• Title/Summary/Keyword: 일차성

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Quality Characteristics of Baked Rice Cake Added with Maltitol (말티톨 첨가 구운떡의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Hee-Jung;Yoo, Seon-Mi;Han, Hye-Min;Park, Bo-Ram;Han, Gui-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.7
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    • pp.1068-1074
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics of baked rice cake added with maltitol syrup. The hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness of baked rice cake significantly decreased (P<0.05) according to the level of added maltitol syrup. Hunter's color values of baked rice cake did not differ significantly according to the level of added maltitol syrup. Sensory evaluation indicated that appearance, moistness, chewiness, hardness, and overall acceptance of baked rice cake prepared with added maltitol syrup were improved compared to those of baked control rice cake. Hunter's color values and texture properties of baked rice cake added with 10% maltitol syrup were compared with those of baked control rice cake during storage at room temperature for 3 days. Hunter's color L values of baked rice cake decreased during storage, whereas a and b values increased. The rate of hardness increase in baked rice cake with maltitol syrup was lower than that in baked control rice cake during storage. The Avrami exponents (n) of baked control rice cake and baked rice cake added with 10% maltitol were 2.418 and 2.098, respectively. The time constants (1/k) of the former and latter were 43.860 and 60.976, respectively. Overall, addition of 10% maltitol syrup improved the texture, sensory properties, and retarding retrogradation of baked rice cake.

The Study of Solid Waste Compost Development for Reclaiming Damage Soil in Forest (산림훼손토양 복원을 위한 부숙토 개발 연구)

  • Na, Seung-Ju;Chang, Ki-Woon;Yang, Hui-Young;Jeon, Han-Ki;Lee, Jong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2005
  • To study the development of solid waste compost to use sewage sludge and paper mill sludge for reclaiming damage soil in forest, the changes of temperature, moisture, chemical properties, heavy metals and harmful compound during the aerobic decomposition were investigated, and the compost decomposition of final products investigated the round paper chromatography method and G.I(Germination index) value. The results were summarized as follows. Temperature was changed a little during early 5days because of air temperature too low. That was rapidly increased to over $50^{\circ}C$ at 4days after first turning and then decreased gradually fallen to $40{\sim}50^{\circ}C$ at 15days after aerobic decomposition in A and C treatments. The second turning was conducted at 18 days after aerobic decomposition, and then the temperature was little changed. At the compare first with terminal product, The moisture content was decreased all treatments but the change was little in A and B treatments. pH was decreased to below 1 in all treatments. EC was increased to below 5dS/m. The content of total carbon, C/N ratio, $NH_4{^+}-N$ were decreased with 4~7%, below 8 and below 500mg/kg in all treatments, respectively. The content of total nitrogen, $NO_3{^-}-N$, CEC were increased with below 0.5%, below 173mg/kg and over $30cmol^+/kg$ in all treatments, respectively. The content of heavy metals and harmful compound were similar during aerobic decomposition and suited to standard of 가 grade in all treatments. The result of round paper chromatography method and G.I. value, The C treatment concluded well aerobic decomposition. Especially, the G.I. value in C treatment was 64.1 and 66.2 at cabbage and grass, respectively.

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Asymptomatic Primary Hematuria in Children (소아의 무증상성 일차성 혈뇨)

  • Cho Min-Hyun;Jang You-Cheol;Kim Young-Cheol;Koo Ja-Hoon;Ko Cheol-Woo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Present study has been undertaken to determine the distribution of various renal diseases causing asymptomatic hematuria in children and to evaluate the benefit of doing renal biopsy in these children. Methods: Study population consisted of 146 children with asymptomatic primary hematuria who had been admitted to the pediatric departmen of Kyungpook National University Hospital for the past 4 years from 1999 to 2002. In 122 out of 146 cases, renal biopsy was performed percutaneously and in 24 out of 146 cases, diagnosed as idiopathic hypercalciuria, oral calcium loading test was performed. Results: The age$(mean{\pm}SD)$ at onset or discovery of hematuria of the 146 children in-cluded in this study was $8.0\pm3.2$ years and the proportion of boys and girls was 54.8% and 45.2%, respectively. In 76 out of 146 cases(52%), asymptomatic hematuria was first diagnosed by school urinalysis screening. The proportion of histopathologic findings based on 122 biopsies was as follows : Thin Glomerular Basement Membrane(TGBM) 73 cases(50%): IgA nephropathy 20 cases(14%): Alport syndrome 6 cases(4%), Membranous Glomerulonephropathy(MGN) 4 cases(3%): Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis(MPGN) 2 cases(1%); IgA nephropathy with TGBM 3 cases(2%): 'normal' glomeruli 14 cases(10%) Twenty four cases (16%) were diagnosed as idiopathic hypercalciuria. During follow-up periods, 15% of 146 cases became hematuria-free and renal function did not deteriorate in any cases. Conclusion: Unless hematuric children manifest poor prognostic indicators for renal survival, we would recommend long term regular follow-up prior to a renal biopsy.

