• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재해 모형

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Modeling and mapping fuel moisture content using equilibrium moisture content computed from weather data of the automatic mountain meteorology observation system (AMOS) (산악기상자료와 목재평형함수율에 기반한 산림연료습도 추정식 개발)

  • Lee, HoonTaek;WON, Myoung-Soo;YOON, Suk-Hee;JANG, Keun-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2019
  • Dead fuel moisture content is a key variable in fire danger rating as it affects fire ignition and behavior. This study evaluates simple regression models estimating the moisture content of standardized 10-h fuel stick (10-h FMC) at three sites with different characteristics(urban and outside/inside the forest). Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) was used as an independent variable, and in-situ measured 10-h FMC was used as a dependent variable and validation data. 10-h FMC spatial distribution maps were created for dates with the most frequent fire occurrence during 2013-2018. Also, 10-h FMC values of the dates were analyzed to investigate under which 10-h FMC condition forest fire is likely to occur. As the results, fitted equations could explain considerable part of the variance in 10-h FMC (62~78%). Compared to the validation data, the models performed well with R2 ranged from 0.53 to 0.68, root mean squared error (RMSE) ranged from 2.52% to 3.43%, and bias ranged from -0.41% to 1.10%. When the 10-h FMC model fitted for one site was applied to the other sites, $R^2$ was maintained as the same while RMSE and bias increased up to 5.13% and 3.68%, respectively. The major deficiency of the 10-h FMC model was that it poorly caught the difference in the drying process after rainfall between 10-h FMC and EMC. From the analysis of 10-h FMC during the dates fire occurred, more than 70% of the fires occurred under a 10-h FMC condition of less than 10.5%. Overall, the present study suggested a simple model estimating 10-h FMC with acceptable performance. Applying the 10-h FMC model to the automatic mountain weather observation system was successfully tested to produce a national-scale 10-h FMC spatial distribution map. This data will be fundamental information for forest fire research, and will support the policy maker.

Present Status and Future Prospect of Satellite Image Uses in Water Resources Area (수자원분야의 위성영상 활용 현황과 전망)

  • Kim, Seongjoon;Lee, Yonggwan
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.105-123
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    • 2018
  • Currently, satellite images act as essential and important data in water resources, environment, and ecology as well as information of geographic information system. In this paper, we will investigate basic characteristics of satellite images, especially application examples in water resources. In recent years, researches on spatial and temporal characteristics of large-scale regions utilizing the advantages of satellite imagery have been actively conducted for fundamental hydrological components such as evapotranspiration, soil moisture and natural disasters such as drought, flood, and heavy snow. Furthermore, it is possible to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics such as vegetation characteristics, plant production, net primary production, turbidity of water bodies, chlorophyll concentration, and water quality by using various image information utilizing various sensor information of satellites. Korea is planning to launch a satellite for water resources and environment in the near future, so various researches are expected to be activated on this field.

Determination of proper ground motion prediction equation for reasonable evaluation of the seismic reliability in the water supply systems (상수도 시스템 지진 신뢰성의 합리적 평가를 위한 적정 지반운동예측식 결정)

  • Choi, Jeongwook;Kang, Doosun;Jung, Donghwi;Lee, Chanwook;Yoo, Do Guen;Jo, Seong-Bae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.9
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    • pp.661-670
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    • 2020
  • The water supply system has a wider installation range and various components of it than other infrastructure, making it difficult to secure stability against earthquakes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods for evaluating the seismic performance of water supply systems. Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) is used to evaluate the seismic performance (e.g, failure probability) for water supply facilities such as pump, water tank, and pipes. GMPE is calculated considering the independent variables such as the magnitude of the earthquake and the ground motion such as PGV (Peak Ground Velocity) and PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration). Since the large magnitude earthquake data has not accumulated much to date in Korea, this study tried to select a suitable GMPE for the domestic earthquake simulation by using the earthquake data measured in Korea. To this end, GMPE formula is calculated based on the existing domestic earthquake and presented the results. In the future, it is expected that the evaluation will be more appropriate if the determined GMPE is used when evaluating the seismic performance of domestic waterworks. Appropriate GMPE can be directly used to evaluate hydraulic seismic performance of water supply networks. In other words, it is possible to quantify the damage rate of a pipeline during an earthquake through linkage with the pipe failure probability model, and it is possible to derive more reasonable results when estimating the water outage or low-pressure area due to pipe damages. Finally, the quantifying result of the seismic performance can be used as a design criteria for preparing an optimal restoration plan and proactive seismic design of pipe networks to minimize the damage in the event of an earthquake.

