• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중심정서

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Work and Life Balance of Working Single-person Households : Focused on Unmarried 20-30 Generation (취업 1인가구의 일-생활 균형: 20-30대 미혼을 중심으로)

  • Song, Hyerim;Kang, Eunjoo
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the work and life balance of unmarried working cases in single-person households. Eleven cases were interviewed with a semi-structured questionnaire. The results were as follows: When they were starting as a single-person household on their own initiative and with enough preparation and planning, they expressed higher satisfaction as a single person household. For their adaptation to being a single-person household, practice education and information about household work and self-care were useful. Their thought about 'life' are focusing on self improvement and leisure activities either alone or with their friends. Their family interactions were performed with financial, emotional, and housework support from each other. Resources such as money and time were the major factors that impacted work and life balance. For work and life balance of single person househods, the cases needed political support for financial aid and flexible work arrangements.

Gender, Labor, Emotion and Moment of Political Awakening - A Study on Life and Activities of Female Socialist Chung Chil-sung (젠더, 노동, 감정 그리고 정치적 각성의 순간 - 여성 사회주의자 정칠성(丁七星)의 삶과 활동에 대한 연구)

  • Roh, Jiseung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.43
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    • pp.7-50
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    • 2016
  • In the capitalized Joseon Dynasty under the Japanese colonial rule, most Gisaengs (female entertainers) were waiting for men who would save them from financial distress, but others chose to seize the opportunity imposed by the modern times and capitalization to transform their lives. Socialist Jung Chil-sung was one of those who utilized such opportunity to transform themselves through political awakening. The political awakening of Chung Chil-sung was the result of two factors-the historical occasion of the March $1^{st}$ movement and her personal labor experience as Gisaeng. The March $1^{st}$ movement was not only a colossal political incident externally manifested in nationalism and but also an occasion which educed the microscopic anger of a woman named Chung Chil-sung. In the early capitalist society, women with jobs were forced to play not only vocational tasks but also to subject themselves to emotional roles of being obedient and generous. In other words, those early career women suffered feelings such as anger, shame and humiliation, when they were defenselessly exposed to gender hierarchy and gender power in the public sphere. As shown in the case of Chung Chil-sung, these emotions led to a certain political awakening. The political awakening through the labor experience and emotional problems was the fact that helped Chung Chil-sung have a concrete and realistic understanding about the issue of women's economic dependence unlike other female socialists. But, although socialism was relatively the most appropriate language to explain Chung Chil-sung's experience, what she experienced contained several elements that cannot be explained by the elite socialist language. Therefore, her life paradoxically proved the need of lower-class women's lives to be divided and registered as a new emotion and to be politically visualized.

The Chosun Governor General Office's Administration regarding Official Documents (조선총독부 공문서(公文書) 제도 -기안(起案)에서 성책(成冊)까지의 과정을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Seung-il
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.9
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    • pp.3-40
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    • 2004
  • In this article, the elements usually included in the official documents issued by the Chosun Governor General office, the process of a certain document being put together and legally authorized, and its path of circulation and preservation are all examined. In order to create an official document of the Governor General office with legal authorization, a draft of a bill had to go through several discussions and a subsequent agreement before it was finally approved. Personnels involved in the discussion stage had the authority to ask for modifications and retouching of the draft, and the modifying process were all recorded in order to make clear who was responsible for a certain change or who objected to what at any given stage of the process. The approved version of an official document was called the 'Completed one(成案), and it was issued after the contents were turned into a fair copy by the office that originated the draft in the first place. With the original finalized version left in custody of that office, the fair copy was handed over to the Document department which was responsible for issuing outgoing documents. After the document was issued and the contained orders were carried out, the originally involved offices began to classify the documents according to their own standards and measures for safekeeping, but it was the Document department that was mainly responsible for document preservation. The Document department classified the documents according to related offices, nature of the documents(편찬류별), and most suitable preservation methods(보존종별). The documents were made into books, and documents to be permanently destroyed were handed over to the Account office where they would be demolished. The manners of document processing of the Chosun Governor General office was in fact a modified version of the manners of the Japanese government. Modifications were made so that the process would be more suitable to the situations and environment of the Chosun society. The office's managing process was inherited by the Chosun government after the Liberation, and cast a significant impact upon the document managing manners of the Korean authorities. The official document administration of the Chosun Governor General office marked both the beginning of the colony document administration, and also the beginning of a modernized document managing system.

