• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전통 기술

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Manufacturing Techniques of Bronze Medium Mortars(Jungwangu, 中碗口) in Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 중완구의 제작 기술)

  • Huh, Ilkwon;Kim, Haesol
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.26
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    • pp.161-182
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    • 2021
  • A jungwangu, a type of medium-sized mortar, is a firearm with a barrel and a bowl-shaped projectileloading component. A bigyeokjincheonroe (bombshell) or a danseok (stone ball) could be used as a projectile. According to the Hwaposik eonhae (Korean Translation of the Method of Production and Use of Artillery, 1635) by Yi Seo, mortars were classified into four types according to its size: large, medium, small, or extra-small. A total of three mortars from the Joseon period have survived, including one large mortar (Treasure No. 857) and two medium versions (Treasure Nos. 858 and 859). In this study, the production method for medium mortars was investigated based on scientific analysis of the two extant medium mortars, respectively housed in the Jinju National Museum (Treasure No. 858) and the Korea Naval Academy Museum (Treasure No. 859). Since only two medium mortars remain in Korea, detailed specifications were compared between them based on precise 3D scanning information of the items, and the measurements were compared with the figures in relevant records from the period. According to the investigation, the two mortars showed only a minute difference in overall size but their weight differed by 5,507 grams. In particular, the location of the wick hole and the length of the handle were distinct. The extant medium mortars are highly similar to the specifications listed in the Hwaposik eonhae. The composition of the medium mortars was analyzed and compared with other bronze gunpowder weapons. The surface composition analysis showed that the medium mortars were made of a ternary alloy of Cu-Sn-Pb with average respective proportions of (wt%) 85.24, 10.16, and 2.98. The material composition of the medium mortars was very similar to the average composition of the small gun from the Joseon period analyzed in previous research. It also showed a similarity with that of bronze gun-metal from medieval Europe. The casting technique was investigated based on a casting defect on the surface and the CT image. Judging by the mold line on the side, it appears that they were made in a piece-mold wherein the mold was halved and using a vertical design with molten metal poured through the end of the chamber and the muzzle was at the bottom. Chaplets, an auxiliary device that fixed the mold and the core to the barrel wall, were identified, which may have been applied to maintain the uniformity of the barrel wall. While the two medium mortars (Treasure Nos. 858 and 859) are highly similar to each other in appearance, considering the difference in the arrangement of the chaplets between the two items it is likely that a different mold design was used for each item.

An Exploratory Study on the Status of and Demand for Higher Education Programs in Fashion in Myanmar (미얀마의 패션 고등교육 현황과 수요에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kang, Min-Kyung;Jin, Byoungho Ellie;Cho, Ahra;Lee, Hyojeong;Lee, Jaeil;Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2022
  • This study examined the perceptions of Myanmar university students and professors regarding the status and necessity of higher education programs in fashion. Data were collected from professors in textile engineering at Yangon Technological University and Myanmar university students. Closed- and open-ended questions were asked either through interviews or by email. The responses were analyzed using keyword extraction and categorization, and descriptive statistics(closed questions). Generally, the professors perceived higher education, as well as the cultural industries including art and fashion, as important for Myanmar's social and economic development. According to the students interests in pursuing a degree in textile were limited, despite the high interest in fashion. Low wages in the apparel industry and lack of fashion degrees that meet the demand of students were cited as reasons. The demand was high for educational programs in fashion product development, fashion design, pattern-making, fashion marketing, branding, management, costume history, and cultural studies. Students expected to find their future career in textiles and clothing factories. Many students wanted to be hired by global fashion brands for higher salaries and training for advanced knowledge and technical skills. They perceived advanced fashion education programs will have various positive effects on Myanmar's national economy.

The Effect and Disturbance Factors of Practical-Based Teacher Education Program for the Development of TPACK in Pre-service Chemistry Teachers (예비화학교사의 TPACK 발달을 위한 실천기반 교사교육 프로그램의 효과 및 방해 요인 분석)

