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Analysis of the Views of Nature of Elementary and Secondary School Students and Teachers and Its Implications for Science Education : Focusing on the Korean Traditional Views of Nature (초·중등학교 학생과 교사의 자연관 분석 및 과학교육에 주는 함의 : 한국의 전통적 자연관을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yumi;Oh, Jun-Young;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.208-223
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    • 2019
  • In this study, it was analyzed first the views of nature of elementary and middle school students using the analysis framework of the views of nature that reflects the results of the literature analysis on the traditional views of nature that Koreans traditionally have. Next, it was analyzed characteristics of the views of nature which elementary and secondary school teachers. Finally, it was discussed the implications of the results of analysis of students' and teachers' views on science education in elementary and secondary schools. For this purpose, the framework for analysis the views of nature was reconstructed by combining the characteristics of Korean's traditional views of nature (Lee & Son, 2017) with the framework developed by Cobern and his colleagues (Cobern, Gibson, & Underwood, 1995). And in order to analyze in depth how students and teachers perceive nature, each question was asked to write a reason why they thought about their responses. According to the study, students and teachers respected nature and viewed it as a living creature, and had the view that nature was cyclical and that humans and nature interacted with each other. And they also had a traditional Korean view of nature that they consider naturalness important and nature is beautiful. It can be said that this is different from the view of Western modern science which perceives the world as a material and see nature with the view of linear time. Therefore, Korea's traditional views of natures, which students and teachers have, can be a conflict with the view of modern science in science class. Therefore, the science teaching strategy for students and teachers with different natural views will require consideration of the individual's understanding of nature and lesson strategies related to it. And it is also necessary that science textbook and science class cultures need to actively interact with teachers and students, and between students to share and understand each other's view of nature, and create a science class culture that considers the values students have and views on nature.

The Actual State and Transformation of Major Garden Ornaments in Changdeokgung Palace during the Modern and Contemporary Period (근현대기 창덕궁 내 주요 점경물의 실상과 변형)

  • Oh, Jun-Young;Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.10-19
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the actual state and transformation of the major garden ornaments in Changdeokgung Palace(昌德宮) in the modern and contemporary period, focusing on Nakseonjae(樂善齋), Juhamnu(宙合樓), Jondeokjeong(尊德亭), and Daebodanji (大報壇址). This study can be used as useful data for establishing the restoration and maintenance plan of the garden ornaments in Changdeokgung Palace, and the main results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, according to a photo taken by the Czech Vráz, in 1901, a total of six garden ornaments, including a stone pond and odd-shaped stones, were located in the backyard of Nakseonjae. Since liberation, arbitrary relocation of garden ornaments has frequently occurred, and in the process, two odd-shaped stones, originally located on the first floor of the terraced flower bed, have been transferred to the backyard of Gyeonghungak(景薰閣). Second, unlike the late Joseon Dynasty when 「Donggwoldo(東闕圖)」 was produced, odd-shaped stones were arranged symmetrically in the backyard of Juhamnu in the early 1900s. It was a traditional style garden ornament with similar appearance, size, and design. However, all the odd-shaped stones in the backyard of Juhaumnu were relocated to other places in the 1970s and 1980s. One is located at the rear of Aeryeonjeong(愛蓮亭) through the entrance of Bingcheon(氷泉) and the vicinity of Geumcheongyo(錦川橋), and the other remains in front of the Yeongyeongdang Jangnakmun(演慶堂 長樂門). Third, among the garden ornaments located in the area of Jondeokjeong in the past, one odd-shaped stone is now relocated around the stone bridge near the pavilion and the Yeonghwadang(暎花堂) with its components separated. The bondstone near Yeonghwadang was relocated in 1990 for the purpose of installing an imitation of Angbuilgu(仰釜日晷). Another odd-shaped stone has been relocated to the front door of the Secret Garden(後苑), and now it is difficult to grasp the location. Fourth, the two bondstones remaining in the Daebodanji were actually building materials that were used as the foundation stone for the entrance pillars of the Yi Royal Office Building(李王職廳舍) during the Japanese colonial period. After liberation, the Yi Royal Office Building was reorganized into Imperial Estate Administration Office(皇室財産事務總局), and when the office building was burned down in 1960, the stone statues and foundation stones placed on the stylobate were relocated to the Daebodanji. The bondstone at Daebodanji is a representative example of construction materiasl being mistaken for gaeden ornaments.

