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Standard Strategies for Convergence Industries: A Case of Clash between Electric Vehicle Charging Standards and Smart Grid Communication Standards (미래 융합산업 표준 전략: 전기 자동차 충전 표준과 스마트그리드 통신 표준 충돌 사례)

  • Huh, Joon;Lee, Heejin
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.137-167
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    • 2015
  • Based on the stakeholder theory, this paper analyzes a clash of standards in Korea's Electric Vehicle(EV) market, particularly between an EV charging standard and a smart grid communication standard in 2012~2013. For charging, EV is connected with the electric power grid and simultaneously exchanges data regarding the charging status. When EV is connected with the power grid, a clash between two standards may arise. It actually happened when BMW entered into the Korean EV market with the DC Combo charging system. In that course, the frequency interference occurred between the EV data communication technology adopted by BMW and the AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure) for the smart grid system in Korea. Standardization of Korea's EV charging systems was required to solve this problem. However, it had been delayed due to the confrontation between various stakeholders involved in the process of standardization. It lasted until the DC combo was accepted as one of the Korea EV charging standards(KSAE SAE 1772-2040, 2014.1) by KSAE(The Korea Society of Automotive Engineers) in January 2014. This is an interesting case in the age of convergence. As it deals with the standard competition not among EV standards, but a clash between the EV industry and the smart grid, i.e. electric power industry, it addresses the necessity to consider standardization processes between different industries. This study draws on the stakeholder theory to analyse the dynamics of the standard clash between EV charging systems and the smart grid system, which is a unique example of standard clash between different industries. We expect such clashes to increase in the age of convergence.

Practical Study for Developing Graphic Design Adopting Systematic Theories of Typography (타이포그래피의 체계적 이론을 활용한 그래픽디자인의 실무적 발전 방안)

  • Lee, Ki-Bok;Hong, Young-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 2010
  • Typography is very important for the delivery of information and for its aesthetic functions, typography focuses on facilitating faster and easier legibility for audience in modern society. But analysis for pre-studies for typography are limited in trend in the center of Kinetic Typography, dissolution of typography and territory extend as well as its typography analyzed by plastic arts aspects to acutely requiring expressing strategy and study based on typographic theory in working-level are insufficient. This study is to apply systematic theory to typography in order to suggest guidelines for increasing utility of typography for graphic design. It presents case studies, organized by theme, focusing on graphic design artworks featured in world-renowned specialty publications like the Creative 38 Annual Awards during 2008 and 2009. For practical help to designers engaged in various projects, it also suggests practical tactics for development that may enhance creative strategies in the creation of designs adopting typography. This study offers systematic usage methods of typography to the practical graphic designers and expected to contribute to the development of graphic designs that stimulate the visual senses of their audiences.

A Study on the Rale of counselors as clients' Transitional object (내담자의 전이대상으로 상담자의 역할 연구)

  • Yoon, Seok-Min
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2020
  • This paper describes the role of counselors' transitional object for the therapeutic activation of clients who have lost the function of selfobject based on Heinz Kohut's Self theory. In this study, it was an opportunity to confirm that human beings need self-target throughout their lives. Next, referring to the process of metamorphic internalization, infants return to reality from a fantasy world, experiencing parental limitations due to optimal frustration through self-targeting. The role of a counselor as a transfer target shall ensure that the counsellor establishes an cohesive self-identity and uses the appropriate self-target. And they should empathize with the over-the-topism and flauntism of the physician, and the counselor should be the object of idealization, giving the interviewer the opportunity to be recognized and identified. The counselor may provide the best frustration for the counsellor during the consultation process. When the counselor acknowledges his mistake, the counselor looks at the counselor realistically and builds a healthy self to achieve transformative internalization. If you form an cohesive self to a physician through counseling, you can empathize with others and form a healthy human relationship. Then you can control your emotions and have a vision. And the patient realizes that he or she has no choice but to live by having a relationship with the right person throughout his or her life.