  • Jung, Mi Sun;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.305-322
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a practice-based teacher education program was developed and applied to improve the TPACK of pre-service chemistry teachers. Also the program effect and obstacles were confirmed by measuring the development of TPACK. The participants of this study were 20 pre-service chemistry teachers of 3rd grade and 2 pre-service chemistry teachers of 4th grade who took chemistry education courses at K University located in Chungcheongbuk Province. The developed teacher education program consisted of four stages: preparation, rehearsal, practice, and reflection. The feedbacks from researchers and colleagues pre-service teachers were provided in preparation, rehearsal, and reflection stages. As a result of the study, the program of this study did not show an educational effect in the "constructive learning activities" of preservice teachers, but it was found to have an educational effect in "problem solving". In other words, in "constructive learning activity", most pre-service teachers were at 0 level before and after the program. The pre-service teachers designed the class to unilaterally provide technology to simply use it as a tool to explain subject content or revise misconceptions, and learners can passively acquire knowledge. However, in the case of "problem solving", the pre-service teachers who were at level 0 before the educational program changed to level 1. Before the program, the pre-service teachers designed classes to solve problems by memory without using technology, but after the program they planned classes that provides opportunities to approach and solve various problems through the technology presented by the teacher. However, there were not many pre-service teachers corresponding to level 2, which constitutes voluntary learning in which learners use technology to solve various problems while selecting and variously manipulating technology. In addition, as obstacles to the TPACK development of pre-service chemistry teachers, there were external factors such as lack of classroom support environment for TPACK implementation, lack of time for education planning, and inadequate technology competency. And there were internal factors such as perspectives of traditional education and negative attitude toward technology. In particular, the proportion of pre-service teachers who preceived inappropriate technical competency as an external obstacles of TPACK development was high. Therefore, it was necessary to develop an education program corresponding to type 2 or type 3 that enables TPACK development through TK for pre-service teachers.

Implementing RPA for Digital to Intelligent(D2I) (디지털에서 인텔리전트(D2I)달성을 위한 RPA의 구현)

  • Dong-Jin Choi
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2019
  • Types of innovation can be categorized into simplification, information, automation, and intelligence. Intelligence is the highest level of innovation, and RPA can be seen as one of intelligence. Robotic Process Automation(RPA), a software robot with artificial intelligence, is an example of intelligence that is suited for simple, repetitive, large-scale transaction processing tasks. The RPA, which is already in operation in many companies in Korea, shows what needs to be done to naturally focus on the core tasks in a situation where the need for a strong organizational culture is increasing and the emphasis is on voluntary leadership, strong teamwork and execution, and a professional working culture. The introduction was considered naturally according to the need to find. Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is a technology that replaces human tasks with the goal of quickly and efficiently handling structural tasks. RPA is implemented through software robots that mimic humans using software such as ERP systems or productivity tools. RPA robots are software installed on a computer and are called robots by the principle of operation. RPA is integrated throughout the IT system through the front end, unlike traditional software that communicates with other IT systems through the back end. In practice, this means that software robots use IT systems in the same way as humans, repeat the correct steps, and respond to events on the computer screen instead of communicating with the system's application programming interface(API). Designing software that mimics humans to communicate with other software can be less intuitive, but there are many advantages to this approach. First, you can integrate RPA with virtually any software you use, regardless of your openness to third-party applications. Many enterprise IT systems are proprietary because they do not have many common APIs, and their ability to communicate with other systems is severely limited, but RPA solves this problem. Second, RPA can be implemented in a very short time. Traditional software development methods, such as enterprise software integration, are relatively time consuming, but RPAs can be implemented in a relatively short period of two to four weeks. Third, automated processes through software robots can be easily modified by system users. While traditional approaches require advanced coding techniques to drastically modify how they work, RPA can be instructed by modifying relatively simple logical statements, or by modifying screen captures or graphical process charts of human-run processes. This makes RPA very versatile and flexible. This RPA is a good example of the application of digital to intelligence(D2I).

Communities' Perception of the Effect of Ecosystem Services on the Forest Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mine Areas: A Case Study in Taebaek-si and Jeongseon-gun (강원도 폐광산 산림복구지의 지역사회 생태계서비스 인식조사: 태백시 및 정선군을 중심으로)

