• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역기술기업육성

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Fuzzy Logic Based Modeling of an Incident Detection Algorithm (퍼지이론을 이용한 유고감지 알고리즘)

  • 이시복
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.137-155
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    • 1996
  • 본 논문은 다이아몬드 인터체인지에서의 유고감지모형 개발을 위해 퍼지이론을 응용한 연구를 문서화 한 것이다. 지금까지의 교차로와 일반도로(고속도로가 아닌)에서의 유고감지에 관한 연구는 초기에 불과하다. 기존의 알고리즘들은 필요한 데이터 보존의 어 려움과 유고감지의 특성과 관련된 기술적 어려움을 효과적으로 극복하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 다이아몬드 인터체인지에서의 유고감지를 위한 새로운 모형을 개발하는데 있다. 이 연구를 통하여 개발된 유고감지 모형은 차량차단 유고(lane-blocking incidents) 를 감지하는데, 감지의 범위는 차량차단 유고의 경향이 교통 장황에 특정한 패턴을 형성 하고 그에 따른 신호제어전략의 조정이 요구될 때에 국한된다. 이 모형은 전통적인 통계 치를 이용한 유고감지감 고유의 문제를 해결하며, 보다 정확하고 신뢰성 있는 유고감지를 위해 다양한 교통변수를 이용하여 전체적인 유고의 경향을 포착한다. 또한 이 모형은 실 시간 교통대응 다이아몬드 인터체인지 신호제어 시스템 (real-time traffic adaptive diamond interchange control system)의 구성요소로써 사용되며, 그리고 더 큰 교차로 시스템에의 상용을 위하여 확장이 용역하도록 설계되었다. 본 연구를 통해 개발된 프로 토타입(prototype) 유고감지 모형은 실제의 다이아몬드 인터체인지에 적용되어, 감지율, 오보율, 평감지시간의 세 달로써 성능이 평가되었다. 모형의 성능평가 결과는 무적이었으 며, 퍼지이론은 유고감지에 효과적인 접근방법임을 확인할 수 있었다.투자의 타당성을 실증적으로 보여 주고 있다.산정 절차 정립에 엇갈림 알고리즘을 활용하는 방안을 제시하였다.자함수를 추정한 뒤 이를 이용해 업종, 기업규모, 상품유형별로 적합한 모델(Fixed Effects Model)을 결정하고, 각각에 해당하는 통계모형을 구축하였다. 이 결과 (1) 업종 및 기업규모별로 그룹간에 유의한 특성이 발견되었으며, (2) R&D 및 광고투자는 기업의 시장성과를 설명하는 중요한 변수이나, (3) R&D 투자의 경우는 광고에 비해 불확실성이 존재하는 것으로 나타났고, (4) 수리모형에서 도출된 한계원리가 통계모형에서도 유효한 것으로 드러났다.등을 토대로 한 10대 산업을 육성하기 위하여 과학기술부는 기술수요조사를 바탕으로 49개 주요기술을 도출하여, 과학기술 일류 국가 실현, 국민소득 2만불 달성이라는 국가적 슬로건을 내걸고 “차세대 성장동력” 창출을 위한 범정부차원의 기획과 연구비의 집중투자를 추진하고 있다.달성하기 위해서는 종합류류 전산망의 시급한 구축과 함께 화물차의 적재율을 높이고 공차율을 낮출 수 있는 운송체계의 수립이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 그라나 이러한 화물전용차선의 효과는 단기적인 치유책일 수밖에 없기 때문에 물류유통 시설의 확충을 위한 사회간접자본의 구축을 서둘러 시행하여야 할 것이다.으로 처리한 Machine oil, Phenthoate EC 및 Trichlorfon WP는 비교적 약효가 낮았다.>$^{\circ}$E/$\leq$30$^{\circ}$NW 단열군이 연구지역 내에서 지하수 유동성이 가장 높은 단열군으로 추정된다. 이러한 사실은 3개 시추공을 대상으로 실시한

