• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적응 격자 세분화

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Development of 2D inundation model based on adaptive cut cell mesh (K-Flood) (적응적 분할격자 기반 2차원 침수해석모형 K-Flood의 개발)

  • An, Hyunuk;Jeong, Anchul;Kim, Yeonsu;Noh, Joonwoo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.10
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    • pp.853-862
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    • 2018
  • An adaptive cut-cell grid based 2D inundation analysis model, K-Flood, is developed in this study. Cut cell grid method divides a grid into a flow area and a non-flow area depending the characteristics of the flows. With adaptive mesh refinement technique cut cell method can represent complex flow area using relatively small number of cells. In recent years, the urban inundation modeling using high resolution and fine quality data is increasing to achieve more accurate flood analysis or flood forecasting. K-Flood has potential to simulate such complex urban inundation using efficient grid generation technique. A finite volume numerical scheme of second order accuracy for space and time was applied. For verification of K-Flood, 1) shockwave reflex simulation by circular cylinder, 2) urban flood experiment simulation, 3) Malpasset dam collapse simulation are performed and the results are compared with observed data and previous simulation results.

Inductance Extraction of Microstrip Lines using Adaptive PEEC Grid (적응 PEEC 격자를 이용한 마이크로스트립의 인덕턴스 계산)

  • Kim, Han;Ahn, Chang-Hoi
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.823-829
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    • 2003
  • For high frequency microstrip line modelling, a fast inductance extraction technique using an adaptive PEEC(partial element equivalent circuit) grid is proposed. The grid refinement technique is based on the current distribution depend on the excitation frequencies and the geometry of the microstrip lines. The adaptive ids are refined mainly in the area where heavy currents reside. This technique is applied to the inductance extraction of the microstrip lines. The results show fast convergence, and this adaptive technique is efficient to reduce computing time and the number of grids.

Numerical Simulation of Urban Flash Flood Experiments Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Cut Cell Method (적응적 메쉬세분화기법과 분할격자기법을 이용한 극한 도시홍수 실험 모의)

  • An, Hyun-Uk;Yu, Soon-Young
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.511-522
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    • 2011
  • Two-dimensional shallow water model based on the cut cell and the adaptive mesh refinement techniques is presented in this paper. These two mesh generation methods are combined to facilitate modeling of complex geometries. By using dynamically adaptive mesh, the model can achieve high resolution efficiently at the interface where flow changes rapidly. The HLLC Reimann solver and the MUSCL method are employed to calculate advection fluxes with numerical stability and precision. The model was applied to simulate the extreme urban flooding experiments performed by the IMPACT (Investigation of Extreme Flood Processes and Uncertainty) project. Simulation results were in good agreement with observed data, and transient flows as well as the impact of building structures on flood waves were calculated with accuracy. The cut cell method eased the model sensitivity to refinement. It can be concluded that the model is applicable to the urban flood simulation in case the effects of sewer and stormwater drainage system on flooding are relatively small like the dam brake.

Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Filling Stage in Casting Process Using Adaptive Grid Refinement Technique (3차원 적응 격자 세분화를 이용한 주조 공정의 충전 해석)

  • Kim Ki Don;Jeong Jun Ho;Yang Dong Yol
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.5 s.236
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    • pp.568-576
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    • 2005
  • A 3-D finite element model combined with a volume tracking method is presented in this work to simulate the mold filling for casting processes. Especially, the analysis involves an adaptive grid method that is created under a criterion of element categorization of filling states and locations in the total region at each time step. By using an adaptive grid wherein the elements, finer than those in internal and external regions, are distributed at the surface region through refinement and coarsening procedures, a more efficient analysis of transient fluid flow with free surface is achieved. Adaptive grid based on VOF method is developed in tetrahedral element system. Through a 3-D analysis of the benchmark test of the casting process, the efficiency of the proposed adaptive grid method is verified. Developed FE code is applied to a typical industrial part of the casting process such as aluminum road wheel.

Adaptive Crack Propagation Analysis with the Element-free Galerkin Method (Element-free Galerkin 방법을 이용한 적응적 균열진전해석)

  • 최창근;이계희;정흥진
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.485-500
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    • 2000
  • In this paper the adaptive crack propagation analysis based on the estimated local and global error in the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method is presented. It is possible to keep consistency and accuracy of analysis in each propagation step by adaptive analysis. The adaptivity analysis in crack propagation is achieved by adding and removing the node along the background integration cell that are refined or recovered as estimated error. These errors are obtained by calculating the difference between the values of the projected stresses and original EFG stresses. To evaluate the performance of proposed adaptive procedure, the convergence behavior is investigated lot several examples. The results of these examples show the efficiency of proposed scheme in crack propagation analysis.

