• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조직별 분류

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Effect of Fitness between Organizational Innovation and HRM Type on Performance (조직의 혁신방향과 인적자원관리의 기능별 전략 간의 적합성이 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jinhee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2019
  • This paper examines effect of fitness between innovation and HRM type on firm performance(quality competitiveness, operating profit). Data were extracted from the Korea Labor Institute's workplace panel survey(WPS) from 2015, and the analysis used 3,431 companies. To test the research model, analysis of variance(ANOVA). The model shows that full-innovation/commitment HRM type companies were significantly higher quality competitiveness, and operating profit than other companies. And low-level innovation/control HRM type companies were significantly lower quality competitiveness and operating profit than other companies.

A Literature Review Study in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Aplications, AI-Related Management, and AI Application Risk (인공지능의 활용, 프로젝트 관리 그리고 활용 리스크에 대한 문헌 연구)

  • Lee, Zoon-Ky;Nam, Hyo-Kyoung
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.3-36
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    • 2022
  • Most research in artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on the development of new algorithms. But as artificial intelligence has been spreading over many applications and gaining more attention from managers in the organization, academia has begun to understand the necessity of developing new artificial intelligence theories related to AI management. We reviewed recent studies in the field from 2015, and further analysis has been done for 785 studies chosen based on citation numbers of over 20. The results show that most studies have still been in the prototyping application phase of artificial intelligence across different industries. We conclude our study by calling for more research in the application of artificial intelligence in terms of organizational structures and project and risk management.

Trends of Study and Classification of Reference on Occupational Health Management in Korea after Liberation (해방 이후 우리나라 산업보건관리에 관한 문헌분류 및 연구동향)

  • Ha, Eun-Hee;Park, Hye-Sook;Kim, Young-Bok;Song, Hyun-Jong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.28 no.4 s.51
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    • pp.809-844
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    • 1995
  • The purposes of this study are to define the scope of occupational health management and to classify occupational management by review of related journals from 1945 to 1994 in Korea. The steps of this study were as follows: (1) Search of secondary reference; (2) Collection and review of primary reference; (3) Survey; and (4) Analysis and discussion. The results were as follows ; 1. Most of the respondents majored in occupational health(71.6%), and were working in university (68.3%), males and over the age 40. Seventy percent of the respondents agreed with the idea that classification of occupational health management is necessary, and 10% disagreed. 2. After integration of the idea of respondents, we reclassified the scope of occupational health management. It was defined 3 parts, that is , occupational health system, occupational health service and others (such as assessment, epidemiology, cost-effectiveness analysis and so on). 3. The number of journals on occupational health management was 510. It was sightly increased from 1986 and abruptly increased after 1991. The kinds of journals related to occupational health management were The Korean Journal of Occupational Medicine(18.2%), Several Kinds of Medical Colloge Journal(17.0%), The Korean Journal Occupational Health(15.1%), The Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine(15.1%) and others(34.6%). As for the contents, the number of journals on occupational health management systems was 33(6.5%) and occupational health services 477(93.5%). Of the journals on occupational health management systems, the number of journals on the occupational health resource system was 15(45.5%), occupational finance system 8(24.2%), occupational health management system 6(18.2%), occupational organization 3(9.1%) and occupational health delivery system 1 (3.0%). Of the journals on occupational health services, the number of journals on disease management was 269(57.2%), health management 116(24.7%), working environmental management 85(18.1%). As for the subjects, the number of journals on general workers was 185(71.1%), followed by women worker, white coiler workers and so on. 4. Respondents made occupational health service(such as health management, working environmental management and health education) the first priority of occupational health management. Tied for the second are quality analysis(such as education, training and job contents of occupational health manager) and occupational health systems(such as the recommendation of systems of occupational and general disease and occupational health organization). 5. Thirty seven respondents suggested 48 ideas about the future research of occupational health management. The results were as follows: (1) Study of occupational health service 40.5%; (2) Study of organization system 27.1%; (3) Study of occupational health system (e.g. information network) 8.3%; (4) Study of working condition 6.2%; and (5) Study of occupational health service analysis 4.2%.

