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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 재해석법

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Neuraminidase-inhibition Activity of Nodakenetin from Gongjin-dan Fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria (유산균으로 발효한 침향공진단으로부터 분리한 Nodakenetin의 Neuraminidase 활성 억제 효능)

  • Seo, Ji Hyun;Park, Dong Jun;Lee, So Young;Cho, Ho Song;Jin, Mu Hyun
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the changes in the components of unfermented Gongjin-dan (GD) and fermented Gongjin-dan (FGD) and to confirm whether GD or FGD has an inhibitory effect on viral neuraminidase (NA) activity. A major component of FGD was isolated and identified as nodakenetin, which is the aglycone of nodakenin. After fermentation, the nodakenetin content in FGD was approximately 10-fold higher than that in GD. Then, we examined the viral NA-inhibitory activity of GD, FGD, nodakenin, and nodakenetin. At a concentration of 500 ㎍/ml, FGD inhibited viral NA activity by 92% compared to the DMSO-treated control, while GD barely inhibited viral NA activity. In addition, 250 ㎍/ml of nodakenetin inhibited viral NA activity by 68% compared to the control, while nodakenin inhibited viral NA activity by only 4% at the same concentration as nodakenetin. Collectively, these results suggest that FGD has a more remarkable viral NA-inhibitory activity than GD because the content of the anti-viral component nodakenetin was higher in FGD due to the hydrolysis of nodakenin by Lactobacillus plantarum KCTC 3104.

A Re-analysis of the Effects of Individual Personality and Idea Stimulation on Idea Generation Performance (외향성·내향성 성격 차이가 그룹 아이디어 생산에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구의 재해석)

  • Jung, Joung-Ho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.133-154
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    • 2015
  • Purpose This study re-analyzes Jung 2012's data using the time interval based analysis to examine if the process of idea generation is in good currency throughout the ideation sessions. In this way, the relationship between extraversion-introversion personality trait and ideation performance in the context of computer-mediated idea generation can be better understood. Design/methodology/approach A 2×4 factorial design was used, crossing personality differences (extraversion and introversion) with the degree of stimuli (0, 20, 40, and 80 high-quality ideas). Participants were randomly assigned to one of eight treatment conditions. The group simulator is used to measure individual level performance. The number of unique ideas generated by individuals and the exact time stamp when each idea was submitted were analyzed to compare performances. Findings The results show that introverts' performances significantly drops after about the middle stage of the ideation session, whereas extraverts do not seem to feel time constraints throughout the ideation session, resulting in superior divergent thinking, which is a major key to understand creative productivity in the problem-solving process. Since extraverts tend to yield a larger pool of ideas, another interpretation is that group composition with extraverts compared with introverts may create a logically larger group, which is important to improve the performance of idea generation group.

A Study on Life Experience by Persons with Mental illness - Focusing on the Experience after the Onslaught of Mental Illness - (정신장애인의 생애경험에 관한 연구 - 정신질환발병 이후의 경험을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Eun-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.5-28
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    • 2011
  • This study, based on the research on the history of life, aimed to recompose and analyze into what life progressive structure the life experience by the mentally ill, after the onslaught of the disease, developed in a bid to understand the risk progress in the mentally ill's life, and to determine what contributed to the current stabilized recovery and adjustment. Five mentally ill persons participated in the study, and Sch¨utze's narrative interview was used to gather data. The gathered data were analyzed according to Sch¨utze's process structure of life. The interviewees' life experiences were chronologically organized as understood, and significant stories were recomposed that not only brought about changes but also helped overcome their disabilities in the process of treatment and rehabilitation after the onslaught of the disease. As a result, their experiences were recomposed into the stage of onslaught of the mental illness and confusion, and into the stage of intensive treatment and rehabilitation. The former was categorized into suppression by the disease, repetition and endurance of the painful life, and separation from their family and frustration. The latter was categorized into the rediscovery of self through social role change, others who helped realize the life potential, the expansion of mental health services in the community, obstacle to the integration of communities, re-integration of family relationships, re-analysis of experience of the disease through the examination of the life prior to onslaught of the disease, and expectation for the future. Also, these themes were comparatively examined so as to examine the crisis progress in the mentally ill's life after the onslaught of the disease, as well as the life transfer process through positive rehabilitation. Lastly, on the basis of these results, important areas of mental health services for the mentally ill were discussed.

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Hermeneutics and Science Education : Focus on Implications for Conceptual Change Theory (해석학과 과학교육 : 개념변화이론에의 함의를 중심으로)

  • Ha, Sangwoo;Lee, Gyoungho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2015
  • Constructivism gave many implications to science education but at the same time it has brought confusion about its implication to the field of science education. Hermeneutics has possibilities of being able to reduce confusion as well as opening a new horizon. Hermeneutics seeks the meaning of 'real understanding' through the concepts of horizon, hermeneutical circle, and fusion of horizons. Both hermeneutics and constructivism have positive attitude to students' pre-understanding and accept contextualization of knowledge. Thus, they both can criticize traditional teaching method and propose an alternative. Moreover, hermeneutics approaches human understanding holistically with the concept of horizon, and pays attention to the circularity of the process of human understanding. As a result, hermeneutics can open a new horizon and give new discourse to science education and contribute to the development of research and practice of science education.

