• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자동차 디자인

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Evaluation of incremental sheet forming characteristics for 3D-structured aluminum sheet - part 2 (3D 구조 알루미늄 판재의 점진판재성형 특성 평가 (제2보))

  • Kim, Young-Suk;Do, Van-Cuong;Ahn, Dae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1585-1593
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    • 2015
  • 3D-structured (embossed) aluminum sheets have been used in the heat insulation purpose for automative exhaust parts because of increasing their surface areas and stiffness reinforcement imposed in making the embossing pattern. However, there are many restrictions in press forming of the embossed sheet compared with the flat sheet (non-embossed one) because of its difference in the mechanical properties and the geometrical 3-dimensional shape. In this paper we investigated the deformation characteristic of embossed aluminum sheet in the incremental sheet forming process which has frequently used in the design verification and the trial manufacturing of sheet products. The single point incremental forming (SPIF) experiments for the rectangular cone forming using the CNC machine with a chemical wood-machined die and a circular tool shape showed that the formability of the embossed sheet are better than that of the flat sheet in view of the maximum angle of cone forming. This comes from the fact that the embossed sheet between the tool and the elastic die wall is plastically compressed and the flatted area contributes to increase the plastic deformation. Also the tool path along the outward movement from the center showed a better formability than that of the inward movement from the edge. However the surface quality for the tool path along the outward movement evaluated from the surface deflection is inferior than that of the tool path along the inward movement.

A study on the signification of visual message in the website - Focus on intro page of automobile company homepage - (웹사이트에 나타난 시각적 메시지의 의미작용 연구 -자동차 기업 홈페이지의 intro page를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sang-Hyeok;Lee, Yong-Ho
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2005
  • Visual messages are fundamental elements for performing communication and indicate the signs which are delivered from the communicator to the communicatee via channels, Generally, we can classify visual messages into two groups; linguistic factors which are rational and deliver abstract concepts and unlinguistic factors which are mental and can be expressed concretely. Especially, web site with receivers' low attention and concentration need images which can attract their attention to visual messages. That is, web site is a medium which allows us to feel visual and emotional experiences. We can call it a standard of sign systems which are consisted of various styles of digital texts. The main purpose of this study lies in that we'll analyze how homepage introductory page as one of the forms of digital text conduces a meaning action to the receivers and that we'll apprehend the structures of images and different types of signs via a semiotic approach and analyze the underlying meaning of the messages. In order to survey the structures of images we'll look into the attitude toward perceiving messages by using semantic differential method which has been developed mostly by Osgood and analyze the visual images by adopting sign types of Fuss. As the signification is created by combining signs, it is significant that we'll analyze the meaning of sings between the transmitters and receivers from the semiotic viewpoint and study the signification systems.

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A Study of the Selection of the Valuation Items of the Environmental Illumination Design for a Bridge (교량의 경관조명연출디자인 평가항목 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Choul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2004
  • It is an attempt to suggest the standard valuation method of the environmental illumination for the bridges across the Han-river from an aesthetic point of view, deviating from the technical and traditional viewpoint. In Korea the current evaluation criterion to verify the value of bridge design has a partiality for the technical and structural safety rather than the sentient beauty on the whole. However, the recently cultural reform of Korean mass society with the elevation of the standard of living forces the engineering designers for bridges to focus not only on competing physical structures but also on enhancing the formative beauty including the illumination effects for night view. Additionally, the new policy, which transforms the environments around the Han-river into the major tourist attractions has been executing strongly by the city authorities to revitalize the symbolic, historic, and cultural identity of the capital city with the introduction of the high-quality environmental illumination for the bridges. As a result, It becomes necessary to establish the manual and standardization of the environmental illumination planning for the city in terms of the formative beauty, and this study is to suggest the valuation model method of the environmental illumination for the bridges as the initial step of the standardization. In the study, the valuation items of the standard questionnaire are selected by the documentary records and the consultation of various experts in architecture, design, fine art, urban planning and even administration to verify the essential elements of the aesthetic beauty with the local amenity and the environmental harmony for the chosen bridges across the Han-river.