Characteristics of Runout Distance of Debris Flows in Korea (한국 토석류의 이동거리 특성)

  • Choi, Dooyoung;Paik, Joongcheol
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.3B
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2012
  • In the last decade, heavy rainfall induced debris flow events have been remarkably occurred in Korea. Consequently, debris flow is becoming one of the most dangerous natural phenomena in mountainous area. Understanding and correct predicting of the runout distance of debris flow is an essential prerequisite for developing debris flow hazard map and prevention technology. Based on the simple and widely used sled model, in this study, we analyse the net efficiency of debris flows which is a dimensionless constant (=1/R) and defined by the ratio of the horizontal runout distance L from the debris flow source to deposit and the vertical elevation H of the source above the deposit. The analysis of field data observed in total 238 debris flow events occurred from 2002 to 2011 reveals that the representative value of the net efficiency of debris flows in Korea is 4.3. The data observed in Gangwon province where is the most debris flow-prone area in Korea shows that debris flows in Inje area have the runout distance longer than those in Pyongchang and Gangneung. Overall features of the net efficiency of debris flows observed in the central Korea are similar to those in the southern Korea. The estimation based on aerial photographs and available depositional conditions appears to overestimate the net efficiency compared to estimation based on the field observations, which indicates that appropriate depositional conditions need to be developed for debris flows in Korea.

A Study on Flood Storage Plans of Farmlands for Extreme Flood Reduction (극한홍수 저감을 위한 농경지의 저류지화 방안 연구)

  • Kang, Hyeong-Sik;Cho, Seong-Yun;Song, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.10
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    • pp.787-795
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    • 2011
  • Extreme water events such as heavy rainfalls due to recent climate change are continually increasing and their scale has also shown an increasing trend. To overcome these natural disasters, this policy study suggests securing lateral river space as an effective method for extreme flood. To support the importance of restoration and expansion of lateral river space, Gumi upstream region of the Nakdong River basin was chosen as a target area and flood reduction analysis of the washland by using LISFLOOD model have been examined. The 500-year frequency flood was simulated for the estimation of possibly occurable flood level and it turns out that the secured lateral river space on the selected site effectively lowers about 0.53 m flood level and reduces the flood damage of the city on the lower reaches of the river. In addition, based on this result, multilateral river space securing plans were compared, and conservation easement and natural disaster insurance were suggested for sustainable and cost-effective alternatives. The costs of land purchase and conservation easement for securing the river space were also compared.

Urban Flood Risk Assessment Considering Climate Change Using Bayesian Probability Statistics and GIS: A Case Study from Seocho-Gu, Seoul (베이지안 확률통계와 GIS를 연계한 기후변화 도시홍수 리스크 평가: 서울시 서초구를 대상으로)

  • LEE, Sang-Hyeok;KANG, Jung-Eun;PARK, Chang-Sug
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.36-51
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    • 2016
  • This study assessed urban flood risk using a Bayesian probability statistical method and GIS incorporating a climate change scenario. Risk is assessed based on a combination of hazard probability and its consequences, the degree of impact. Flood probability was calculated on the basis of a Bayesian model and future flood occurrence likelihoods were estimated using climate change scenario data. The flood impacts include human and property damage. Focusing on Seocho-gu, Seoul, the findings are as follows. Current flood probability is high in areas near rivers, as well as low lying and impervious areas, such as Seocho-dong and Banpo-dong. Flood risk areas are predicted to increase by a multiple of 1.3 from 2030 to 2050. Risk assessment results generally show that human risk is relatively high in high-rise residential zones, whereas property risk is high in commercial zones. The magnitude of property damage risk for 2050 increased by 6.6% compared to 2030. The proposed flood risk assessment method provides detailed spatial results that will contribute to decision making for disaster mitigation.

