을 위해 다양한 정책적 로드맵과 실행방안(시나리오)을 수립하였다. 이러한 실행방안은 국가정책에 부합하고 자국내 물기업의 탄소저감 실행계획의 수립을 지원하는데 그 목적이 있다. 구체적인 실행방안은 탄소중립 달성을 위해 비용, 효과, 기술수준 및 기간 등을 고려하여, ①수요주도형, ②기술주도형, ③자연친화주도형, 그리고 ④복합형으로 제시하고 있다. 실행시나리오에 따르면, 수요주도형은 상하수도 분야 수요관리 및 기술, 설비의 효율화를 통한 배출 저감 방안으로 2018~19년 기준, 총배출량 2.41MtCO2e에서 2030년까지 0.54MtCO2e으로 약 77%의 감소효과를 기대하고 있다. 기술주도형의 경우, 심각한 탄소배출 분야의 기술개발 및 혁신을 통해 배출량을 최소화하는 시나리오이며, 총배출량(2.41MtCO2e)을 0.10MtCO2e(약 96%)까지 감소시키기 위한 방안이다. 자연친화주도형은 물기업의 자산 및 그 외 지역에 자연친화적 환경조성을 통한 탄소상쇄방안을 중심으로 총배출량을 0.88MtCO2e(약 63%)까지 저감하는 효과를 나타낸다. 마지막으로 복합협은 시나리오별 실효성과 적용시기를 고려할 때 가장 효과적인 방안으로 약 74%의 저감효과를 나타내지만, 시기적절성, 효과성에서, 가장 최적의 방안으로 제시되고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 영국 물산업 분야의 탄소중립 정책과 실행방안 분석하고 그 시사점을 제시함으로써 국내 물산업 분야의 탄소중립을 위한 구체적 실행계획 수립에 이바지하고자 한다. 물산업 분야의 탄소중립은 기존 물산업 가치사슬 변화 등 물산업 생태계 전반의 변화를 초래할 것이며, 이러한 변화는 국내 물산업의 자본·운영시장의 비용증가에 대한 도전과 신재생에너지 기술 등 탄소 중립 기술 습득 및 새로운 일자리 창출 등 신(新)시장체계에 대한 기회가 동시에 상존한다.

  • PDF

Factors Influencing Depressive Symptoms Among Middle-aged Women: A Comparison of Walking and Nonwalking (중년여성의 우울증상 영향요인: 걷기와 비걷기 비교)

  • Ju-Young Park;Mi-Ah Shin
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to investigate factors influencing depressive symptoms among middle-aged women based on walking and nonwalking. The participants of the study were 56,007 women aged 40-64 years. A complex sample statistical analysis was conducted. Notably, 48.9% of middle-aged women were in the walking group and 51.1% were in the nonwalking. In the nonwalking group, relative to the walking group, more people had high school diploma as their highest level of education, and were 40-49 years old, unemployed, and public assistance recipients than in the walking group. In addition, in the nonwalking group, more people had sleeping durations of less than 7 hours, perceived stress, and depressive symptoms than in the walking group. Factors influencing depressive symptoms were identified as less than 7 hours of sleeping duration and high perceived stress in both the walking and nonwalking groups, and the degree of influence was higher in the walking group than in the non-walking group, suggesting than further studies are needed to identify the cause. The results confirmed that perceived stress and depressive symptoms in middle-aged women could be reduced by walking. Therefore, if middle-aged women continue to engage in walking practices appropriate for them, it will enhance their walking rate, reduce stress, and improve their depressive symptoms.