Derivation of Constraint Factors Affecting Passenger's In-Vehicle Activity of Urban Air Mobility's Personal Air Vehicle and Design Criteria According to the Level of Human Impact (도심항공모빌리티 비행체 PAV 탑승자 실내행위에 영향을 미치는 제약 요소 도출 및 인체 영향 수준에 따른 설계 기준)

  • Jin, Seok-Jun;Oh, Young-Hoon;Ju, Da Young
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 2022
  • Recently, prior to the commercialization of urban air mobility (UAM), the importance of R&D for air transportation-related industries in urban areas has significantly increased. To create a UAM environment, research is being conducted on personal air vehicles (PAVs). They are key means of air transportation, but research on the physical factors influencing their passengers is relatively insufficient. In particular, because the PAV is expected to be used as a living space for the passengers, research on the effects of the physical elements generated in the PAV on the human body is essential to design an interior space that supports the in-vehicle activities of the passengers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to derive the constraint factors that affect the human body due to the air navigation characteristics of the PAV and to understand the impact of these constraint factors on the bodies of the passengers performing in-vehicle activities. The results of this study indicate that when the PAV was operated at less than 4,000 ft, which is the operating standard, the constraint factors were noise, vibration, and motion sickness caused by low-frequency motion. These constraint factors affect in-vehicle activity; thus, the in-vehicle activities that can be performed in a PAV were derived using autonomous cars, airplanes, and PAV concept cases. Furthermore, considering the impact of the constraint factors and their levels on the human body, recommended constraint factor criteria to support in-vehicle activities were established. To reduce the level of impact of the constraint factors on the human body and to support in-vehicle activity, the seat's shape and built-in functions of the seat (vibration reduction function, temperature control, LED lighting, etc.) and external noise reduction using a directional speaker for each individual seat were recommended. Moreover, it was suggested that interior materials for noise and vibration reduction should be used in the design of the interior space. The contributions of this study are the determination of the constraint factors affecting the in-vehicle PAV activity and the confirmation of the level of impact of the factors on the human body; in the future, these findings can be used as basic data for suitable PAV interior design.

Measures for the safety of an electric car in case(Seoul metro) gives up the subway operation (도시철도(서울메트로) 영업운전을 포기할 경우 안전대책방안)

  • Jang, Young-Gil;Yi, Gye-Jean;Yoon, Sung-Woo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1852-1857
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    • 2007
  • Since the introduction of the subway, remarkable progress has been made so as to be able to produce a Korean standard electric car, but it is rather regretful that an engineer who is not aware of laws on a railroad or involved in a railroad designed a electric car. In the future, the electric cars with up-to-date technology must be introduced, but there are many difficulties in such introduction. For example, the operation of simultaneously moving and running scores of subway trains must comply with Regulation on Railroad Train Operation, so, close examination of these problems is required. The existing electric car, as does a motorcar, varies a little with makers in the type and characteristics. This paper is intended to discuss about the device and measures for reinforcing a function of Daewoo GEC electric car that was introduced by technical tie-up from England, which accounts for the most ratio in this field

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A Convergence Study through Flow Analysis due to the Configuration of Automotive Air Breather (자동차 에어 브리더의 형상에 따른 유동해석을 통한 융합연구)

  • Oh, Bum Suk;Cho, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the flow analysis due to the car body configuration of air breather was carried out. As the resistance force whose flow affects car body has been studied, it is published that the electricity can be decreased. When the inner pressure of air breather is evaluated, there is the study of efficiency in order to raise the flow rate of inner body. At a total of five models, it is shown that the air resistance and pressure happen differently and the air pressure of side flow is changed. This study result was analyzed by using the analysis program of ANSYS, a study model was modelled using the CATIA V5 modelling program. It was investigated that the air flow rate was distributed uniformly as the curved surface of air breather configuration increases. It is thought as the most effective design method to design the air breather by considering the effect on the air resistance and flow. Also, through the design of the vehicle's airbrid configuration, the design of the product can incorporate a aesthetic sense into the design.

Model Development of Capstone Design for Technological and Humanities Convergence by Using Idea Box (아이디어박스를 활용한 기술인문융합형 캡스톤디자인 모형개발)

  • Kyung, Jong-soo;Choi, Chang-ha
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2018
  • In many universities, the Capstone Design course aims to educate creativity, teamwork and leadership, and ultimately aims to cultivate practitioners with practical ability required in the industry. Since the introduction of capstone design as a regular course, it has spread not only to engineering but also to the humanities and social sciences. A typical capstone design is usually carried out within a limited range of schedules and budgets within the scope of a major and a subject. In the case of a special-purpose capstone design, it is necessary to find out excellent items aiming at start-up and commercialization at an early stage, It contributes to the achievement of international convention participation, start-up and commercialization. The teaching styles of capstone design such as multidisciplinary capstone design, fusion capstone design, and global capstone design are developed and operated in various ways. Depending on each type, objectives, curriculum, scope of participation, operation method, performance and so on. In the case of capstone design, it is contributing to increase the achievements such as participation in international conventions, establishment of business and commercialization by early detection of excellent items aiming at start-up and commercialization, development and establishment of support process. Technological and Humanities Convergence Capstone Design Moel is named as the process of designing a four-level idea called "Idea Factory-based Technology-Humannities Fusion Capstone Design Process", and it is used to generate ideas, elaborate ideas, advanced ideas, and commercialization.

