• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주민의식 평가

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Local Citizenry Consciousness survey of 『Campaign for Shaping Mokpo into Beautiful Seaport』 2. Citizenry Consciousness of Marine Environment (미항목포가꾸기에 관한 지역시민의식 조사 2. 해양환경에 관한 시민의식)

  • Kim Kwang Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.98-103
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    • 2004
  • Recently, a New Great Harbour Bridge between Mokpo City and Koha Island is planned to be built across Mokpo Inner Harbour, and Namak New Town is under construction adjacent to Mokpo. Citizels' concorn of and participation in 「Campaign for Shaping Mokpo into Beautiful Seaport」 are necessary to match the view of Mokpo harbour with natural scenery beautifully and with marine environment harmoniously. Citizens'ㄹ levels of consciousness of coastal and marine environment were ascertained through questionnaire surveys of local citizenry attitudes and opinions, and citizenry action plans for the conservation of coastal and marine environments around Mokpo harbour are suggested on the basis of the results of questionnaire surveys. Citizens' voluntary participations in local policy for the control of marine wastes production and in a campaign for the collections of marine debris and wastes around beaches and coastal areas are required. The operation of municipal sewage treatment plants is to be performed effectively and efficiently, and to be monitored and evaluated periodically by the general public, the local federation for environmental movement or NGO. The development and performance of marine environmental education programs and an enlightenment campaign for environment preservation are to be incessantly done in cooperation with local residents. Only when local government of Mokpo collects the public opinions and continues to shape Mokpo into international beautiful seaport in the direction of a reflex of public opinion, coastal and marine environment around Mokpo harbour can be kept in good condition with citizens' positive participation in citizenry long-term practical action plans for environment conservation.

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The Case Study for the UNISDR Certification of the Making Resilience City - Focusing on the Busan Geumjeong gu - (UNISDR의 재해에 강한 도시 만들기 사례 연구 - 부산광역시 금정구를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Taeshik;Kim, Yongmoon;Cheung, Chongsoo;Seok, Geumcheol;Cho, Woncheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2016
  • This research has been shown the systematic method about that the disaster resilient city make to certificate the UNISDR's role model city, the first case study in Korea, of that the Busan Geumjeong-gu city project to take part in and to lead the campaign of the 'Climate Change, the making resilient city' in Korea. For the making the life safety community, we research and analysis and apply the 10 Essentials and 41 Key Questions of the campaign making UNISDR's disaster resilient city, and check the disaster management items about the government and local ones ordering every years, and study to analyze the Geumjeong-gu factors about the seven checklists of life safety improvement, and educate and train and make the questionnaire for the safety campaign the citizen and volunteer in the 17 local areas, and show the vision and target, and 5 steps approaching strategy of 'Climate change, the making resilient city,'

A Study on the Post Occupancy Evaluation of Urban Grand Park with Reference to the Perception of Residents -Focused on Ulsan Grand Park's Efficiency and User's Satisfaction- (주민의식에 기초한 도시 대공원의 이용후 평가 -울산 대공원의 공원효율성 및 이용 만족도를 중심으로-)