A Study on Rural Interpreters' Experience in Rural Tourism Village (농촌관광마을 체험지도 인력의 활동특성 분석)

  • Cho, Young-Sook;Lee, Moon-Ju;Jo, Lock-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.84-84
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    • 2009
  • 농촌관광은 농촌마을을 중심으로 활성화가 되어야하며 이를 매개로 하여 농촌주민의 농외 소득증대와 더불어 농촌 삶의 질을 높일 수 있다. 최근에 이르러 농촌관광의 성패는 그 마을이 가진 잠재적 어메니티 자원뿐만 아니라 이러한 잠재자원을 활용하여 마을을 성공적으로 운영할 인적자원이 보다 중요한 요인으로 인식되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 농촌관광마을의 해설 및 체험지도 인력을 대상으로 활동특성 현황을 파악하고자 마을단위로 조사하여 분석하였다. 정부가 지원한 마을 중 가장 많은 부분을 차지하는 녹색농촌체험마을(농림수산식품부), 농촌전통테마마을(농촌진흥청)은 2009년까지 총 612개소이나 이 중 인력기반이 형성되었을 것으로 판단되는 2007년까지 선정된 농촌관광마을 403개 중 100개 마을을 무작위로 선정하였다. 조사대상은 마을의 추진위원장 중심으로 리더 100명, 추진위원장 추천의 마을해설 및 체험지도 인력 명단에서 2~4명 정도, 총 300명을 자기기입식 및 직접면접 조사를 병행하여 조사 분석하였다. 해설 및 체험지도자 활용유형을 생태해설, 생활문화, 농업기술, 전통놀이/문화, 전통 음식, 전통공예, 지역설화로 분류하였으며, 지도방법은 직접시현(체험)과 간접시현(안내/해설)으로 구분하여 분석을 실시하였다. 마을에서 활동하고 있는 체험지도 인력은 평균 6.6명이었고, 마을해설에 참여하는 내부인력은 평균 3.2명, 외부인력은 0.8명이었으며, 체험지도에 참여하는 내부인력은 평균 4.2명, 외부인력은 1명으로 나타나 마을해설보다는 체험지도에 외부인력을 더 활용하는 것으로 나타났다. 이렇게 마을에서 활동하고 있는 해설 및 체험지도인력들에 대해 농촌관광마을 리더들은 부족하다는 의견이 49%로 과반수 정도를 차지하여 농촌체험지도를 위한 인력이 부족하다고 판단하는 것으로 나타났다. 마을해설이나 체험지도에 참여하는 사람들의 체험지도 형태는 주로 새로운 지식을 스스로 공부하여 해설하는 경우가 45.5%, 전문화된 개설이 가능한 비율이 19.9%, 안내만 함 19.5%, 시연만 함 15.2%로서 대부분이 지도인력들이 스스로 해설에 적극적으로 참여하고 있었다. 또한 체험거리 한두 가지를 전문적으로 지도하는 비율(41.2%)보다 여러 가지를 종합적으로 지도하는 비율이 58.8%로 높게 나타나 한 사람이 몇 가지를 동시에 담당하여 지도하는 체험지도에 대한 전문성 확보가 미흡한 것으로 보인다. 이와 같이 본 연구에서 농촌관광마을의 인적자원 활용 현황을 살펴보고, 마을 해설사의 인적자원의 잠재성을 활용 농촌마을의 발전 동력을 찾고자 함에 연구에 의의가 있다.

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The Influence of Entrepreneurship and Government Support Program on the Entrepreneurship of Youth Merchants in Traditional Markets : Mediating Effects of Start-up Preparation and Collaboration with Merchants (전통시장 청년몰 청년상인의 기업가정신 및 정부지원 프로그램이 창업성과에 미치는 영향 : 창업준비성, 상인과의 협력의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jaehyun;Nam, Jungmin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to prove the relationship of major variables derived based on prior research on factors affecting the start-up performance of youth mall young merchants in traditional markets, and to empirically analyze the relationship between major factors based on the results. The factors affecting the start-up performance of the youth mall in traditional markets were divided into government support programs and entrepreneurship, and the cooperation between the start-up preparation and merchants was established as variables that mediated the influence between the start-up performance and entrepreneurship performance. The analysis showed that entrepreneurship had a statistically significant positive effect on start-up readiness, while government-supported programs, entrepreneurship and start-up readiness had a significant positive effect on start-up performance. In addition, as a result of verifying the mediated effects of the research model, it was verified that the indirect effects of entrepreneurship on the performance of start-up by mediating the preparation of start-ups were significant. Through this study, the government support program should be supported in consideration of the characteristics of young merchants, not of the current consistent support, and means that youth merchants should be thoroughly verified in the recruitment, selection, and promotion stages, and young merchants with high entrepreneurship and start-up readiness should be selected.