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Domestic and International Trends in Sodium Reduction and Practices (국내외 나트륨 저감화 동향 및 사례)

  • Kim, Sun-Hwa;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2016
  • 우리나라의 발효식품 산업의 규모는 2010년 약 4조 원으로 식품 산업 전체의 4.0%정도이며, 이 중 전통 발효식품이 50.0% 수준으로 전체 식품 산업 대비 비중은 2.0%에 불과하지만, 발효제품의 세계 시장 규모는 2000년 152억 달러, 2010년 730억 달러로 급속한 성장으로 확대되고 있다. 국내 소금시장의 규모는 2010년 기준 1,300억 원이며, 전 세계적으로 나트륨 대체 염미제의 시장수요는 절실히 필요한 실정으로, 최근 2,000억 원대 규모를 유지하고 있는 간장 시장에서 염도를 낮춘 '저염 간장'매출 성장세를 보이고 있어 소금을 줄이는 식생활 개선에 대한 교육 홍보와 더불어 '나트륨 저감화 식품 개발의 필요성'이 국민건강증진, 경제성 측면에서 날로 커지고 있다. 또한, 2007년부터 웰빙 열풍으로 자연조미료 제품의 비중이 크게 늘어나는 추세이며, 100% 천연재료로 사용하여 소비자용 제품 출시 등 다양한 변화를 가져온 결과, 자연조미료 시장은 2008년 151억 3,200만 원의 매출규모에서 215억 2,600만원으로 무려 42.3%를 차지했으며, 저염을 위하여 활용하는 저염 소금도 연령대가 높아질수록 선호도가 높아지는 있다는 보고가 있다. 식품의약안전처의 '나트륨 저감화 사업'은 2012년부터 연차별로 가공식품의 나트륨 저감화 가이드라인을 개발하여 가공식품 생산업체들의 참여를 유도하며, 다양한 홍보를 펼쳐 2014년 6월 기준으로 165개 제품의 나트륨이 저감화 되었으며, 2015년에는 95종의 면류제품의 나트륨 함량이 약 20% 이상 저감되는 실적을 보여주었다. 여러 지역자체 단체들은 지역의 특성을 최대한 살려 다양한 발효산업 육성을 진행하고 있음에 영남권의 장류 업체를 대상으로 나트륨 섭취량을 줄일 수 있도록 '경북 발효식품 수출농업기술지원단'은 식품의약품안전처와 연계하여 지속적으로 가공식품 중 나트륨 저감화에 노력을 할 것이며 이에 대기업과 함께 중소기업들의 참여도를 높이기 위해 현장 컨설팅을 지역적으로 실시할 계획으로 각 지역별 업체들의 참여도를 높일 계획이다. 이를 통해 전통 발효식품이 기능성을 유지하면서 나트륨 함량을 줄인 건강식품으로 우리나라 식품산업 발전에 기여하고자 노력할 것이다. 향후 발효산업 중 한류의 매운맛, 김치 등을 시작으로 고성장이 기대되는 세계화 전략 품목이며 지역 농산물을 활용한 발효식품 세계화를 위하여 나트륨 저감화는 반드시 선행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

The Formation and Characteristics of Gwangiu Photonics Agglomeration (광주 광(光)산업 집적지의 형성과 그 특성)

  • Lim, Young-Hun;Park, Sam-Ock
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.273-296
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the formation and characteristics of Gwangju photonics agglomeration as a new agglomeration with a new industry. Data used in this study are locally investigatedfirm related data and the result of questionnaire surveys. Major findings are as follows. First, in the viewpoint of policy, national government suggested the whole policy frameworks and financial support for the strategic industrial development. Regional government picked up and fostered the strategic industry. The initial support of the national government and role of regional government triggered the initial development of the agglomeration. Second, in the spatial perspective, Gwangju photonics agglomeration is based on the externalities of knowledge and technology as well as the input-output network within value chains of production. There is a possibility that Gwangju photonics agglomeration will be developed as an innovation cluster of knowledge-based economy in the future beyond a mere production base of photonics.