  • 성백진;최종희;이재근;권오복
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to present data on the human activities responding to the physical environment of ‘Ulsan’s Grand Parks by evaluating user behavior and activity, visiting motivations, and user satisfaction. This study was conducted using multi-methods such as interviews and questionnaires surveys. The main findings of this study can be summarized in six parts as follows: \circled1 Behavior patterns showed that the users visited the park left within 30 minutes and the frequency of visits was 1 or 2 times per week. They spent their time mostly on ‘walking’ and ‘picnicking’. The users visited regardless of the seasons or the day of the week. \circled2 The priorities for improvements were analyzed as follows: the users expressed their demands for ‘shadowing facilities’ like shelters and pergolas because they used these facilities frequently. Also, the users would like an ‘event program’, ‘sign system’ and ‘guide program’. \circled3 Analysis of the the user’s perception of the park showed that they perceive the park as ‘representative source of the landscape and open space in Ulsan and place for making contact with nature. \circled4 In examining the visiting motivations of the users of Ulsan Grand Park, it was revealed that people use the park for ‘time with family and friends’, ‘to escape from city life’, ‘to relieve fatigue. As a result of factor analysis, 4 factors were identified such as ‘physical motive(MF1)’, ‘exploratory motive(MF2)’, ‘social motive(MF3)’ and ‘emotional motive(MF4). \circled5 Park users’ evaluation for park facilities showed that people are satisfied with most of the facilities and especially, they have high level of satisfaction for ‘footpaths’, ‘squares’ and ‘picnicspace’. The evaluation of the park user’s of activity reveals that they are content with nearly all the variables. Especially, they have high level of satisfaction for the variables of ‘convenience for dynamic activities’, ‘making of a beautiful atmosphere, ‘accessibility from the outside’ and, ‘convenience in group activitie. Factor analysis of the park user’s of activity revealed 5 factors such as ‘convenience and interest factor (AF1)’, ‘park maintenance, management and use program(AF2)’, ‘visual beauty(AF3)’, ‘safety and accessibility(AF4)’ and ‘crowding(AF5)’. \circled6 Regression analysis was employed to get the predictor factors of overall satisfaction with a result of 60.0%($R^2$). The variance was explained as ‘quality of the picnic space’, ‘convenience and interest factor while using the park’, ‘park program for maintain and management in the park’, ‘visually beauty while using the park’, ‘safety and accessibility of the parks’, ‘quality of the pond’, ‘crowding’, ‘quality of the square’.

Problems and Ways of Improvement towards the Maldevelopment of Reserved Areas of Natural Environments, Ulleung Island (울릉도 자연환경자원보호구역에서의 난개발 문제점과 개선방안)

  • Oh, Nam-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.14-28
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    • 2001
  • This study is to discuss the problems due to the maldevelopment occurred at the reserved areas of natural environments of the Ulleung Island, Gyeongsangbuk-do province, and it also suggests the ways of solving them The types of the maldevelopment practiced on the Ulleung Island consist of the change of land use, the opening of a round road, the destruction of mountains for the construction of harbor, the development of tourist areas, and the construction of military facilities. The decreased habitat of animals and the pollution of drinking water are occurred by the change of land use. The destruction of ecological system is due to the opening of a round road. The damage of natural landscape and the change of ocean eco-system is closely related to the construction of harbor and the destruction of mountains. Finally, the damage of rare plants and the pollution of drinking water are due to the development of tourist areas and the construction of military facilities. In the followings, the ways of solving the problems occurred by the various types of maldevelopment are suggested. First, the planning of pro-environmental development has to be established and practiced to preserve rare plants which are damaged due to the change of land use. Second, the destruction of natural landscape and resources has to be minimized by the implementation of environmental impact assesment when road and harbor are constructed. Third, the stones needed for the development of islands ought to be imported from mainland. Fourth, the established tourist areas are needed to rationally manage and the potential tourist areas has to be transferred to the reserved areas of natural environments. Fifth, military facilities should be constructed though the cooperation of autonomous local government. Finally, government officers' and residents' conscience of protecting and reserving natural environments is needed, and government has to give residents financial supports.

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The Settlement of Complication in Water Resources Project (수자원 사업분야의 갈등해결 방안)