A Comparative Study of Motivation Factors between the Gifted and Average Students based on Implicit Theory (과학영재의 동기에 대한 암묵적 이론 접근)

  • 김언주;육근철;김성수;윤여홍
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.99-129
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the present study is to determine antecedents in the area of subject matters and to compare these factors between average student group and gifted student group, based on the implicit theory proposed by Sternberg(1993). The average group consisted of 350 primary school students (boy 172; girl 178) from a primary school and 380 middle school students (boy 221; girl 159) from a middle school in Taejeon Metropolitan City. The gifted group consisted of 181 primary school students (boy 130; girl 51) and 154 middle school students (boy 92; girl 62) from the Center for the Gifted Education of the Kong Ju National University. A questionnaire was developed by the authors. It consisted of 30 research questions related to reasons why they studied those subject matters hard. It took about 40 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Several exploratory factor analyses and confirmative analyses were conducted. The main results obtained were as follows: The subject matters all the students of the present study were English and Math. The main reasons why they studied those subject matters hard were interest, utility, competition, self-esteem, entrance examination, recognition, punishment avoidance, etc. A factor analysis revealed that, for the elementary school students, recognition and interest were factors for the average students, whereas knowledge acquisition was an unique factor for the gifted. Utility was common factor for both groups. A factor analysis revealed that, for the middle school students, knowledge acquisition was the main factor for the average students, whereas competition was the unique factor for the gifted. Recognition, interest, and utility were common factors for the both groups.

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A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach to Discourse Connectives (현대 한국어 접속어미 '-니까'의 인지.화용론적 연구 시론)

  • Suh, Sung-Kyo
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.460-475
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    • 1994
  • 이 논문에서는 적합성 이론(Relevance Theory)에 의해서 현대 한국어 접속어미, 특히 담화표지(discourse marker) '-니까'가 담화의 이해에 어떻게 기여하는가를 고찰하고자 한다. '-니까'는 이제까지 '-(으)니-'와 별 의미나 기능의 차이가 없는 것으로 간주되어 왔는데, 이는 기존의 연구가 주로 통사 의미론적인 관점에서 수행되어 온 데 기인한다. 그러나 '-니까'는 엄연히 '-(으)니-'와 별개로 존재하고 있고, 더욱이 통시적으로 '-(으)니-' 보다는 '-니까'가 나중에 나타났다는 점을 고려한다면, '-니까'는 '-(으)니-'에 없는 특정한 기능을 반드시 수행하리라는 추측이 가능하다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 기존의 통사 의미적인 관점이 아닌 인지 화용론적 관점에서 '-(으)니-'와 '-니까'에 대한 새로운 분석을 시도하고자 한다. 아울러 '-니까'를 포함하는 '그러니까'도 함께 살펴보려고 한다. '그러니까'는 담화상에서 그에 선행하는 모든 정보를 맥락적 배경지식으로 놓고, 후속되는 발화를 그에 대한 맥락 함축(contextual implication)으로 나타내는 화용론적 기능을 담당하는 담화 연결표현이라고 주장하고자 한다. 영어의 'so'가 'therefore', 'thus', 'hence' 등과 구별되고, 그 기준이 적합성 원리에 의해 설명될 수 있듯이, 우리말의 '그러니까' 역시 '그래서', '그러므로' '그러니' 등과 구별되며, 그 차이점이 적합성 원리로 설명될 수 있다는 점을 보일 것이다. 더 나아가서, 현대 한국어의 여타 접속어미에도 본고에서와 같은 새로운 관점 또는 이론의 틀로써 잘 설명될 수 있는 현상이 존재하는지의 여부를 폭넓고 정밀하게 분석 연구하는 일이 요구된다는 점을 나타내고자 한다.편 어류에 함유된 유기주석화합물의 비율을 볼 때, BT 화합물의 경우 MBT 비율이 높게 나타난 반면 PT 화합물에서는 TPT 비율이 높게 나타났다. 전체적으로 볼 때 구룡포항에서 수획한 어패류의 유기주석화합물 농도는 국내 다른 항구의 어패류보다 높지 않은 것으로 나타났다.${\lrcorner}$ 내는 경우가 더 많았으며(75.4%), 남 여 대학생간 에는 고도로 통계적 유의성(p<0.001)이 인정되었다. 4. 음식선택 배경은 ${\ulcorner}$자신${\lrcorner}$이 결정하는 경우가 가장 많았고(52.1%), 선호하는 음식은 치킨, 햄버거, 피자 순이었으며, 남 여 대학생간에는 고도로 통계적 유의차(p<0.001)가 있었다. 즐기는 음료로는 ${\ulcorner}$콜라${\lrcorner}$가 가장 많았으며(46.8%), 그 다음은 사이다, 주스 등의 순으로 나타났으나, 남 여 대학생간에는 유의성있는 차이는 없었다. 음식의 먹는 시기는 점심과 저녁사이의 ${\ulcorner}$간식${\lrcorner}$이 가장 많았으며(42.2%), 남 여 대학생간에는 유의한 차이는 없었다. 패스트푸드는 많은 사람들이 ${\ulcorner}$${\lrcorner}$이 좋기 때문에 이용하며(62.8%), 남 여 대학생간에는 통계적 유의성(p<0.05)이 인정되었다. 5. ${\ulcorner}$입맛의 서구화(36.4%)와 외식을 선호(29.1%)${\lrcorner}$ 하기 때문에 패스트푸드를 이용하게 된 것으로 응답 하였으며, 남 여 대학생

