• Title/Summary/Keyword: 잠수함 모델

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On the Development of the Authoritative Representations of Submarine for Engagement Level Simulation (교전수준 잠수함 표준모델 개발 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Hun;Shin, Ji-Hwan;Kim, Chan-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes and explains that the engagement level model of submarine can be used in underwater engagement simulation taking reuse, interoperability, and extension to the engineering leveled simulation into consideration. WBS(Work Break-down Structure), internal data interface, and I/O data about the engagement level model of submarine are developed. It describes the modeling method of components of submarine model as well. In this paper, the non-acoustic detection and stealth models are excluded because those models are not related to the underwater engagement, so the excluded models need to be developed in the future.

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Reliability Analysis of Dual-Channel CAN bus for Submarine Combat System (잠수함 전투체계를 위한 이중채널 CAN 버스의 신뢰도 분석)

  • Song, Moogeun;Kim, Eunro;Lee, Dongik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.12
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    • pp.1170-1178
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    • 2013
  • Thanks to various benefits, low-cost real-time communication networks so called fieldbus have been widely used in many industrial applications including military systems, such as aircrafts, submarines, and robots. This paper presents a reliability analysis of dual-channel CAN(Controller Area Network) fieldbus which is used for controlling various equipment of submarine combat system. A submarine combat system playing a critical role to the success of missions and survivability consists of various devices including sensors/actuators and computers. Since a communication network for submarine combat system must satisfy an extremely high level of reliability, a dual channel technique is commonly adopted. In this paper, a Petri Net based reliability model for dual-channel CAN is discussed. A reliability model called generalized stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) is built by utilizing the information on physical faults with CAN. The effectiveness of the proposed model is analyzed in terms of unreliability with respect to failure rate and repair rate.

Modeling and Simulation for Anti-submarine HVU Escort Mission (대 잠수함 HVU 호위 임무 분석 모델링 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, Kang-Moon;Lee, Eun-Bog;Shin, Suk-Hoon;Han, Seungjin;Chi, Sung-Do
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2014
  • Most warship combat systems inquire human operator to control several sensor and another equipments as well as decision-modeling. For this reason, many researches with multi-agent based M&S (Modeling and Simulation) have been increasingly conducted. However there cannot find any researches of M&S based analysis for anti-submarine warfare that requires a high level of mission complexity between multiple platforms. In this research, we have been developed various combat platform models such as warship, submarine and helicopter, etc. In order to apply the multi-agent-based M&S technology to the anti-submarine warfare i.e. a HVU (High Value Unit) escort mission scenario. Then we have successfully analyzed the measures of effectiveness according to the different tactics and different situations. In future, the defence engineer maybe employ our methodology and tools to analyze actual tactical problem by simply inserting actual data into our agent model.

Design of T-S Fuzzy-Model-Based Controller for Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (무인 잠수정의 심도 제어를 위한 T-S 퍼지 모델 기반 제어기 설계)

  • Jun, Sung-Woo;Kim, Do-Wan;Lee, Ho-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.302-306
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy-model-based controller for depth control of autonomous underwater vehicles(AUVs). Through sector nonlinearity methodology, The nonlinear AUV is represented by T-S fuzzy model. By using the Lyapunov function, the design condition of controller is derived to guarantee the performance of depth control in the format of linear matrix inequality (LMI). An example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

Design of Robust Depth Controller of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles under the Stern Angle Constraints (심도각 범위를 고려한 무인 잠수정의 강인 심도 제어기 설계)

  • Jun, Sung-Woo;Kim, Do-Wan;Lee, Ho-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.1944-1945
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 심도각 범위를 고려한 무인 잠수정(autonomous underwater vehicles: AUVs)의 타카키-수게노 (Takagi-Sugeno: T-S) 퍼지 모델 기반 강인 심도 제어기의 설계 기법을 제안한다. 무인 잠수정의 비선형 시스템은 Sector nonlinearity 기법을 이용하여 T-S 퍼지 시스템으로 모델링된다. 리아푸노프(Lyapunov) 함수를 이용하여 무인 잠수정의 성능을 보장하는 선형 행렬 부등식(Linear matrix inequality: LMI) 형태의 강인 제어기 설계 조건은 유도된다. 또한 무인 잠수정의 심도각 범위를 고려하여 입력 및 출력에 제한 조건을 포함한다. 모의 실험을 통해 제안된 기법의 심도 제어 성능을 검증한다.