Film and the Politics of Post-memory in Chile's No and Korea's The Attorney (칠레의 와 한국의 <변호인>, 영화와 포스트메모리의 정치)

  • Park, Jungwon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.44
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    • pp.29-58
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    • 2016
  • 'Post-memory' is the act of remembering traumatic events in history by subsequent generations who have not had direct experiences or relations with them. For this reason, the narratives of 'post-memory' are considered as re-interpretations of the past deeply influenced by current perspectives and concerns. The Chilean film NO goes back to the Referendum of 1988 in order to examine the "NO campaign" which was opposed to another eight years of continuation of the Pinochet regime. Although this campaign contributed significantly to the Chilean democratization, the filmmaker does not just celebrate it: rather he attempts to cast a critical reflection on its strategies that eventually turned democracy into a "commodity" by deploying commercial language and marketing tools for characterizing and describing it. On the other hand, the Korean movie The Attorney sheds light on the story of an attorney who, during the military regime in the 1980's, became a human rights lawyer when he tried to advocate for university students accused of violating national security law. This film reconstitutes the meaning of democracy built upon the logic of "common-sense" that privileges freedom and fundamental human rights over Statism. Despite the different historical contexts between Chile and South Korea, these two movies retell the history of a dictatorship that ended a couple of decades ago. In doing so, they raise questions about history, memory and democracy in order to deepen the understanding of current social and political circumstances while placing an emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of intellectuals during the transition to democracy and democratic consolidation.

Cultural Horizon of Freedom (자유의 문화적 지평)

  • Kwon, Su Hyeon
    • Journal of Ethics
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    • no.76
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    • pp.305-329
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    • 2010
  • The problem of freedom is inseparably related to human life. It makes this not to be regarded as a problem restricted to the professional domain of ethics. It suggests rather that the problem of freedom is intimately connected with the philosophical groundwork for discussing the future direction of society, culture and science, and its regulative idea, a philosophical discussion which comes up inevitably with various social, economic and political problems, and problems related to the spirit of law. In this view, when we want to explain the problem of freedom as a fundamental one in reference to future direction of humanities and to find out a solution to this, our research only in accordance with the approach of history of philosophy runs into difficulties. The reason is that the problem of freedom has nowness together with historicity. Finding this problem to be a present one in our concrete human life, we can discuss it more meaningful under the methodological frame changed and developed by philosophical reflections since the modern age. And here I think a culturalistic approach reinterpreting hermeneutic insight and pragmatistic context methodologically can provide a pertinent clue for a theoretical work to investigate the problem of freedom and to find a solution to that because this approach considers historicity and nowness. For this purpose analysing truth intersubjectively and understanding freedom critically, this article tries to reconstruct symbolic interpretation and the concept of self constructed in community of language and action as a cultural horizon of freedom.

Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Slurry-wall-type Vertical Cutoff Wall with Consideration of Filter Cake (필터케이크(filter cake)를 고려한 슬러리월 연직차수벽의 현장투수계수 평가)

  • Nguyen, The Bao;Lee, Chul-Ho;Choi, Hang-Seok;Kim, Sang-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2008
  • In constructing a slurry trench cutoff wall, bentonite-water slurry is used to secure the stability of sidewalls during excavation before the wall is completed by backfilling. Unexpectedly, a thin but relatively impermeable layer called filter cake can be formed on the excavation surface, which significantly influences the result of slug test analysis in the cutoff wall if not considered. This study is to examine the effect of filter cake on evaluating hydraulic conductivity of the vertical cutoff wall through slug test analysis with the aid of the verified numerical program Slug_3D. The no-flux boundary conditions were adopted in Slug_3D to simulate the filter cake on the interface between the wall and the natural soil. A new set of type curves were built for applying the type curve method. New modification factors were obtained for using the modified line-fitting method. With consideration of filter cake, the type curve method and the modified line-fitting method were adopted to reanalyze the case study taken from EMCON (1995). The previous results achieved by Choi and Daniel (2006) without consideration of filter cake were compared with the present results obtained in this paper. The comparison emphasizes the necessity of considering filter cake when analyzing slug test results in vertical cutoff walls.

A Study of Daesoon Jinrihoe's View of Time (I): Focusing on Time as Measured and Experienced (대순진리회의 시간관 연구 (I) - 측정되고 경험되는 시간을 중심으로 -)

  • Cha Seon-keun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.48
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    • pp.1-40
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    • 2024
  • Time can be the fundamental basis of religious doctrine and the foundation for a life of faith. Therefore, understanding a religion's interpretation of time and exploring its perception is accepted as one of the approaches to comprehending its principles. Based on this idea, this article delves into how chronos (measured time) and kairos (experienced time) are manifested in Daesoon Jinrihoe. In Daesoon Jinrihoe, the moment when chronos and kairos intersect is considered a moment of spiritual experience. Ethical codes are accomplished in the midst of the process of defining this time as the Heavenly Dao and adjusting human affairs accordingly. These ethics lead individuals towards a religious life. East Asian traditions also apply this logic, but Daesoon Jinrihoe differs in that it emphasizes reinterpreted ethics. Furthermore, Daesoon Jinrihoe posits that Degree Numbers (度數) are a device that ensures the transition from chronos to kairos. Degree Numbers, which are both a law of the universe's motion and a function of time, were emphasized by the Kang Jeungsan when he advocated for the discarding of old ways and the creation of the new ways. He thereby urged humans to live in accordance with time. Time is also facilitated in the dimension of ritual observances and participation, with examples including prayers, devotional offerings, and holy works (gongbu, 工夫). Those rituals of Daesoon Jinrihoe actively incorporate a unique basis of reason for this style of engagement with time, which is one of the aspects that is held to secure justification.