Policies to Manage Drug Shortages in Selected Countries: A Review and Implications (주요국의 수급불안정 의약품 관리제도에 관한 고찰과 한국에의 시사점)

  • Inmyung Song;Sang Jun Jung;Eunja Park;Sang-Eun Choi;Eun-A Lim;Sanghyun Kim;Dongsook Kim
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.106-119
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    • 2024
  • Drug shortage is a persistent phenomenon that poses a public health risk worldwide and occurs due to a range of causes. The purpose of this study is to review key policies to prepare for and respond to drug shortages in selected countries, such as the United States, Canada, and some European countries in order to draw implications. This study reviewed the reports and articles derived from search engines and Google Scholar by using keywords such as drug shortage and stock-out. Over the last decade or so, the United States have strengthened requirements on advance notification for disruption and interruption of drug manufacturing, established the Inter-agency Drug Shortages Task Force to promote the communication and coordination of responses, and expedited drug regulatory processes. Similarly, Canada established the Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee on drug shortages by involving representatives from central and local governments and private sectors. Canada also adopted a tiered approach to the communication of drug shortages based on the assessment of the severity of the shortage problem and released a detailed information guide on communication. In 2019, the joint task force between the European Medicines Agency and the Heads of Medicines Agencies issued guidelines on drug shortage communication in the European Economic Area. The countries reviewed in this paper focus on communication across different stakeholders for the monitoring of and timely response to drug shortages. The efforts to protect public health from the negative impact of the drug shortage crisis would require multi-sectorial and multi-governmental coordination and development of guidelines.

Effect of Retirement Anxiety, Retirement Life Preparation and Post-retirement retirement needs on Life Satisfaction in Retirement -Focusing on Japanese Retiree Survey Data- (노후불안, 노후생활 준비 및 노후 생활지원 요구와 은퇴 후 생활만족도와의 관계 -일본 은퇴자 조사 자료를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sujin
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we used survey data from Japanese retirees to determine the levels of retirement anxiety, retirement life preparation and retirement life needs in retirement and analyzed how these factors affect post-retirement life satisfaction. The analysis was based on a survey of retirees aged 60 to 74 across Japan, with data from 1,257 people included in the analysis. The results of the analysis were as follows. First, both men and women were found to have higher levels of retirement anxiety in terms of economic aspects, such as lack of income, savings, and living expenses, than other forms of retirement anxiety. This trend was more pronounced among men. Second, the higher the level of retirement anxiety in terms of economic aspects, the lower the level of life satisfaction in retirement for both men and women. Third, in terms of preparation for retirement life, greater preparation for the economic aspects of retirement life corresponded to higher life satisfaction for both genders. Finally, with regard to the influence of post-retirement life requirements, it was found that men who perceived a greater need for re-employment and re-employment opportunities experienced lower levels of post-retirement life satisfaction. These findings suggest the need for community participation programs and employment-linked initiatives to enhance post- retirement life satisfaction.

Impact of Disaster Perception and Satisfaction on the Continuity of Volunteering in Volunteer Fire-fighters (의용소방대원들의 재난에 대한 인식과 만족이 자원봉사활동 지속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Seyoung;Lee, Hyeonji;Choi, Miyoung;Hwang, Jeonghyeon;Kim, Munui;Moon, Taeyoung
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the disaster perception and satisfaction level of volunteer fire-fighters on the continuity of their volunteering. The 163 subjects in this study were selected from male and female volunteer fire-fighters who resided in urban and rural regions in Gangwon Province. After a this survey was conducted, the collected data were analyzed by a statistical package SPSS WIN 20.0, and frequency analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were made. The level of statistical significance was all set at p<.05. The findings of the study were as follows: First, as for the correlation of disaster perception, satisfaction and volunteering continuity, perception of disaster countermeasures, satisfaction and the level of participation were negatively correlated with one another, and there was a positive correlation among disaster training, disaster preparation, regional disaster, the period of volunteering, and will of persistent volunteering. Second, as for perception of disaster, the volunteer fire-fighters were asked a question about disaster countermeasures, and the largest group replied they were partially aware of the countermeasures. Concerning questions about disaster training/education experience and triage, the biggest group replied they underwent the training and knew about triage on the whole. Regarding questions on the emergency contact system and emergency work schedule, they knew about the two in general. As to a question on the occurrence of human disaster, the greatest group answered that they knew about it yet not well. Third, in regard to the impact of satisfaction level on volunteering continuity, the period of volunteering was affected by needs for experience, social contact and social recognition among the subfactors of satisfaction level, and will of persistent volunteering was under the influence of social contact and achievement needs. The level of persistent volunteering was affected only by needs for experience and achievement needs.