  • Bohwi Lee;Dawou Joung;Jihye Kim;Gwan-in Bak;Hakjun Rhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.1
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    • pp.118-130
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    • 2024
  • Rehabilitation of mining areas can reduce damage to ecosystems. However, the effects of rehabilitation on ecosystem services (ESs) and its contribution to local communities are not well known. Thus, the aims of this study were to clearly identify the ES beneficiaries affected by mining activities, to determine how the beneficiaries profit from surrounding areas in cooperation with local stakeholders, and to manage the rehabilitation areas for the ESs that the beneficiaries want. This study chose 18 ESs (4 provisioning, 7 regulating, 5 cultural, and 2 habitat services) based on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. A semi-structured questionnaire survey using an 11-point Likert scale was conducted among 87 community residents to investigate social awareness and identify key ESs. The survey results from two local communities showed high awareness and demands mainly on cultural (mental and physical health, aesthetic appreciation, and recreation) and regulating services (local climate and air quality, and moderation of extreme events). These services were related to the daily lives of residents in local communities, provided positive benefits, and potentially improved the residents' future livelihoods. However, the average questionnaire scores were limited to 6-7 points, indicating that the benefits to local communities were meager. The residents' awareness of provisioning service was negative, even if it provided goods and profit opportunities. This indicated a disconnection between local communities and provisioning services due to forest rehabilitation that did not consider local communities that traditionally relied on specific provisioning services before the onset of mining activities. Future forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas must consider the welfare of local communities for sustainable use of rehabilitated forests and enhancing ESs. In this study, only a qualitative evaluation based on frequency analyses was conducted. The quantification and valuation of key ESs are warranted in the future to promote ESs from forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas. The study results would be useful for developing site-specific ES promotion strategies for reforesting mine areas.

Study on the Anti-bacterium, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Calystegia pubescens Lindl. Extracts (메꽃(Calystegia pubescens Lindl.) 추출물의 항균, 항산화 및 항염증 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Ji-A Byeon;Un-Gyo Shin;Ye-Jin Jang;Su-Bin Hwang;Seon-A Lee;Gayeon Kim;Jin-Tae Lee;Ildae Song;Yong-Jin Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.745-755
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    • 2024
  • Calystegia pubescens Lindl. (C. pubesens) is a native Korean herb that has been traditionally used for its diuretic, fatigue, and blood sugar-lowering effects. In previous studies, C. pubesens has shown antioxidant and whitening effects, but research on its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties is limited, and its potential as functional materials is lacking. In this study, we investigated the antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects of leaf (CPL) and stem (CPS) extracts of C. pubesens extracted with 70% ethanol. When the anti-bacterial effect was confirmed, CPL showed superior anti-bacterial effect than CPS for C. acne, S. aureus, E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Additionally, CPL exhibited significantly higher antioxidant activity compared to CPS, as demonstrated by DPPH and ABTS+ radical scavenging assays. Therefore, CPL showed superior anti-bacterial and antioxidant effects compared to CPS. Based on these results, further investigation was conducted to confirm the anti-inflammatory effect of CPL using RAW264.7 macrophages. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation was significantly reduced by CPL treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, the protein and mRNA expression of iNOS was reduced by CPL in LPS-indueced RAW264.7 cells, which was consistent with NO production. In conclusion, this study confirmed that CPL has superior anti-bacterial and antioxidant effects compared to CPS, and demonstrated anti-inflammatory effect of CPL via inhibiting iNOS expression and NO production induced by LPS. Based on the result, we suggest the potential of CPL as a valuable functional materials.