Comparison of Pepper Grafting Efficiency by Grafting Robot (접목로봇의 고추묘 접목 효율성 비교)

  • Kim, Hye Min;Hwang, Seung Jae
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2015
  • Manual grafting is a labor-intensive operation and highly susceptible to human error. Development of grafting robot has been considered as an effective alternative to manual grafting. The study was conducted to investigate the grafting efficiency between the domestically produced automated grafting robot and traditional manual grafting performed in a commercial plug seedling greenhouse. Plug seedlings of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) 'Buchon' and 'Anseongmatchum' were sown as scions and rootstocks, respectively on March 29, 2013. The grafting was performed by a grafting robot, amateur grafters, and professional grafters on May 31, 2013. After grafting, the seedling efficiencies and seedling characteristics were compared in terms of plant height, the number of success as well as failure of seedling grafts produced in an hour. The results showed that plant heights were most uniform in the grafts performed by the professionals that had a 0.6 cm difference whereas an uneven difference of 2.1 cm difference was observed in plug seedling grafted by an amateur. However, plug seedlings grafted by the grafting robot were found to be uniform with 1 cm plant height difference. Moreover, the maximum number of grafting processed plug seedlings per hour (667 plants) was achieved by the grafting robot on compared with the seedlings grafted (466 plants) by the professionals. Furthermore, the least failure rate of 21.7% was noted upon the usage of grafting robot than the manual grafters. Thus, the results demonstrate that the technology of automated grafting robots is the most appealing and can be employed in commercial plug seedling greenhouses to overcome the drawbacks of manual grafting.

The Implications of Seodang and So-Hak on Character Education (서당과 소학의 전통교육이 현대 인성교육에 주는 함의)

  • Shin, Chang Ho;Ye, Cheol-Hae;Yoon, Youngdon;Im, Hong-Tae;Ji, Jun-Ho
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.165-182
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to examine So-Hak(小學) and Seodang(書堂) education, which were at the heart of child-adolescent education in Cho-Sun dynasty, and their implications on character education. In other words, this research is an attempt to review a traditional education from a modern character education perspective. So-Hak contains as major educational concepts Hyo(孝) and Kyeong(敬), guiding principles of daily lives. In this research, two basic concepts of So-Hak were reinterpreted from a modern perspective, namely, Soe-So-Eung-Dae-Jin-Tae(灑掃應對進退) and Ye-Ak-Sa-Eu-Seo-Su(禮樂射御書數). One of major implications of So-Hak lies on the habituation of what is learned, for habit leads to continuation of action, out of which the development of character emerges. As such, the role of habituation in character education is twofold, namely, basic educational content and method. Seodang is a school in which the teachings of So-Hak is realized. From an educational method perspective, Seodang's teaching-learning methods of reading, writing, and calligraphy methods were examined. As a result, three implications of So-Hak and Seodang were drawn, the habituation of what is learned, unification of knowledge and morality, and individualized learning based on one's own level.

Taste Compounds of Small Black Bean Chungkugjang Added with Kiwi and Radish (키위와 무를 첨가한 소립 검정콩 청국장의 정미성분)

  • Shon, Mi-Yae;Kwon, Sun-Hwa;Seo, Kwon-Il;Park, Seok-Kyu;Park, Jeong-Ro
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.517-522
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    • 2001
  • To Confirm the repression of off-odor and improvement of food quality in small black bean chungkugjang (SBC), some taste compounds of SBC added with kiwi and radish homogenate and fermented fro 3 days at 42C were investigated. Contents of free amino acids in SBC were lower than that of soybean chungkugjang (SC) and were increased by adding kiwi and radish homogenate to black bean, indicating that two materials were effective to the enzymatic digestibility of soy protein. Of organic acids, citric acid was the most abundant, followed by acetic acid and lactic acid. Fatty acid composition was high in the order of linoleic acid (50.82~54.51%), oleic acid (17.76%~22.10%) and plamitic acid(12.13~13.79%). There were no significant difference in compositions of organic acids and fatty acids of chungkugjang. Major volatile compounds of SBC were indole , 2-5-dimethyl pyrazine and trimethyl pyrazine. Contents of alkyl pyrazines that contribute the characteristic aroma and flavor of SBC added and fermented with kiwi and radish homogenate were 3 times lower than those of SC. Uracil and UMP were major nucleic acie-drlated compounds in all four chungkugjangs. Contents of the other nucleic acid-related compounds were a similar trend in all chungkugjangs.