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A Study on Design Process and Control Test of Manta-type Unmanned Underwater Test Vehicle (Manta 형상 무인잠수정의 설계과정 및 제어실험에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Seung-Woo;Yim, Jong-Guk;Kim, Joon-Young
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문에서는 Manta 형상 무인잠수정의 자유항주모델을 설계하였고 이를 이용하여 제어실험을 실시하였다. 제작된 MUUTV모형은 직진방향으로 1개의 추진기를 가지고 있으며, 승강타와 방향타를 이용하여 수심 및 방향 제어를 실시하게된다. MUUTV는 수심제어시 사용되는 수심을 측정하기 위한 압력센서, 방향제어를 위해 방향각 측정을 위한 마그네틱 컴파스가 설치되어있으며, 잠수정의 전체적인 운용을 위한 Windows XP기반의 소형 On-board PC104가 장착되어있다. 시뮬레이션에 사용된 6자유도 운동모델은 PMM실험과 이론적 추정을 통해 얻어진 유체동역학계수와 파라미터를 이용하여 구성된다. 잠수정의 운동성능과 제어응답을 비교하기 위해 PID, 슬라이딩모드, 퍼지, 제어기가 설계되었으며, 이를 통해 제어 성능을 비교하고자 하였다. 또한 제작된 모델을 이용하여 수심 및 방향제어 실험을 수조에서 실시하였다.

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Study of the Factors of a Submarine Crews' Turnover Intention Based on Kano Model and Suggestion of the Policy Measures (잠수함 승조원의 이직의도 요인 분석을 통한 정책방안제시- Kano모델을 이용하여 -)

  • Bae, Dae Suk;Chae, Myungsin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.4950-4960
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the factors affecting submarine crews' turnover intention. This study reviewed previous research-related turnover in military organizations. The measurement was designed based on the Kano model, which was originally used to survey the customers' satisfaction with a service or a product. The authors conducted a questionnaire survey of 408 submarine crew, from 1, Nov to 30, Nov, 2013. The results showed that the factors that impact the submarine crews' turnover were the sense of insecurity due to the a poor working environment of the submarine, physical risks due to the water pressure, anxiety due to the closed space, and insecure rank-limited promotion system. The paper discusses the implications of the results from the perspective of military social welfare and provides recommendations for setting up the policy for submarine crews' welfare based on the study result.

The Detectability of Submarine's Turbulent Wake on the sea surface using Ship-Wake Theory (Ship-Wake 이론을 이용한 잠수함 항적탐색 가능성)

  • Lee, Yong-Chol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.773-779
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    • 2011
  • The width of a submarine's turbulent wake, using Shear-free and Ship wake theory, is proportional to $x^n,\;({\frac{1}{5}}{\leq}n<{\frac{1}{2}})$ If we assume submarine's length, width, velocity are 65m, 6.5m, 6kts respectively, and the minimum diffusion of turbulent wake ; ${\infty}\;x^{1/5}$, the width of wake behind the submarine is about 20m at 1.2km, 30m at 15km when there is no breaking waves on the sea surface. However, in the case of breaking waves, it is very limited to identify submarine's wake on the sea surface because wind generated turbulent wake has higher turbulent kinetic energy than that of submarine's wake. As a result, there is a high possibility to detect submarine's wake on the sea surface in the shallow water such as the Yellow-Sea using a proper detection method such as SAR. This means that in anti-submarine operations, non-acoustic sea surface serveillance applied turbulent wake will be very effective way to detect a submarine in near future. To do this we have to develop exact theory of submarine's turbulent wake above all.

Analysis of the Flight Trajectory Characteristics of North Korea SLBM (북한 SLBM의 비행특성 해석)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Haing;Seo, Hyeong-Pil;Kwon, Yong-Soo;Kim, Jiwon
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2015
  • This research focuses on analysis of the flight trajectory characteristics of SLBM (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile) of North Korea. Recently, North Korea tested launching of SLBM which is threatening international security. Also it is known that North Korea had possessed the technologies about SLBM since they disassembled submarines out of commission of the former Soviet Union. If the development of the SLBM of North Korea is completed, it should be affected as asymmetric threat to South Korea. Therefore, for active respondence to these threat, it is essential to analyze the SLBM systematically. In this point of view, this work made a SLBM flight model and simulated. In addition, we controled flight trajectories according to adjusting loft angle and described their characteristics. The sea-based ballistic missile defense system is required for an effective response to the flight trajectory of the SLBM from mid-course to terminal phase.

Design of T-S Fuzzy Model Based H Controller for Diving Control of AUV: An LMI Approach (무인 잠수정의 깊이 제어를 위한 T-S 퍼지 모델 기반 H 제어기 설계: 선형 행렬 부등식 접근법)

  • Jun, Sung-Woo;Kim, Do-Wan;Lee, Ho-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.441-447
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a design technique of a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy-model-based $H_{\infty}$ controller for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The design procedure aims to render the stabilizing controller which satisfies performance of the diving control for AUVs in the presence of the disturbance. A nonlinear AUV is modeled by the T-S fuzzy system through the sector nonlinearity. By using Lyapunov function, the sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee the performance of robust depth control in the format of linear matrix inequality (LMI). To succeed for diving control of AUV, we add the constraints on the diving and pitch angles in the LMI conditions. Through the simulation, we confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.