  • Park, Joo-Bum;Kim, Man-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1645-1649
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    • 2007
  • 수자원사업분야 특히, 댐건설사업은 사업시행지역이 유역의 상류인 반면 댐건설의 편익은 주로 하류지역에서 발생하기 때문에 상류지역을 중심으로 극심한 반대가 상존하고 있는 실정이다. 상 하류 지역 주민과 지자체 간에도 댐건설에 대한 입장이 상충되고, 이런 갈등을 정치적으로만 해결하려고 함으로써 갈등의 해결보다는 오히려 새로운 갈등의 원인이 되기도 한다. 또한, 갈등해결을 위한 사회적 합의와 그 합의 결과에 대한 승복의 문화가 정착되지 않은 우리나라에서 갈등해결은 매우 어려운 실정이다. 지난 7년 동안 사회적인 찬반 논란의 중심에 있었던 한탄강홍수조절댐건설에 따른 갈등의 전개과정과 해결노력을 평가 분석하여 봄으로써 향후 수자원사업 분야의 갈등해결에 많은 도움이 될 것으로 본다. 한탄강홍수조절댐은 지난 1999년 결정 이후 2004년 1월부터 11월까지 대통령자문 지속가능발전위원회와 이해 당사자가 참여하는 중재적 갈등조정과정을 거쳤으나, 조정 결과에 대해 승복하지 않음으로써 당사자 합의에 의한 최초의 갈등조정 시도가 무산되었으나 그 해결 노력은 정당하게 평가 받을 만하다. 이후 한탄강댐건설사업은 정부에서 국무총리를 위원장으로 하는 임진강유역홍수대책특별위원회를 구성하여 이해 당사자를 배제하고 관련학회의 전문가 등으로 1년 동안 검증평가한 결과 2006년 8월 한탄강홍수조절댐과 천변저류지로 최종 대안을 제시하였으나, 댐건설 반대지역에서는 아직도 완전히 승복하고 있지 않는 실정이다. 결국 갈등을 해결하기 위해서는 사업계획 수립단계부터 이해 당사자들이 참여하는 협의회 운영으로 절차적 정당성을 확보하고, 한탄강홍수조절댐 갈등해결에 있어서 부족했던 사회적 합의와 승복문화가 정착되도록 제도적인 장치보완과 함께 성숙된 시민의식의 전환이 있어야만 할 것으로 사료된다. 외적으로 하천 유사량 산정과 관련된 많은 경험식들이 제시되고 있다. 하지만, 외국의 충적하천에 기초하여 개발되어진 유사량 공식들을 우리나라 하천에 무분별하게 적용하는 것은 위험스러우며, 유사량 산정 결과의 신뢰성을 높이기 위해서는 무엇보다 우리나라 하천의 지형, 수리, 수문학적 요소들이 유사 특성에 미치는 영향을 알아야 한다. 그러므로, 본 연구에서는 실측을 통한 유사량 값을 하천의 지형, 수리, 수문학적 요소들과 비교 분석하여우리나라 하천에 맞는 유사특성을 알아보고, 기타 총유사량산정 공식을 이용하여 실측한 유사량과 비교 분석하고자 한다.호강유역의 급격한 수질개선을 알 수 있다.世宗實錄) $\ulcorner$지리지$\lrcorner$(地理志)와 동년대에 동일한 목적으로 찬술되었음을 알 수 있다. $\ulcorner$경상도실록지리지$\lrcorner$(慶尙道實錄地理志)에는 $\ulcorner$세종실록$\lrcorner$(世宗實錄) $\ulcorner$지리지$\lrcorner$(地理志)와의 비교를 해보면 상 중 하품의 통합 9개소가 삭제되어 있고, $\ulcorner$동국여지승람$\lrcorner$(東國與地勝覽) 에서는 자기소와 도기소의 위치가 완전히 삭제되어 있다. 이러한 현상은 첫째, 15세기 중엽 경제적 태평과 함께 백자의 수요 생산이 증가하자 군신의 변별(辨別)과 사치를 이유로 강력하게 규제하여 백자의 확대와 발전에 걸림돌이 되었다. 둘째, 동기(銅器)의 대체품으로 자기를 만들어 충당해야할 강제성 당위성 상실로 인한 자기수요 감소를 초래하였을 것으로 사료된

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The Adoption of a Greenway System for Enhancing the of Open Space in Urban Areas : The Case of City of Taegu (도시자연녹지(都市自然綠地)의 이용실태(利用實態)와 효율적(效率的) 활용방안(活用方案)을 위한 Greenway 시스템 도입(導入)에 관한 연구(硏究) : 대구광역시(大邱廣域市)를 중심(中心)으로)

  • Lee, Ju-Hee;Han, Sang-Yoel;Kim, Bum-Su;Suh, Eung-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.576-584
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    • 2000
  • The term 'greenways' is a fairly new one. The term greenways refer to linear corridors which set aside pieces of nature. The objective of this study was to find out the feasibility of developing greenways in Taegu. Sample of 446 trail users were asked to describe their use patterns and as well as their perceptions of the benefits and problems associated with trails through on-site interviews conducted during the months of July and August of 1999. Trail users in Taegu were predominately male(61%) and over half of the respondents used private vehicle to access to the study areas as compared to 2% of respondents used bicycle. Trail users responded that health & fitness and open space preservation were the two most important benefits, and the provision of trail access to disabled persons was ranked last. As problems at study areas, lack of interpretive information was the biggest problem followed by lack of drinking water, poor trail marking/signs and not enough information. Most(94.1%) of the trail users surveyed indicated that they would support greenways development and 96.8% of respondent would use after greenways development. Willingness to pay for developing greenways was assessed with hypothetical scenario. Average willingness to pay in the survey was 10,200 won as a tax. The development/application of greenways in Taegu would work best when establish a network of trails with environmentally sensitive manner.