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Investigation on the Perception Changes of the Korean Music through Developing A Teaching Method for Samul-nori (사물놀이 지도법 개발과 이를 통한 국악의 인식 변화 연구)

  • Lee, Ka-Won;Kim, Young-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2012
  • Traditional music should be succeeded and developed through the systematic education since music represents culture and history of one country. In Korea, even through the importance of Korean traditional music has been emphasized through the seven times of revision of national curriculum, music education has been still Western-oriented. This study aims to make students have experience Uttari Samul-nori and investigate the perception changes about the Korean traditional music. It is ultimately expected that students inherit the Korean traditional music and further recreate our own traditional culture. Samul-nori class was organized in the regular music curriculum twice a week, for 10 hours and various activities were tried during that time. 1st-year high school students participated in this research and they were allowed to play Samul instruments directly and play the basic rhythm suggested in the newly designed curriculum. Before and after the research, the questionnaires were sent to examine the attitude changes toward the Korean traditional music. The result of the questionnaire are as follows: First, Samul-nori activities affect positively the students' interest in the Korean traditional music and Samul-nori itself. Second, Danso(short bamboo flute) education which has been implemented most frequently during the Korean music education, is not satisfactory to the students. Third, students were satisfied with the new teaching method of Samul-nori and most students wanted to continue to take Samul-nori class. Last, students recognized the importance of Korean traditional music education after the research activities.

A Study of Traditional Pattern in Animation: focusing on Toom Moore's and (애니메이션에 사용된 전통문양 연구 - 톰 무어의 <바다의 노래>, <칼릴 지브란의 예언자-사랑에 대하여>를 중심으로)

  • Joe, Hyun-Jee
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.43
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    • pp.185-209
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    • 2016
  • Pattern refers to singular or repetitive decorative form in a blank surface, Also pattern is not just something to simply fill in the blanks, and has more meanings. Pattern reflects the specific culture or regional feature. So Depending on which pattern to use, creator can give particular of identity. which is generally utilized in visual arts such as painting, architecture, craft, as well as animation. Pattern in animation plays a role of decorating background or surfaces of characters' outfits or props. And Parttern is effective way to describe the story of the times and space environment of the background. Tomm Moore, an animation director in in Ireland mainly produces animations based on traditional folk stories or myths. He usually utilizes cultural and artistic factors related to the themes in his work production. One example is the insertion of pattern closely associated with the narratives and backgrounds of animations to create profound scenes. Tomm Moore used the Irish Celt pattern in Secret of Kells (2009) and Song of Sea (2014) and Islam geometric pattern and plant pattern in a short nimation named On Love from Kahlil Gibran's The Prophe (2014). This study attempts to examine the historical and cultural foundation and the narratives of these two animations, Song of Sea(2014) and Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet: On Love (2014) in which Tomm Moore participated as the director and producer, exploring their relevant traditional patterns. Moreover, it also attempts to analyze how these traditional patterns are utilized in the animations.

A Characteristic of Hyeonmoyangcheo-discourse for Education of Girls' School in the 1950s (1950년대 여학교 교육을 통해 본 '현모양처'론의 특징)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.137-151
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    • 2007
  • The characteristics of Hyeonmoyangcheo-ism (wise mother, good wife) in the 1950s, which were observed through the girls' school curriculums and homekeeping textbooks, were arranged as follows. Firstly, Hyeonmoyangcheo-ism in homekeeping textbooks in the 1950s stressed the modern housewife. The Confucianwomen's virtues, such as submissiveness, faithfulness and samjongjido (obedience to father, husband and son), that were in girls' moral training and home management textbooks during the Japanese imperialism. This was a part of girls' education built on democracy and equality asserted by a new Korea, the 'modern nation'. Secondly, with the increasing demands for women's labor after the Korean War, women's occupations were reinforced and incorporated in homekeeping textbooks in the 1950s. Even though having a job was a secondary task to the role of a homemaker, the details of women's occupation illustrates the characteristics of Hyeonmoyangcheo-ism in this period of time. Thirdly, The resident practice program emphasized the tradition women's behavior along with the modern homemaker, the rational designer of homekeeping. This seems to have been reinforced from the criticism towards women based on Westernization after the Korean War.

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