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Research on International Cooperation Education Plan in game design (게임 디자인의 국제 산학협력 교육 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Ryu, Seuc-Ho;Kyung, Byung-Pyo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2015
  • Since 2012, the government has attempted to stimulate the human resources businesses need and substantial R&D technology by promoting "Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation" (LINC). They use the natural the relationship between industry and university develop and spread a variety of industry-university cooperation for mutual growth model leading universities and industries of the region. More than recent cooperation education, at the level of practical use, field oriented talent needed in the industry demand Internationalized talent which can become members of a global community cultivated with International perspective and insight. Furthermore, while currently each university's circumstances and the position is different, and while this strategy, each unique, individual, specific international level's Cooperation Education Plan is Established and operating actively, Governments and businesses will be able to train desired international academic centers' advanced talent. We have come to hope that this will act as an important factor in furthering national competitiveness.

The Innovation Ecosystem and Implications of the Netherlands. (네덜란드의 혁신클러스터정책과 시사점)

  • Kim, Young-woo
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.107-127
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    • 2022
  • Global challenges such as the corona pandemic, climate change and the war-on-tech ensure that the demand who the technologies of the future develops and monitors prominently for will be on the agenda. Development of, and applications in, agrifood, biotech, high-tech, medtech, quantum, AI and photonics are the basis of the future earning capacity of the Netherlands and contribute to solving societal challenges, close to home and worldwide. To be like the Netherlands and Europe a strategic position in the to obtain knowledge and innovation chain, and with it our autonomy in relation to from China and the United States insurance, clear choices are needed. Brainport Eindhoven: Building on Philips' knowledge base, there is create an innovative ecosystem where more than 7,000 companies in the High-tech Systems & Materials (HTSM) collaborate on new technologies, future earning potential and international value chains. Nearly 20,000 private R&D employees work in 5 regional high-end campuses and for companies such as ASML, NXP, DAF, Prodrive Technologies, Lightyear and many others. Brainport Eindhoven has a internationally leading position in the field of system engineering, semicon, micro and nanoelectronics, AI, integrated photonics and additive manufacturing. What is being developed in Brainport leads to the growth of the manufacturing industry far beyond the region thanks to chain cooperation between large companies and SMEs. South-Holland: The South Holland ecosystem includes companies as KPN, Shell, DSM and Janssen Pharmaceutical, large and innovative SMEs and leading educational and knowledge institutions that have more than Invest €3.3 billion in R&D. Bearing Cores are formed by the top campuses of Leiden and Delft, good for more than 40,000 innovative jobs, the port-industrial complex (logistics & energy), the manufacturing industry cluster on maritime and aerospace and the horticultural cluster in the Westland. South Holland trains thematically key technologies such as biotech, quantum technology and AI. Twente: The green, technological top region of Twente has a long tradition of collaboration in triple helix bandage. Technological innovations from Twente offer worldwide solutions for the large social issues. Work is in progress to key technologies such as AI, photonics, robotics and nanotechnology. New technology is applied in sectors such as medtech, the manufacturing industry, agriculture and circular value chains, such as textiles and construction. Being for Twente start-ups and SMEs of great importance to the jobs of tomorrow. Connect these companies technology from Twente with knowledge regions and OEMs, at home and abroad. Wageningen in FoodValley: Wageningen Campus is a global agri-food magnet for startups and corporates by the national accelerator StartLife and student incubator StartHub. FoodvalleyNL also connects with an ambitious 2030 programme, the versatile ecosystem regional, national and international - including through the WEF European food innovation hub. The campus offers guests and the 3,000 private R&D put in an interesting programming science, innovation and social dialogue around the challenges in agro production, food processing, biobased/circular, climate and biodiversity. The Netherlands succeeded in industrializing in logistics countries, but it is striving for sustainable growth by creating an innovative ecosystem through a regional industry-academic research model. In particular, the Brainport Cluster, centered on the high-tech industry, pursues regional innovation and is opening a new horizon for existing industry-academic models. Brainport is a state-of-the-art forward base that leads the innovation ecosystem of Dutch manufacturing. The history of ports in the Netherlands is transforming from a logistics-oriented port symbolized by Rotterdam into a "port of digital knowledge" centered on Brainport. On the basis of this, it can be seen that the industry-academic cluster model linking the central government's vision to create an innovative ecosystem and the specialized industry in the region serves as the biggest stepping stone. The Netherlands' innovation policy is expected to be more faithful to its role as Europe's "digital gateway" through regional development centered on the innovation cluster ecosystem and investment in job creation and new industries.

