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The Longitudinal Effect between Disability Acceptance and Job Satisfaction of Wage Working Disabled Persons: Adapting the Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Model and Multigroup Analysis  

Lee, Hyoung-Ha (Dept. of Social Welfare, Kwangju Women's University)
In this study, using data from the second wave of Panel Survey of Employment for The Disabled[PESD] (2016) to the sixth year (2021), the longitudinal changes between disability acceptance and job satisfaction of adult wage workers aged 20 or older with disabilities and the correlation An autoregressive cross-lagged model was applied to analyze the causal relationship. As a result of the analysis, first, the disability acceptance and job satisfaction at the previous time point of the disabled workers were stably significant to the disability acceptance(𝛽=.556~.610) and job satisfaction(𝛽=.554~.585) at the later time point. Second, disability acceptance at the previous point in time for wage workers with disabilities crosses the job satisfaction at the later time point(𝛽=.077~.090), and the job satisfaction at the previous point crosses the disability acceptance at the later time point(𝛽=.087~.092). Third, as a result of model fit analysis according to the gender group of wage workers with disabilities, the difference in the autoregressive effect between disability acceptance and job satisfaction and the cross-lagged effect between disability acceptance and job satisfaction according to the passage of time was not significant.
Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled(PSED); Wage Working Disabled Persons; Disability Acceptance; Job Satisfaction; Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Model;
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