The Influx of Four Wangs' Landscape Style Reinterpreted in Jiangnan Circle(江南) in the 19th Century Focused on An Geon-yeong(安健榮)'s Six-fold Landscape Screen (19세기 강남(江南)에서 재해석된 사왕풍(四王風) 산수화의 유입 안건영(安健榮)의 <산수도> 6폭 병풍을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Kyoung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.79-97
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    • 2008
  • Four Wangs' landscape style (四王山水畵風), which had appeared in Beijing in the early 18th century, widely spread to Korea and Japan in the 19th century and became a significant basis for developing new painting styles in both countries. It was first introduced to Korea by Shin Wi (申緯) and Kim Jeong-hee (金正喜) who associated with literary men of the Qing Dynasty. Being influenced by them directly or indirectly, Shin Myeong-yeon (申命淵), Yi Han-cheol (李漢喆), Yu Suk (劉淑), Changv Seung-eop (張承業), An Choog-sik (安中植), and Jo Seok-jin (趙錫晋) attempted to adapt Four Wangs' landscape style and it later became a main Stream painting style of the Korean painting circles. Based on Four Wangs' landscape style, their landscape paintings had something in common in that they captured natural features from a short distance using the Down-Up prospective and placed guardian mountains across mountain streams by making a tall tree in the right or left bottom of the canvas as the starting point. However, recently unveiled court painter An Geon-yeong (1841~1876)'s the Landscape Screen is remarkable in that it is based on Four Wangs' style, which was in fashion in the late 19th century, but shows different aspects from other Four Wangs' style paintings in terms of feature capturing, brush stroke and colors. While most of An Geon-yeong's existing paintings are small ones, this folding screen is a big piece consisting of six-fold landscape paintings. In particular, it shows new aspects by creating a serene and calm atmosphere through the description of various landscape scenes with thin brush strokes using glossy ink, by showing a macroscopic view in some paintings through feature capture using a birds-eye view method, and by giving life to the canvas through smoke and clouds. This painting style is considered to be linked with those of Wang Xue-hao (王學浩, 1754~1832), Tang Yifen (湯貽汾, 1778~1853) and Dai Xi (戴熙, 1801~1860), based on Four Wangs' style in the early 19th century's Jiangnan Circle (江南 畵壇), who tried to express the energy and vitality of real landscapes by going around China's well-known mountains and complementing painting styles with drawing from nature. Therefore, An Geon-yeong's six-fold Landscape Screen is very significant as a rare case proving the introduction and reception of Jiangnan Circle's Four Wangs' landscape style which was different in many aspects from Beijing Circle in the 19th century.

Prognostic Factors for Survival in Patients with Stage IV non-small Cell Lung Cancer (제 IV병기 비소세포폐암의 예후인자)

  • Kim, Myung-Hoon;Park, Hee-Sun;Kang, Hyun-Mo;Jang, Pil-Soon;Lee, Yun-Sun;An, Jin-Yong;Kwon, Sun-Jung;Jung, Sung-Soo;Kim, Ju-Ock;Kim, Sun-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2002
  • Background : Although patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer are known to have a poor prognosis, the prognostic factors for survival have not been well evaluated. Such factors may be different from those for overall survival. This study was performed to analyze the prognostic factors for survuval and the variation of survival according to metastatic organ, in patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Materials and Methods : From January 1997 to December 2000, 151 patients with confirmed stage IV non-small cell lung cancer were enrolled into this study retrospectively. The clinical and laboratory data were analyzed using univareate Kaplan-Meied and Multivariate Cox regression models. Results : On univariate analysis, age, performance status, serum albumin level, weight loss, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), systemic chemotherapy, the number of metastatic organs and serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level were significant factors (p<0.05). In multivariate analysis, important factors for survival were ECOG performance (relative risk of death [RR]: 2.709), systemic chemotherapy (RR: 1.944), serum LDH level (RR: 1.819) and FEV1 (RR: 1.774) (p<0.05), Metastasis to the brain and liver was also a significant factor on univariate analysis). The presence of single lung metastasis was associated with better survival than that of other metastatic organs (p=0.000). Conclusion : We confirmed that performance status and systemic chemotherapy were independent prognostic factors, as has been recognized. The survival of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer patients was different according to the metastatic organs. Among the metastatic sites, only patients with metastasis to the lung showed bettrer survival than that of other sites, while metastasis of the brain or liver was associated with worse survival than that of other sites.