Economic Feasibility Analysis Study to Build a Plant-based Alternative Meat Industrialization Center (식물성 기반 대체육 산업화센터 구축을 위한 경제적 타당성 분석)

  • Yong Kwang Shin;So Young Lee;Jae Chang Joo
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the alternative meat (food) market is growing rapidly due to the increase in meat consumption due to global population growth and income improvement, as well as issues such as equal welfare, carbon neutrality, and sustainability. The government is also developing a green bio convergence new industry development plan to foster alternative foods, but there are difficulties in commercialization due to the lack of technology and insufficient production facilities among domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, so it is necessary to build joint utilization facilities and equipment to resolve the difficulties faced by companies. am. In addition, small and medium-sized enterprises are having difficulty developing and commercializing plant-based meat substitutes due to a lack of technical skills, and related equipment is expensive, making it difficult to build equipment on their own. Accordingly, Jeollabuk-do is pursuing a strategy to secure the source technology for development, processing, and industrialization of plant-based substitute meat at the level of developed countries by establishing a plant-based alternative meat industrialization center. In this study, an economic feasibility analysis study was conducted when a plant-based alternative meat industrialization center is built in Jeollabuk-do. As a result of the analysis, B/C=1.32, NPV=374 million won, and IRR=4.8%, showing that there is economic feasibility in establishing an alternative meat industrialization center. In addition, as a result of analyzing the regional economic ripple effect resulting from the establishment of an industrialization center, if 38 billion won is invested in Jeollabuk-do, the nationwide production inducement effect is 74 billion won, the added value inducement effect is 29.8 billion won, and the employment inducement effect is 672 people

A study on the Wonju Medical Equipment Industry Cluster (원주의료기기산업 클러스터의 형성과정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun;Yoon, Hyung-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Academic Society of Industrial Cluster
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-86
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    • 2007
  • Wonju Medical Equipment Industry, despite of its short history, poor sales and weak manpower and so on, have shown remarkable outcomes in a relatively short period. At the end of 2007, totally 79 enterprises (only 4.6% of whole enterprises in Korea) made 10% of the nationwide production and 15% of the nationwide exports with an annual average growth rate of 66.7%, contributing domestic medical equipment industry tremendously. In addition, many leading medical equipment enterprises in various fields already moved or plan to move to Wonju, accelerating Wonju Medical Equipment Cluster. Wonju Medical Equipment Industry Cluster now enters into the growth stage, getting out of the initial business setup stage. Especially, the nomination of Wonju cluster project from the government accelerates networking (e.g. the development of the universal parts, the establishment of the mutual collaboration model among enterprises, and the mutual marketing), making a rapid growth in Wonju Medical Equipment Industry. Wonju Medical Equipment Industry Cluster revealed positive outcomes despite of the weakness in investment size and infra-structure comparing with the other medical industry cluster in the advanced country, while many domestic enterprises pursued their own growth models and thus failed to promote the international competitive power. Wonju Medical Equipment Industry has been developed rapidly. However, there are many challenging problems to support enterprises: small R&D investment and thus weak technology power, difficulties in recruiting R&D engineers, and poor marketing capabilities, financial infrastructure & policies, and network architecture. In order to develop a world-competitive medical equipment industry cluster at Wonju, the complement of infrastructures, the technology innovation, the mutual marketing, and the network expansion to support enterprises are further required. Wonju' s experiences in developing medical equipment industry so far suggest that our own flexible cluster model considering the industry structure and maturity for different regions should be developed, and specific action plans from the local and central governments based on their systematic strategies for industry development should be implemented in order to build world-competitive industry clusters in Korea.