The Relationships between Sport for All Participation and Physical and Mental Function affecting the Elderly's Self-perceived Health (노인의 생활체육활동 참가와 신체적, 정신적 기능상태의 관계)

  • Lee, Young-Ik
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1265-1278
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to study the Relationships between Sport for All Participation and Physical and Mental Function affecting the Elderly's Self-perceived Health. For accomplishing this purpose of this study, the 308 subjects were selected by the multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method from the Seoul, in the years of 2008. presently. Out of the 360 questionnaires responded to, only 308 were used for data analysis because 52 were responded to incompletely or incorrectly. The survey questionaries were used to collect data. The questionary for physical function state were developed and standardized by kung-hee chung(1993), yang-lae Kim(2005). And mental function state were divided two parts; self-perceived scale and depress scale. The questionary for self-perceived scale were based on MMSE-K(Mini Mental State Examination-Korea). The questionary for Depression were based on Depression Scale developed by Beck(1978), adapted in Korean and standardization by Lee Young-ho & Song Jong-yong(1991), regulated by Jo Gyu-whang(2004). From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained: First, according to the elderly people's participation in leisure sport activities, it partially affected physical and mental function state. Second, according to the degree of elderly people's participation in leisure sport activities, it partially affected physical and mental function state.

Care-giving Related Time-Demand, Stresses and Depression among Older Parents, who take care of Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Focusing on Moderators of Family Relationships (지적장애자녀를 돌보는 노년기 부모의 돌봄시간, 돌봄스트레스, 그리고 우울: 가족관계만족도의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Changmin;Kahng, Sang Kyoung
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • Although not many older Korean parents who take care of children with intellectual disabilities have been reported depression due to care-giving related stresses, little is known about how they could be protected from this. This study examines whether satisfaction with family relationships moderate the relationships between time demands, caregiving stress, and depression of older parents who take care of children with intellectual disabilities. The analyses were conducted based on data from the Korean National Survey on Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and their Families of 2011, and only a total of 276 parents, aged over 60 were examined. Multiple regression analysis shows that older parents with higher level of satisfaction with family relationships were less likely to be influenced by time demands of care-giving. This indicates that satisfaction with family relationships could buffer the relationships between time demands of care-giving, and depression. This finding suggests that satisfaction with family relationships is a protective factor, buffering the negative effects of time demands of care-giving and depression. This supports 'socio-emotional selectivity theory' which family relationships are important to older people. Therefore, it is highly recommended to develop practical intervention that can improve the level of satisfaction of family relationship of the older parents, and to make policy and institutional supplementation.

Short-Term Effects of an Self-Management Support Intervention on Patient Activation, Joint Flexibiltiy and Health-related Quality of Life among Korean Medical Aid Beneficiaries with Osteoarthritis (지역사회기반의 자기관리지지중재가 골관절염 의료급여수급자의 환자활력, 관절유연성 및 건강 관련 삶의 질에 미치는 단기효과)

  • Ahn, Yang Heui;Hur, Jae Bock;Choi, Eun Hee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.595-609
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of an eight session self-management support program for improvement of patient activation, joint flexibility and health-related quality of life among medical aid beneficiaries with osteoarthritis. This study was part of a randomized and controlled research of a self-management support intervention. Participants were 60 medical aid beneficiaries who agreed to participate in this study, and were assigned to an experimental group (n=30) or control group (n=30). The 8-session and tailored program led by a trained case manager with the patient-centered approaches and cognitive-emotional-behavioral skills. Analysis included change in scores, ${\chi}^2-test$, Fisher's exact test, t-test and ANCOVA. The results showed significant increase in patient activation, joint flexibility (shoulder and right knee) except health-related quality of life in the experimental group compared to the control group. The self-management support program indicated an effect on patient activation and joint flexibility. Further research is needed to examine the outcome in the long term(9 and 12-month follow up).