A Study on the Improvement of Pedestrian Environment for the Mobility Handicapped on the Use of Personal Mobility Vehicle (개인형 이동수단의 이용에 따른 교통약자의 보행환경 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Hyung;Lee, Kyoo-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 2021
  • Recently, personal mobility has been spreading and using increasing, but the pedestrian environment is getting worse and accidents are also rapidly increasing. Therefore, this study conducts a status survey related to the elements of pedestrian disturbances in personal mobility and identifies the problems. The following measures are presented to improve the pedestrian environment for the mobility handicapped through expert opinion surveys. The movement of individual mobility means in the walking space is prohibited, and the speed limit shall be stipulated to enable the mobility handicapped to walk safely and conveniently. Parking spaces will have to create obstacle zones in the parking area next to the roadway or at the border of sidewalks and roads, and regulations are needed to collect illegally parked vehicles. It is necessary to switch from the existing automobile-oriented road to the road structure considering the use of low and medium-speed vehicles.

Die Stress Reduction Design and Mechanical Properties Analysis of Warm Forging Process for the Application of Warm-Closed Forging of Automative Steering Unit Yoke (자동차 조향장치 부품 요크의 온간 밀폐 단조 적용을 위한 금형 응력 저감 설계 및 온간 단조품의 기계적 특성 분석)

  • Seong, S.G.;Kim, K.H.;Lee, Y.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Yoon, E.Y.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2022
  • In this study, finite element analyses were performed by applying a stress ring and split die design to relieve the tensile stress acting on the die due to high surface pressure during warm-closed forging. The applied material was a yield-ratio-control-steel (YRCS). It was used without quenching or tempering after forging. In the case of stress rings design, the number of stress rings and the tolerance for shrink fit were different. Vertical and horizontal splits were applied for insert die split design. Case 5 die with three stress rings, 0.2 % shrink fit tolerance, and vertical split was selected as an effective die design for tensile stress reduction. Based on die stress reduction analyses, Case 5 die for warm-closed forging was produced and smooth forgeability was secured, making it possible to manufacture forging product of yoke with the required geometry. In addition, controlled cooling using warm forging heat was applied to secure mechanical properties of yokes. When oil cooling was used for direct controlled cooling after warm-closed forging, a relatively uniform Rockwell hardness distribution and high mechanical properties could be obtained.

A Study on the Determinants of Luxuriousness: With Focus on Product Attributes and Luxuriousness (명품성의 결정요인에 관한 연구: 제품속성과 명품성을 중심으로)

  • Lim, JoongSik;Koh, InKon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.95-111
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    • 2015
  • This purpose of this study is to academically define what "luxury products" mean, and to clarify the cognitive structural relationship between product attributes and "luxuriousness" in relation to the determinant of luxuriousness that eventually affects the purchase intention of consumers. This study is also written under the theory that luxuriousness leads to benefits such as functional benefit, experiential benefit, symbolic benefit, and exclusive benefit; which all provide core values to consumers and serve as effect factors that influence the psychological satisfaction of consumers. The commonly discussed measure of the determinant of luxuriousness has often failed to adequately describe the reasons to why the consumers prefer luxury products. This study also aims to suggest a new path in how and what the consumers perceive as luxury products, and to conceptualize what luxuriousness means in the marketing perspectives on the background of a previous theory. The part of product attributes are divided in the following sections: the quality and design of functional cues and brands of symbolic cues, as well as prices. The part of the determinant of luxuriousness is divided in sections of superiority, scarcity, differentiation, and traditionality. Therefore, this study used the theoretical concept used in such common measures as well as 282 examples to empirically analyze the relationship between product attributes and luxuriousness of luxury products, and how such affect the purchase intentions of consumers. The survey used to aid this study targeted luxury product consumers regarding "B" brand of automobiles. Using the analysis through a structural equation model, the study draws a conclusion that in a relationship between product attributes and luxuriousness, quality(which is one of the functional cues) affects the facts of superiority, differentiation in a significant way, and design affects the factors of scarcity in a significant way. And brand(one of the symbolic cues) significantly affects the factors of traditionality within the luxuriousness factors, and price appeared to affect superiority and scarcity. Additionally, the brand of product attributes significantly affects purchase intention, and superiority and scarcity of luxuriousness affects purchase intention in a significant way. The structural concept of luxury and luxuriousness suggested in the study will provide the theoretical basis for building a new case study, and the determinants of luxuriousness in the marketing perspective will be a practical help for checking the consumers' psychological reasons for purchase.

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