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Development of Regional Problem Solving Entrepreneurship Education Program: Based on Competency-Based Curriculum Design (지역사회 문제해결형 기업가정신 교육과정 개발: 역량 기반 교육과정 설계를 기반으로)

  • Choi, Yong Seok;Part, Jong Seok;Baek, Bo Hyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.187-203
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    • 2022
  • As the economic, social, and environmental problems of the local community reach a serious level, our society is realizing the need to foster young talents who discover opportunities in local issues through entrepreneurship education and create social values through creative challenges. However, entrepreneurship education programs are generally focused on commerciality, so customized education programs to solve regional problems are insufficient. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a community problem-solving entrepreneurship curriculum. In this study, a competency based curriculum model was applied to develop the curriculum, and regional problem-solving entrepreneurship competencies were derived through expert advice from a total of 10 people. In the process, the Delphi methodology was additionally used to reduce the possibility of errors in the competency model. As a result of the study, a total of 23 regional problem-solving entrepreneurship competencies were confirmed, and knowledge(K) - skill(S) - attitude(A) by competency consisted of 5, 9, and 9, respectively. By applying this to Dunham's problem-solving six-step model, modular learning support measures were developed in the order of phase 1(problem discovery), phase 2(problem analysis), phase 3(plan), phase 4(measure), and phase 5(evaluation). This study is meaningful in that it integrated theory and practice by developing specific entrepreneurship curriculum and learning support measures based on the theoretical model devised in social welfare. In addition, it has implications in that it developed a regional problem-solving entrepreneurship competency model based on expert advice and proposed a specific curriculum based on this.

Study on Expansion of Cooperation Opportunities according to FTA between Korea and Israel (한-이스라엘 간 FTA 체결에 따른 협력기회 확대 연구)

  • Yoon, Jon-Mo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.249-260
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    • 2020
  • This research examined Israel's economic trends, trades, and cooperation with Korea prior to the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Korea and Israel. Also, this research assessed opportunities and ways to expand the above more easily. Israel has a high level of technology in basic materials and information technology (IT). Meanwhile, Korea mainly exports automobiles and wireless communication equipment to Israel and imports semiconductor-related equipment and aviation components from Israel. Moreover, since the two countries signed a trade agreement in August 2019, they expect to expand trade with each other. As such, in order to promote multilateral trade and cooperation between the two countries, it is necessary to expand joint development opportunities through mutual collaboration on basic industries and smart mobility that Korea is in need. Further, Korean construction and materials companies related to the SOC industry in Israel should accelerate their local advances. In addition, more of the governmental support should be provided to foster regional experts and to offer various information to the companies entering the country.

Processes and Outcomes of Creative City Policies: Case Studies on UK-Tech City (창조도시정책의 추진과정과 성과에 대한 연구: 영국의 테크시티 정책을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Byung-min
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.597-615
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    • 2016
  • Since 1997 the United Kingdom has pursued creative industry and creative city development in accordance with the New Labor Party policy, strengthening its cluster policy by assigning creative city policies to traditional manufacturing-oriented regions. Tech City in London, one of the most successful examples of digital clusters, is an area in which diverse ecosystems for venture business integration have been established, as the once barren space began to spontaneously develop. For this region, systematic linkages including universities, private companies, start-ups, and accelerators have been added, along with the UK government's active support system. As a result of this opportunity, the scale of the UK start-up ecosystem has significantly grown, the number of local companies has surged, and brand effect has greatly improved. Tech City is an example of a well-balanced combination of public effort and private governance, based on the region's historical background and its potential for growth. It is an effective coordination of public policy and private active investment, services, research, and education. The market platform for institutional technology and commercialization, and aggressive investment shares in the risk, have lead to its growth as a start-up and an innovative city. Britain's efforts to expand the nationwide cluster for the future-oriented digital economy is most noteworthy.