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The Health Behavior Patterns of Some Rural Residents in Korea and Their Association with Health Status and Health Management Practice (일부 농촌주민의 건강행위유형과 건강상태 및 건강관련실태와의 관련성)

  • Kim, Young-Gab;Kang, Myung-Guen;Ryu, So-Yeon;Kim, Ki-Soon;Kang, Sung-Deuk
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.43-63
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to classify the patterns of health behaviors of some rural residents in Korea by sub-grouping them into populations with similar patterns of diet quality, physical activity, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking, and then to investigate the relationship between these health behavior patterns and health status or health management of them. Methods: The study subjects were 722 rural residents above 20 years old on a typical rural district in Korea, and the data used in this study was from the survey data for health planning of a health center. Study questionnaire for this survey was developed from modifying the questionnaire for 'National Nutrition and Health Study' conducted in 1998. To classify health behavior patterns, cluster analysis was conducted. And to test the association of health behavior patterns with health status or health management, multiple logistic regression analysis were conducted. Results: The results and their implications of this study were as follows: 1. We identified six health behavior typologies : 67.8% of the sample had a good diet quality but showed sedentary activity level(good diet lifestyle) and 10.9% had heavy smoking behavior(smoking lifestyle). Individuals included in fitness lifestyle cluster(6.2%) had high physical activity level and those in drinking life style(2.6%) had had mainly large amount of alcohol. Zero point six percent of sample were included in hedonic lifestyle cluster, who showed poor health behaviors in all. Those included in passive lifestyle(11.9%) had no active health promoting activities but tended to avoid risk taking health behavior such as cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking. 2. As a result of logistic regression analysis, to compare with the individuals in good diet lifestyle, the prevalence of chronic diseases of those in fitness lifestyle showed higher and that of those in smoking lifestyle, drinking lifestyle, hedonic lifestyle, passive lifestyle showed lower than them, retrospectively. 3. Adjusting with general characteristics and health status, to compare with the individuals in good diet lifestyle, the proportion of those who had good health management practices in fitness lifestyle was higher, and the proportion of those who had health check in past 2 years was lower than them, retrospectively. Conclusions: There were some differences in health behavior patterns between rural population and national population, which influenced significantly on health status and health management practice of them. We suggested that the health promotion program for them be developed with considering these points.

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Analysis of Child-Friendly Environment in a Neighborhood Park in Child-Friendly City - Focused on the Moraetmal Neighborhood Park of Seongbuk-gu - (아동친화도시 근린공원의 아동친화환경 분석 - 성북구 모랫말 근린공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jin-Ho;Kim, Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2019
  • Since the Child Friendly Cities Initiative(CFCI), a UNICEF-led initiative, was first introduced to Seongbuk-gu in 2013, more than half of the districts of Seoul are making efforts to achieve the accreditation of the Child Friendly City(CFC). At this point, when an initiative is transformed from a special policy of a few districts into a general policy of many local governments, we need to examine and check on how friendly urban parks are to children. This study focused on neighborhood parks that tend to be less friendly to children as compared to children's parks and looked into the current status, because neighborhood parks are also well used by users of all ages including children. The evaluation criteria was developed based on the review of domestic and international guidelines of child friendly parks and neighborhood parks. Futhermore, field studies, user questionnaire, and a participatory design workshop were introduced to analyze the status of child-friendly environment of neighborhood parks. Findings are as follows. First, vague definitions of child cause the inconsistency of child-related policies. Second, Neighborhood parks are not conceived as a public space for children. Third, the consideration of youth is relatively low. Fourth, adjacent area of a park turns out not to be child friendly as well.

