• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자기회귀교차지연

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Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Analysis on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Security Employees - Utilization of Korean Labor and Income Panel Study - (보안업 종사자의 조직몰입과 직무만족에 관한 자기회귀교차지연 분석 - 한국노동패널자료의 활용 -)

  • Kim, Woo-Jin
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.50
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the longitudinal causal relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction, focusing on security related workers. For this purpose, the Korean Labor and Income panel data were classified into security employees. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 20.0, and validity and reliability analysis were conducted before hypothesis testing. The results of the analysis show that organizational commitment at time t-1 has a positive effect on organizational commitment at time t, and that job satisfaction at time t-1 has a positive effect on job satisfaction at time t Respectively. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The organizational commitment has a significant effect on the job satisfaction. 2) The effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment was also significant 3) The cross-lagged coefficients show that organizational commitment precedes job satisfaction and serves as a predictor

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Loneliness and Game Addiction in the Early Adolescence: A Four-Year Panel Study (초기 청소년의 외로움과 게임중독의 종단적 관계: 게임이용자 패널 데이터의 자기회귀 교차지연 효과 분석)

  • Jin, Borae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.178-186
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    • 2019
  • Previous studies have shown the significant association between loneliness and game addiction. To determine the causal relationship between them, the present study utilized a series of autoregressive cross-lagged models to early adolescent panel data (N = 346) from KOCCA's Game User Panel Research. Results indicated that loneliness and game addiction, respectively, had relatively strong and stable autoregressive effects across four time points. Also, game addiction at a prior time increased loneliness at a later time, but loneliness was not significantly related to game addiction later in time. These results suggest that game addiction may cause loneliness, not the vice versa.

The Longitudinal Relationship between Self-directed Learning Ability and Career Maturity using Autoregressive Cross-lagged Modeling by Middle and High School Students in Seoul (자기주도학습능력과 진로성숙도 간 자기회귀교차지연 효과검증: 서울지역 중·고등학생을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Joo-Young;Park, Kyun-Yeal;Lee, In-su;Lee, Su-jin
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.89-107
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the causal relationship between self-directed learning ability and career maturity by Middle and High School Students in Seoul. This study used Seoul Education Longitudinal Study(SELS) data. Using autoregressive cross-lagged modeling, the results was followed. first, self-directed learning ability value was had a statistically significant positive effect in accordance with the time course from middle school 1st grade to high school 3rd grade. Second, career maturity also had a statistically significant positive effect in accordance with the time course from middle school 1st grade to high school 3rd grade. Third, previous self-directed learning ability had significant positive effect on the later career maturity, but the previous career maturity had no significant effect on later self-directed learning ability.

Longitudinal Relationship between Children's Life Satisfaction and Parents' Life Satisfaction: Using Autoregressive Cross-lagged Model (부모 삶의 만족도와 아동 삶의 만족도의 종단적 관계 : 자기회귀교차지연 모형을 이용하여)

  • Kim, Yong Hoi;Han, Chang-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.29-55
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine how children's life satisfaction is interrelated with parents' life satisfaction longitudinally. Autoregressive cross-lagged model was employed to analyze the interrelationship between children's and parents' life satisfaction. This study used 6 waves (Elementary school 4th year to Middle school 3rd year) from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Study (KCYPS). The sample size was 1,963 families with child and parent. Key findings are as follows: First, children's and parents' life satisfaction, respectively, was found to influence each other during the study period. Second, parents' life satisfaction were found to have positive and significant cross-lagged impacts on children's life satisfaction. Third, similarly, children's life satisfaction was positively related to parents' life satisfaction longitudinally. The findings suggest that children's and parents' life satisfaction are interrelated in an autoregressive cross-lagged model. This study concludes with implications for enhancing children's and parents' life satisfaction.

A study on longitudinal relationship with academic stress, math self-efficacy, and math class engagement : Using auto regressive cross-lagged model (학업스트레스, 수학자기효능감, 수학수업참여에 관한 종단연구 : 자기회귀교차지연모형을 적용하여)

  • Song, Hyo seob;Jung, Hee sun
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.359-373
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to examine the differences in the longitudinal relationship between academic stress, mathematics self-efficacy, and engagement in mathematics class according to the math achievement level. According to the results, academic stress, math self-efficacy, and math class engagement were stable over time for the high and low groups. Also, In the high group, math self-efficacy had a negative longitudinal mediation effect in the influence of academic stress to math class engagement. Whereas, in the low group math class engagement had a positive longitudinal mediation effect in the influence of academic stress to math self-efficacy. This means that the academic stress affects differently according to the math achievement level, and mathematics teachers should reflect these results in their teaching/learning strategies so that students can increase their mathematics self-efficacy along with their engagement in mathematics classes.