The evaluation of Soil Erosion Risk of Urban Area based on Geospatial Information (공간정보를 활용한 도심지 토사유실 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2015
  • Recently, soil erosion have been thickening from heavy rainfall according to climate change. These soil erosion is main reason to cause landslide, the water quality, agricultural counterproductivity and so on. Therefore, it is important to find out the main source area to cause soil erosion using geospatial data including DEM, soil map and land cover those are very sensitive to soil erosion modeling. This study evaluated soil erosion using RUSLE model. Hyoja 4-Dong and Pyonghwa 2-Dong among Wansan-Gu showed high as 10,869 ton/yr and 10,477 ton/yr respectively and Ua 2-Dong of Deokjin-Gu showed high as 17,603 ton/yr in soil erosion. And Hyoja 1-Dong and Pyonghwa 1-Dong among Wansan-Gu showed high as $1,485.7ton/km^2$ and $1,297.0ton/km^2$ respectively and Inhu 3-Dong of Deokjin-Gu showed high as $2,557.7ton/km^2$ in unit soil erosion that was applied to the evaluation of soil erosion potential. It is anticipated that achievement of this study can apply to forecast and prepare the risk of soil erosion and debris flow in urban area.

The Construction of GIS-based Flood Risk Area Layer Considering River Bight (하천 만곡부를 고려한 GIS 기반 침수지역 레이어 구축)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Yu, Byeong-Hyeok;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Lee, Eul-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2009
  • Rapid visualization of flood area of downstream according to the dam effluent in flood season is very important in dam management works. Overlay zone of river bight should be removed to represent flood area efficiently based on flood stage which was modeled in river channels. This study applied drainage enforcement algorithm to visualize flood area considering river bight by coupling Coordinate Operation System for Flood control In Multi-reservoir (COSFIM) and Flood Wave routing model (FLDWAV). The drainage enforcement algorithm is a kind of interpolation which gives to advantage into hydrological process studies by removing spurious sinks of terrain in automatic drainage algorithm. This study presented mapping technique of flood area layer considering river bight in Namgang-Dam downstream, and developed system based on Arcobject component to execute this process automatically. Automatic extraction system of flood area layer could save time-consuming efficiently in flood inundation visualization work which was propelled based on large volume data. Also, flood area layer by coupling with IKONOS satellite image presented real information in flood disaster works.

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The Evaluation on Applicability of Leakage-prevented Sealing Packer Out of Grouted Rockbolt Hole (록볼트 그라우팅 시 역류방지용 밀봉 패커의 적용성 평가)

  • Yang, Taeseon;Kim, Jichang;Jeong, Jongki;Yoo, Dongho;Choi, HakYun;Baek, Seungcheol
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays, some studies have been performed for rockbolt method widely used in Korea. To make large slopes, tunnels or rock structures stable, supporting systems, such as anchor bolt, rock bolt which are developed recently, are commonly used. In this study, laboratory pullout tests were carried out to compare the characteristics of rock bolt that is most widely used with ones of rock bolt by newly developed circular model testers. Re-pullout test for the rock bolt in which loading and unloading cycles are repeated several times showed that the maximum pullout load is almost constant irrespective of the number of loading cycles, which may be due to no failure between rock bolt and filler that is filled with soils and concrete as a substitute. A development of rock bolt fillers as supporters using to protect people in tunnels and slopes is reviewed as a probable man-made hazard after excavation works. The functions of the grouted rock bolts associated with reinforcement effects also should be assessed in this study, which develop the sealing apparatus preventing from overflowing mortar out of a rock bolt hole for securing safety in the tunnel and slopes in order to secure stability named the sealing packer.

Realtime Video Visualization based on 3D GIS (3차원 GIS 기반 실시간 비디오 시각화 기술)

  • Yoon, Chang-Rak;Kim, Hak-Cheol;Kim, Kyung-Ok;Hwang, Chi-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2009
  • 3D GIS(Geographic Information System) processes, analyzes and presents various real-world 3D phenomena by building 3D spatial information of real-world terrain, facilities, etc., and working with visualization technique such as VR(Virtual Reality). It can be applied to such areas as urban management system, traffic information system, environment management system, disaster management system, ocean management system, etc,. In this paper, we propose video visualization technology based on 3D geographic information to provide effectively real-time information in 3D geographic information system and also present methods for establishing 3D building information data. The proposed video visualization system can provide real-time video information based on 3D geographic information by projecting real-time video stream from network video camera onto 3D geographic objects and applying texture-mapping of video frames onto terrain, facilities, etc.. In this paper, we developed sem i-automatic DBM(Digital Building Model) building technique using both aerial im age and LiDAR data for 3D Projective Texture Mapping. 3D geographic information system currently provide static visualization information and the proposed method can replace previous static visualization information with real video information. The proposed method can be used in location-based decision-making system by providing real-time visualization information, and moreover, it can be used to provide intelligent context-aware service based on geographic information.

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