Relationships Between Goodness of Fit Between Mother-child and Self-esteem Among Preschoolers: A Moderating Effect of Quality of Home Environment (HOME) (어머니-유아 조화적합성과 유아의 자아존중감 간의 관계: 가정환경자극의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Seo, So Jung;Kim, Yeon Ju;Ha, Ji Young
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.159-173
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The main purpose of this study was examine the relationships among goodness of fit between mother and child, child's self-esteem and quality of home environment. Also, the moderating effects of quality of home environment among preschoolers were investigated in the relation of interest in this study. Methods: The study subjects were 195 children who attended preschools, located in Seoul. The preschoolers' self-esteem was tested by the trained researcher, and both of levels of goodness of fit between the mother-child and quality of home environment were rated by the mothers of this study. Results: The main results of this study found that levels of preschoolers' self-esteem were positively related to goodness of fit between the mother-child, and quality of home environment. Furthermore, the effects of goodness of fit between mother-child on preschoolers' cognitive, physical, and emotional self-esteem were moderated by the quality of home environment. Conclusion/Implications: Along with those findings, implications for research and practice were discussed.

Social Worker's Perceptions and Working Experiences of Older Adults Who Live Alone in Severe Social Isolation Based on the Case of 「Making Friends of Older Adults who Live Alone」 (「독거노인 친구만들기」를 통해 살펴본 '숨겨진 이웃', 사회적 고립이 심각한 노인 1인 가구에 대한 사회복지사의 인식과 경험에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yujin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.1149-1171
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the social intervention for severely isolated older adults who live alone and are in serious isolation as if they were 'hidden'. Through qualitative descriptive methods, it intends to describe how social workers in the "Making Friends of Older Adults who Live Alone" project have perceived older adults living alone in serious isolated situation, whether there have been changes in the perception of the elderly according to the progress of the project, and what kinds of experiences these social workers have had while providing case management to older adults. In-depth interviews with 40 social workers, case management records of 70 senior citizens, and research journals were collected and analyzed using qualitative content analysis methods. The results of data analysis were presented in two categories and four subcategories each. Based on the research findings, four kinds of implications were suggested.

Touristic Aspects of Geological Heritages -Cretaceous Dinosaur Fossil Sites- (지질유산의 관광자원으로서의 특성과 활용 -국내 백악기 공룡화석산지를 중심으로-)

  • Paik, In Sung;Kim, Sook Ju;Huh, Min;Lee, Soo Jae;Kim, Hyun Joo;Lim, Jong Deok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.4-27
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    • 2010
  • In this article, concepts, types, and aspects of geological heritage with increasing interests as utilization as tourist attractions domestically and internationally are introduced, and the characteristics of the interpretive facilities for geological heritages in western Australia, one of the most famous geotourism areas, are considered. Based on this, the potential geotourism for the Korean Cretaceous geological heritages including dinosaur fossil sites is discussed in diverse aspects including academic values, academic and tourism infrastructures, characteristics of geotourists, systematic devices for conservation of geological heritage, economic value, and sustainability as tourist attractions. Although the Korean Cretaceous geosites are not quite competent in their scale or diversity when compared to world-class geosites, convenient access, world-class unique geographical characteristics of each geosites, and relatively cheaper travelling expenses seems to be able to give the geotourism of the South Korean Cretaceous geosites a competitive edge, attractive for international and domestic tourists seeking unique experience of 'Age of dinosaurs' for short periods with easy access from metropolitan areas and low costs. Likewise, the development of geotourism for the Korean Cretaceous geosites can revitalize the geotourism industry in South Korea, contributing to the growth in job opportunities, including students majoring in geological sciences at University.

A Study on National Response Strategies of Large-scale Marine Disaster (대규모 해양재난의 국가적 대응전략에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choonjae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.550-559
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    • 2019
  • The sinking of the M/V SEWOL in April 2014 was not a mere marine accident, but a marine catastrophe. This grim case developed into a social tragedy that impinged the national sentiment and communal integrity. It is imperative that thorough provisions and measures be outlined at the national level with regard to massive marine accidents, oil pollution, and natural disasters that might critically affect government affairs. Pivoting on "The Black Swan Theory," a concept of improperly rationalizing a national crisis based on uncertainties, this research assesses a variety of response strategies that minimize the national economic and social damage caused by a large-scale marine disaster. Along with the effort of minimizing any potential defects in each protective barrier, the "Black Swan Detection System of the Marine Disaster" needs to be incorporated to prevent cases wherein such defects lead to an actual crisis. Maritime safety must be systematically unified under a supervisory organization, and a structure for maritime crisis on-scene command and cooperation must likewise be established in order that every force on the scene of a marine disaster may act effectively and consistently under the direction of an on-scene commander.