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Triangular Grid Homogenization Using Local Improvement Method (국소개선기법을 이용한 삼각격자 균질화)

  • Choi, Hyung-Il;Jun, Sang-Wook;Lee, Dong-Ho;Lee, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a local improvement method that combines extended topological clean up and optimization-based smoothing for homogenizing triangular grid system. First extended topological clean up procedures are applied to improve the connectivities of grid elements. Then, local optimization-based smoothing is performed for maximizing the distortion metric that measures grid quality. Using the local improvement strategy, we implement the grid homogenizations for two triangular grid examples. It is shown that the suggested algorithm improves the quality of the triangular grids to a great degree in an efficient manner and also can be easily applied to the remeshing algorithm in adaptive mesh refinement technique.

Adaptive mesh refinement for 3-D hexahedral element mesh by iterative inserting zero-thickness element layers (무두께 요소층을 이용한 육면체 격자의 반복적 적응 격자 세분)

  • Park C. H.;Yang D. Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.79-82
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    • 2004
  • In this study, a new refinement technique for 3-dimensional hexahedral element mesh is proposed, which is aimed at the control of mesh density. With the proposed scheme the mesh is refined adaptively to the elemental error which is estimated by 'a posteriori' error estimator based on the energy norm. A desired accuracy of an analysis i.e. a limit of error defines the new desired mesh density map on the current mesh. To obtain the desired mesh density, the refinement procedure is repeated iteratively until no more elements to be refined exist. In the algorithm, at first the regions of mesh to be refined are defined and, then, the zero-thickness element layers are inserted into the interfaces between the regions. All the meshes in the regions, in which the zero-thickness layers are inserted, are to be regularized in order to improve the shape of the slender elements on the interfaces. This algorithm is tested on a simple shape of 2-d quadrilateral element mesh and 3-d hexahedral element mesh. A numerical example of elastic deformation of a plate with a hole shows the effectiveness of the proposed refinement scheme.

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An Adaptive Analysis in the Element-free Galerkin Method Using Bubble Meshing Technique (Bubble Mesh기법을 이용한 적응적 EFG해석)

  • 정흥진;이계희;최창근
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2002
  • In this study an adaptive node generation procedure in the Element-free Galerkin (EFG) method using bubble-meshing technique is Proposed. Since we construct the initial configuration of nodes by subdivision of background cell, abrupt changes of inter-nodal distance between higher and lower error regions are unavoidable. This unpreferable nodal spacing induces additional errors. To obtain the smooth nodal configuration the nodal configurations are regenerated by bubble-meshing technique. This bubble meshing technique was originally developed to generate a set of well-shaped triangles and tetrahedra. In odder to evaluate the effect of abrupt changes of nodal spacing, one-dimensional problems with various nodal configurations mere investigated. To demonstrate the performance of proposed scheme, the sequences of making optimal nodal configuration with bubble meshing technique are investigated for several problems.

Applicability Evaluation of Flood Inundation Analysis using Quadtree Grid-based Model (쿼드트리 격자기반 모형의 홍수범람해석 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Dae Eop;An, Hyun Uk;Lee, Gi Ha;Jung, Kwan Sue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.655-666
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    • 2013
  • Lately, intensity and frequency of natural disasters such as flood are increasing because of abnormal climate. Casualties and property damages due to large-scale floods such as Typhoon Rusa in 2002 and Typhoon Maemi in 2003 rapidly increased, and these show the limits of the existing disaster prevention measures and flood forecasting systems regarding irregular climate changes. In order to efficiently respond to extraordinary flood, it is important to provide effective countermeasures through an inundation model that can accurately simulate flood inundation patterns. However, the existing flood inundation analysis model has problems such as excessive take of analysis time and accuracy of the analyzed results. Therefore, this study conducted a flood inundation analysis by using the Gerris flow solver that uses quadtree grid, targeting the Baeksan Levee in the Nakdong River Basin that collapsed because of a concentrated torrential rainfall in August, 2002. Through comparisons with the FLUMEN model that uses unstructured grid among the existing flood inundation models and the actual flooded areas, it determined the applicability and efficiency of the quadtree grid-based flood inundation model of the Gerris flow solver.