이온현미분석기를 사용한 남서부 경기육괴 변성암류의 U-Pb 저어콘 연대: 남중국지괴와의 대비 가능성

  • 조문섭
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.141-142
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    • 2001
  • 남서부 경기육괴의 편마암류로부터 분리된 저어콘(zircon) 입자를 대상으로, 이온현미분석기(ion microprobe)를 사용한 U-Pb 연대를 구하였다. 그 결과는 후기 원생대(약 820 Ma) 뿐만 아니라 오르도비스기에 상당한 화성활동이 한반도에 있었음을 지시한다. 우리 나라 후기 원생대의 화성-변성 활동에 대해 알려져 있는 바는 극히 제한적이어서 후속연구가 필수적이며, 이러한 연구는 한반도의 지체구조적 변천사를 로디니아 초대륙(Rodinia supercontinent)의 생성-분리와 관련해 재조명할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 것이다. 또한 오르도비스기의 화성작용은 그동안 논란이 되어 왔던 소위 “칼레도니아(Caledonian)” 변동 (cf. 조문섭, 2000)에 대한 또 다른 증거를 제공해준다. 저어콘의 연대측정은 서호주의 커튼공업대학교에 설치되어 있는 SHRIMP-II(Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe-II; 고감도-고분해능 이온현미분석기)를 사용하였으며, 시료 준비 및 분석방법은 기존에 보고된 바와 같다 (e.g., Kinny et al., 1999). 분석된 3개의 암석 시료(1006-5, 8, 9)는 경기육괴의 남서부에 위치한 홍성 지역의 정편마암들이다. 1006-8 시료는 Turek and Kim (1996)이 전통적인 방법을 사용해 687$\pm$5 Ma의 U-Pb 저어콘 연대를 보고한 바 있는 화강암질 편마암 (시료번호, KJ43)에 해당된다. 두 개의 다른 시료는 1006-8 주변에서 산출하는 전형적인 경기육괴의 편마암류로서 화강암질 정편마암이다. 이들 시료로부터 분리된 저어콘 입자들은 대부분 화성기원의 누대구조와 자형의 결정형태를 보여준다. 과성장띠(overgrouth rims)는 1006-5 시료에서 흔하게, 그리고 1006-9 시료에서 매우 드물게 관찰된다. 음극선발광(cathodoluminescence) 영상의 해석을 통해 저어콘 결정의 성장사를 유추하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 이온현미분석 점(spot)을 정하였다. U-Pb-Th 자료는 퍼스(Perth) 저어콘 스탠다드 (CZ3, 564 Ma, $^{206}$Pb/$^{238}$U=0.0914)를 사용하였다. 아래에 기술하는 연대는 모두 $^{206}$Pb/$^{238}$U 연대에 해당된다. 두 개의 화강암질 편마암 시료로부터 구한 U-Pb 저어콘 연대는 각각 812 $\pm$ 14 Ma(1006-8)와 822 $\pm$ 17 Ma(1006-9)로 분석오차 내에서 서로 일치한다. 이 결과는 춘천 및 전곡 지역의 석류석 각섬암에서 보고된 Sm-Nd 전암연대(852 $\pm$ 24 Ma 및 824 $\pm$ 143 Ma; Lee and Cho, 1995; Ree et al., 1996)와 잘 부합한다. 따라서 후기 원생대 기간 중 화성활동이 한반도에서 광범위하게 일어났음을 시사한다. 한편, 1006-9 시료에서는 예외적으로 한 개의 저어콘 입자 주변부(rim)에서 매우 얇은 과성장띠가 관찰되었으며, 두 개의 점 분석으로부터 구한 U-Pb 저어콘 연대는 약 235 Ma이다. 이 띠는 또한 변성기원의 저어콘에서 흔히 관찰되는 작은 W (<0.05) 비를 보인다. 1006-5 시료는 위 두 시료로부터 수 km 떨어진 지점에서 채집하였으나, 저어콘 연대는 상이한 기록을 보여준다. 즉 매우 작은 Th/U (<0.01) 값을 갖는 저어콘의 주변부에서 223 $\pm$ 5 Ma의 연대가 잘 정의되며, 이는 1006-9 시료에서 관찰된 결과와 함께 트라이아스기의 고온변성작용이 백립암상에 가까운, 매우 높은 온도에 달하였음을 지시한다. 한편 저어콘의 중심부는 335-473 Ma의 비교적 넓은 연대 분포를 보인다. 이는 저어콘이 실제 성장한 연대를 지시하기보다는 트라이아스기의 변성작용에 따른 납손실(Pb loss) 그리고 누대 규모보다 더 큰 빔 크기(beam size, 약 30 $\mu\textrm{m}$)의 영향일 것으로 해석된다. 또한 저어콘이 다양한 외래물질로부터 기원했다는 증거가 관찰되지 않으므로, 이 정편마암의 모암은 오르도비스기(약 430-470 Ma)에 관입하였을 것으로 생각된다. 따라서 그동안 논란이 되어 왔던 소위 “칼레도니아” 변동이 한반도 내에 실존하였을 가능성을 시사한다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 경기육괴의 변성암류는 후기 원생대 이후 다양한 저어콘의 성장사를 기록하고 있음을 알 수 있다: 즉 (1) 후기원생대(약 820 Ma)의 화성작용; (2) 오르도비스기(약 450 Ma)의 화성작용: 그리고 (3) 트라이아스기 (약 223 Ma)의 부분용융을 수반한 고온 변성작용으로 대표된다. 이러한 지질연대는, 옥천변성대에서 얻어진 756 Ma의 저어콘 연대(Lee et al., 1998)와 더불어, 친링-다비-수루(Qinling-Dabie-Sulu) 대륙 충돌대와 양쯔 지괴에서 보고된 지질연대 결과와 잘 부합한다. 따라서 지구연대학적으로 경기육괴가 북중국보다는 대륙충돌대를 포함하는 남중국지괴에 속할 것으로 결론지을 수 있다.