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A Study of Public Document Management Regulations of Gungnaebu (구한말 궁내부의 공문서 관리 규칙에 관한 일고찰)

  • Kim, Kun-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.111-128
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    • 2007
  • This paper aims to examine into the public document management regulations of Gungnaebu(宮內府) at the last period of Daehan(大韓) Empire. Gungnaebu(宮內府), newly established as a political consequence of Gabo(甲午) Reform, had managed the affairs of Royal Court all through several political changes. Many of the main contents of public document management regulations were established after 1907. These regulations and methods have a significant meaning in that they have great affect on the prototype of today's public document management. Moreover, such regulations include the departments in charge of public document management, procedures for official documents handling, provisions on compilation and preservation, the formulation of records compilation classified table and provisions on records list and lending, in detail. They suggest us many points because they are the matrix of the methods of records and archives management which had been applied through Joseon(朝鮮) colonial government, even after the foundation of Republic of Korea.

A Study of Job Analysis Method using Information Systems (정보체계를 활용한 직무분석 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Ho-ryang
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.521-531
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, since most business process of D-agency is being performed through some information systems, including Onnara System is a government standard operating management system, computerized accumulated in the system documentation based on, even if there is no independent job analysis system, in a judgment that can be can be tissue diagnosis, it presented a job analysis plan that leverages the existing information system. Most material is passed online in business processing between departments and between colleagues, it is returned. In situations where most information systems for such business processing is built developed, grasp the work procedures and information systems D-agency data accumulated to derive the necessary elements for job analysis quantified, and verified the validity of the element in the regression statistics.In addition, classification system (BRM, Business Reference Model) of the existing functionality that is available only Onnara System, and to establish a job analysis architecture to be able to function diagnostic departments to leverage common also in other information systems, related implement illustrating additional features of the information system, to derive a department duties value calculation formula with it, and present various job analysis plan that can actually be utilized to diagnose and derived elements department appropriate personnel.

The Study of CYFRA 21-1 and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Levels in Cancer Tissue of Bronchogenic Carcinoma Patients (폐암환자의 암조직내 CYFRA 21-1과 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor의 측정치에 대한 연구)

  • 김대연;김송명
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.9
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    • pp.854-861
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    • 1997
  • CYPRA 21-1 is known to be a cytokeratin 19 fragment, and it can be detected by using two specific monoclonal antibodies (KS 19-1 and BM 19-21) and can be clinically applied as a useful circulating tumor marker The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) expression was evaluated and characterized by its tyrosine protein kinase activity and by its ligand-stimulated autophosphorylation, a property shared with other peptide growth factor receptors. Autocrine or para'urine action was initiated by a growth factor, or by a transforming growth factor o, which had an extensive homology with EGP and which also stimulated tyrosine kinase activity on the EGF-R. The CYFRA 21-1 and the EGF-R levels in 30 patients with primary lung tumors were investigated. There were 24 patients with squamous cell carcinomas and 6 patients with adenocarcinomas. Specimen 5 mm3 in size were sampled at three different locations ; the main lesion, the boundary between the lesion and the unaffected tissue, and the unaffected tissue of the patients. The results were as follows 1. The CYPRA 21-1 concentration in the cancer boundary, the most malignant region,(348.6 : 89.9 ng/ml) was the lowest value. The CYFRA 21-1 concentration in unaffected tissue,(718.4$\pm$77.8 ng/ml) was higher than that in the main lesion. which had intact cellularity. 2. The EGF-R concentration in the main lesion was higher than that in the unaffected tissue, and the EGF-R concentration in a squamous cell cacinoma was higher than that in an adenocarcinoma. also, the EGF-R concentration in the cancer b undary was highest at stage 1, ll. The EGF-R concentration was higher in the main cancer lesion that in the unaffected tissue at stage 111, IV. 3. The CYFRA 21-1 was a cytoplasmic skeleton and the EGF-R was a cell-wall component; there was no correlation. In conclusion, CYFRA 21-1 was abundant in the cytoplasm but had a higher concentration in the unaffected tissue than in the main cancer lesion. The CYFRA 21-1 concentration of the tissue did not reflect the amount of cancer activity, the EGP-R was located in the cell membrane, the level of tissue that reflects cancer activity, so the main cancer lesion had a higher concentration than the unaffected tissue. CYFRA 21-1 is not a useful tumor maker at the tissue level. Because the EGF-R concentration re(looted the cancer activity, its a useful tumor marker for lung cancer.