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A Study on The Rational Decision-Making Support for Solving Conflicts through Analysis of Game Theory -Focused on Jirisan National Park - (게임이론 분석을 통한 갈등해결의 합리적 의사결정 지원에 관한 연구 -지리산국립공원에 대하여 -)

  • Kim, Eui-Gyeong;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Shin, Hye-Jin;Kim, Dae-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.6
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    • pp.669-679
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    • 2008
  • Jirisan National Park was designated on December 29, 1967 as the first national park in Korea and that caused continuous conflicts between the violation of the right to hold property in this area due to several regulations following the designation and the nature preservation for the value of heritage for descendants. Thus, the objective of this study is to find a proposal for making decision based on the rationality that is able to solve these conflicts. To achieve the objective of this study, this study applies a game theory that supports a reasonable decision making process for solving these conflicts between interest groups around Jirisan National Park in which the component of this game consists of Jirisan National Park, residents, and interest groups. The Nash equilibrium obtained by the analysis of the strategy of interest groups for the use and preservation of forests and its rewards from the strategy as an nonecooperative game showed a behavior that chases their own benefits and causes lots of troubles. However, in the case of the results obtained from a cooperative game based on the strategy that includes some public interests accepted by interest groups and its rewards, it represented an aspect that solves conflicts through achieving a strategical set, which shows a win-win outcome even though the results of this cooperative game may present less rewards than that of the Nash equilibrium. Whereas, if there exists the public interests accepted by interest groups and truth for protecting such public interests, it is considered that it becomes a way that solves present structural troubles in the National Parks in Korea due to the fact that there exist uncertainties caused by the human rationality.

Cambodia's Response to the G-2 System: A Theoretical Perspective (G-2 체제에 대한 캄보디아의 대응 전략에 관한 이론적 고찰)

  • CHOO, Young Shik
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.93-135
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    • 2017
  • Due to their geographic proximity to Beijing, the Southeast Asian states under the fallout of the China's growing power are struggling to seek the art of diplomacy to promote their national interests. This study explores why Cambodia previously taking a pro-US strategy after the end of the Cold War has switched to a pro-China one in the context of the rise of G-2 system, the ASEAN regionalism, the country's national interest and Hun Sen's regime legitimation. Theoretically, this study takes a realist constructivist approach and tries to find how realist interests and norms have affected the Hun Sen's regime legitimation. The relationship between China and Cambodia has been deepened by mutual economic interdependence and increasingly stronger Chinese power. Especially, the Chinese massive economic aids and investment have enormously supported the regime legitimation of Hun Sen. On the other hand, The US value diplomacy promoting democracy and human rights has undermined the Hun Sen's legitimacy and strained the two nations' relationship. However, the Hun Sen's pro-China strategy is not to check and balance against US strategic interests and not to recognize the Chinese hegemonic position in Southeast Asia. It is a hedging against the US value diplomacy while maximizing economic and other gains from China. ASEAN has been playing a coordinating role to limit the scope of power politics among big powers and to mitigate its ramifications. Yet, since the US and Chinese interests are so keenly criss-crossing, Cambodia may continue to react to the G-2 system through bilateral relations with them.