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Evaluation of PWSCC at Dissimilar Metal Butt Welds in NPP (원전 이종금속 맞대기용접부 PWSCC 균열건전성평가)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Lee, Kyoung-Soo;Oh, Chang-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.1047-1052
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    • 2012
  • Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) instances have been reported in the Alloy 600 reactor pressure vessel head penetration nozzle and the Alloy 82/182 dissimilar metal butt weld nozzle in several PWRs. Therefore, in-service inspection programs have been adopted worldwide to prevent failure at the weld region. If a PWSCC is observed at the dissimilar metal weld region during inspection, its structural integrity should be evaluated; however, this requires considerable time and effort, and this might lead to a decrease in the plant utilization coefficient. To prevent this, KHNP-CRI have established integrity assessment criteria and developed a computer program for the fast evaluation and judgment of PWSCC. In this paper, the results and current status of the same are presented. Through this study, criteria for the structural integrity evaluation of PWSCC have been established, and a computer program has been developed to realize technical means for the evaluation of PWSCC structural integrity.

Radiologic Approach for Pulmonary Vasculitis (폐혈관염의 영상의학적 접근)

  • Chohee Kim;Yoon Kyung Kim;Joungho Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.4
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    • pp.791-807
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    • 2021
  • Vasculitis is a systemic disease, characterized by inflammation of the vascular wall. Although rare, it is sometimes life-threatening due to diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage or acute glomerulonephritis. Besides primary vasculitis, whose cause is unknown, numerous conditions such as autoimmune diseases, drugs, infections, and tumors can cause secondary vasculitis. Vasculitis displays various non-specific symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings; hence, diagnosis of the disease requires integration of various results including clinical features, imaging findings, autoantibody tests, and pathological findings. In this review, we have discussed the clinical, radiologic, and pathological features of vasculitis. Further, we elaborated the imaging findings and differential diagnosis of typical vasculitis that frequently involves the lung and introduced a new international classification of vasculitis, the Diagnostic and Classification Criteria in Vasculitis.

사용후연료 건식 저장용기의 전복 응력해석

  • 신동필;서기석;최병일;이홍영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.436-436
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    • 2004
  • 사용후 연료 건식 저장 용기가 낙하, 토네이도, 미사일, 홍수 및 지진으로 인한 사고에 대하여 전복이 발생되었을 때 강체 평면과 충돌에 의한 충돌 하중시의 구조 응력 평가하였다. 이를 위해 저장 용기의 무게 중심이 한계를 넘었을 때의 초기 전복 시작각을 무게 중심을 계산을 통해 구하였다. 상용 코드를 사용하여 전복 응력 해석 수행시 저장 용기의 강체 운동에 의하여 계산 시간이 길어지는 데, 이런 계산 시간을 줄이기 위해 일차 충돌 직전까지의 모델의 속도와 각속도 계산식을 이론적인 방법으로 구하여 해석 초기 조건으로 사용하는 방법에 대하여 제안하였다.(중략)

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Efficient Estimation of Regression Coefficients in Regression Model with Moving Average Process (오차항이 이동평균과정을 따르는 회귀모형에서 회귀계수의 효율적 추정에 관한 연구)

  • 송석현;이종협;김기환
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 1999
  • 일반적으로 오차항이 자기상관되어 있는 선형회귀 모형에서는 회귀계수에 대한 보통최소제곱추정량이 효율적이지 못 하다고 알려져 있다. 그러나 이러한 일반화선형회귀모형에서 독립변수의 형태에 따라서는 OLSE의 사용 가능성을 제시하는 모형이 있다. 본 연구에서는 오차항이 일차 이동평균 과정을 따르는 선형회귀모형에서 여러 추정량들 (GLSE, APX, MAPX)에 대한 OLSE의 상대효율함수를 유도하고 비교 분석하고자 한다. 특히 소표본에서 정확한 상대효율값을 구하여 OLSE의 효율성이 크게 떨어지지 않거나 효율성이 나은 회귀모형들을 제시한다.

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A Case of Focal Myoclonus in Primary Motor Cortex Infarction (일차 운동피질 경색후 발생한 국소성 간대성 근경련 1례)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Yoo, Bong-Goo;Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.20-21
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    • 2005
  • Myoclonus may originate from the cerebral cortex, subcortical structures, brainstem, spinal cord or peripheral nerve. But unilateral upper limb myoclonus related to cortical infarct is an unusual clinical picture. We report a 67-year-old man presented with myoclonus, associated with primary motor cortex infarction.

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Optimizing Portfolio Weights for the First Degree Stochastic Dominance (1차 확률적 지배를 하는 포트폴리오 가중치의 탐색에 관한 연구)

  • 류춘호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.851-858
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 주식시장에서 투자종목을 선택할 때에 주로 사용되고 있는 '평균-분산(Mean-Variance)접근방법'과는 달리, '확률적 지배(stochastic dominance)'의 개념을 적용하여 포트폴리오를 구성하는 방법을 연구하였다. 즉, 기준이 되는 확률분포 (KOSPI)를 1차 확률적으로 지배하는 포트폴리오를 구성하는 최적가중치를 체계적으로 탐색하는 방법을 모색하였다. 최적화 과정에서 고려해야 하는 함수의 모양과 볼록성 여부를 알아보았고, 일차도함수를 분석적으로 구해서 도함수기법을 이용하는 알고리즘을 개발하여 그 효율성을 시험해 보았다.

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