Alternatives of the Korean Nationwide Survey on Natural Environments to Promote Biodiversity Conservation (생물다양성 증진을 위한 전국자연환경조사의 발전방안 - 선진 외국의 사례검토를 중심으로-)

  • Rho, Paik-Ho;Choung, Heung-Lak
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.25-56
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    • 2006
  • We reviewed and compared nationwide surveys conducted in advanced countries (i.e., Japan, Germany, USA, and UK) with those in Korea, including the third Nationwide Survey of Natural Environments, which began in 2006 and will proceed until 2010. Based on this comparative analysis, we suggest alternatives to the nationwide survey of natural environments that are suited to Korea. Given the focus on species abundances and distributions in previous nationwide surveys in Korea, surveys of habitats, ecosystems, and ecoregions are required to more effectively protect biological resources in Korea. Furthermore, their spatial distributions should be mapped using periodical satellite images and aerial photographs. In particular, satellite images can be used to survey species, habitats, and ecosystems. Natural resources monitoring and management specialists are needed to collect various data and improve survey results. The participation of community volunteers is also important to develop an awareness in local residents of natural environment conservation. Independent survey institute (i.e., a 'National Ecosystem Institute') should be established to develop a database and survey scheme for species, habitats, and ecosystems throughout Korea. Moreover, the survey institute could develop natural environmental policy through the data analysis to meet the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The establishment of a survey institute will allow the completion of a natural environment survey that considers various factors, including physical habitat conditions. This will allow us to detect subtle changes in species abundance and spatial distributions and provide accurate and timely information on natural environments.

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A Study on the Characteristics and Management Plan of Old Big Trees in the Sacred Natural Sites of Handan City, China (중국 한단시 자연성지 내 노거수의 특성과 관리방안)

  • Xi, Su-Ting;Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2023
  • First, The spatial distribution characteristics of old big trees were analyzed using ArcGIS figures by combining basic information such as species and ages of old big trees in Handan City, which were compiled by the local bureau of landscaping. The types of species, distribution by ages of trees, ownership status, growth status, and diversity status were comprehensively analyzed. Statistically, Styphnolobium, Acacia, Gleditsia, and Albizia of Fabaceae accounted for the majority, of which Sophora japonica accounted for the highest proportion. Sophora japonica is widely and intensively distributed to each prefecture and district in Handan city. According to the age and distribution, the old big trees over 1000 years old were mainly Sophora japonica, Zelkova serrata, Juniperus chinensis, Morus australis Koidz., Dalbergia hupeana Hance, Ceratonia siliqua L., and Pistacia chinensis, and Platycladus orientalis. Second, as found in each type of old big tree status, various types of old big tree status were investigated, the protection management system, protection management process, and protection management benefits were studied, and the protection of old big tree was closely related to the growth environment. Currently, the main driving force behind the protection of old big trees is the worship of old big trees. By depositing its sacredness to the old big tree and sublimating the natural character that nature gave to the old big tree into a guiding consciousness of social activities, nature's "beauty" and personality's "goodness" are well combined. The protection state of the old big tree is closely related to the degree of interaction with the surrounding environment and the participation of various cultures and subjects. In the process of continuously interacting with the surrounding environment during the long-term growth of old big trees, it seems that a natural sanctuary was formed around old big trees in the process of voluntarily establishing a "natural-cultural-scape" system involving bottom-up and top-down cross-regions, multicultural and multi-subjects. Third, China focused on protecting and recovering old big trees, but the protection management system is poor due to a lack of comprehensive consideration of historical and cultural values, plant diversity significance, and social values of old big trees in the management process. Three indicators of space's regional characteristics, property and protection characteristics, and value characteristics can be found in the evaluation of the natural characteristics of old giant trees, which are highly valuable in terms of traditional consciousness management, resource protection practice, faith system construction, and realization of life community values. A systematic management system should be supported as to whether they can be protected and developed for a long time. Fourth, as the perception of protected areas is not yet mature in China, "natural sanctuary" should be treated as an important research content in the process of establishing a nature reserve system. The form of natural sanctuary management, which focuses on bottom-up community participation, is a strong supplement to the current type of top-down nature reserve management in China. Based on this, the protection of old giant trees should be included in the form of a nature reserve called a natural monument in the nature reserve system. In addition, residents of the area around the nature reserve should be one of the main agents of biodiversity conservation.