Testing the Auto-regressive Cross-lagged Effects Between Relative Extrinsic Value Orientation and Life-satisfaction (상대적 외적 가치 지향과 삶의 만족 간 자기회귀교차지연 효과 검증)

  • Koo, Jaisun
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2019
  • The relative extrinsic value orientation (REVO) means the relative importance to extrinsic values (e.g. wealth, fame and social approval) compared with intrinsic values (e.g. affiliation, self-acceptance and personal growth). This study aimed to investigate the causal relation between REVO and life-satisfaction using the auto-regressive cross-lagged modeling. For this purpose, 3rd, 5th, and 7th year data from the Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) middle school 1st grade panel was analyzed (N = 2,259; 1,140 males and 1,119 females). The results are as follows; Firstly, positive auto-regressive effects of REVO and life-satisfaction were significant. Secondly, REVO was found to have negative and cross-lagged effect on life-satisfaction. However, cross-lagged effect from life-satisfaction to REVO was not significant. Finally, no gender difference was found in this relationship. These results suggest that low life satisfaction does not cause the relative extrinsic value orientation, but high relative extrinsic value orientation may cause low life satisfaction.

The Longitudinal Relationship between Depression and Aggression in Adolesecnts Adapting the Autoregressive Cross-lagged Model (아동의 우울과 공격성의 자기회귀교차지연 효과검증 - 성별간 다집단 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Jin-Seop
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.161-185
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the causal relationship between depression and aggressiveness among adolescents. The 4-year longitudinal data collected from 2,670 4th grade elementary school students by the Korean Youth Panel study was used in this study. From the analysis result using the Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Model, the depression and aggressiveness in adolescents were continued from elementary school 4th grade to middle school 7th grade in significant stability. In addition, the previous aggressiveness turned out to have significant positive effect on the later period depression. Similarly, the previous depression had significant effect on the later aggressiveness, but the direction was negative. This means that the adolescents's depression increases as their aggressiveness increases, but as the depression increases, the later aggressiveness of the adolescents decreases. There were no differences between girls and boys within the relationship of these two variables. Finally, the implication derived from the results, the limitation of this study, and suggestion for following studies were presented.

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A longitudinal study of the stress factors of parents between psychological maladjustment and the risk of school interruption in multicultural adolescents: The Application of Autoregressive Cross-lagged Model (부모의 스트레스와 다문화청소년의 심리적 부적응, 학업중단위험 간 종단적 인과관계: 자기회귀교차지연모형 적용)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Ha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.373-385
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the Korea Youth Policy Institute applied a self-registering model to verify the patterns of parental stress, multicultural youth psychological maladjustment, and interdependence between three factors by using five-point-time data tracked from middle school to high school. According to the analysis, First, Parent' stress at the time of the five surveys had a significant positive effect on the psychological maladjustment and the risk of academic interruption of multicultural adolescents at that point. Second, the psychological maladaptation of multicultural adolescents at the time of the previous five surveys had a significant positive effect on the risk of academic interruption at that point. Based on these analysis results, various support measures were proposed to cope with the stress of multicultural youth parents, and policy alternatives were proposed to prevent the risk of academic interruption by reducing the psychological maladjustment of multicultural youth.

The Study on relationship between mobile phone dependency and self-control of adolescents (청소년의 휴대전화의존성과 자기통제력의 관계)

  • Kim Jin Wook;Kwon Jin
    • Studies on Life and Culture
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    • v.50
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    • pp.325-360
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the relationship between mobile phone dependency and self - control of adolescents using autoregressive cross-lagged modeling. Self-control is a important variable in youth-related research. If there is a lack of self-control, there is a high possibility of falling into problematic behavior, and it is easily exposed to dependence or addiction of mobile phone. However, there is a limit to the fact that the research on the relationship between mobile phone dependency and self-control has not been able to verify the causal direction since it is only a cross-sectional study. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the 5th ~ 7th survey data of the first grade of elementary school in Korea Child and Youth Panel were analyzed. The statistical analysis was done by SPSS 22.0 statistical package. The AMOS 18.0 statistical package was used to analyze the autoregressive cross-lagged modeling. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the self-control power at the previous time had a statistically significant negative effect on the dependency of the mobile phone in the future. The dependency of the mobile phone at the previous time point was not significant in the self-control at the later time point. Through the above analysis, we emphasize the importance of self - control among adolescents and suggest realistic and theoretical implications related to cell phone dependency.

The Longitudinal Effect between Disability Acceptance and Job Satisfaction of Wage Working Disabled Persons: Adapting the Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Model and Multigroup Analysis

  • Lee, Hyoung-Ha
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.177-190
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    • 2022
  • In this study, using data from the second wave of Panel Survey of Employment for The Disabled[PESD] (2016) to the sixth year (2021), the longitudinal changes between disability acceptance and job satisfaction of adult wage workers aged 20 or older with disabilities and the correlation An autoregressive cross-lagged model was applied to analyze the causal relationship. As a result of the analysis, first, the disability acceptance and job satisfaction at the previous time point of the disabled workers were stably significant to the disability acceptance(𝛽=.556~.610) and job satisfaction(𝛽=.554~.585) at the later time point. Second, disability acceptance at the previous point in time for wage workers with disabilities crosses the job satisfaction at the later time point(𝛽=.077~.090), and the job satisfaction at the previous point crosses the disability acceptance at the later time point(𝛽=.087~.092). Third, as a result of model fit analysis according to the gender group of wage workers with disabilities, the difference in the autoregressive effect between disability acceptance and job satisfaction and the cross-lagged effect between disability acceptance and job satisfaction according to the passage of time was not significant.