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A study on an evaluation model for industrial information systems by industry sectors (업종별 특성을 고려한 기업정보화 성숙모형)

  • 진경수;임춘성;박찬권
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2002.01a
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    • pp.86-106
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    • 2002
  • Informatization is a process that corporation's external environmental factors and internal environmental factors influence as complex. is a phenomenon that appears via this process. To evaluate that informatization was propeled well or informatization level is high can be dangerous work extremely by only once-over-lightly some factors, organization information ability is superior or infrastructure is constructed well. Therefore, an evaluation for industrial information systems that consider corporation's external environment and internal environment configurationally and objective estimation through this is required in national dimension. This research sorted types of business using types of business classification of 2001 EIII(Evaluation Indices of Industrial Informatization) laying stress on corporation's product and product production process for reflecting various industrial classification. And we are dividing whole our country corporations by manufacture industry, the construction industry, distribution industry, service industry, banking industry 5 types of business. To see such classed types industry classification from consistent viewpoint, we saw them within new framework, purchase, operation, physical distribution, marketing and sale. service etc. laying stress on primary businesses except support businesses of planning, financial management etc. To draw special quality of business center from primary business of each types of business, we draw industry classification Key Capability that centers when plans corporation's corporate strategy and information strategy. And we deducted industrial classification key production business connected with industry classification Key Capability. After drawing an evaluation items for industrial information systems in informatization analysis viewpoint laying stress on drawn businesses. Finally we did Case Study by making out an evaluation for industrial information systems questionnaire that considers special quality of manufacturing industry. Through EIII that consider the industrial classification, we could know that it explains the corporation's purchase, production, distribution in general and detail.

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Expressed Sequence Tags in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Kidney and Microarray Analysis in Young and Old Kidney (무지개송어 신장으로부터 EST 발굴 및 연령에 따른 유전자 발현 분석)

  • Kim, Soon-Hag;Shin, Yong-Kook;Bang, In-Chul
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 2003
  • 102 ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) were obtained by sequencing clones from a library of rainbow trout kidney cDNAs. Of the sequences generated, 55.8% of the ESTs were represented by 37 known genes. The 45 clones of unknown gene products potentially represent 40 novel genes. The genes involved in structural function (14.5%) and transcription/translation (11.6%) account for the major gene expression activities in the kidney Microarray experiment was conducted to compare gene expression of the unique ESTs in young and adult rainbow trout kidneys. While mitochondrion, cytochrome b, rho G, spastin protein, and three unknown genes were down-regulated in the mature fish kidney, calponin 1, calcium binding protein, histone deacetylase 1, and an unknown gene were up-regulated in the mature fish kidney. This research demonstrates the feasibility and power of functional genomics in rainbow trout.

Types of Tenants Participation in Public Housing Maintenance Analysed by Q Method (자치 역량 수준별 임차인 주민조직 참여에 관한 주관성 유형 연구)

  • Kim, Kyu-Bin;Kim, Moon-Hyun;Kwon, Tae-Whan;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2015
  • The public housing needs maintenance administration for improvement and retainment of residential condition by means of tenants participation. However, most researchers have considered tenants as passive participants in this context. The previous studies did not comprehend perspective of tenants participation and just measured the management preference and the level of satisfaction on maintenance. This study investigates the attitudes and perceptions of tenants on participation in public housing maintenance by introduced Q method that provides a systematic and rigorous quantitative means for examining human subjectivity. The subjectivity is classified as types according to cost and benefit factors by principal components analysis and varimax rotation of the extracted factors. As a result, this study present 5 types of tenants participation and expect to discuss desirable roles of tenant and org anization in public housing maintenance.

The Infection status of Sparganum and Gnathostoma in Frogs of southern part of Korea (한국 남부지방 개구리에 기생하는 Sparganum과 Gnathostoma의 감염실태에 관한 조사보고)

  • 김창환
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 1983
  • A survey on the infection status of Sparganum and Gnathossoma in frogs was carried out in 11 areas in Gyeongsangnam-do and Cheonlanam-do province, a southern part of Korea. 1. Among 626 frogs examined, 4% were infected with Sparganum, but none with Gnathostoma. The infection rates of Sparganum were variable according to the areas. Those from Kimhae, Sunchon, Jinhae, Sachun, Kosung, Keoje, and Hadong were 16%, 9.1%, 9.1%, 4.1%, 2%, 2%, and 1.5% respectively, but frogs from Hapchun, Kwangju, Namwon and Sanchung were not found infected. 2. Rana nigromaculata was the only species infected with Sparganum. Rana rugesa and Bombing orientalis were not infected. 3. Sparganum was mainly found in the legs and the trunk of frog. About 92.5% of worms were detected in the femoral intermuscular connective tissue. 4. Number per infected frog was in range of one to five, and 2.8% of frogs were inacted by only one worm. 5. The heavier the frog weight, the higher the infection rate of Sparganum. In frogs of 51~60grams, 28.6% were infected.

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