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A Comparative Study of the Foreign Trade Strategies of Gaisong Merchants and Modern Companies in Korea. (현대기업과 개성상인의 해외진출전략의 비교분석)

  • Park, Sang-Gyu
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.17
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    • pp.153-183
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    • 2004
  • The Gaisong Merchants can be regarded to playa pioneering role to activate the Korea's trade with foreign countries. In the early period of Yi-Dynasty, the Gaisong Merchants focused on personal trade, but in the middle period of Yi-Dynasty, they entered to the realm of governmental trade. Furthermore, their business activities widened to various forms of trades, for example, smuggling. Utilizing accumulated capital, Gaisong merchants expanded their trading activities to their neighboring countries such as Japan and China. In recent times, it is necessary for modem Korean companies to diversify risks through the establishment of corporations for production, marketing and R&D abroad or through joint venture, M&A and strategic alliance with foreign companies in order to reduce the risks originated from volatile economic and political situations. In this study, we utilize tools of comparative study to compare Gaisong Merchants' foreign trade strategies with those of modem companies such as AMOREPACIFIC, HANILCEMENT and SHINDORICO. The purpose of the paper is to test the hypothesis that modem Korean companies grew up by following the cases of Gaisong Merchants' business activities. We summarize our main findings as follows. First, both Gaisong Merchants and modem Korean companies have common functional core capability in the field of marketing, manufacturing technology, R&D, and human resources development. Second, both Gaisong Merchants and modem Korean companies have common organizational core capability. Third, both Gaisong Merchants and modem Korean companies have common infrastructures such as planning, finance, accounting and MIS. It constitutes the infrastructure of Korea's foreign trade sector. Fourth, both Gaisong Merchants and modem companies have common organizational culture in the field of management policy and philosophy. Actually, those factors are evaluated to be driving forces of Koera's success in foreign trade. In conclusion, the business activities of Gaisong Merchants who represented the peculiarity of Korean business spirit are partially inherited to current Korean business management. The value system and behavior pattern of modern Korean companies is succeeded from the spirit of Gaisong Merchants and it playa major role to specify the identity of Korean business administration.

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Study on Internationality of Japanese Modern Print in the World Print (세계 현대 판화속의 일본 현대판화의 국제성 연구)

  • Kim, Seung-Yeon;Shin, Ji-Yeon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.413-437
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    • 2014
  • As the public Japanese art, print can be said to have started from Ukiyo-e print of Edo period(江戶時代, 1603~1867). Ukiyo-e(浮世繪) print, which 3 persons jointly produce, henceforth has gradually declined since the meiji period(明治時代, 1868~1912) due to the development of new print technique and introduction of western art. Since then, during the daiso period(大正時代 1912~1926), creative print movement grew up. Creative print is, differently from Ukiyo-e print, to be produced by one person, from the original picture to print, focusing on creating the artist's own work by being the main agent of the work. During before and after 1900s, print was evaluated low in Japan, compared to western painting, sculpture, etc. Nevertheless, the facts that several Japanese print artists received awards from international exhibits since 1950s became a big topic internationally, which became an opportunity to hold Tokyo International Print Biennale in 1957 in Japan, the first international art festival. From then on, print was recognized as an art genre while new recognition on it was gradually accepted also in Japan. In 1970, a controversy on it arose, while the characteristic of print as a medium of modern art became strong, accordingly, a controversy on it arose. However, in 1980, it firmly established itself as an art genre by overcoming the crisis through various efforts in the dimension of print artists and university education. Since then, print artists who produce new works with completeness by applying traditional technique and modern expression mode emerged, and until now Japanese modern print art is highly recognized by the world through the continuous overseas activities, research on print art, and cultivation of young print artists. This research looked back on the historical process when Japanese modern print art was created, which represents Asia, and investigated the cause that it could have win an international fame.

A Study on the Eco-friendly Housing in the Near future based on the Ecological Design (생태학적 디자인을 기반으로 한 근 미래형 친환경주택연구)

  • Choo, Jin;Yoo, Bo-Hyeon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.4 s.62
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2005
  • Housing environment for human beings has been diversified and more convenient due to the development of high technology and civilization brought by industrialization in the 20th century. In the 21st century, how to overcome the ecological limit of biased development-centered advancement, that is, how to preserve and hand over a clean and healthy 'sustainable environment' to our next generations has been one of the most-talked about issues. Environmental symbiosis means a wider range of environmental harmony from micro-dimensional perspective to macro one. The three goals of a environmentally friendly house are to preserve global environment, to harmonize with the environment around, and to offer a healthy and comfortable living environment. From the point of view of environmental symbiosis, houses should be designed to save energy and natural resources for preservation of global environment, to collect such natural energy resources as solar heat and wind force, to recycle waste water, and recycle and reduce the amount of the waste matter. Now, the environmentally-friendly house became a new social mission that is difficult to not only challenge but also realize without conversion to a new paradigm, ecologism.

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