The System of Contents and the Meaning of confucius' philosophy in 「Yu Shu;虞書」 of 『The Book of Documents; 書經』 (『서경(書經)』 「우서(虞書)」의 내용체계와 유학사상적 의미)

  • Ko, Dae-hyuk
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.57
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    • pp.137-168
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to search for the main content system and Confucian meaning of "Yu Shu;虞書" of "The Book of Documents; 書經". This research covers two things: first, the form of The Book of Documents and the main content system of "Yu Shu". The Book of Documents consists of 4 main dynasties' Shu in ancient chinese history; "Yu Shu" 5 chapters, "Xia Shu; 夏書" 4 chapters, "Shang Shu; 商書" 17 chapters, and "Zhou Shu; 周書" 32 chapters, for a total 58 chapters. This book is organized in the form of six formalities(六體) or ten examples(十例). Second, the Confucian value of The Book of Documents and philosophical meaning of Yu Shu. Yu Shu shows a benign rule(仁政), confucianism ideal politic, as an historic example of a benevolent administration. By this research, we recognize that the tradition of abdication in the confucian society and the way of selecting people are theoretical foundation of politics based on people, rule by virtue and, by extension, a dynastic revolution. In addition, governing a country and rule the world that is treated in Yu Shu are a theory of leadership and moral training as a background of "Da Xue"(大學; Great Learning). Furthermore, Xiao(孝;filial piety) emphasized on this book is the main virtue of leaders and core value of practical action among the human relation. by extension, we recognize that the "Yu Shu" is the origin of "Xiao Jing; 孝經".

Understanding the Watchdog Concept in South Korea: Focused on the Media as Watchdog (언론의 파수견 개념의 발전과 적용: 한국 판례분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jae-Jin
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.41
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    • pp.108-144
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    • 2008
  • This study examines how the watchdog concert in journalism field has been created and develope4 Related studies found that the watchdog is related not so muck with free press theory as with a privilege awarded to the press because the press serves for the public interests. It was found that in the U.S., the watchdog concept was derived from the a lot of libel cases in the late 1890s. At the time, the newspaper owners and editors continuously claimed the very protection over vulnerability of newspaper's collecting, reporting, and printing news. While, in Korea, the concept of watchdog emerged in the late 1990s after the establishment of the Constitution Court. Even though the watchdog concert was accepted very late by the Korean courts, it is believed to be a kind of special privilege to prevent the press from being recklessly regulated in libel cases. Rather, the Korean courts expand the extent of the role of the press as a watchdog by deciding that not only the public officials and politicians but also other socially influential public figures could be included in the criticism from the press. However, how these court decisions can be practically implemented depends upon how the court apply the probability of the press to believe the news true and intention of malice in writing and publishing the stories.

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Division of Inherited Property by Agreement and Legal Rescission -focusing on Japanese Supreme Court Decision delivered on February 9, 1989- (상속재산협의분할과 법정해제 -일본(日本) 최고재판소(最高裁判所) 1989. 2. 9. 판결(判決)을 소재로 하여-)

  • Chung, Ku-Tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2013
  • The judgement which is subject of research has denied legal rescission of division of the inherited property by agreement based on (1) the fact that the division of inherited property terminated at the time of concluding mutual agreement in its nature while only the relationship of claim and obligation between the inheritor who has paid for such obligation and the inheritor who has acquired such obligation in the mutual agreement remains (2) and the fact that the legal stability is considerably hindered as the re-partition of inherited property having retroactive effect becomes unavoidable in case of approving the legal rescission of the division of the inherited property by agreement. But it is reasonable to also approve legal rescission on the division of the inherited property by agreement in case the division by agreement actually has the nature such as conditional donation between joint heirs (1) from the fact that the division of the inherited property by agreement gets the nature of disposal equivalent to exchange, transfer and abandonment of share between joint heirs in actuality, (2) and the fact that there are no other theories in approving the validity of mutually agreed rescission despite the fact that the re-partition of inherited property having retroactive effect is unavoidable even in case of the mutually agreed rescission of the division by agreement among all joint heirs. However, as the division of the inherited property by agreement is a contract that gets concluded only if all joint heirs participate, even the legal rescission for the reason of not fulfilling the obligations paid by one party of the heirs during the division by agreement must be considered as possible only by expression of intentions from all other joint heirs excluding this one party.